Igw £iciia D Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Angela Davis: Innocence by association? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers ur the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT BAUER Ireland: Get the troops out THE TRAGEDY of Northern Ireland seems to have no ready solution, but one positive step which should and must be taken now, is to remove the 15,000 man British garrison. When British troops came to Ulster in 1969 to protect the warring Catholic and Protestant factions from each other, they were greeted with tea and biscuits in the Catholic ghettos. But the troops soon demonstrated that they were there to defend the ruling pro- testant government of Premier Brian Faulkner. Gun searches, were conducted by the army in the Catholic areas, while Pro- testant areas were left undisturbed. Similarly, curfews, enforced by the army, were imposed on Catholic districts but not on the Protestant ones. ITE MOST odious use of British troops, in the eyes of Ulster's Catholics, has been in enforcing the government's poli- cy of internment without trial of sus- pected terrorists. The image of British soldiers as a neu- tral peacekeeping force was destroyed completely on Sunday, Jan. 30, when -troops killed 13 unarmed civilians par- ticipating in a civil rights demonstration. The basic Ulster problem-that of two communities that hate each other living side by side-is a complex one. Catholics who three years ago were asking for job equality and better hous- ing are now demanding "a united Ire- land or nothing," in the words of one member of the Ulster opposition. THE PROTESTANTS, however, are afraid of being swallowed up by the Catholic majority to the south, and "will not tolerate" such a proposition, accord- ing to Faulkner. Britain could impose direct rule on Ulster, replacing the Protestant govern- ment entirely, but this would be con- strued by the Protestants as a prelimi- nary to reunification with the South. The only possibility for some kind of solution-and this is only a tenuous first step-would be for Britain to sponsor ne- gotiations between the Protestant and Catholic factions, in an attempt to form a government acceptable to both sides. These negotiations must be entered with no pre-existing demands by either side-the possibilities of both a reformed Ulster government and a reunification with the South must be left open. MORE IMMEDIATELY, however, the British troops - which have the ap- pearance of coercing people for no posi- tive goal and which function in a provo- cative role - must be removed, now. --LINDSAY CHANEY The following is a state- ment by the Ann Arbor branch of the Young Work- ers Liberation Lea gue (YW- LL), the fraternal youth or- ganization of the U. S. Com- munist Party (CPUSA). ANGELA DAVIS has been in jail, without bail, since Octo- ber 13, 1970, nearly 500 days. She is charged with the crimes of mur- der, kidnap, and conspiracy in connection with the attempt by Jonathan Jackson to use a judge as ransom to free his brother George. The news media have given much attention to her case. It has reported Pres. Nixon's statement that Angela is "one of those who engages in terrorist acts;" and it has reported every incident where some "liberator" has committed an act of terror supposedly aimed at winning Angela's freedom. Yet, the news media has not re- ported the truth. It has not given nearly as much coverage to her claim of inno- cence as it did to Nixon's claim of her guilt. It has not reported that Angela is denied bail despite her consti- tutional right to presumption of innocence; the recommendations that bail be granted, given by both the probation officer of the county where she was formerly held and the sheriff of the coun- ty where she is presently held; and the massive support of large sections of the American people for her right to bail. The media has not reported that two other Californians ccur- rently charged with murder, in- cluding one who has admitted to the crime, have been granted bail. It has not, in the main, related the Angela Davis case to the long string of racist frame-ups against the Black 'Panther Party and' other black revolutionaries. Most of all, it has not reported the fact that while the Commu- nist Party (CPUSA), of which An- gela is a well known member, is in theory and practice opposed to in- involved than just the Communist Party. The Palmer Raids were the ruling class reaction to the mas- sive strike wave that followed World War I, and they temporar- ily succeeded in halting the un- ionization of basic industry. The McCarthy repression was not only aimed at crushing the CPUSA. It also succeeded in split- ting the CIO, setting back the black liberation movement, and it advanced the racist and anti-com- munist ideology which was the basis for winning the American people to temporary support for the Indochinese war. Now the American people are in a period of unprecedented up- surge, and again reaction is at- tempting to use racism and anti- communism to split and repress the movement. The Angela Davis frame-up is, in our opinion, the central focus of this effort by re- action. Consider that Angela, a black woman and a member of CPUSA, was active in mass struggles and not individual acts of terrorism; 4 and that the CPUSA is against in- dividual terrorism because it de- tracts from mass struggle. And consider that in the recent past, there has been an accelera- tion of violent repression and courtroom frame-up of black rev- olutionaries coupled with a long history of such repression and frameup against the CPUSA. THE YWLL believes that An- gela Davis is innocent, as she has declared-the events at San Ra- fael courthouse are contradictory to her political activities and be- q liefs. This is just one more frame- up in the long chain. Therefore, we urge all demo- cratically - minded members of the University community to rally behind the Ann Arbor Committee to Free Angela Davis, and to join its efforts. -Associated Press Security measures at the trial dividual terrorism, there has been a long history of framing Com- munists on charges of terrorism. FOR INSTANCE, Henry Wins- ton, the current National Chair- man of the CPUSA, was convict- ed (along with several others) about 20 years ago of violating the Smith Act, which prohibits teach- ing or advocating now or some- time in the future, the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. While in prison, he developed an illness which, due to the racist neglect of the prison authorities, resulted in his becoming blind. After his release from prison, the Supreme Court ruled the Smith act unconstitutional. Winston, who was thus innocent of the charges, recently wrote this about the events at San Ra- fael. "There is an irreconcilable con- tradiction between terrorist acts and mass struggle ... "That is why Jonathon Jack- son's action was one of futile self- sacrifice. The act that resulted in his tragic loss to the movement, and in the frame-up of Angela Davis and her removal from the scene as a dedicated leader of the m a s s struggle, simultaneously jeopardized Jonathon's very aim - freeing his brother George Jackson." WITHIN THREE months after those words were written, George Jackson was murdered in San Quentin Prison. Later in the same artcle, Win- ston quotes the following from the 1970 CPUSA program: "Social revolution is basic transformation of society, basic change in economic, political, and social relationship. More, socialist revolution represents a transition in which not a tiny minority of exploiters but the overwhelming majority, the working class and all the working people-become the rulers., "So profound a transformation cannot be made by a coup or con- soiracy. It can only be effected through active participation of masses of people, black and white together . . . it would require the conscious effort of a popular ma- jority." think so . . . It would result only in individual action, if any." In addition to the above, a cou- ple other example of unsuccessful frame-ups or unconstitutional conviction of Communists are the Palmer Raids of the 1920's (which also resulted in the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti) case in the 1930's, the Angelo Herndon and the McCarfran act convictions. There are many others. THUS, THERE is a long his- tory of unjustified repression against Communists. Yet, more in Even sewage has a future NOBODY CARES about sewage until . something has to be done about it; not even the various government agen- cies established solely for that purpose. But., now, because the city's sewage treatment- is at its near capacity level, something does have to be done. There exist two alternatives: Mayor Robert Harris would like to see the expansion of the city's local plant (to the tune of approximately $23 million); and the Southeast Michigan Council of Govern- ments (SEMCOG)-an advisory agency to the state and federal grant-giving agencies-would like a regional sewage treatment system established, with Ann Arbor a part of the group. Specifically, the Harris' proposal of plant expansion would involve the ad- dition of retention basins and tertiary treatment (supposedly the best, with the sand filtration process). The only flaw is the funding of the plan as such. Presently, the city depends on state and federal grant-giving agencies to cover 75 per cent of-the costs of the pres- ent treatment plant. Therefore, it is in- herent that the city at least retain these government grants. There would also have to be an increase in the city's water and sewage rates or taxes, to finance the expansion. TN CONTRAST, the SEMCOG plan in- volves miles of pipeline joining the various parts of three counties all into one treatment plant on Lake Erie, where they'll receive less than tertiary treat- ment and subsequently add to the pollu- tion of the lake. At the insistence of Ann Arbor's city council, the state's Water Resources Commission (WRC) initiated a cost study of SEMCOG's down-river proposal. How- ever, it becomes increasingly obvious that the WRC is simply studying existing data and not considering the future of the' water.quality. Continual politicking instead of con- cerned environmental perusement of the situation has definitely intensified the problem. The root of the whole matter (as is usually the case) is money, and not en- vironmental quality. Because no one is pointing a gun at the various agencies' heads, they naturally, do not of their own free will, initiate tertiary (the best and most expensive) treatment. If enacted, tertiary treatment of do- mestic and industrial wastes can act as preventive medicine and inhibit the de- velopment of atrocities such as Lake Erie seems doomed to become. Harris added that "In 15 years, the load of storm water, a major tource of pollution, will create a need to return to decentralized treatment plants," and there will have been wasted (if the down river plan were followed) approximately $250 million. TODAY'S DECISIONS need to be made with an eye on tomorrow, with an eye on the betterment of tomorrow's water quality; and The expansion of Ann Arbor's local sewage treatment plant of- fers the solution to tomorrow's water quality. -SUE STEPHENSON 'U' male chauvinism: A sportin affar By SARA KRULWICH T HE MICHIGAN Sports Department still has not accepted the fact that there are women around who are capable professionals. Three years ago, I was kept off the football field by a kindly gentle- man, who later apologized, saying, "I just didn't realize that you were 0 a real photographer - the women who usually go on the field are girl- friends of the photographers and we don't like having them there." But it's been three years since then, and I thought the Sports Depart- ment and I had declared a truce. So, with no hesitation, I decided Fri- day night to take my first hockey pictures for The Daily. At the door, I was hassled because I had the wrong press pass. Now, I'll accept that as normal, but I will not accept the patronizing'6 attitude of the man who finally let me in. He even made me open my camera bag to see if I really did have actual equipment in there, saying "how do I know you've got cameras - your bag could be filled with booze. " GUS HALL, currently general secretary of the CPUSA, who like x..;fWinston, was convicted under the unconstitutional Smith Act, was also the victim of a frame-up at- tempt in the 1930's. In his speech to the founding convention of the YWL, Hall ex- plained the party's line in regard to "pick up the gun" as a slo- gan of self defense: "At this stage of struggle what would be the result of such a tac- tical slogan? Would it get a re- sponse from the people? I don't -Associated Press I had to agree to take his picture, his friend's picture, anyone's picture, before he finally let me in. I suppose that was cute enough to sooth his male ego. U Letters to The Daily Hall 'courtesies' To The Daily: SO TENANTS have responded wonderfully to Craig Hall's "little courtesies" (Daily, Jan. 27)? Well, we certainly haven't seen these figments of his imagination. The only "courtesies" that we have gotten from Hall have been the result of hard collective bargain- ing. After two fires in our apartment building, Hall is balking at instal- ling fire extinguishers as it ap- pears is required by the c i t y housing code. If he doesn't 'have them put in before the end of this month, there is going to be trou- ble. We are in contact and working with a number of other Hall build- ings and we intend to make sure, that the concessions that we have gained are applied to all Hall build- ings. -Fifteen residents of 939 Dewey Ave. Feb. 5 Book burning To The Daily: FOR THE persistent morons with their "burn the books" plan. Why do they try to destroy t h e libraries? Don't they realize those books are the only honest words on campus? They should think be- fore they light. -Beth Greeley, '74 Feb. 4 In response to the arson LICE AND fire officials arrived on the scene too late yesterday to save the latest targets of arson on campus: 57 rare books in the Graduate Library. This brought the total number of fires on campus in the past 12 days up to 16, seven of which occurred in the Univer- sity's libraries. By now, almost no one finds justifi- cation for this arson on political grounds; the attempts to associate the destruction with the movements to free Angela Davis or support the IRA have been discredited by strong disclaimers frorm these groups themselves. Further, the pattern of the recent arson lends itself toward identi- fication at the work of a small group of provacateurs. hours in question, few (or sometimes no) guards were on duty. This reasoning neglects the fact that nearly all the fires have occurred dur- ing daylight and early evening hours. In addition, since security officials say more guards are on duty since the rash of fires began, security could be increased -especially during the daytime-with- out resorting to decreasing hours as a deterrent to arson. The most discouraging aspect of this problem is that the University and po- lice have done so little. Virtually nothing has been done to discourage arson in the dorms. All the police have done is to assign one man to investigates the fires. WITH NO VISIBLE progress being made Sweepstakes loser To The Daily: AS ONE OF the Michigan 700 (the estimated 700 University men alloted low numbers in last week's draft lottery; I would like to thank Lynn Weiner for the highly com- mendable article on this year's draft lottery (Daily, Feb. 2). I, too, find it difficult to believe that so many people could totally ignore an event which had such great bearing on my life. Ev,.ry- one of us should realize that as long as one person is being draft- ed against his will we should all feel as guilty of the crime as if we ourselves were sitting on that draft board. If you do not have such a feeling then truly you may not consider yourself a brother of mankind. Any society which, through si- lence, condones the random slaughter of humanhbeings can- not consider itself highly civilized. For, according to the true defin- ition of civilization we should have left savagery and barbarism be- hind long ago Does the United States of America actually fit the above definition? Does a social or- ganization which allows the geno- cide of a national death lottery to take place annually deserve to hold the position of a world-lead- ing humane culture? -Jeffrey W. Ritter. '75 BUT IT WASN'T over yet. Inside the arena, I wasyfollowed by the security agents, who asked me for ID, told me I could not stand next to other photographers, and finally said that if I didn't stop blocking the view of the fans who had paid to get in, I'd be thrown out. Normally I would not have balked at such treatment, but this'l case was highly suspect. There were at least four other photographers -all male - at the exact place I was standing. None of them were bothered, and my colleague, a male, said that it was only upon my appearance that the guards began their harrassment. I would not be bothered, either, if it had been an isolated incident, but I was accosted by the guards at least six times during the first fifteen minutes I was in the arena. NO OTHER PHOTOGRAPHER, with or without credentials, was hassled even once, except, of course, one who happened to defend me. With a casual turn of the head, the guards immediately included him in the tirade. Arguing with a male was more dignified, it seemed, so they left me alone, then, acting as if I didn't have the brains to answer their* questions without male help. After 30 minutes, I walked out. The game wasn't over, but I just didn't like being treated like the hockey puck. WHEN I LEFT, Michigan was losing and I couldn't have been happier. Sara. Krulwich is a photographer for The Daily, and has had the honor of being the first woman photographer ever officially allowed on the University's tartan turf. I _ _ . 1Ii ii «r - -