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January 15, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-15

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A yet-to-be-released report by a
faculty committee recommends several
major changes in Senate Assembly's
proposed restrictions on, classified re-'
search, The Daily learned yesterday.
Excerpts from the Committee on
Research Policies' report appear on
today's Editorial Page.
The report, prepared by the assem-
bly's Committee on Research Policies,
would allow the acceptance or research
contracts providing the results could
be. openly published within one year
of the projects' completion.
The report, currently under study
by the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) - the
faculty executive body - is the latest

development in a long controversy
over the presence of classified research
at the University.
The committee's chairman, biology
Prof. Isadore Bernstein, last night de-
clined to answer questions about the
The committee's proposal is far
more lenient than the previously-
approved Senate Assembly resolution
on classified research, which would
ban almost all projects which had lim-
itations placed on the publication of
their findings.
The same committee issued a re-
port on classified research last sum-
mer, which was bypassed by the as-
sembly, in favor of the final, stronger
anti-research resolution.
The new report's recommendations
apply equally to both federally-spon-

sored classified research, and indus-
trially-sponsored proprietary research.
The publication of the results of pro-
prietary research is often restricted by
the sponsor.
The report recommends that re-
searchers be allowed to restrict the
publication of figures, which are
deemed inessential to the open publi-
cation of the results.
This would allow many projects to
continue that would be banned by the
Senate Assembly plan. Often, such as
in the case of anti-missile projects,
the figures represent the operating
frequency of electronic devices em-
The report retains Senate Assembly's
ban on research which has the "spe-
cific purpose, or clearly foreseeable re-
sult to destroy human life or to in-

capacitate human beings."
However, it adds that the provision
is to be judged in "the more limited
sense" as to what can be judged as
the "probable" effects of such re-
The proposed Senate Assembly pol-
icy on classified research was de-
layed last month when several regents
and President Robben Fleming ex-
pressed a reluctance to deal with the
resolution until the assembly provided
recommendations for a policy on pro-
prietary research.
Supporters of the Senate Assembly
plan, however, argued that classified
and proprietary research should be
treated as two separate issues.
SACUA has finished final delib-
eration on the proposal, and although
the Research Policies Committee will

meet once more on the report, Janice
Downs, SACUA's administrative as-
sistant, said she expects "no substan-
tive change" in the report.
Downs said she expects the report
will be delivered to Assembly mem-
bers next Tuesday.
SACUA Chairman Warren Norman
said he liked the document.
He said he thought the major dif-
ference between the report and the
Senate Assembly proposal was it
"makes it possible to also include pro-
prietary research without weakening
sanctions on federal classified re-
Norman noted that federal contracts
are seldom if ever classified only for
a specific amount of time, and claimed
that the one-year time limit will only
effect proprietary research.

University's classified research projects.

almost 90 per cent of the

See Editorial Pag

Yl r e

4i t I!3UF


Partly cloudy,
chance of snow

Vol. LXXXiI, No. 80

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 15, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

City police unit suggested







New security proposal backed
by Milliken, Fleming, Krasny
President Robben Fleming has apparently reached an
agreement with Governor Milliken on a plan for the Ann
Arbor Police Department to continue patrolling the University.
The plan suggests the establishment of a "University Unit"
of the Ann Arbor Police Department, with the University
paying all costs.
In a letter to Mayor Robert Harris, which outlines the
proposed plan, Fleming states, "He (Milliken) has authorized
me to say that he would be supportive of the kind of rela-
tionship which this memorandum proposes."
Milliken last year demanded that the University end
its payments to the city of Ann Arbor for police and fire
services, citing that Ann Ar-
bor was the only city in the
W oiesaie state that received such pay-
ments from a college it houses.
The State's main objection to
iP uthe University-city arrangement.
however, was the University was
paying a flat 18 per cent of the
I Police Department's budget, says
Walter Krasny, Ann Arbor Police
Under the new plan. the Univer-
WASHINGTON (A') - Wholesale sity will only be paying for those
prices shot up eight-tenths of one services and men that it actually!
per cent last month following the uses.
easing of the price freeze, the gov- The new plan came as some-
ernment said yesterday. what of a surprise since last
The increase was nearly as high, month Fredrick Davids, Univer-
seven-tenths of one per cent, when sity director of safety, presented
figured on a seasonally adjusted a model to the Regents of a sep-
basis to eliminate normal month- arate. independent University po-
to-month variations, lice force.
The Nixon administration has Most observers felt the Univer-C
sity was moving in that direction.
predicted for months that a Fe gspooa em ost
"bulge" would show up in prices Fleming's proposal seems to sat-
with the end of the 90 day freeze isfy the governor's request in that
last Nov. 14. it suggests the establishment of a
las~ t hov.14. v nseparate "University Unit" of the
Meanwhile. the g'overnment re- A... -,-nI- - -IF1 ;.,

de spite



ivcuvu,Lu viiuc G1 Ann Arbor Police to dagl full time
ported yesterdaysthat the nation's with University security.
e c o n o m y was much weaker According to the plan, Davids
through the first nine months of would determine the total num-
1971 than originally estimated. ber and makeup of "fll-time duly
By the third quarter of the year, sworn" police personnel.
the recovery that began in Janu- These men would be assigned

-Daily-Robert wargo
The Airplane takes off
Thousands of people yelled and cheered as the Jefferson Airplane performed in concert at Crisler
Arena last night. The band, the crowds, the smoke, and the music made for a great evening which
will be reviewed in tomorrow's Daily.
- - -- - -- -
Report charges HEW,
with jbdiscri_mination

The Program for Education-
al and Social Change (PESC)
has accelerated its plans to
open University courses to the
public free-of-charge despite
Vice President Allan Smith's
statement Thursday that such
a program violates University
At a meeting of PESC members
and supporters yesterday, psychol-
ogy Prof. Richard Mann dismissed
Smith's statement as "ranting
and raving," and said it held little
A PESC publication says that all
PESC courses are "open to all, and
free to non-University people."
Smith Thursday described" such a
policy as being "not within the
province of the program personnel
nor the individual professor."
PESC members, both students
and faculty members, agreed yes-
terday to step-up the publicity of
their program-as originally con-
Hoping to squelch opposition to
the idea of free auditing of courses
by those not enrolled in the Uni-
versity, PESC will begin referring
to the community auditors as "re-
source people" or "colleagues,"
rather than "students."
In addition, PESC is urging its
supporters to appear en masse at
Monday's meeting of the literary
college faculty.
Mann also revealed that he and
six other PESC members had met
with the LSA Executive Committee
and Dean Frank Rhodes Thursday
to discuss PESC's structure and
funding. While PESC presented its
request of $4,600 from the $50,000
fund earmarked for "innovation"
in LSA, the committee offered no
definitive responses, according to
However, English Prof. Robert
Super, a member of the LSA com-
mittee, said that the funding ques-
tion had assumed no importance
in the meeting, whose primary
purpose was the edification of the
committee members with respect
to PESC.
The LSA committee had present-
ed PESC with a number of ad-
ministrative questions, many of
which were answered 'at yester-
day's PESO meeting. For exam-
ple, the question of whether com-
munity participation in the courses
See PESC, Page 8

ary, 1971, had lost so much pep
that the economy was growing by.
only 2.7 per cent, the Commerce
Department said.
Earlier, the department had peg-
ged third quarter growth at 3.9
per cent.
Reporting new figures for Gross
National Product, output of the
nation's goods and services, the
government also noted a substan-
tial slowing in the rate of infla-
In the third quarter, the infla-
tion rate rose by 2.5 per cent, the
lowest since the 2.2 per cent dur-
ing the second quarter of 1967.1 The
inflation rate was 5.4 per cent dur-
ing the first three months of 1971.
It was during the middle of the
third quarter that President Nixon
* imposed the wage-price freeze.

full time to the University unit;
and the University would provide
them with their own command
structure. The University would
also cover the cost of salaries,
fringe benefits, and direct oper-
ating costs for the unit.
Fleming's letter asks Harris to
discuss this plan with his staff.
Police Chief Walter Krasny, and
City Council. If tentative approv-
al 'is given, the University and
the city will still have to work'
out the details of the plan.
After the plan is drawn up, fi-
nal approval will have to be ob-
tained from Council. the Regents,;
and the State Legislature.
According to Krasny, the plan
is very workable. "The Universityl
and the city stand to gain a great
deal from this type of relation-
ship," Krasny said last night.

From Wire Service Reports
Elliot Richardson, Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare.
(HEW) yesterday released a re-
port charging widespread job
discrimination against women in
HEW as well as in the rest of
the nation.
The study was prepared by
HEW's Women's Action Pro-
gram, a group of employes or-
ganized by Richardson to elimi-
nate sex bias within that agency.
HEW is currently examining
and implementing affirmative
action programs in some 300 col-

leges, including the University,
to assure equity in hiring prac-
For three months last year,
HEW withheld several federal
contracts here, after which the
University submitted its pro-
gram, goals, and timetables to
end sex discrimination.
Last month, however, PROBE,
a local women's group, charged
the University with acting in
"bad faith" in its progress, and
urged HEW to reexamine the
University program.
According to yesterday's re-


port, women make up 63 per cent
of the HEW work force, but
hold only 14 per cent of the top
jobs. The study called for action
to assure that women comprise
half of each management intern
training class, and recommended
federal legislation requiring 'll
HEW supported educational pro-
grams not to discriminate by
"To date," the report stated,
"the most active and effective
efforts to combat sex discrimi-
nation have come from the de-
partment's Contract Compliance
Division of the Office for Civil
HEW is empowered to with-
hold federal contracts if recipi-
ents practice sex discrimination.
Last year, at least $350,000 was
held up at the University.
Other findings of the report
-The proportion of women in
graduate school enrollments and
candidates receiving degrees was
smaller in 1970 than in 1930;
-The median income of wo-
men 65 and over is less than
half the median income of men
of the same age, $1,397 compared
to $2,828;
-Women are encouraged or

*Witke: Meeting the

-Associated Press
King tribute asked
Corretta King, widow of Martin Luther King Jr., whose portrait
hangs on the wall behind her, says there ought to be at least one
holiday a year in tribute to a black man. The Georgia Legislature
has twice declined to do so in honor of King. Today is King's
Program to begin in
community relations
The Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department, which has re-
ceived . frequent charges of poor police-community relations, has
announced plans to institute a community relations training pro-
Color movies, "case studies", lectures, and "peer group educa-
tion" will be used to refresh the officers knowledge of citizens' rights,
and to suggest improved methods for the police to interact with
All Sheriff's Department Deputies will attend an eight-hour ses-
sion being designed by three professors from Eastern Michigan Uni-


Vets spark renewal
of niwrprotests


In a university where adding the title of
"Dean" to one's name is often pictured as the
goal of every ambitious professor, getting that
title after only one semester on campus might
seem unlikely,
But such things do happen and classical
studies Prof. Charles Witke is a case in point.
After coming to Ann Arbor last S-ptember

"My main concern," says Witke, "will not be
with day to day administrative details of
curriculum, but will deal with the larger im-
plications - philosophical implications" of
growth over long periods of time.
"Expansion cannot continue indefinitely,"
he adds. "It would either introduce crypto-pro-
fessionals or erode undergraduate education in
other ways."

"The war is much closer to us.
We still feel it. Maybe that's
why we have more energy,"
That statement from a local
member of the Vietnam Veterans
Against the War (VVAW) per-
haps best explains the recent re-
newal of anti-war activity by

cording to the Ann Arbor vet-
erans, were meant "to put the,
war on the front page where it
belongs and tell people that it
is still going on."
"In absolute terms, there have
been more people dying in the
war under Nixon than under
Johnson," states Mike Reade, a

versity. The program will start
sometime in February.
The program will be funded by
a $13,150 grant from the county,
supplemented by a $23,550 fed-
eral government grant.
The deputies' training sessions
will take up a full eight-hour day
and are divided into four sections.
The first part is a review of citi-
zens' and civil rights legislation.
After the lecture will come three
two hour "case studies" of possi-
ble situations. The cases will be
filmed and shown to the officers.
Afterward, those attending will
discuss the procedures used by the
police in the film and how they
would respond if confronted with
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