84e friian mailg Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan grassroots Hello ... and praise for tomato throwers by mark dillen 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: SARA FITZGERALD Publishing faculty salaries STATE AGENCIES, including the Uni- versity, have always been overly secretive about publishing their em- ployes' salary figures. Citing claims of privileged information, administrators have traditionally kept state taxpayers in the dark about who receives their tax dol- lars and what the employe does to earn them. Last month, the trustees of Michigan State University set an historic precedent by voting to publish the salaries of MSU faculty members by, name, rank, title, sex and years of professional service. The MSU precedent is one which should be followed by the University. While the University currently provides such information to federal and state agencies investigating such issues as sex discrimination, it is essential -that the public know exactly how their tax dol- lars are being spent. IT IS IMPORTANT that the public be aware of any discrepancies in pay based on sex at the University. The pub- lic, not only federal agencies like the De- partment of Health, Education and Wel- fare, should be allowed to judge the Uni- versity's accomplishments in its fight against sex bias. Also, some faculty members are inter- ested in the salary lists as a means of cross-campus comparison. There have been claims of great discrepancies in the salaries of faculty members in different departments. If it is necessary to pay some faculty igembers more than others in order to maintain high faculty stand- ards, the full extent of this practice should be open to public scrutiny and dis- cussion. ANOTHER ASPECT of the issue is the amount of classroom work professors are doing for their salaries. For the past few years University administrators have claimed that the University is in a se- vere economic squeeze, and have resorted to tuition hikes to provide additional funds. They have virtually ignored the practice of paying high salaries to pro- fessors who do almost no classroom work. At recent meetings, several of the Re- gents have expressed an interest in the issue, and have questioned the practice of sending professors on paid leaves of absence, with no directly positive results for students. THE UNIVERSITY is a state institution, and as such it is not only the right but also the duty of the taxpayers of the state to be aware of how their monies are being spent. The publication of salary lists should not cause in-fighting or petty / jealousies among faciulty members; rather, it should provide a more open at- mosphere in which discrepancies in pay due to sex, department or amount of classroom work could be openly examined and ameliorated. The University must publish salary figures for all faculty as an important part of its service to state taxpayers, faculty members, and stu- dents. -GENE ROBINSON Part I: On starting a column TN THE Daily's library, you can leaf through pages of news- print yellowed with age since our, grandparents' time. Glancing at 1898, you realize that nearly all of the politicians and soldiers who made the headlines back in The Daily's infancy days of the Span- ish-American War are now dead. Even page one exhortations to buy World War I Liberty Bonds in a 1918 issue arouse little more than recollections of the history text- books that once conveyed thenam- es and dates to you. The events are long past, and despite my eld- ers' energetic descriptions of their era ("We were disappointed if we could not get in the Army dur- ing WWII"), the vividness is lost. The feeling that dominated those eras seems lost too. It might be called patriotism, but somehow it was more expansive. It connoted a positive feeling about the nation and, more significantly, a confi- dence in the state. Today, at least among most young people, t h e feeling is the opposite. Wars have lost their glory, we can be thank- ful, but more important, the gov- ernment has lost its credibility. While the least political among us -meaning the least radical-have paid lip service through talk of improvements more often heard is talk of the need for an alterna- tive. Above these words is a typogra- phic design that often decorates Daily columns. From it you'll see that I'm calling this column "grassroots." Aside from it being the sort of catchy thing that most staffers look for in a column's title, I mean to convey that I'll be talking about people and ms v e- ments for political and social change. Change toward a m o r e basic concern with men and man- kind than their destructive crea- tions. Why people feel the need for this change much stronger n o w than in the past. And what they plan to do. * * * Part II: The world needs tomato throwers BEING FAMOUS, Pasternak tells us, isn't very pretty,. To this Daily-John Upton there exists a small corollary that a University psychiatrist has been discovering lately: If you're fam- ous and politically radical, not only aren't things very pretty, but your job security at the University is rather tenuous. The psychiatrist is Prof. Rich- ard Kunnes, who has gained notor- iety among his colleagues from time to time for his yippie'like way of demonstrating his leftist politi- cal views. Long-haired a la Abbie Hoffman, dungareed, work-shirted, Kunnes came to the University last summer with a reputation for doing things like burning his AMA card before television :ameras and generally being an activist for rad- ical change in health care p r o- grams. BUT CERTAINLY no one ex- pected what was to come. "U-M PROF. THROWS TOMATO AT HUMPHREY AT AAAS CONVEN- TION," the headlines screamed last December. Incensed alumni screamed at the Regents and the Regents let Medical School Dean John \Gronvall know about it. And, with the Medical School bigwigs trying hard to make the situation fit t h e i r ready-made cliches on academic freedom, things, as the saying goes, got worser and worser. "Dear Dr. Kunnes," wrote Gron- ville Jan. 28, 'during recent weeks there has been a considerable amount of discussion relating to the reports of your actions at the meeting in Philadelphia of t h e American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science and your ap- pearances on the Lou Gordon tele- vision show and the J. P. McCar- thy "Focus" program. "One of the fundamental princi- ples which is essential to the exist- ence and preservation of a univer- sity is the academic freedom of its, faculty which permits them to expresshwithout interference b e - Riefs which may be unpopular to the public at large," the sermon continues. "With rights go respon- sibilities; to protect the right of academic freedom for each single member .. . "The Executive Committee of the Medical School has reviewed the newspaper reports of the Philadel- phia meeting, and has read trans- cripts of your interviews with Lou Gordon and J. P. McCarthy. Whe- ther your actions . . . constitute a forcible denial of the right of the other individuals involved to their own academic freedom could not be determined by the committee in a " 'legalistic fashion.'" SOMEHOW, IT SEEMS question- able whether the higher-ups ap- proached the matter in a legalis- tic fashion, doesn't it? What grounds did they have for starting an investigation into the private affairs and political beliefs expres- sed by a faculty member on his own time? But the clincher comes at the end: "The Executive Committee has asked that I communicate to you its concern for the fundamental importance of these overriding principles of academic freedom and academic responsibility in or- der that you might have the bene- fit of being informed of your fa- culty colleagues' apprehension lest the right of free expression for all be jeopardized by the actions of a few." When all the gobbledygook is translated, the threat implied is clear enough. Dick Kunnes is an activist who knows how to use the media. By throwing tomatoes and paper airplanes at the former Vice President, Kunnes drew much at- tention to the disgust with which Humphrey is viewed as a dozen peaceful picket lines. And, whe- ther you like it or not, that's low you get on the talk shows and get your word across. And that's how you find out what the University's notion of "academic freedom" is. CHARGES WERE never pressed against Dick Kunnes. In fact, he says, "After they arrested me, some of the cops, finding out (that I had thrown a tomato at Hum- phrey) responded, 'Yeah, d u m p the Hump.'" Kunnes has told the local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union that the M e d School's Appointments and Pro- motion Committee has privately obtained and viewed video tapes of the TV shows, and recorded and monitored radio shows on which Kunnes was guest. Now, he says, they want him -to put in writing his "perceptions" of certain poli- tical events in which he was in- volved and to formally submit these "perceptions" to the psy- chiatry department. It may be that young, untenured faculty members are forever fat- ed to face this kind of treatment from the corporate university whenever they demonstrate poli- tical beliefs differing from t h e i r established, status quo oriented elders. But let's not call this the furtherance of the cause of "aca- demic freedom." WHEN KUNNES "as a joke" re- aently wrote a letter to H u m- phrey asking for help in stopping the investigation, the Senator's of- fice replied that it was "certain that the University of Michigan has well established procedures to provideadue process to members of its faculty." Given the senator's past actions, one's suspicions about "due pro- cess" here should not be relieved. At a * Nxononnes and GM profits WHEN GENERAL MOTORS Board Chairman Richard Gerstenberg an- nounced on Friday that GM recorded its second largest profit ever during 1971, it came as no surprise that he gave Presi- dent Nixon's economic policy much of the credit for the $1.9 billion profit. From its onset, labor leaders have claimed Nixon's policy let corporation profits soar while keeping the working man's wages down. However, Gerstenberg also announced there will be 4,300 job openings during the coming year. The openings initially appear to indicate Nixon's policy is not biased towards big business. Nixonomists may even argue that the jobs are deferred benefits which help nullify the discrimi- nation labor claims it incurred during Phase I. The '4,300 job figure, though, is mis- leading., FIRST, MANY OF the people hired will be workers previously laid off, and hence not filling any new jobs the large profits allegedly created. Second, as early as last August, the then Chairman James Roche predicted GM's productivity would swell by 15 pet cent to 12,750,000 vehicles in 1972. Thus, even if the openings are all new, the 1.3 per cent increase in jobs doesn't come close to the 15 per cent increase in productivity. Third, GM receives a 10 per cent tax credit from the government for research and profit re-investment. The credit os- tensibly helps create new jobs by stimu- lating the corporation to expand its oper- ation. However, at the time the credit was extended, GM and -corporations through- out the United States were not working at full capacity. Consequently, the tax credit stimulated the company to full capacity and increased profits, but did little to create new jobs. Thus, while GM and many other cor- porations recorded high profits in 1971, labor failedto receive its fair share of benefits from the stimulated economy. While profits were high, so was unem- ployment. Inflation, though partially abated, continued. DURING PHASE I, the working man's wages were frozen though inflation continued to rise. Consequently, his ac- tual buying power decreased. At the same time corporation profits, which weren't frozen, soared up as the money saved by the wage freeze poured in. As long as Nixon's pro-business ap- proach prevails, labor, as in the case of GM, will get scraps while business feasts. A sound economy is not an end in it- self. What this nation requires is a sound economy and an equitable distribution of profits. Although Nixon may accomplish the former, he will not accomplish the latter with his present economic policies. -JIM REUS Letters Responding to Ireland's crisis To The Daily: I WRITE in response to your cover- age (Daily, Feb. 5) of the rally organiz- ed by Mr. Bernard Cullen last Friday to protest British military presence in Northern Ireland. No one, neither the Irish themselves, nor the British government, has contended that what is happening in Ireland is a religious war - at least in the sense that any theological debate is involved. To label someone "Catholic" or "Pro- testant" in Northern Ireland is, sadly, but for the most part, accurately, to identify not only his church, but to imply a set of assumptions, substantiat- ed by empirical data, about his histori- cal, political and cultural heritage and aspirations. The American audience at this trag- edy must resist seduction by rhetoric. Words like "imperialism", "oppression", "fascism" and so on are plastic pejora- tives which can yield only facile and unthinking interpretations of a situation where thought is already at discount. Any analogy with Viet Nam, however comforting its familiarity, is simply in- valid. I find it hard to believe that Mr. Cullen has been accurately quoted as saying that "many Protestants support the Irish Liberation Army (sic)." Let us distinguish between the situation in 1968 and that existing now. Then, tension be- tween Catholic and Protestant communi- ties was at an all-time low. The former six-county Prime Minister, Terence O'- Neill, and the then Taoiseach, S e a n Lemass, have exchanged their historic cross-border visits. The spirit of Ecu- menism had penetrated even Northern Ireland: Catholic clergy were preaching in Protestant churches and vice versa. Mr. Paisley had been jailed as a rabble rouser. Old myths were being measured against economic necessities. In this more relaxed atmosphere, many Protestants admitted discrimination and advocated reform. Many did, indeed, join the civil rights movement as it was then constituted. That good will has since been wiped out, not by the violence of the British troops, but by that of the IRA. Protestants now regard the Civil Rights Association as a front for the IRA. The refusal of civil rights leaders to dissociate themselves unequivocally from the tactics of the IRA has lent credence to this Protestant fear. For Mr. Cullen to assert that many Protest- ants support the Irish Liberation Army is wishful thinking. THE PRECISE circumstances in which a ban which would have to include the ,famous "Twelfth of July" extravaganza. Recently - to furious protests from Ulster Protestants - Mr. Faulkner im- posed precisely such a ban. It should be stressed that it does not extend to, assemblies, gatherings and other demon- strations. The right of the people peace- ably to assemble has not been suppres- sed. It was in defiance of this law that a march took place in Derry last week. To argue that one does not recognize a law because it is promulgated by a discred- ited government is surely to miss the point if the law itself is for the clear, good of all. Is the distinction between a march and an assembly so significant that it can become fatal? The organiz- ers of that march can escape respon- sibility for those thirteen deaths in pre- cisely the measure that they can accept credit for the fact that no fatalities oc- curred Sunday in Newry - neither more nor less. Perhaps the grief of those Derry fam- ilies will be lessened if they think their fathers and brothers died for Ireland. But can they be sure their menfolk have not died to bolster the ego trips and rhetorical posturings of politicians who refuse to negotiate, despite the fact that people, Catholic and Protestant, English and Irish, are dying in the streets? Miss Devlin and Mr. Paisley are in public agreement that internment is wrong and must end, despite the clamor- ings of Mr. Faulkner's right wing. Even they should, by now, be convinced that, since its introduction in August 1971, internment - quite apart from the Hu- man Rights implications - has been of dubious military value, and a political disaster. It has obscured all kinds of issues, not least the withdrawal of the Catholic members from Stormont, which in fact took place several days before internment was introduced, and over a quite separate incident. In common with the American media, Mr. Cullen overstates the homogeneity of the Catholic populace. Many Catho- lics, who do want the reunification of Ireland, are angry and ashamed of the indiscriminate violence undertaken in their name. Some Catholics are happy to remain British citizens. Others have joined such moderate groups as the Alliance Party and the New Ulster Movement. All maintain their belief in the rule of law. Many of these people are admittedly middle class, but that does not, at least in a democracy, disenfran- chise them. Mr. Cullen is further quoted as describ- Nations cannot intervene except at the invitation of the British government. To imagine that such an invitation would be forthcoming from a member of the Se-? curity Council is as fond as to believe that the Soviet Union would request help with its recalcitrant Georgians, or Pres- ident Nixon with New York. To sign this petition is, I recognize, more a symbol of deep emotion at the situation in Northern Ireland, than a commitment to any realistic plan. But then the tragedy of Ireland has always been one of putting symbols before plans, and emotionalism before realism. -Angela McCourt, Grad Feb. 5 Disclaiming fires To The Daily: AS THE ORGANIZER of the success- ful rally in the University last Friday to protest atrocities committed by the British occupation forces in Ireland, I disclaim all responsibility for or con- nection ,with the recent spate of fires in University buildings. If it is arson, I condemn it unequivocally. Nothing could be more calculated to alienate public sympathy from any cause. Of course, this disclaimer would not be necessary, were it not for the irre- sponsible behaviour of the Ann Arbor police chief, who is reported to have publicly linked the fires with the rally. These disgraceful smear tactics are re- miniscent of the British government pol- icy of interning Irishmen without charge or trial on suspicion of being "prejudic- ial to the peace and maintenance of or-- der in Northern Ireland." Less predict- able and even more alarming is The Daily's decision to give credence to such smears. Editorials should not be based on pure speculation. A word about the petitions circulating on campus. One calls upon the British government to withdraw its occupation forces from Ireland. The other calls upon the United Nations to intervene in the Irish conflict. Fears have been ex- pressed about what would happen if the British troops were withdrawn. "The Catholics would be massacred by the Protestants," is the standard British propaganda line. Such hysteria is grossly exaggerated and merely serves as an excuse for political inertia. A violent reaction may indeed be expected from an extremist Protestant lunatic fringe. But such a threat cannot ' be used to blackmail Britain into shirking her re- sponsibilities towards justice in' Ir e- land. Harold Wilson acknowledges as a mat- ter of policy that justice for all the people of Ireland can only be found in a united Ireland. In the latest opinion poll, 59 per cent of the British electorate wants out of Ireland. Even Conor Cruise O'Brien, the former United Nations dip- lomat who has consistently held out against a British withdrawal, now real- izes that the situation has deteriorated so drastically because of the behaviour of the troops, that a British withdrawal is necessary as a matter of urgency. The IRA has always said that they will lay down their- arms the minute the British government sets a date for total withdrawal from Ireland. In the meantime, the Orangemen could be disarmed (as their guns are all held legally, the police have their names and addresses). A new constitution could be worked out, perhaps involving a fed- eral solution, to allay the fears of any apprehensive Protestants. The laws con- cerning contraception and divorce in Ireland could be changed to cater to Pro- testant consciences. Britain could, in- vite the United Nations to supply an interim peacekeeping force, as she did in Cyprus, for example. With so many possibilities, it is tragic that any lives should be lost because intransigant Prime Minister Heath in- sists on trying to impose a military solution on a situation 'which cries out for radical and imaginative political initiatives. -Bernard Cullen, Grad Feb. 7 S 1 Fo ALE ~ 1 I