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February 11, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-11

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S ir~rgx



Partly sunny
and warmer

Vol. LXXXII, No. 103 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 1 1, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Housing unit backs
black residence plan'







The Housing Policy Com-
! mittee unanimously approved
"in principle" yesterday the
formation of black housing
units within the dormitory
The motion, which is subject
to another reading by the com-
mittee, could also be overturned
by the Regents before implemen-
The housing units proposed by
the motion, though intended for
blacks, would be open to all stu-
Over 100 blacks and 20 white
4 students attended the meeting to
express their positions on the is-
According to President Robben
Fleming the Regents will prob-
ably consider the action before it
can be effected. He said there was
considerable discussion among the
' Regents when a similar proposal
for a black sorority in Oxford
housing was approved.
Housing director John Feld-
kamp favored the move.
The proposal, introduced by
committee member Phil Cherner,
did not specify locations for the
' units. "Details will be worked out
later," he said.
The meeting was marked by
intense debate on the issue by
residents of Stockwell and South
A statement prepared by black
Stockwell r e s i d e n t s charged
"white harrassment" in the dorm
as grounds for a separate cen-
trally - located black corridor
and black government.
South Quad representative Lee
Gill called for the establishment
of Afro-American and African
Cultural Centers to be located on
the fifth and sixth floors of Bush
and Gomberg Houses.
Gail Nelson, spokeswoman for
the Stockwell group, cited as
problems invasion of black's pri-
vacy by white R.A.s, dehumaniz-
ing treatment of black male visi-
tors, and the dormitory govern-
ment's unresponsiveness to griev-
See BLACK, Page 1@'

More jets
SAIGON ) -- The United
States launched the largest
number of air raids in four
months yesterday as an ap-
parent warning to North Viet-
nam of heavy retaliation in
the event of the big Com-
munist offensive predicted
this month.
The raids came as U.S. forces
continued a major operation to
increase the number of warplanes
in the Indochina theater.
Three aircraft carriers, hold-
ing a total of about 350 fighter-
bombers, have been moved into
the Gulf of Tonkin. There is also
speculation that a fourth carrier,
the Kitty Hawk, might soon be
ordered to Vietnam.
It is the first time three car-
riers have been operating off the
Vietnamese coast at one time
since Nov. 1970. during the heavy
raids that accompanied the un-
successful attempt to free Amer-
ican prisoners of war from the
Son Tay camp near Hanoi.
In a d d i t i o n, administra-
tion sources in Washington said
three squadrons of B52s had been f
ordered to the western Pacific
from Carswell Air Force Base,
Fort Worth, Tex.; Dyess AFB,

John Feldkamp Phil Cherner

. "
The Housing Policy Committee gave final approval yes-
terday to next year's residence' hall rates, which will remain
the same as this year.
Only Oxford housing, on a deficit budget, will increase
rates by 2.5 per cent, or about $17 to $23 per year depending
on the room.
The rate stabilization will not affect dorm services, al-
though the Housing Office's rate committee has recommended
that weekend meal service be eliminated due to lack of stu-
dent response..
The committee also recommended a "65-35" payment plan
be adopted when administratively possible. Under this plan a

Abilene, Tex., and
Orlando, Fla.

McCoy AFB,

student would pay 65 per cent

" $10,000 offered for
facts about U' fires

Rewards totalling up to $10,000
have been offered for informa-
tion concerning the fires that
have been set on campus over
the past two weeks.
The Detroit News said yester-
day it will pay $2,000 for infor-
mation leading to the arrest and
conviction of anyone starting a
fire in the future.
The newspaper, through its
"Secret Witness" program, will
also offer rewards of $2,000 each
for information leading to the
arrest and conviction of anyone
who started one of the fires at
the University.
In addition, Student Govern-
ment Council last night approved
a motion to offer a $500 reward
for information leading to the
apprehension of the arsonist or
Police suspect arson in 18 fires
at the General Library, Under-
graduate Library, Angell Hall,
the Michigan Union, West Quad-
rangle and the Student Activities
Building. The most recent blaze,
set Tuesday at the General Li-
brary, destroyed 57 valuable

books in the library's Center for
Language and Literature.
Among the lost items were
19th century works of British
poets John Ruskin and William
Morris, described as 'valuable
and indispensible to scholarship
by Rolland Stewart, associate di-
rector of University Libraries.
Other damaged materials have
included a movie screen, bulletin
board, and wastebaskets.
There have been no injuries in
any of the fires and most have
been put out before firemen ar-
rived on the scene. Damages,
however, have been estimated at
$5,000 in lost materials.
Police have apparently de-
veloped no new leads in the fires.
A man and a woman have each
been seen leaving the scene of
two of the fires.
Since the fires began, the hours
of operation at the libraries have
been curtailed. In addition, the
libraries have taken extra se-
curity measures to guard against
a recurrence of the arson.

of the dorm contract cost the
fall term and 35 per cent dur-
ing the winter term.
If a lease cancellation policy is
implemented, the payment plan
will also be put into effect. Other-
wise the plan will not be used
next year.
The lease cancellation plan, un-
der review by a housing policy
sub-committee, would allow for
cancellations within a certain, as
yet unspecified, time period.
In other action, a motion by
William Dobbs, a member of the
committee, reversed a previous
decision to change a proposed 200-
unit housing project site. The or-
iginally proposed site for the hous-
ing is near Northwood Terrace
Apartments. Thee site was changed
to Huron Parkway and Hubbard
last year.
Dobbs claimed the decision to
change the site was invalid be-
cause a quorum was not present
when the committee voted on the
Yesterday's reversal was made
in an attempt to persuade the
Regents to approve the plan, as
the site change would reduce the
project's cost by approximately
$21,000 percunit.The Regents will
consider the project at a Plant
Extension Committee meeting on
Feb. 28.
Committee member and North-
wood Terrace Association (NTA)
representative Ronald Beck strong-
ly objected to the motion. He com-
plained. that the committee had
violated all procedural rules by

It is the first strong reinforce-
ment of heavy bombers since the
United States began disengaging
from the Vietnam war in 1969.
Some observers felt the aircraft
moves demonstrated Nixon's lack
'of confidence in the Vietnamese
ability to protect departing U.S.
soldiers, although the adminis-
tration has consistently claimed
that Vietnamization is successful.
The show of aerial strength also
raises the possibility of massive
retaliation against North Viet-
nam should Hanoi launch an of-
The aircraft carriers in the Ton-
kin Gulf sent scores of warplanes
to attack suspected enemy sites in
Laos and dispatched reconnais-
sance jets over North Vietnam.
The movement of planes into
the South Pacific, coupled with
the reconnaisance operations, has
sparked speculation that Presi-
dent Nixon may shortly order a
new massive wave of attacks
against the North.
Since December, Pentagon of-
ficials have been predicting that
the Communists would launch a
major offensive effort during Tet
-Vietnam's dry season.
The attacks have not yet ma-
terialized, but U.S. sources are
still standing by their earlier pre-
The fear of a Tet offensive was
officially cited by Army sources
in December as necessitating the
major air attacks against North
Vietnam during that month.
However, junior officers polled'
last week by the Associated Press
said they did not believe an enemy;
offensive was as imminent as the1
Pentagon has been predicting. i


In a heated six-hour meeting,
the city Board of Education dis-
cussed a proposal Wednesday
aimed at achieving greater ra-
cial balance in Clinton and
Southeast elementary schools.
Approval of the plan, which
calls for the "pairing" of the
schools, appears uncertain. The
final decision will be - made at
next week's board meeting.
R. Bruce McPherson, superin-
tendent of Ann Arbor schools,
submitted the "pairing" plan,

which would involve busing of
students between the two ele-
mentary schools. Kindergarten
through second grade students,
now attending the overcrowded
though racially balanced Clinton
school, would be bused to the
new Southeast elementary school.
All third to fifth grade students
would be bused to, Clinton school.
The Clinton school district in-
cludes both elementary schools,
divided by Interstate 94, all stu-
dents in the district now attend-
ing the Clinton school. But ac-

SGC stops VP's pay,
offers fire reward

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Golly gee! A shopping spree!
A little boy takes a rest between trying on hats at the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club Rummage Sale
yesterday. The sale will continue through tomorrow at club headquarters, Washington and First
planfor racialb alance

Paris talks
a ear at
By The Associated Press
President Nixon said yester-
day "there will be no further
concessions" from the United
States at the Vietnam peace
talks until Hanoi, in his view,
agrees to negotiate seriously.
The statemient quickly dashed
recent reports indicating that the
administration was moving toward
a more flexible negotiating stance
in order to spur progress in the
peace talks.
Eariler this week, both the Viet
Cong and the North Vietnamese
rejected Nixon's latest peace plan.
The talks now appear to be at an
The President's announcement,
made at an unannounced-in-ad-
vance news conference, was seen
as a major statement of support
for South Vietnamese President
Nguyen Van Thieu.
Earlier yesterday, Thieu de-
clared that South Vietnam would
make no further peace concessions
regardless of any compromises the
United States might be willing to
Thieu was responding to a re-
cent statement by Secretary of
State William Rogers that the
United States planned to maintain
a "flexible" negotiating position.
In addition, Rogers said that all
aspects of the President's eight-
point peace plan are negotiable.
One possibility raised by Rogers'
statement was that the United
States might end its support of
the Thieu regime.
Nixon emphasized yesterday that
all Paris peace proposals by the
allies have had joint Washington-
Saigon approval. All future pro-
posals will be approved in the
same manner, he added.
The President's new negotiating
stance almost certainly rules out
the possibility that a political set-
tlement to the Indochina conflict
will beuworked out at Paris in the
near future.
Both Hanoi and the Viet Cong
have long insisted that Thieu's im-
mediate resignation is the princi-
ple condition for reaching a set-
Under the Nixon plan, Tliieu
would resign one month before an
,-See PEACE, Page 10
Thursda set
for Nixon's
trip to China
WASHINGTON () -President
Nixon announced yesterday that
his trip to the People's Republic
of China will begin next Thurs-
Nixon said the visit would pro-
duce more talk than solutions, and
advised friends and critics not to
expect too much from the trip.
His itinerary, the President
said, "is being kept flexible."
"There will not be a great deal
of what I would call sightseeing,"
he added.

cording to recent figures, 94 per
cent of Clinton's black enrollment
comes from the area south of
the highway, while the majority
of white students live north of
the highway. Board president
Cecil Warner referred to the
highway Wednesday as the "Ma-
son-Dixon line."
The advantage of busing stu-
dents to both schools would be
in "maintaining the social, eco-
nomic and racial diversity found
in the present Clinton Elemen-
tary School," according to Mc-
Under the proposed plan, the
current busing of the predomi-
nately black students from areas
south of the highway to Clinton
School would be expanded to
two-way busing of black and
white students to both schools,
according to their grade in
Warner, who opposed the bus-
ing plan on the grounds that it
would "uproot the Clinton com-
munity," suggested another plan.
He proposed that 120 predomi-
nantly white students from vari-
ous areas outside the Clinton
School district, who are current-
ly bused to Pattengill Elemen-
tary School, should be bused to
Southeast School instead. This
plan would, in effect, achieve a

Cull en: Commenting on Ireland

In a time when political involvement
seems to be declining, Bernard Cullen, an
Irish civil rights activist from Belfast, is
working on campus to arouse interest and
sympathy for the cause of a united Ireland.
Cullen, a graduate student in philosophy,
,organized last Friday's Fishbowl rally pro-
testing British involvement in the con-
tinuing conflict in Northern Ireland. The
"Bloody Sunday" tragedy of January 30,
in which British soldiers killed 13 civilian

A former member of an Irish student civil
rights group with Bernadette Devlin, Cullen
believes the solution to the problems in
Northern Ireland includes the complete
evacuation of British troops from that pro-
vince and an eventual reunion with the
Irish republic.
Their combined governments, he believes
could operate under some form of social-
ism. "Of course," he admits, "this is an
over-simplification. I can't wave a magic


Student Government Council last
night voted to terminate the sal-
ary of Coordinating Vice President
Andre Hunt and asked for his res-
Council also voted to offer a
$500 reward for the information
leading to the arrest and convic-
tion of the person or persons re-
sponsible for the recent fires on
Hunt, who did not attend last
night's meeting, was appointed to
his post upon the expiration of his
elective term lastNovember. ac-
cording to Council members, per-
sonal obligations have kept him
from performing his fob effective-
ly. SGC member Brad Taylor com-
mented that Hunt "hasn't been in
the SGC office in three months."
The motion concerning Hunt
had been postponed from last
week's agenda so that he could
speak in his own defense.
Hunt is not the only appointed
Vice President whose post has been
questioned in recent months. Ad-
ministrative Vice - President Jay
Hack has been the target of sev-
eral attempts to abolish the post

A, CD,.. ._40 years of
working though adictionary
"It's a job like any other job. It has its level
of routine, moments when it's pleasing and others
when you want to kick it out the window," com-
ments Richard McKelvey of a job many might
not consider "like any other job."
McKelvey is one of seven editors involved in an
obscure but unique undertaking-the compiling
of a complete historical dictionary of Middle

In other action, Council post-
poned for two weeks a motion
which would require member at
large John Koza to reimburse SGC
for 18 reams of paper he used for
a mailing concerning Rackham
Student Government elections.
Council also moved to endorse
a proposal to be brought up at the
March Regents' meeting concern-
ing the Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan (PIRGIM). '

See BUSING, Page 10

'f. ii.j Qt

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