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February 13, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-13

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Special To The Daily
ROMULUS - Last weekend the
nation's air carriers were ordered
by the federal government to in-
stitute stringent new programs to
reduce the epidemic of airplane
hijackings. -
Although there have been few
successful, hijackings of flights
leaving Detroit's Metropolitan air-
port here, the new security mea-
sures were very much in evidence
this week.
They ranged from wholesale
shakedown frisks of passengers
departing on flights to Europe to
screening travelers for concealed
weapons departing on domestic
At most gates airline officials
checked b'o a r d i n g passengers
against a personality and be-
havioral profile of the "typical"
hijacker. Dozens of f e d e r a 1
agents - many of them with
dog-eared airline tickets in their
breast pockets and magazines in
their hands pretending to be pas-

sengers - roamed the terminals
constantly in search of potential
air pirates.
Officials here were tight-lipped
when asked about the new pre-
cautions. One federal marshal,
asked about the behavior profile
test, would say only that "it works
real well." He declined, as did his
supervisor, to furnish any details
of the profile.
Airline security officials and
federal agents both insist that to
divulge the contents of the pro-
file could enable potential hi-
jackers to elude it.
The latest gadget in the strug-
gle against hijackers is the so-
called magnometer, or metal de-
tector. Few gates at Metropolitan
airport are yet equipped with this
device, which is supposed to alert
security men with either a flash-
ing red light or a high pitched
whine when a passenger carrying
weapons walks by.
Airline officials are experienc-
ing difficulties with these gadgets
however. The detectors are so

sensitive that they are often trig-
gered by a keychain, a watch, the
metal clips of a suspender belt
or shoe buckles.
Even if a hijacker can elude
the electronic and personality
screenings and the inquisitve eyes
of the federal marshals, a further
barrier can confront them. Trav-
eling aboard an unspecified num-
ber of flights leaving Metropoli-
tan airport are a number of the
new "sky marshals."
The job of the sky marshals is
to stop a hijacking after it has
actually begun. As Vice President
Spiro Agnew said: "These guards
are under instructions to shoot to
But even the sky marshals are
often powerless to stop a hijack-
ing, or feel that to try and do so
could involve an aerial shoot-out
with grave risks for passengers
and crew members.
It is probably too early to say
whether the federal governments'
latest campaign against air pir-
acy will succeed. But judging by

oed at
past evidence, it seems likely that
federal agents will continue to
make arrests of airline passengers
caught in the hijacking net with
weapons or drugs.
Government statistics s h o w
that between Jan. 1 and Dec. 15
last year, federal marshals arrest-
ed 1,926 passengers as a result of
anti - hijacking precautions. Of
these, 538 were held on drugs
Another 400 persons were ar-
rested by agents of the Depart-
ment of the Treasury's customs
bureau, but norbreakdown is avail-'
able as to how many of these were
held for drug law violations.
These drug arrests have raised
a number of legal questions. A
New York Judge, J. Weinstein.
ruled in the case of Lopez vs. U.S.
that drugs found on Lopez as a
consequence of a search were ad-
missable as evidence. The judge
ruled that because Lopez had
been identified as a potential hi-
jacker by the personality profile.
the system "survives constitution-

[lie tro
al scrutiny."
However, during visits to Metro-
politan airport by a reporter for
The Daily last week, federal ag-
ents were seen on three occasions
to subject everyone on the eve-
ning Pan-American flight to Lon-
don and Amsterdam to searches
of their luggage and frisks.
Any evidence secured by such
indiscriminate searches may be
inadmissible in court.
University law Prof. Yale Ka-
misar, who is said to be one of
the nations leading authorities on
search and seizure law, said last
week that such mass searches can
be justified on extra - legal
"In many ways it is better to
have everybody subjected to an
invasion of privacy because there
is a political check against abuse.
All economic and social classes
(of people) are subjected (to the
search) and it removes the stigma
created when people (are search-
ed) based on the way they look,"
he said.

-Daiy-Denny Gainer
FEDERAL MARSHALLS frisk passengers on Pan-Am's flight to London Friday after-
noon. The shakedowns, although of dubiou s legality, are part of the government's
step-up in air security programs.


See Editorial Page


:43 tit#,

Mostly cloudy with chance
of rain showers.

Vol. LXXXII, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 13, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

HEW halts
The Department of Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW) has announced it will con-
tinue to withhold $13.8 million in federal
contracts from Columbia University because
of that school's 'failure to include sufficient
statistical information requested for a re-
cently revised affirmative action plan for
ending job discrimination.
The action could have implications for the
University, -which two weeks ago was re-
quested by HEW to provide additional sta-
tistical information on University employes
before HEW approves the University's own
affirmative action plan, submitted to that
agency more than a year ago.
- University officials have said it may be
impossible to provide all the information re-
quested by HEW.
HEW asked Columbia to submit the name,
race, sex, position, salary, promotion history
and past experience of all of the school's
10,000 employes.
Columbia, however, reportedly included
only the names, sex and position of some of
its employes as part of information it sub-
mitted to HEW last December.
HEW has set an April 6 deadline for Co-
lumbia to satisfy its request for the statistics.
After that time, the department will set up
a formal hearing that could lead to the can-
cellation of $13.8 million in contracts with
such federal agencies as the Defense Depart-
HEW held up more than $2 million in fed-
eral contracts from the University in Octo-
ber, 1970, according to J. Stanley Pottinger,
director of HEW's Office of Civil Rights.
The action was designed to force the Uni-
versity to develop an affirmative action plan
4. to end sex discrimination in hiring.
The University has until the middle of
March to provide the additional information
recently requested by HEW, including:
-A list of employes with their name, race,
sex, job classification, level of education, past
job history, and date and method of entry
into their current job classification;
-Information on employes who have par-
ticipated in University training programs,
former employes and their reason for leav-
ing, and employes with spouses who work
for the University; and
-A list of women upgraded since imple-
mentation of the affirmative action program
and a 'report on all academic and adminis-
trative personnel hired since the first HEW
investigation at the University.
See HEW, Page 7

U. S.



heaviest attack
in over one yea

Lightfoot loosens up at Hill
Singer Gordon Lightfoot strikes a heavy chord while playing one of his hits before a sell-out crowd last night


By The Associated Press
U.S. forces in Indochina have launched
their biggest aerial campaign in 18 months,
reportedly trying to wipe out an alleged
Communist buildup along South Vietnam's
southern border.
U.S. tactical fighter bombers and B-52
heavy bombers yesterday and Friday flew
356 strikes in South Vietnam while hundreds
more pounded supply trails and staging areas
in Laos and Cambodia.
On the average, fewer than 10 strikes per
day, by contrast, had been flow through
Indochina during the past four months.
In the midst of the stepped up bombings,
the U.S. command has released just one
bomb damage assessment, which it calls
A communique said five U.S. Air Force
-Tom Gottlieb jets killed 12 Communists in western Kon-
tum Province in the central highlands Fri-
day, and destroyed two bunkers and 35 fight-
at Hill Aud. ing positions.
- - - Asked about the lack of bomb damage re-
ports from otherstrikes, a U.S. spokesman
replied: "We are not sending American
ground troops into an area just for the pur-
pose of collecting a BDA."
w He implied that information was still being
compiled by aerial observers, and the U.S.
Command does not want to risk sending sot-
diers into areas known to have large Corn-
, munist troop concentrations, where most of
p o t the air strikes occur.
No results have been issued for recent mis-
sions by B-52 bombers. The Stratofortresses
flew 12 raids in South Vietnam Friday and
to run in the yesterday morning, the highest number in
touny inth one 24-hour period since January, 1970.
unhappy with Propeller-driven Skyraiders and subsonic
e me. One of jets of the South Vietnamese airforce are
acil seats this also participating in the aerial campaign.
,an offer "re- They have flown 383 missions in the past
tation" to the four days.
Saigon headquarters said 94 of these oc-
ant run' ex-curred Friday and yesterday morning, caus-
"ant towin", ing six secondary explosions, seven fires
"left wing of and the destruction of 18 bunkers and 29
ed at present, The massive air strikes are aimed at pre-
diminished in empting a Communist command offensive

expected this month. Most of the targets
have been in the northern 1st military re-
gion and the 2nd military region that en-
compases the central highlands and the
coastal lowlands.
More than 100 Communist attacks and
shellings have been reported in these regions
during the past four days, although only one
has resulted in abandonment o, a govern-
ment position. A militia outpost in coastdl
Binh Diph Province was abandoned Friday
after a 24-hour siege y a Communist force
of battalion size.
Defense Secretary Melvin Laird told a
luncheon in San Diego on Friday that U.S.
naval forces are on standby in the Pacifiv
in case the North, Vietnamese launch an
offensive during the Tet lunar New Year
holiday which begins T_,sday.
He said the two aircraft carriers in the
Gulf of Tonkin were joined this week by the
See VIETNAM, Page 7
Steinem -set
to. speak for
wo-men's unit
Feminists Gloria Steinem and Margaret
Sloan will speak on "sexism and racism" to-
morrow night as part of a benefit for the
Ann Arbor Feminist House, a proposed off-
campus women's center.
Steinem is a writer for New York maga-
zine and editor of the new women's magazine
Sloan has been a leader of the Illinois
Women's Abortion Coalition and a coordi-
nator of Operation Breadbasket, a Chicago-
based operation to provide food for needy
The speech will begin at 8:30 at Power
Tickets may be purchased at the Michigan
Union, the Fishbowl and at the door.

Fourth Ward GOP's pose VI(
3 vying for council ballot S]

Republican residents of Ann Arbor's
Fourth Ward will find three diverse candi-
dates on the city council primary ballot
when they vote in the Feb. 21 city election.
elections '72:
ann arbor
Sarah Steingold, who in the past was
more closely associated with the Democratic
party, Bruce Benner, Jr., a middle-aged bank
executive, and Charles Frank, a 22 year old
conservative, will vie for the right to face

Democratic and Human Rights Party ch
lengers for the seat of retiring Republic
councilman James Stephenson in the Ap
3 general elections.
The Fourth Ward, located in the sout
western section of Ann Arbor has traditio
ally been a Republican stronghold. Contai
ing few students or blacks, it comprises
large block of the city's middle and upp
middle class citizens.
The three candidates, while expressi
significant differences of opinion on ma
city issues, to some degree, all reflect t
concerns and interests of their fellow rec


Steingold says she decidedt
primary because she was "very
the candidates who filed befor
two women. running for cour
year, she believes that she c
sponsible, progressive represen
people of her ward.
Acknowledging that "you d
cept as a Republican if youv
Steingold places herself in the
the GOP"

ny Steingold, who is not employ
he says that "city services havec
nilif 11 C o fo hn -I;


Recycled' goods flow in town

In the name of the environment, but with
an eye toward economy, "recycled" goods
have become increasingly common here. This
isn't recycling in the usual paper and glass
sense of the word, but the resale of clothing,
furniture and appliance.
Recycled is just nice word for used, ex-
plains 23-year-old Ed Davidson. Davidson, a
recent University of Iowa graduate, is pro-
prietor of the Bivouac, an army surplus
store. His stock includes not just govern-
me nt cRnmI c, items Nit nlcon ''rnnPl

ries jeans, old French army helmets, march-
ing band uniform coats, prison jackets,
Hawaiian skirts, and camping equipment.
Another aspect of the recycled goods trend
is trading for items.
The Yankee Peddler, a new firm near
campus, gets most of its stock through trade-
ins, selling the rest on consignment.
The store, which opened last Sept. 1, has
not been doing as well as the young owner,
who prefers to remain anonymous, had ex-
pected. "I thought a place like this would

quany. he freels tnat police, tire, an
public works, all basic city services, should
ube maintained at present levels. Steingold
specifically recommends restoring "high
quality services in the areas of refuse col-
lection, street cleaning, maintenance and
snow removal."
Steingold is opposed to the proposed city
income tax, because it "would not provide
funds this year for the city to run on." She
favors a graduated income levy and adds,
"I'd much rather see a higher income tax
and a lower property tax."
Steingold believes that the decaying city
central business district can be revived
through the use of "parks, restaurants, and
little shops that would draw people." If she
had been on council, Steingold says, she
would have voted against the proposed Bri-
arwood shopping center, even though her
husband was representing interests behind
the development. Many have contended that
the huge shopping area will hasten the de-
mise of downtown Ann Arbor.

Dispatch News Service International
SAIGON - A police jeep with four
white-shirted officers pulls up in front of
a newstand. A policeman jumps out and
begins leafing through the 30 or more dif-
ferent newspapers displayed on the counter.
"Any Tin .Sangs, Song Thans?" he asks
the old woman proprietor who sits behind
the stand. She shakes her head sourly.
After searching through the papers once
more the police officer climbs back into his
jeep and drives away. A bystander walks
up to the stand.
"What was he looking for?" he asks.

Thien govt. confiscates
uncomplimen tary papers

From September to November last year,
Tin Sang was confiscated every day. But
despite government efforts to suppress the
newspaper, "confiscated" issues still cir-
culate from 28,000 to 30,000 copies "under-
the-counter." Regularly, the paper sells
about 50,000 copies an issue.
As well as simply seizing copies of Tin
Sang, the government imposes fines on the
newspaper every time it prints material
judged by the Thieu regime as "harmful to
the national security or harmful to the
public order."
This year Tin Sang has been taken to
court 104 times. The paper rhas won favor-

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