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February 15, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-15

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The Union: Should students control?

Time may be catching up with the
Michigan Union.
When the Union opened its doors to the'
University community over fifty years
ago, the guidelines governing the use and
administration of the Union structure
were much as they are today.
Then, as today, the Union denied mem-
bership privileges to women, reserved
plush offices for alumni activities, and
restricted student use and governance of
1the building.
But over the last few years some of
the dated traditions of the Union have
been challenged by an increasing num-
ber of students concerned with the build-
ing's functions.
The Union is presently governed by the
,Union Board of Directors, consisting of
three student members, three faculty,
three alumni, and the manager of the

Union. Two University vice presidential
representatives and the president of the
University Activities Center serve as mem-
bers without vote.
The executive officers of the Univer-
sity Activities Center (UAC) are the only
student members of the board.

Since students use the building
than alumni, many students have
to feel that they deserve at least
representation on the board.


A number of students, however, are dis-
satisfied with the amendment and would
like to see the Union become a student
center under student control. This would
include a student majority on the con-
trolling board of the Union.
Robert Nelson, a member of SGC, has
submitted a proposal to the Board of Di-
rectors calling for the creation of a stu-
dent-dominated policy board which would
be in charge of Union operations.
However, Nelson doubts that the Board
of Directors will approve the proposal. In
that case, Nelson says, it will be placed
on the ballot of this spring's SGC election.
This part of the ballot, in keeping with
Union rules, will be open to male Union
members only.
As proposed by Nelson, eight students
would be appointed to the policy board
by SGC. Three faculty members and three

alumni members would also be voting
members of the policy board.
The new policy board's powers would
be to:
-Assign space in the Union. However,
any change in the location of the space
assigned to the Alumni Association would
require joint approval of the Board of
Directors and the policy board;
-Deciding rents charged for Union
-Approve the annual budget;
-Appoint and direct the general mana-
ger; and
-Call for special meetings of the Board
of Directors.
Robert Foreman, Executive director of
the Alumni Association, disagrees with
Nelson's proposal and argues that a stu-
dent majority on either the Board of Di-
rectors or on a policy board may prevent

In response to the idea of student par-
ity, the board has passed a constitutional
amendment, to be included in the re-
vised constitution which will be voted on
this spring. The amendment would in-
crease the number of students on the
board to four and take the vote away
from the Union manager. Two of the
four students would be appointed by Stu-
dent Government Council, the other two
by UAC.

usage of the building by other groups on
"I have no objections to more students
on the Board" h^ said, "but a majority
would come from someone else giving up
"The Union was funded by alumni and
is looked upon as one of the places alumni
can go to when they are on campus"
Foreman continued, "and a student domi-
nated board may consider moving the
alumni offices out of the building entire-
The fear of a student takeover is "un-
founded," according to Jeff Kaplan, presi-
dent of UAC.
"Other student dominated policy boards
haven't raped the University" he said.
"Students are the most dedicated mem-
bers of the board. They stick to the issues.
See STUDENTS, Page 8

AN EMPTY UNIVERSITY CLUB is symptomatic of
some of the Union's problems. While an indepefdent
part of the Union, the club has attempted to aittract
University employes and alumni, only recently open-
ing its doors to 18-year-old members.

See Editorial Page




Cloudy and

Vol. LXXXII, No. 106 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 15, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

'U' officials meet with
state on funding issues




-Daily-Rolfe Tessem

Who will buy?

University officials yester-
day met in Lansing with the
Legislative Fiscal Agency staff
in a preliminary discussion of
the University's request for
additional state funds for!
Gov. William Milliken l a s t
month recommended a $12 million
hike in state appropriations for the
University, which fell short of the
University's request for a $20 mil-
lion increase.
If the Legislature approves the
governor's package, the state will
contribute $90.2 million to the
University's general fund-with a
large increase of $9.5 million in
funds for the Ann Arbor campus.
Fedele Fauri, vice president for
state relations and planning, de-
scribed yesterday's meeting as an
opportunity for the University tor
"provide background information"
on the importance of "Gov. Milli-
ken's budget recommendation and
additional funds to the well-being
of the University."
Fauri said University officials
"pushed hard" for consideration of
additional allocations in the im-
portant area of faculty compensa-
Milliken has recommended a 6.5
per cent increase' in accordance
with national guidelines set down
by the President's Pay Board. The
University has requested an 11
per cent hike to bolster its sal-
aries in comparison with other col-
Other proposals for funding dis-
cussed yesterday included:
-Additional funds forfinancial
aid, especially with regard to
meeting the University's commit-
ment to achieve 10 per cent black
enrollment by 1974;
-Approximately $1 million more
than the recommended increased
allocation of $691,000 to meet in-
flationary costs; and
-Additional funds for equip-
ment replacement in such units
as the literary college.
Fauri was hopeful about the
chance for increased funding for
the University's priority financial
aid need.
"I think that's one area in which
there's a chance for further con-
sideration," he said.
He was less optimistic, however
about a possible increase in faculty
compensation, because of the 5.5
per cent maximum increase figure
set by the Pay Board.

raids halt on
'Tet holiday
SAIGON uR)-One of the heaviest American bombing cam-
paigns of the war paused briefly yesterday as a 24-hour
cease-fire went into effect in observance of Tet, the Vietna-
mese new year.
The thrust of the bombing raids was then shifted from
South Vietnam to Laos, although it is not known immediately
whether all U.S. planes would be deployed there.
In related developments, the U.S. Command said U.S.
forces in Vietnam had fallen to 131,200 last week, a drop of
2,500 men- from the previous reporting period and the lowest
level since August 1965.
Officers aboard 7th Fleet ships off the coast of Vietnam,
however, disclosed that Navy strength has been reinforced
from an average of 10 ships -a
to 16, including the aircraft
carrier Constellation and sup-
port ships. The c om m an d~ih
made no mention of this or of
the report that-the manpower
of the fleet was now between
18,000 and 20,000 instead of
the 13,000 it had estimated.
The command figures also did eity ballot
not include the 32,000 American
servicemen stationed in Thailand, By SUE STEPHENSON
most of' ahem supporting air op- ByUETEHN N

Empty frat houses.
Sales outlook bleak
FOR SALE: One mansion; 22 bedrooms, three story
structure; basement dining hall; spacious lounge with
hardwood floor and fireplace; massive kitchen facili-
ties including dishwasher, deep fryer, and walk-in
refrigerator; will make wonderful home for ekception-
ally large family; priced this week to sell at only
$75,000. Contact Pi Lambda Phi fraternity, 715 Hill St.
As student interest in fraternity and sorority living declines,
the problem of vacant fraternities grows. Since 1968, the num-
ber of fraternities has dropped from 46 to the current low of 36,
giving city planners and real estate personnel an unwieldly
herd of white elephants.
Five or six of those ten Greeks caught in the housing shift
will consider sale offers, although they are not eager to dump
their holdings. It doesn't matter, though, because nobody wants
to buy the mansions anyway.
"If you get lucky and dispose of one, you're a genius,"
claims Maynard Newton, a real estate agent who is handling the
sale of several fraternities. "If you don't, everybody is hurt.
See NO SALES, Page 8

Sloan, Steinei spewk
Feminists Margaret Sloan and Gloria Steinem field questions from the auidence following their speeches
at Power Center last night. The audience swarmed down to the stage to speak with the women, who
stayed well past the time their talks on "Sexism and Racism" were over. The speeches were made as
part of a benefit for the Ann Arbor Feminist House. (See story, Page 8).
BangladeshWeek begins with
vo untaryadorm fast tomorrow

erations in Indochina.
A unilaterally declared Viet
Cong cease-fire took effect 17
hours before the one announced
by theallies. The U.S. and South
Vietnamese command refused to
agree to the longer truce, saying
the Communist command would
use the cease - fire to infiltrate,
troops and supplies.
In the weeks leading up to Tet,
government officials said the
enemy might launch a major of-
fensive during the holiday, al-
though officers in South Vietnam
have reported that no such of-
fensive has been observed.
The cease-fire was broken hours
after it began, according .to the
allies, when the Viet Cong assas-
sinated a hamlet chief and a sol-
dier in the northern quarter of
South Vietnam,
The joint military command also
charged the Viet Cong with three
other cease-fire violations, includ-
ing a ground attack along the
coast in Binh Dinh Province that
resulted in the death of five gov-
ernment militiamen and the
wounding of two others.

City Council last night resolved
to place the Packard Beakes By-
pass Bond Issue on the April 3
ballot in response to bitter protest
following Council's passage of the
road bond issue two weeks ago.
Strong opposition to the plan
which would provide a major
thoroughfare into Ann Arbor's
business district, has been voiced
by Democratic leaders and Model
Cities area residents who express
fears that the increased traffic
would destroy the neighborhood.
The Packard Beakes Bypass
(now termed First Ashley Bypass)
involves the realigning of the cor-
ner of Beakes with First and
Ashley at the cost of $935,000 to
Ann Arbor residents.
A "YES" vote on the First Ash-
ley bond issue involves two
-Agreement for the expendi-
ture of the $935,000; and
-Agreement to the construct-
ing of a road through the Model
Cities area.
After about an hour of debate,
the issue passed with a 7-3 vote.

A locally organized Bangladesh
Week designed to focus attention
on the plight of an estimated 20
million Bengali refugees is sched-
uled to begin tomorrow and run
thr'ough Friday.
Co-ordinated by the Church
World Service, the week will be
marked by a fast, workshops, and
a bicultural program featuring
Bengali dancers and music.
Bangladesh - formerly East

Pakistan - won independence
from West Pakistan during a
civil war last December. Accord-
ing to Bangladesh government
figures, 20 million Bengalis were
left homeless.
Mayor Robert Harris has pro-
claimed tomorrow "Day of Fast
to Aid Bangladesh." Harris,
along with University President
Robben Fleming, has urged the
entire community to join in the
fast. Money for the missed meals


Ann Arbor locks up to halt thefts

will go to Church World Service.
Supplies funded by the fast and
other donations from the week's
events, will be distributed by
Bangladesh Ecumenical Relief
and Rehabilitation Service, a
group of refugees working with
the United Nations, the Red
Cross, and the Bangladesh gov-
Food, clothing, blankets, and
medical supplies are priority
items in the emergency relief
Approximately 4,000 dorm res-
idents have pledged to fast, with
Church World Service donating
$.65 for each meal.
Tomorrow's events also include
several speaker-discussion ses-
sions on campus.
A citizen of Bangladesh will
speak at Noble House in the Ox-
ford Co-op at 5:30 p.m. tomor-
row. Peter Hook, a teaching fel-
low in Asian Studies, will speak
at Markley Hall at 7 p.m. Burs-
ley has also scheduled a program
from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
The First Methodist Church is
preparing a tea and rice meal
tomorrow for those participating
in the fast.
Collection boxes for donations
to the relief fund will be located

100 books set afire
at General Library

Concern over reports of a ris-
ing number of thefts and burg-
laries has spurred city residents
to seek different ways of thwart-
ing potential burglars.
"If you're going to get robbed.
you're going to get robbed," com-
mented Tim Gorman, manager of
Domino Pizzeria.
But he added that certain pre-
cautions are taken to keep losses

stairs store has employes 'con-
stantly checking for concealed
The Cellar's textbook depart-
ment on the second floor of the
Michigan Union has taken the
more extreme measure of switch-
ing to counter service. Five or
six employes now locate books on
demand from customers, Webster
says. In addition, the Cellar has
revers-d a former policy decision
and will begin prosecuting shop-

provide a scribe to engrave iden-
tification numbers on valuable be-
longings. But participation is
lagging. Foulke estimates less
than 10 per cent of dorm residents
have taken advantage of the free
In non-University housing. ten-
ants have staged rent strikes in
order to force the management to
install alarm systems.
But the installation of such sys-
tems can be expensive. One Ann

Arson again struck the General
Library last night as nearly 100
books in sub-basement one were
doused with a flammable liquid
and set ablaze. The fire was the
18th case of reported arson to
occur since Jan. 27.
The fire was the second report-
ed yesterday. An earlier fire was
extinguished yesterday morning
in South Quad. Officials have de-
scribed the dorm fire as merely
a student prank, and not con-

vestigation for the arsonist or
arsonists was going slowly.
A fire department spokesper-
son, however, said, "Some pic-
tures have been taken, and three
suspects are being checked out."
The Detroit News last week
announced it is offering a to-
tal of $10,000 for tips leading
to the arrest and conviction of
anyone responsible for starting
the fires.
In addition, Student Govern-
ment Council is offering a $500,


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