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:4Ia itA
Sunny and cold,
with chance of snow
Vol. LXXXII, No. 98
Halt sought
on re lan d
BELFAST, Northern Ireland {R) - The prime ministers «
of Britain and Northern Ireland joined hands last night
in an appeal for cancellation of a massive civil rights march
scheduled tomorrow in Newry.
dTheir pleas were bolstered by action from Ireland' s
Roman Catholic primate, striving to head off another incident
similar to last week's "Bloody Sunday," in which 13 persons
were killed by British troops. N
Earlier, Prime Minister Jack Lynch of the Irish republic
warned in his toughest language yet that any overreaction by
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 5, 1972,
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
f ?.
British soldiers in Northern
"We do not intend to go
1 75 rally,
4in support
of rebels
"The idea that this is a religious
war between some mad Protes-
tants and some mad Catholics and
that the British are there as a
peacekeeping force is simply not
true," charged Bernard Cullen at
yesterday's rally in support of
Irish efforts to oust British troops
from Northern Ireland.
Speaking to 175 people-many
wearing green-Cullen, a Univer-
sity student who recently left
Northern Ireland, continued, "Thai
view is just a smokescreen used by
the British to cover up the real
*onditions and resentments."
Cullen claimed that since the
British first colonized Ireland 80
years ago, they have exploited re-
ligious mistrust to their own eco-
nomic advantage in urging Pro-
testants to hatecCatholics.
However, according to Cullen,
#many Protestants support the Irish
Liberation Army in its fight against
what he termed British imperial-
British repression - in response
to Irish political activity - Culler
feels, has aroused. the resentments
of "even the average Irish family
'nan." He insisted that the anti-
British activities, contrary to me-
dia reports, do not represent the
work of a handful.
He cited last Sunday's demon-
stration of 20,000 in Londonderry
as indicative of Irish reaction t
what he called a "complete denia
*of civil liberties."
Cullen reported that recently a
mass campaign of civil disobedi-
ence had begun in Northern Ire-
land. The Irish people, he said
were withholding taxes and boy
cotting buses, stores and many
other British-owned businesses.
e"d,400,000 people," Cullen estimat
ed, "think seriously enough of
what is happening to withdraw
their consenthfrom the govern-
ment in Northern Ireland"
Cullen described the iternmen
of over a thousand political pris-
oners in concentration camps, and
'he firing by British troops int
a crowd of peaceful demonstrators
last Sunday as characteristic o0
the desperate situation.
Describing the camps, he said
that "a disease comparable tc
leprosy has broken out in alarm-
ding proportions because of the
filth and malnutrition."
Admitting that he was unsure
exactly what steps could be taker
to rectify the complicated situa-
tion, Cullen strongly emphasized
that "British troops must be with-
drawn from Ireland."
Ireland could "lead to a war
to war," Lynch told newsmen,
'"but the activities of British
soldiers could lead to a war
situation. We have no inten-
tion of letting it develop to
anything like that.
Lynch strongly hinted he would
consider approaching Communist
countries for support if Ireland's
traditional allies failed to back
him up.
The Irish leader's remarks dra-
matically underscored the bitter
Irish-English confrontation that
has sprung from the bloodshed in
-Northern Ireland.
1Northern Irish security forces
reported evidence early today that
tgunmen of the outlawed Irish Re-
tpublican Army have begun mov-
fing into Newry for the protest
; march which the British army
has orders to disperse.
A LARGE CROWD gathered yes
listen to Bernard Cullen (left) di
n nntrvr
A joint statement by the army ""'n' y
and police said the gunmen "are
likely to take advantage of any UNION ISSUE:
confrontation between marchers
and security forces to launch
armed attacks."
TheeBritish army reported ithr o fsha
Irish Republican Army planned to
dress guerrillas in British army
uniforms during the march.
Headquarters said it was tipped
off by a woman who said her sons e le c t
re membeen issued the uniforms. She
said, the army stated, that she
informed because she dreaded the By ROBERT BARKIN
consequences. The Michigan Employment Rela-
William Cardinal Conway, pri- tions Commission (MERC) ruled'
mate of all Ireland, was contact- yesterday that faculty members at
ing priests in Newry to try to get two state universities may vote to
them to use their influence in get- determine whether they want un-
ting the parade c a n c e l e d. A ions as exclusive bargaining agents.
spokesman for the primate could The decision to allow such elec-
not report any success. tions at Wayne State and Eastern
The Northern Ireland govern- Michigan Universities sets a prece-
ment has banned both Protestant dent at four year colleges thatI
and Catholic parades, in an effort may have implications at the Uni-'
to avoid provocations. The British versity.
have repeatedly s t r e s s e d their The decision allows elections att
troops will enforce the law no the two universities which will in-
matter what. elude all faculty members plus
7 C
University officialsreached
tentative agreement yesterdaymr
tf <'with Department of Health,
Education and Welfare y
(HEW) investigators regard-
ing information HEW has re-"
quested to review the Univer-
- sity's efforts toward ending -
sex discrimination.rksH s
Much of the information re-ss
quested by HEW has previously
been denied to other groups,
sstudyin University employment
tiAccording to John Hodgdon, Re-
EWeiona Director of Civil Rights, the
detailed personnel data is a pre-
requisite to approval offthe Uni-
versity's affirmative action pr
gram that was submitted last
sTheaiUniversity formulated the Assoi g Pres
affirmatve ation prora whe n -HARRY BRIDGES, president of the striking West Coast
I investigators charged the Uni-
~sit th exddiscrimination in dock workers, testifies yesterday before a House Labor sub
e y m tae. committee. In the background, his opposition, shipper's rep -
-Daily-Rolfe Tessem As a result of the investigation resentative Edmund Flynn strikes an appropriate pose
hfonoafnoonnralsytinethe fdshHwlrfBrght .Briuppem deett)tho nd',.hEW 's'ysubseruent threat to
terayfr- no t ronllyint, sh'yea rig a du p t to m withhold some federal contracts. he ti e s ry 1rton.
scuss Northern Ireland and his views of the current turmoil in that the University developed goals anddp
timetables for increased hiring of wn stie
FEW has never officially ap-"
From his Chicago office Hod- i a
gon said yesterday. "We dcidedduASHnAGTONinME -anep nego as rpigra
t wouldb foolish to wivea-net to for o ng a -
U rroval after bc.Pnca out of contact ions in 119-day West Coast dock strike yesterday reached
Ca most a.year. The reauested in-1 near-agreement to submit unresolved issues to voluntary
L E M U ,r Wsaye Aformation will tell us the current arbitration if negotiated agreement cannot be reached in a
situatis and if any progress is week.
- uts erte made." i Yesterday's action temporarily averts a worldwide boy-
1 . Thy HEW r'-uet oriin ally
h Aibtser bar- , omed rin a rettr last e sfrom! Cott of U.S. shipping threatened by West CoastLongshofe-
" an lodfdon that notified Tniversity men's leader, Harry Bridges. Bridges made the threat yester-
Bfficers that investieators Bernard day while testifying in opposition to a bill that would end
teacher-connected personnel, such years, according to a commission 'Rotwo yeyrs and he L re ous strike by callsony arbitration.
e T IS~~u e ar-E n~t'or ehecomet with themfordiscus h eoew oc si ht nareeta det
Slibraiians and archivists, spokesperson. ew h e oInsteadBridg offered before the Senate Labor Com-
as rocuests.
Voters at each school will be gAlthough ieadeis of the Univer- Snecifyifo mid-March as the mitte tom submit unresolved economic issues to a private
given a choice of exclusive repre-I sity's chapter of the AAUP view ad ie t come o -
sentation by their respective chap- the lkelihood of similar action be- a rhe letter asked the University to " rsof n ti os ail.
tero the Federation if Teachers, sig taken herea"remote,"o Ftheaty pride: ail a sEdmundFlynnnPresidenro e.
American Association ofis Univer ill express an interest in watch-:sroti." -A:Computer drint-outsoficur- D ag is Pacfi Marite ocidat she
ity Professors (AAUP), or Michi- ing what will occur at EMU and! rdtmnloysacifei cEdmundd Dynblisted by jobclas-Mate dPr ke ou acep ides popsalh
gan EdgucansociteDeon crA)a yn te.isiuin ewol iemr ineteiihlHE netg-crenty wra n aiona omdittep whidgewspopsialn
an oudcaon Asomciation b MEA- Wman. hsification and department, includd- ene, din on condition the 13,000 longshore-
A orh. cobrigtu A A U P Presidentsint name, race. sex. level of edu- return to work and that un-
teaua of dss , Aflrde Eggertsen last night said: cation. past job history. current i resolved non-economic issues also
"a ofthetwdchalsngf As part of the AAUP state, job information, date and methodnarethncluded
atheiohwinestmajorty off theamif-,oaciv slrye iyb tween arFinln n potthe rbiation ,
a te mtwiea omar of thei council, and being one of the larg- s nf entry into the current job clas- t arsxnus t as Flynn named three non-econom-
vote ith will become thembargain-her chapters, we are active in try-! sfcassification ssic ims: ann rnequiredet
ain s seu eentscesu aions suhsumensh:haeabnnnratgdabrequfreiAgem."ntsmn,
in ae ontfrctntoneeorte ing to get an AAUP bargaining -A print-out for each emloye The Ann Arbor Committee to steady job employment, and par-
th t ttec t unit for the two institutions. We rticiatinin a University spon- Free Angela Davis yesterday is- ticiation in the benefits of the
feel the AAUP is a better bar- cored training program in the past sued a statement denying any re- agreement by non-members of the
n 1ednegaining agent than the other two two years: sponsibility or connection to a rash employer association.
ts concerned (the Federation and -A print-out with detailed in- of fires on the campus Thursday. Bridges agreed to the first two
in ge ; MEA)d" formation on all employes who
'Issues butpwamenCn-esponsiveg.
But Eggertsen believes that an terminated employment in the The Daily reported yesterday an
'd r lelection for a bargaining agent is past two years and the reasons ymousnphonecall inswhic authe third
dUniversity for termination male voice said that the fires is Fnthaidsetisanosurenth
cI i~ i si e"Our plan is to have consultative - A print-out for each employe would continue until Davis was ano agreement and wrigeutldknt
neaprindontebss ot prpit-o teko ni ean rde aki
negotiations rather than collective who has a spouse employed in any freed. over further.
plation.bargaining. This would not be a capacity at the University; The committee's statement a-
Commssin meber maynowbargaining unit. We do not con- -A detailed list of women who belied the apparent arson "reac-wihBdgsupoetobpr-
inivdalyorjinlysbmtpln template a contract." have been upgraded since the af- tionary" and reaffirmed their con- ent, is set for 10 a.m. PST today in
inivdull "r oitl sbmt las The basis for Eggertsen's plan firmative action program went tention that Davis is innocent of SnFacso
to be considered by the court. is the Reed report on Faculty! into effect;llchresagisthe.ThF eang o ccre.a h
Many believe that, with the issue Rigtsand Responsibilities. "We -A list of all academic and Teecag curda h
in court, the Democrats may have I want stronger faculty input into; administrative personnel h ir ed Davis, a black revolutionary is end of an appearance before the
an edge because of the Democratic the institution. We would like more since the initial HEW investiga- currently on trial in California' on committee, which was considering
background of some court mem- impact than an advisory position," ILion and a detailed list of all ap- murder, kidnap and conspiracy legislation asked by President Nix-
bers. according to Eggersten. plicants for those positions; charges. on to end the 119-day strike and
According to Eggertsen, consul- -A list of job categories inves- "We maintain that Angela is in- impose a settlement by compul-
The past months of disagreem ant sory arbitration.
have also stimulated a challenge tative negotiations would deal with tigated in University file reviews oent," the statement said.ln upre telgsain
to the make-up of the commission, the highest level of the adminis- to achieve salary equity between Fynspotdtelgsain
wihon omisinmebr satration on economic matters and males and females in the same "We will continue to exhaust all saying there is no reason to be
with oe commssion emberask- oher isues. I the egotiaions jb clasilegalonavenueslitthatheareglavail-s optimisticil-aboutisicaanegotiatediatdset-
ing that a "hard look" be taken oter ise.I h eoitosjbclsiiain n ito h
ait weenot successful sanctions, such women who have been granted able to free Angela." tlement.
seu.Ias censure by the faculty, would salary increases as a result; and "There fore we will not and can- Bridges vigorously opposed the
Although the state constitution' be used. -A list and status report of bill and accused Flynn of support-
originally stipulated several guide- Another AAUP member, math cases reviewed under grievance not support the actions of reac- ing it because he "figures he's got
lines to be used in redistricting, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, explained procedures. tionaries," the statement contin- you people lined up and he will
most of those requirements were See FACULTY, Page 8 See ', Page 8 ued. get a cheaper settlement."
invalidated following a 1964 United ___ .._..____________ ____________
States Supreme Court ruling.CO T S EN R
.In that decision, the court or-CO T S EN R
dered that state legislative houses
be apportioned on the basis of pop-
uainaoeThonpesn nevote doctrine requires districts be, p o llu tio n - f e a r st torl
as nearly as possible, equal inE cr s tQ
District reap prtion
State Court to consi
By LINDA DREEBEN redraw district lines every ten1
The reapportioning of the state's years, following the release of the
legislative districts has stalled, as census. However, the 1963 state
the issue passed to the state Su- constitution calls for an eight mem-
preme Court for resolution. ber commission to devise reappor-
The state Reapportionment Com- I tionment plans. The commission,
mission was charged by the state according to one member, was cre-
constitution to draw up a reap- ated to avoid the partisan politics:
portionment plan. Last Friday they which state legislators engage in
went past a self-imposed deadline when redrawing districts.
when commission members were An initial commission which met
unable to agree on a plan. in 1964 also deadlocked, and turned
The not unexpected deadlock to the high court for a final de-
came after months of disagree- cision.
ment between the four Democratic With five votes needed to ap-
and four Republican commission prove any action, a four-four party!
members over the basis on which composition, some 'observers be-
plans should be devised. lieve, almost guarantees a dead-
Traditionally, state legislatures lock on an issue with political im-
SGC passes research policy;
Oesterle resigns from Council
Student Government Council
late Thursday night proposed a
policy on University classified
and military research at a meet-
ing marked by the resignation
of Council member Dale Oesterle.
The resolution comes as ths
year-long research controversy
seems near an end. Senate As-
sembly, the faculty representa-
tive body, last week passed a
measure which would restrict
passed last week. However, it
would forbid the acceptance of
any research contract or grant
from the Department of Defense
or any other military agency.
The resolution will be sent to
the Regents for consideration,
but is expected to have little
effect on the final regental re-
search policy.
According to SGC member
Democratic co-chairman Robert
Kleiner of Grand Rapids said,
"Basically, we wanted to negotiate
on plans in relation to existing
politicalssub-divisions and munici-
pal boundaries."
"The Republicans," he charges,
"wanted to negotiate onthe parti-
san effects of the plan. We refused
to engage in bi-partisan gerry-
Republican co-chairman Paul
An ideal answer to urban transportation problems may be to
transmit human bodies over telephones wires.
Ideals aside, however, thirty-six university students have
developed a more immediate solution to the problem. The group
has developed a car for entry in the nationwide Urban Vehicle
Development Contest. 92 schools have entered the contest, spon-
sored by a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology students.
The project was conceived last February in an auto engineering
class. A group of engineering and architecture students have
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