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February 09, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-09

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The bombing of North Hall -
the home of the Reserve Officers
Training Corps (ROTC) on cam-
pus-opened a year of controversy
over ROTC's status at the Univer-
sity two and one half years ago.
Student protests, class disrup-
tions, marches, and building take-
avers accentuated the growing
debate, as the Senate Advisory
Committee on Academic Affairs
(SACUA) - the faculty executive
body - argued recommendations
for extensive cutbacks of Univer-
sity support to ROTC.
Today, two years after the Re-
gents' request for c h a n g e s in
ROTC, there has been no final
determination of ROTC's fund-
ing status. The protests are si-

on campus:
lenced, and ROTC is a forgotten $100,000 to $200,000 worth of rent-
issue to most students. free space in North Hall.
Meanwhile, ROTC enrollment- DOD offered last June to pay
which took a sharp dive in 1968- zolleges and universities with
is expected by ROTC spokesmen ROTC programs $500 for each
to start to regain its lost ground. ,adet who receives his commission
"We're coming back out of it," through the program. This pay-
said Col. Marvin Grunzke, Chair- mnent would have amounuted to an
man of the Air Force Officer Edu- nnual payment of about $55,000
-ation Program here. "I think :o the University-still far short
there'll be an upward trend." )f current costs-but DOD with-
In Dec. 1969, the Regents ap- drew the offer this fall. Further
proved a SACUA report calling for study on national R O T C ' cost
restrictions on the ROTC program, reimbursement is underway in
and requested .that the Depart- Washington. I
ment of Defense (DOD) assume O t h e r recommendations ap-
the full cost of the program, proved by the Regents included:
But two years later, the Uni- -Designation of R O T C as a
versity is still paying about $89,- program" rather than "depart-
000 a year for ROTC's secretarial, ment;"I
janitorial and maintenance ser- -Formation of a student-fac-
vices, in addition to an estimated ulty-administration committee to

Hol ding



review ROTC personnel and cur-
ricula; and
-Elimination of faculty status
for ROTC instructors.
These recommendations have
fared somewhat better than the
first, The three ROTC sections.
formerly referred to as the De-
partments of Military, Air, and
Naval Science, are now called the
Army, Air Force, and Navy Offi-
2er Education . Programs. A n d
ROTC personnel no longer hold
faculty status, but are referred to
by their military rank.
The committee for reviewing
ROTC personnel and curricula,
however, has yet to conform with
,prescribed standards. Althougp it
exists, it is described by Col. M.
Dean Schiller, chairman of the

Army Officers Education Program
as "not active."
And although the committee was
intended to include students, fac-
ulty, and administration, there are
no student members. SGC and sev-
eral other student government or-
ganizations refused to recommend
student delegates when the com-
mittee was formed last year,
charging that the changes in
ROTC status at the University
were "wholly inadequate." The En-
gineering Council also declined,
saying the committee had too little
power to be meaningful.
Under attack in 1969 and 1970,
ROTC suffered a severe drop in
Total enrollment in Army, Air
Force and Navy ROTC on cam-
pus has fallen 65% since 1967-

from a total of 669 students to a
low of 268 this fall.
Freshman enrollment has fallen
even more dramatically, endang-
ering the future of the program,
ROTC spokesmen said.
Officials attribute the drop in
enrollment to a variety of causes,
including the "winding down" of
the Indochinese war and the lot-
tery' system. In addition, most of
the nation's colleges have abol-
ished requirements that freshman
and sophomore men take ROTC
The University dropped ROTC
as an alternative to required gym
classes in 1969.
According to Schiller, the drop
in enrollment was in part due to
"an emotional reaction on the
See ROTC, Page 8

at the University's North Hall.

See Editorial Page



P43a ilj

Occasional snow with
partial clearing

Vol. LXXXII, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 9, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Harsher state arrest
law asked by senators

rock Ulster,

LANSING (M - A bill intro-
duced in the state Senate yes-
terday would give police more
freedom to arrest persons on,
charges of marijuana poses-
The measure, introduced by
Sens. Robert Richardson (R-Sag-
inaw) , and James Fleming (R-'
Jackson), would let pollee make
arrests without warrants for "any
offense punishable by imprison-
ment of more than six months in
the county Jail."j
Possession of less than two
ouncessof mariJuana carries up to
a one-year jail term.
Police complained that the re-
vised Michigan drug law "hand-
cuffed" them because it dropped
possession of less than two ounces
of marijuana from a felony to a
misdemeanor. Police can arrest
for misdemeanors only -if the of-
fense is committed in their pres-

BELFAST (R) - Bombs and gunfire early today ushered
in a "Day of Disruption" proclaimed by Roman Catholics who
want British-ruled Northern Ireland united with the Irish
An unidentified civilian was killed by gunmen firing
from a speeding car in Belfast's Catholic Ardoyne district.
He was the 240th person to die since Northern Ireland
erupted into violence in mid-1969.
Two other civilians were injured in a midnight bomb
blast that smashed windows and flung shrapnel over a wide
area of the same district.
neA garage add a truck were wrecked by two explosions
near the border with the Irish republic, but no casualties

-Dally-Tom Gottleb
DEMONSTRATORS including Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Harris,
march last night in front of Hill Aud. to protest the plight of
Soviet Jewry.

The bill appears to be a Sen-
ate attempt to counteract some
Rlly held to pr'otest provisions of the recently-passed
.reduced marijuana penalties.
The Senate last fall fought bit-1
light of Soviet Jews terly over House amendments to
1 t oovis thedrug revision bill that called
for lowering the penalties for
By MERYL GORDON many drug offenses.
Bylea uerY GorednThe Senate finally gave in to
While a Russian Orchestra performed In side Hill Aud. several key issues-including the
last night, a group of 120 persons held a peaceful demonstra- status of marijuana use and pos-
tion to protest the plight of Soviet Jewry. session-but not until 42 amend
The demonstration did not affect the scheduled per- ments had been tacked onto the
frmance of the renowned Osipov Balalaika Orchestra, original House bill.
which layed at the University last night as part of the The Senate may now be at-'
tempting to nullify the intent of
Cultural Exchange Program. the House to ease marijuana pen-
The protest, organized by several local Jewish groups, alties. by providing for easier ar-
comes just two days after the Osipov Orchestra perform- rest procedures.
ance in Detroit was the scene of a large demonstration. The new bill was referred to the
fi. The protesters included students, rabbis, ministers and, Senate Judiciary Committee, of
in Thmeproesetreficlestwhich Richardson is chairman and
in some cases, entire families. Fleming is a member.
One demonstrator, Rabbi Bruce Warshall, said "The idea Fleming was the only member
is not to stop people from seeing the performance, but to of the committee which didn't sign
show them that there is another side to the Soviet culture." the drug revision bill last fall
A notable participant was Mayor Robert Harris who hich lessened many drug pen-
strongly defended the actions of the group. Without warrants being issued,
" "The Soviet Union 'is sensitive to world public opinion," police would be, allowed to make
he said, "It has been a borderline question whether they will arrests on "reasonable cause" that
let the Jews leave or not. The presence of this kind of pro- a person possessed marijuana.
test would seem to be effective, as the rate of Jews leaving says, could be information broad-
the USSR has increased recently." cast over a police radio or "other
The protesters passed out literature which told of the governmental radio station" or on
ppression of the Soviet Jewry. According to the protesters, a teletype system.
the Soviet Jews are persecuted and denied free speech Simple "use" of marijuana is not
affected by the Richardson-Flem-
stopped from attaining top governmental posts and refused ing bill since "use" is punishable
entrance to universities. by only 90 days in jail.

-Associated Press
On the 123rd day .. .
The ancient West Coast dock strike occupied minds on both ends of the country yesterday. At the
top, Mediator Sam Kagel (left) and Edmund Flynn of the Pacific Maritime Association, announce
"in San Francisco a tentative agreement to end the strike, while in Washington, below, six members
of the House pose for a group shot. Their common tie: all have bills concerning the strike which will
be discussed today. (See story, Page 1).
University begins search for
newengineering college dean

were reported.
Police declined comment on
speculation that the bombing in
one of Belfast's most heavily pop-
ulated Catholic districts could
have been carried out by Protest-
ant hardliners to coincide with
the start of D-for-Disruption
A British army spokesman said
550 extra troops were being moved
into Londonderry in expectation of
trouble during the 24-hour cam-
paign to disrupt civic life with
strikes, sit-ins and roadblocks.
Prime Minister Brian Faulkner,
in an unyielding address to Par-
liament last nightdruled out any
idea of Irish unity as a solution
to the violence and bloodshed that
have stricken the six counties of
Protestant-controlled Ulster.
"What we have seen of the Irish
Republic, we do not like," he said.
"We do not admire the petulant
and bellicose utterances of its pub-
lic figures on the world stage."
The prime minister spoke as
Northern Ireland's Protestant ma-
jority, anxious to ward off weak-
ening in the British fight against
the illegal Irish Republican Army,
prepared to launch an organization
to thwart moves toward a united
In preparation for the 24 ,hours
of protest meetings, hunger vigils
and school boycotts organized by
Catholic civil rights groups, Faulk-
ner's government canceled all po-
lice leave.
A meeting tomorrow will plan
the first of a series of weekend
rallies intended to demonstrate the
s t r e n g t h of Protestant feeling
against any compromise with the
IRA's fight to end Ireland's 50
years of partition.
The movement reflects a general
hardening of Protestant sentiment
since the Jan. 30 shootings in Lon-
donderry of 13 Catholic demon-

G ovt. acts,
dock tie-up
WASHINGTON (P) - Despite a
tentative voluntary agreement in
negotiations, the Senate voted yes-
terday to end the 123-day West
Coast dock strike by compulsory
The Senate sent the bill to the
The measure provides for termi-
nation of the arbitration proceed-
ings at any time a voluntary set-
tlement of all issues is certified to
the Secretary of Labor by both
The vote in favor of the emer-
gency dock strike proposal re-
quested by President Nixon came
after the Senate rejected, 42-39 an
amendment to provide a perma-
nent machinery for settling dis-
putes in the transportation in-
Debate on the compulsory arbi-
tration bill was under way when
announcement of a tentative agree-
ment to voluntarily arbitrate re-
Maining issues reached the Senate
Sen. Harrison Williams (D-N.J.),
chairman of the Senate Labor
Committee, and Sen. Jacob Javits
(R-N.Y.), its ranking Republican,
said the agreement came as no
surprise and was anticipated in the
legislation itself, with a provision
to terminate proceedings upon
voluntary settlement.

The process of finding a suc-
cessor to Gordon Van Wylen, de-
parting dean of the engineering
college, has officially begun with
the appointment of a student-
faculty search committee.
The committee, consisting of
six faculty members and three
students from the college, is ex-

Navy sinks woman's request

pected to present a list of nom-
inees for the position of dean to
President Robben Fleming by
April 1. The president will select
one of the nominees and present
his recommendations to the Re-
gents at their April or May
Fleming said a final decision
should be made before Van Wy-
len leaves the University on July
1, so a successor can take over
the post immediately. V a n
Wylen will become the new pre-
sident of Hope College, a small
liberal arts college in Holland,
Prof. William Root, chairman
of the search committee, told
the Daily yesterday that he does
not yet know what the proced-
ures or criteria for selecting
nominees will be.
The search committee will
meet with Fleming and V i c e
President Allan Smith Friday to
discuss procedures and criteria
for selection. Fleming has al-
ready said that the committee
will be allowed to interview can-
didates from both within a n d
without the University.
Root said the committee w i 11
probably solicit names of pos-
sible successors from the facul-

Van Wylen has been dean
since 1965 and has been the sub-
ject of controversy during his
tenure. He has taken a generally
conservative position on the is-
sues of corporate recruitment
and classified research.
At a Regents open hearing on
last year, Van Wylen spoke in
favor of allowing recruitment
from any corporation that wish-
ed to come to the campus.
Prior to assuming the dean-
ship, Van Wylen was chairman
of mechanical engineering de-
Fire strii

es graduate library

Valerie Schoen keeps a Snoopy poster in
her room proclaiming, "Life is just one big
thrill after another," an apt sentiment for
the first woman ever nominated to attend
the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis.
But the "thrills" stopped abruptly yes-
terday when John Chaffee, the Secretary
of the Navy, announced that women will
not be accepted to the academy this year.
Schoen, a freshman, received the news
from U.S. Rep. Jack McDonald (R-Mich.),
the sponsor of her nomination.
The Navy refused Schoen's nomination,
according to Chaffee, because it is "not

If they wanted me to han-
dle an M-1 rifle, I'd do it.
It's not a question of liky-
ing it . ..

as suspected arson continues

As University officials investi-
gate the baffling series of fires
plaguing the campus, yet another
blaze struck yesterday destroying
approximately 57 rare books in
the graduate library's Center for
Language and Literature.
The fire marks the 18th inci-


tending the academy. "Ever since kinder-

troop," she said.


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