ON STUDENTIZING THE UNION See Editorial Page LY MAfriAi6ja 74IAit LEFTOVER Hligh-24 Low-20 Partly cloudy and cold Vol. LXXXII, No. 107 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 16, 1972 Ten Cents clas sified warfare course reve By ALAN LENHOFF "students" concerning application fare," and "promoting the ex- "Since a large portion of our -The devolpment of advanced Since some of the lectures will be As the Regents this week prepare of electronic warfare techniques to change of ideas in this field." faculty had at one time or another eletcronic countermeasures devices of a classified nature, it is antici- to consider a revised policy on specific battlefield situations. The symposium was closed to been actively engaged in electronic to permit U.S. bombers to evade pated the EW-1 (the course num- campus classified research, new Many of the electronic weapons those without government security warfare or defense-oriented re- enemy tracking systems in order ber) will be held in the Cooly information has come to the atten- systems which were discussed had clearances, search, they (ASA) were quite will- to deliver their bombs and com- Bldg." tion of The Daily which sheds fur- been developed by the University's The course was initiated by But- ing to help in generating such a plete strafing missions. The class included instruction on ther light on the University's close Willow Run and Cooley Laborato- ler and others involved in the program." The recent expansion of the air the history of electronic warfare relationship to the U.S. defense ries, which perform about $7 mil- Cooley Laboratories in 1966, upon The University is one of the pri- war in Vietnam has perhaps made and -the use of electronic warfare establishment. * lion worth of classifitd projects for the request of the Army Security mary centers in the country work- these devices more valuable to the devices in various battlefield situ- The recently-discovered text of the Department of Defense an- Agency (ASA). ing on developing the Army's elec- U.S. Army than ever before. ations. a speech delivered by Prof. nually. A Pentagon spokesman yesterday tronic warfare. Its current activi- The program, which Butler taims In addition, the military person- Thomas Butler, director of the Engineering college officials last described the role of ASA as "a ties in this area include: has been discontinued, included state ortheiven an u ateon the University's Coley Laboratories, night would neither confirm nor world-wide monitoring and surveil- -The development of heat, light, standard graduate level courses :n fare devices, equipment and tech- has documented the existence of a deny the existence of such a course lance agency working to promote vibration and sound sensors which such areas as systems engineering, niques. "classified" course in electronic -past or present. the security of the free world." measure battlefield conditions and radiation, and compcters, but also "The sessions will give the stu- warfare techniques which was of- Butler's remarks were delivered According to Butler's speech, the aid in identifying military targets; included a special class entitled dents exposure to electronic war- fered to military personnel at the before a Summer, 1970 joint sym- department of electrical engineer- -The perfection of radar pho- "Fundamental Aspects of Elec- fare problems and solutions." the University in the late 1960's. posium of the Department of De- ing - which operates the Cooley tography techniques and the re- tronic Warfare." course description states. "It is The semester-long course, attend- fense and the Association of Old Laboratories, was approached by finement of "moving target indi- A note on the course description anticipated that this portion of the ed only by military personnel with Crows (AOC)-an engineering so- ASA because of the acknowledged -cator radar, which are used to said: "This course has been spe- course will be practical enough so top security clearances, specifical- ciety aimed at "fostering and pre- expertise of the Cooley Laboratory track convoy and troop move- cifically structured to meet the that students can apply their A TECHNICIAN1 ly was designed to instruct the serving the art of electronic war- personnel. ments; and needs of the military attendees. See SECRET, Page 7 University's Willo Ten Pages aled FIDD L'S w ith gadgets at the iw Run Laboratories. REGENTS TO MEET: Vote likely on research. By GENE ROBINSON The year-long classified research controversy should be finally resolved this week, as the Regents meet to consider a Senate Assembly plan which would bar most classified re- search from the University. The Regents will consider the research issue tomorrow at a special session, and will probably act on the faculty pro- posal at their regular monthly meeting Friday. Both sessions will be open to the public. Only recently have Thursday sessions of the Regents' meetings been open to the public. Secretary of the University Richard Kennedy said that future Thursday meetings may be - I TU files new suit against 'U, By KAREN TINKLENBERG The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (TU) refiled its $50,000,000 suit against the University yesterday in Detroit Federal District Court. The suit charges the Univer- sity with illegal rent in- creases during the 1971-72 school year. TU's first suit, filed Sept. 27, covered only alleged room and board price increases during the 90-day wage-price freeze. TU Attorney Clarice Jobes dropped charges Jan. 21 so that a new suit, covering Phase I and Phase II University rent viola- tions, could be filed. The latest suit also includes plaintiffs representing all but two of the University's single-student housing facilities. The two exceptions are Betsy Barbour and Fletcher halls. Jobes is seeking both "tempor- ary and permanent injunctions" to prevent the University from collecting any more increases be- yond the 1970-71 rate levels, ac- cording to a TU spokesman. The TU case also calls for re- funds to those students who paid the increased rents, and a halt to the position of hold credits and $5 fines on those who have re- * fused to pay the increases. Since an amendment to the federal Economic Stabilization Act specifies that a fine of $5000 be See TENANTS, Page 7 open, "depending on the issues to be discussed" at each ses- sion. The assembly's proposed re- search policy, passed on Jan. 24, calls for the University to "not enter into or renew any contract or grant which limits the publica- tion of the results of research for more than approximately one year." The proposal would eliminate virtually all federal classified re- search here at the University, since federal contracts do not specify any definite time for de- classification of the results of the research. The one-year provision was in- serted in the proposal as a means of dealing with industrially-spon- sored proprietary research, the re- sults of which are often also re- stricted from the public. The one-year grace period would allow sponsors time to obtain pat- ents and other legal rights. The proposal allows research which merely classifies numerical constants or parameters, such as r e s e a r c h equipment settings. "deemed inessential for publica- tion." It appears, however, that this loophole would apply only to a few federal projects. In addition to the assembly pro-, posal, the Regents also have been presented with a research plan for discussion from Student Govern- ment Council. The SGC proposal calls for an end to "all classified research" at the University. It further specifies' that "the University will not en-f ter into or renew any agreement' or contract or accept any grant by which the proposed research would1 be funded by the Department of Defense or any other military agency."l The SGC resolution also deletes the assembly's provision for con- See REGENTS, Page 10 H ouse M.ay pres. LANSING (R-The Michigan House passed and returned to'Y the Senate yesterday a bill ordering a presidential - pri- mary election May 16. Senate approval-expected this afternoon-of numerous House re- visions would make the Michigan preference election the nation's 16th in a series of straw ballots starting March 7 with the' New Hampshire primary. Michigan's 48 votes at the Re- publican National Convention In San Diego, and 132 Democratic votes at Miami Beach, make the Michigan primary important to major contenders. President Richard Nixon is vir- tually assured Michigan's Repub- lican support. Sen. Edward Muskie of Maine, looms as the top Demo- crat because of probable backing by the powerful United Auto Workers union. However, last-minute legislative changes in the primary bill im- prove prospects for less-prominent contenders. To be eligible for a share of party convention delegates, a can- didate would need only 5 per cent RES of the total vote in his party. gon Earlier versions of the bill called The for 10 or 15 per cent. That was for7 seen asrencouragement to Rep. Shirley Chisholm (D-N.Y.), New York Mayor John Lindsay and Alabama Gov. George Wallace. The bill also provides for simul- taneous election of party precinct d e1e g a t e s. Precinct contenders would run uncommitted or pledged to certain hopefuls. Successful pre- cinct - delegate candidates would c h o o s e county delegates, who would select national - conventionPS. delegates. Pacif: Initial predictions were for over- Vietn whelming senate approval of the cease bill that would revive an election- T year spectacle out of favor since day, i Michigan's earlier primary law was offen repealed in 1932. The last presi- the U dential primary election was held N in 1928. ease 1 passes state primary -Daily-Tom Gottlieb SOOT AND GRIME cover a toilet, wash basin, and wall of a first floor restroom in the Administration Bldg. after fire struck yesterday afternoon. The fire marked the 23rd case of suspected arson on cam- pus since Jan. 22. t , Ad. Blg.hit by arsoon; attempt fail*s at S.Q uad By ROBERT BARKIN lieved to be the most extensive yet liquid was dumped in a hallway A fire in a first floor restroom suffered from any single fire., outside a fifth floor room early of the Administration Bldg. yes- According to Stauch, the fire yesterday morning. Before match- terday became the latest in a was caused when a roll of tightly es'could ignite the liquid, however, bewildering string of suspected bound tissue paper soaked in gas- a dorm resident stamped out the arsons that began three weeks ago. oline was ignited. This torch was flame. Another blaze was prevented at then used to explode a quantity Investigators said that if the South Quadrangle by a resident. of spilled oil. liquid had ignited, the door of the Fire Chief Arthur Stauch said The fire was put out with hand dorm room would almost certainly the fires yesterday were the 22nd eirers put ou th and have caught fire, trapping the oc- and23d cse o supetedaronextinguishers. Most of the facili- uat and 23rd cases of suspected arson ties in the restroom were damaged. cupant. on campus since Jan. 22. Blazes Smoke poured through vents into Reaction to the fires ranged have struck libraries, dormitories , efrom worry and bewilderment to and University buildings during h egents meeting room, but anger. that period. no damage was reported there. President Robben Fleming said Damage to the Ad. bldg. is be- In the South Quad fire, an oily last night, "Everybody is con- -__-cerned with what could happen to people, documents and buildings." Richard Kennedy, secretary of the University, said that additional s c e . osecurity,'personnel will be employ- ed "due to the seriousness of the thoghtthe University would not W alz u r es citizen grou s close facilities or further reduce Plibrary hours and other services. dto oversee city development hdeepconcern over the seriousness of the latest to o erse cit UU UIU~IIIULIL fire. Like her opponent William "The fact that no one saw the Everett, Mona Walz is leaning arsonist disturbs me," he said. "He heavily on city planning issues would have had to carry the gas in her campaign for the Demo-- and oil into the restroom and then cratic nomination of the Fourth . prepare the tissue for several min- Ward. utes. Yet no one saw him," Stauch Walz, one of two women seek- said. ing major party nominations, Police Chief Walter Krasny, re- cites years of involvement with ferring to the South Quad fire. various civic organizations as said, "This is toyinguwith murder. _ _ _ _If-ยข someone gets hurt in one of " . " .l. .ha Pfir-.C xv'llha ,,aa, ra 4han -Associated Press SIDENTS OF THE CHINESE quarter of Saigon perform a dra- dance yesterday to welcome the lunar new year of the rat. U.S. air armada, which had observed a day long cease-fire Tet, resumed bombing as usual after 24 hours. ie tair strikes's rsumed byU.S. AIGON /P-tJ.S. B52 bombers, including some from the ic island base at Guam, resumed the pounding of South am yesterday shortly after the end of a 24-hour allied -fire for the Tet lunar new year. Che intensive air campaign, which went into its seventh s designed to smash enemy buildups and prevent ground sives that could endanger withdrawing American troops, .S. Command says. evertheless, the aerial strikes also, appear designed to the task of the South Vietnamese army. It has neither rEverett calls for controlled city growth, light industry EDITOR'S NOTE: The city's Fourthf Ward is bounded by West Liberty on the north, the city limits on the south and east,and the railroad tracks on the west, except for a pocket which is bounded by Hill, Packard, and Stadium streets. By CHRIS PARKS In a year of concern over the growth and development of the city, the Fourth Ward Demo- cratic primary boasts two icon- )o Fans lock on to Star Trek revwval group the resources nor the man- power to search out enemy, forces in the jungle areas of the nation's borders withas"Laos and Cambodia. The U.S. Command refused to confirm or deny that B52 bombers recently ordered to Guam from the United States were flying missions over South Vietnam. It said only thatn air operations "could include B52s from Guam." Sources outside the command re- ported, however, that the reserve squadrons began flying their first missions from the Pacific island on Monday. By DAVE BURHENN George Christman is astound- ed. "You wouldn't believe how many Star Trek fans there are in the world." Christman is the founder and national chairman of the Star Trek Association for Revival (STAR). rhrna n 'cr mic iforv the ceived several hundred phone calls from people interested in the organization and its efforts. Christman said that he is en- couraged in his fight for the re- turn of the show by numerous conversations with Star Trek creator . and formerproducer Gene.-Roddenberry. In' additin. Christman has