gsjr A&JCr4oan 1) a Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Look Dick, look at the stereotype! 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers ur the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER By SARA FITZGERALD "LOOK, LOOK," said Dick. "Oh look. See Daddy go off to work. See Mommy stay home and make cookies, yummmy yummy cook- ies." "See, see," said Jane. See Dick go fight with the boys. See Jane stay home and play dollies with Sally." An exaggeration? Perhaps. 'But increasingly women are realizing that literature - even school books - is a major culprit in the stereo- typing of sex roles. Last December, a Kalamazoo woman made the problem graphi- cally clear in a report she pre- pared for the Kalamazoo school board on reading books used in grades one through six. The books, published by Scott, Foresman and Company of "Dick, Jane and Sally and reading work- book" fame, have been teaching little girls and boys to read for more than 25 years. The study showed that of 413 stories in the books, 227 featured boys, while only 43 were about girls. The rest were on general subjects. From the stories, she concluded that "boys are portrayed as vigor- ous and inventive, girls as passive and timid." ADULT WOMEN fare no better. Most are shown only as mothers and are often placed in situations Nixon: Trouble from within DESPITE PRESIDENT NIXON'S claims that his foreign policy is winning friends and influencing people around the world, several indiscreet statements made by close advisors have demonstra- ted that he is having major troubles within his own camp. Two days ago, for example, Secretary of State William Rogers made what has been called a mere "slip of the tongue"- and it has reportedly added a new bar- rier to the Washington-Saigon relation- ship. Rogers' comment that the United States will be "flexible" and willing to negotiate with the North Vietnamese on the, eight point Nixon peace plan, has angered South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. Thieu is seemingly concerned that Nix- on may ask him to resign immediately in order to expedite progress in the peace talks. Although Nixon has never pub- licly indicated that such a move might be made, Thieu sees himself as a poten- tial "sacrificial lamb." T1HE REALITY of the situation is that U.S. peace efforts-feeble as they seem-are being blocked by Thieu in his determination to retain his power. In a sense, Thieu has become the bas- tard child of the peace negotiations, us- ing the United States to legitimize his base of power in South Vietnam. Meanwhile, he continues to criticize the U.S. government's desire for a negotiat- ed peace in order to placate his staunch anti-communist constituency. State Department officials have at- tempted to dismiss Rogers' remarks as being a "slip of the tongue." But what the American people should know is whether Rogers' blunder was to reveal the truth, or merely to characterize his own opinion as being national policy. MEANWHILE, the furor continues in Washington over the remarks of a top White House aide who attempted to dissuade Democrats from criticizing, the President's peace plan by charging' them with "consciously aiding and abet- ting the enemy." In this case, rather than being a "slip of the tongue," official White House sources informed the press that the aide, H. R. Haldeman, was merely expressing his own personal opinion. Nevertheless, IHaldeman's remark must be seen as an embarrassment to the President, for Haledman is too close an advisor to have his actions disavowed for the sake of expediency. THE REMARK seems to have prompted top presidential advisor Henry Kis- singer's comment to newsmen yesterday that one purpose of the President's State of the World address "is to have serious debate about the national purposes. And we would welcome such a debate." Apparently, however, the Nixon ad- ministration is having a foreign policy debate within its own ranks. As much as the President would like to show a uni- fied administration to the people, his middle-of-the-road stance seems to have alienated both his conservative and his liberal advisors. The result is that now, perhaps more than ever, administration credibility and accountability are practically nil. Nixon, who has always relied heavily on the ad- vice of his cabinet and advisors, has ef- fectively been relegated to the position of babysitter to keep his own staff in line. AND WHO he will turn to in his quest to become the world's foremost statesman is anyone's guess. -ALAN LENHOFF RSG fighting SGC: ro / s that can only be solved by a male "rescuer." Second grade students, for in- stance, read of a woman who goes shopping and can't find her gloves. Finally some smart little boy spots them on top of her hat and enlightens the befuddled fe- male. The situation doesn't improve as students get older. Later readers include stories on famous Amari- cans - or rather famous Ameri- can males - such as F. W. Wool- worth, Alexander Graham Bell and Andrew Carnegie. And when girls read the stories, they get to iden- tify with women like Clara Ford, who provided a steady stream of sandwiches - probably peanut butter and jelly - to Henry when he was working out in the shed to all hours of the night. But' if educators are guilty, so are authors - including w o m e n writers. There are, of course, the "super girls" books a la Hardy boys. Girls can identify with the adven- tures of the intreprid Nancy Drew or that indubitable nurse, Cherry Ames. Yet even their creators are guilty ofvstereotyping. Nancy is a beautiful, charming, what-every- girl-should-grow-up-to-be s t o c k character, while each book in the series continually pokes fun at her two friends - Bess, the fat one, and George, who - "G o d bless her" - is a "tomboy." (Note the unusual name, as well.) FAIRY TALES fall into similar traps. Sure Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty all feature girl-women, but all three rely on a male to discover them (as in Cin- derella's case) or to awaken them - both from sleep and probably sexually. Snow White's worth more- over, is fittingly measured by a talking mirror. Junior high girls move on to the sentimental schlock that is dished up by writers such as Betty Can- ever and Rosamund du Jardin. Under such titles as "Seventeen- th Summer" and "Double Trou- ble", the writers move their high school age characters through a series of maneuvers for that pot of gold at the end of the dating rainbow - marriage, or at the very. least, a steady. College plans sometimes enter in, but decisions are usually made on the basis of which school is closest to where one's beau will be heading. WITH THE large part of liter- ature to fight, feminists are in- creasingly seeking to publicize non-sexist books and in some cases write them. The latest issue of Ms., for example, includes an article list- ing several such books - biogra- phies of women, written, for a change, by women, and stories such as "Eloise" which features a cunning little girl who battles the establishment. One book's description placed its familiar story in a totally n e w light. And it suggests perhaps a new approach children's literature should take, the new light in which stories for boys and girls should be considered. "(She) leads the fight for intel- licence, courage and heart. A classic for feminists and humanists of all ages." THE BOOK; L. Frank Baum's "The Wizard of Oz." 4 By LINDA ROSENTHAL UNITED WE STAND, divided we fall." That's a good line -right? Of course. And why is it good? Simply because it has' prov- en to be a veracious statement harkening all the way back to 1768 and The Liberty Song. But alas, as with most tried and true axioms handed down from ages past, it is little put to prac- tie. A prime example abounds with the latest installment of a seem- ingly endless dispute ensuing be- tween the Student Government Council and the grads at Rackham. Essentially, it all boils down to an old-fashioned power play be- tween two warrinng factions - undergrads and grads. SGC is of the opinion that it should be the student voice on campus - representing all the students. Consequently, SGC abhors t h e mere thought of strong govern- ments for the various autonomous units within the University, like engineering, pharmacy, and other professional schools. Rackham Student Government (RSG), on the other hand, dis- agrees violently, believing that they too should have a voice heard 'round the campus. THE MOST recent episode in the conflict concerns SGC's charge of illegal election procedure on the part of RSG, which still has not held its fall, 1971 election. SGC members claim the delay is due to "political maneuvering." In this instance, SGC happens to be right - from a philosophic standpoint, that is. For the stu- dents of this University to ever get anything from the administra- tion, a strong united front is man- datory. However, RSG does have a valid point. SGC has twenty members, thirteen of which possess voting privileges. Of those, only four are grads. According to the most recent statistics available, there are 24- 141 undergrads, 11,038 grads snd 4,483 grad professionals. Now it has often been said that figures don't lie, but liars can figure and when one sets up the ratio of undergrads to grads, the representation sounds fair. BUT IS IT really equitable? I think not. The goals of SGC and RSG ap- parently differ greatly and SGC does not appear to be responsive to the needs of those attending grad school. SGC has traditionally dealt with issues of more concern to under- grads than grads, and has gener- ally assumed a stance more left of center than graduate governments have taken. Hence, one can see RSG's posi- tion. Both sides have valid points, but their recent actions have reduced this bickering to the level of squab- bling little children who should know better and unless the two try to resolve their differences then little - if any - good will emerge. WHAT IS THE point of paving student government if it is inef- fective? And how effective can it be if there is constant enmity pre- vailing. All that could possibly happen is that University officials would be justified in strutting around with smug smiles on their faces, 1 ugh- ing at the little children who quar- rel among themselves." The time is long past due for the two sides to put aside their personal animosities and childish games and to start coming to grips with the 'hard-core problems of the day. RSG should yield to SGC for the good of the entire student body but SGC should realize it has the responsibility to speak for 39.662 students and not solely for 24,141. * -Daily-Jim Judkis Letters:* Supporting Soviet Jews To The Daily: WITH THE performance of the Osipov Balalaika Orchestra mem- bers of the Bolshoi and Kiev Opera and Bolshoi Ballet held at H i 11 Auditorium, an old controversy concerning protesting oppression of Soviet Jewry again arises. Many have questioned whether this cultural event or any cultural exchange with Russia warrants a demonstration. I am among those who picketed, who believe that a cultural flow between the t w o countries should be maintained. There are others in support of Soviet Jewry, who would cancel cultural exchange events on the basis of an "all-or-none" policy. They contend that either all mem- bers of Russian society be given cultural freedom, or else we will close our doors to those who are not subjected to Russian discrim- ination. I was outside of Hill Auditorium and not inside enjoying the per- formance, in order to bring to the attention of those attending, that the same country that has sent these performers is in the process of a spiritual, cultural and relig- ious annihilation of Jews in the Soviet Union. It is because of such public nuis- ancest some nuisance: a mere picketing endangering no lives and Anchoring the naval academy rrHEVERDICT has been entered in the Valerie Schoen case. Schoen has been denied permission to enter the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis because, Secretary of the Navy John Chafee says, the Navy is "not ready" for women. Now that women - Schoen is not alone in her request-have decided to challenge the military academies' rules, which limit admission to men, it is fit- ting to challenge also the very existence of the academies. In a world clouded by the shadow of nuclear destruction, it is particularly ap- palling that our country should main- tain four academies to prepare men for military combat. AND, TO further compound their dis- tastefulness, these academies have cloistered themselves apart from the mainstream of life; using taxpayers funding for programs which can at best serve a minute portion of the populace. Besides excluding women, these schools effectively bar many applicants who are poor or members of minority groups or whose prior schooling has not equipped them for the highly competitive atmos- phere the military academies propogate. Schoen's attempt to enter Annapolis clearly has implications beyond simply allowing one woman to attend the Naval Academy. For, once one woman is en- rolled there, a precedent will have been set so that other women too must be al- lowed. It certainly appears that military training schools will not disappear dra- matically in the near future. Thus, with the influx of new programs to accommo- date the women, who will eventually be allowed to attend Annapolis, it is hoped that the Academy will continue to adapt to the needs of contemporary society by adjusting its standards and available programs. AT THE same time, the publicity Schoen's case has focused upon the Academy will hopefully raise public con- cern over the existence of military training so that these "schools for sol- diers" will someday be extinct. --ROSE SUE BERSTEIN 'damaging no property), that pos- sibly a few more Russian Jews, who have lost their jobs when ap- plying to immigrate to Israel, will be allowed to go to an environ- ment that does not deny Jewish education or observance. On oc- casion a world power has 'o save face, and even if only a slight amount of embarassment is felt by Russian officials by our pro- tests, then we have been effective. For those of you who in your luxury of freedom say "I don't believe in such protests", I con- demn you for the control you have thus assumed of the ,destinies of some Russian Jewish families. No one has asked you to join in the buring of a New York office that coordinates cultural exchange with Russia. It is strange that a demon- stration such as last night's of- fends your morals more than the Soviet government's oppressive treatment of Russian Jewry. And finally, to those of y u whose inaction was due to your worry that the financial ourden in absorbing a great influx of Russian Jewish immigrants would be unbearable, these are problems welcomed by Israel and will be solved with your help in the United Jewish Appeal. -Nancy Shapiro '74 Feb. 8 Health service To The Daily: AN ITEM which appeared in the Jan. 29 issue of The Daily ("Health Service Plans Modified") m a d e reference to the Committee on Long Range Planning for the Health Service. However, t h e r e was very little similarity between statements made in this article and the Committee's actual posi- tion on various matters. Indeed, some Committee mem- bers are not entirely sure that your reporter was writing about the group in which they partici- pate. Since the Health Service and, more generally, health tare de- livery are of vital cbncern to the entire University community, I urge you to do a more complete and accurate story on the sub- ject. It will take more thin 8% column inches, even if you have the facts straight. -David V. Heebink Chairman, Committee on Long Range Planning for the Health Service Feb.'6 Housing security To The Daily: I WOULD LIKE to comment on Judy Ruskin's article on dormi- tory Security (Daily Feb. 1). While it was in most respects a good ar- ticle, there was one statement that the facts do not support. -MS. Ruskini says that after over a year of experience with various security measures they have been found to have had little effect on crime. In the Fall of 1970 we instituted a new plan using night security men. In the Fall of 1971 we equip- ped these men with two-way ra- dios. During the past two years many of our halls have instituted new procedures for the securing of doors during the night-time hours. We feel all of these have contributed to improved security conditions in the dorms. Our biggest problem in terms of the number of occurrences con- tinues to be the theft of student property from student rooms. While we will continut to try and improve our dorm security precautions, there is nothing we can do that would have as great an impact on reducing thefts as would occur if residents would re- member to lock their doors when- ever leaving their rooms or when going to sleep. -Dave Foulke Security Officer-Housing Feb. 2 4 -Daily-Tom Gottlieb grassroots Terry and the drug pirates i by mark dillen SANDRA RICHARDSON is a young + black woman whose home for the past few days has been the Washtenaw County jail. So far, she has been convicted of no crime and, because a legal precedent in her case threatens extended pre-trial mo- tions, it may be some time before justice decides whether she is guilty of possessing and selling heroin. Yesterday, at the pre-trial hearing on her charge of possession, District Judge S. J. Elden denied a defense motion that her $10,000 bond on that charge be re- duced. Citing the seriousness of the al- ]eqpd crimes, the judge expressed doubts ami uuhathurR ,,,n-rr,,n w ,.l,,,,ii (or is it ignoring?) the problem. Regardless of whether Richardson is guilty of anything, her case is an exam- ple of how we've lapsed into a very ar- tificial way of dealing with complex social problems like drug use. We constantly specify our laws and attitudes according to what involves the least thought and ef- fort (or we let our government officials do it for us." In other words, we decide that heroin has to be eradicated from the community because it makes people helpless slaves to a drug, right? But because we have recog- nized that addicts cannot help themselves we decide that punishing those who sell it not be into dangerous drugs very much, who are usually black and who are usually on the lower end of this community's economic continuum. Most of the young white kids around here have lost whatever enchantment they saw in hard drugs and, with their parents and legislators acclimated to the idea that a little pot now and then isn't so bad, that rationale which made all drugs equally bad is weakened. So now we're in a situation where local law enforcement agencies are carrying on the campaign to protect us, trying to beat to death what is a complex social problem by throwing the greatest victims nf hard ruiL iisep-the user himself- more than $100,000 counting all indirect sources. MOST PEOPLE are attracted to Sandra Richardson's case because an undercover agent named Terry Bernay kept a paper bag over 'his head while testifying against her on the witness stand last week. He said, by way of Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Shea, that a lot of people were interested in finding out his identity. Aside from the constitutional question- it was the first time a disguised witness has ever testified in Washtenaw county and Richardson's lawyer claims it violates her right to confront her accuser-people