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February 04, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-04

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Cold and windy
with snow flurries

Vol. LXXXII, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 4, 1972 Ten Cents
Dorms plagued bylack ofracial communic
By KATHY BYRNES, the current Gomberg and Bush even if the plan is approved, stu- ing, acknowledges having received caused the proposal to be turned tween black and white students
GENE ROBINSON, Houses in South Quadrangle to be dents now living in the proposed the proposal. He says he has no into the Minority Council of South is not known only to South Quad.
and KAREN TINKLENBERG converted into an Afro-American area will be given first choice to serious reservations about the plan Quad. Other University housing units
While relations between black and African Culture Residence live in their old rooms, in adher- and that it "is in line with cur- Previously there was no place have also encountered problems.
and white students at the Univer- Hall. ence to current University housing rent trends at the University." for the black students of the dorm Stockwell's black residents re-
sity have never been excellent, Although the unit would be open policy. "The stickiest part is the loca- to voice their feelings. cently demanded and received a
racial tensions have become mark- to all students, it is expected that Williams says the proposed tion of the house," he continues The main objective of the coun- refund of the $6 dorm fee, and
edly worse over the past few most of its residents would be housing unit would be similar to referring to opposition by current cil is to foster b e t t e r relations asked that those black students
months. Black and white students, black. the Center for Afro-American and residents of the two houses. between the races - primarily who had not paid their dues be
particularly in dormitories, seem . According to Georgia Williams, African Studies-only on a resi- Feldkamp adds that if approved through rap sessions. The Coun- exempted. Spokespersons explain
to be suffering not so much from assistant director of special pro- dential basis instead of an aca- the black culture unit could easily cii is not designed as a substitute the activities toward which the
overt racism, as from failure to grams, the proposed unit would demic one. be ready for occupancy next fall. for already organized South Quad money is spent did not interest
understand each other. house approximately 350 students. She explains, "The idea origi- South Quad, housing a larger government, however, but rather blacks.
Numerous attempts have been She said the unit would contain a nated when black students indi- number of black students than any as a supplemental resource to help Stockwell's funds this year have
made to alleviate the tensions be- black library and black academic cated to the Special Projects of other dormitory, has been the site serve the needs of the minority been used for a Christmas recep-
tween the students, with a recent counselors in addition to the stu- fice a lack of any organization of many racial problems over the students. tion the annual "hanging of the
major development being a pro- dents. dealing with housing.' past months. Greg Kateff, chairman of the greens," and exam snacks. In ad-
posal to create a black culture University Housing Advisor Bill Williams cites a lack of respon- Last fall, Williams wrote a pro- South Quad Council explains, "The dition, each Resident Advisor re-
residence unit, open to all students Dale says that while black stu- siveness on the part of the Office posal for an advisory council on Minority Council can be a good ceives 50 cents for each student in
with an interest in black culture dents seem to be generally in fa- of Student Services to black stu- minority concerns. The proposal thing if people know how to take her hall to sponsor corridor activi-
and affairs. vor of the plan, some opposition dents' demands, saying "students was originally intended to be a it. They are not out to take over ties.
The plans, submitted by the Of- has arisen from whites now living saw a need to seize the initiative campus-wide organization but the the Quad but rather to help solve Several black Stockwell residents West Quad. V
fice of Special Projects and a in Gomberg and Bush houses. themselves." problems in South Quad and the its problems." have proposed a black corridor to and whites I
group of black students, calls for However, Dale emphasizes that John Feldkamp, director of hous- frustration of the black residents The lack of communication be- See COMMUNICATION, Page 8 times.

Eight Pages
...'} p.ly -
ENTS eat dinner together at
oluntary segregation of blacks
lourishes during dorm meal

Rash of fires strikes
U; police cite arson

-Associated Press
A POLICEMAN JOKES with a London youth demonstrating for
civil rights in N. Ireland before removing him from a statue of
Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell led a cruelly punitive expedition to
Ireland in the Mid-17th century.
Britaini i"ncreases
troops i Ireland
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (RI-Britain ordered a battalion of
army reinforcements to Northern Ireland yesterday as civil rights
leaders refused to call off an illegal protest march set for Sunday
near the border with southern Ireland.
The troop movements, which will bring army strength in the
province to 15,000 men, were announced after another day of gun
battles and explosions in the streets of major Northern Irish cities.
Across the border in the Irish republic Prime Minister Jack
Lynch pledged tough action to crush insurgents "seeking to over-
throw the institutions of the state."
He accused outlaws of leading Wednesday night's firebombing
of Britain's embassy in Dublin and warned such men were en-
dangering "our institutions of freedom and democracy."
In London, the British foreign secretary, Sir Alec Douglas-
Home, demanded full compensation from the Irish government for
the destroyed embassy and told Dublin it must change its present
attitude to the crisis.
Otherwise, he declared, the incident "could do the most serious
damage-and lasting damage-to the relationship between our two
In Dubliri, Lynch said he had promised Britain full compensa-
See BRITISH, Page 8

At least seven fires struck
University buildings yester-
day, forcing the closing of the
general and undergraduate
libraries and the temporary
evacuation of East Quad. Po-
lice and fire department of-
ficials consider at least six of
the blazes to be the result of
The rash of fires began shortly
after four p.m. when students and
librarians discovered a total of
three blazes in a two floor area in
an isolated part of the general
They controlled the blazes with
hand extinguishers before the ar-
rival of the fire department.
Soon after, at 4:53 p.m. an an-
onymous male caller telephoned
The Daily and told a reporter:
"The fires will continue until An-
gela Davis is set free." The Daily
staff reported the call to police.
A fire struck the graduate li-
brary last week also, on the day
that Davis' mother, Sally Davis,
spoke at the University. Authori-
ties suspected arson as the cause
of the blaze, which destroyed sev-
eral books on anarchism.
At about 5 p.m. yesterday fire-
men were summoned to East Quad
to extinguish a blaze in a waste
receptacle in a students' room. The
building was evacuated for about
10 minutes. Officials are appar-
ently not treating this blaze as
Then at 7:30 p.m. another fire
sent firemen rushing to the un-
dergraduate library. The blaze,
which officers said seemed to have
been deliberately set, was in a
storage area at the rear of the
fourth floor. A number of books
were destroyed.
Both libraries were closed for
the night, but are expected to open
this morning.
Shortly after 8 p.m., fires were
discovered on the second floor of
Angell Hall and the third floor of
Haven Hall.
The fire in Angell Hall damaged
the floor of a classroom and
burned a window shade. Damage
in the Haven Hall fire was also
In a phone interview with The
Daily, Ann Arbor Police Chief
Walter Krasny said the fires were
unquestionably arson, and pres-
ently under investigation by his
department, in conjunction with
the University security depart-
ment. He would not comment on
leads in the case.I

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
Hopwood tea time
Mary Cooley, secretary of the Hopwood Room in Angell Hall, serves tea to guests yesterday during
a weekly gathering hour. The function has provided teas, cakes and ices to University students and
faculty members for over 30 years. The popularity of the Hopwood tea has prompted LSA Dean
Frank Rhodes to change his weekly college coffee hours from Thursday to Tuesday. Held at the
same time yesterday, the LSA coffee hour attracted about 20 people, the Hopwood Room more than
five times as many.
Co-m-mI ttee OKs dorm
lease, no c neitel policy

ing public housing related to de-
creased funds available.
City Councilman Lloyd Fair-
banks (R-Fifth Ward), whose dis-
trict contains many potential pub-
lic housing recipients, said that he
thought the move was prompted
by either the Housing Commis-
sion's slowness on leasing present
units or the unavailability of fed-
eral funds.
Fairbanks also criticized the
commission for its policy on lo-
cating public housing and its
management of existing units.
Johnson agreed that the com-
mission had hadproblems in de-
veloping sites, but that "not all
problems are our fault." He point-
ed to the high cost of construc-
tion in the Ann Arbor area and
the fact that public housing in
Ann Arbor was "the most ex-
pensive public housing in Michi-
Ezra Rowry, chairman of the
Model Cities Policy Board said
that the HUD move was a "parti-
san political decision." He said
that it wasn't a coincidence that
HUD's action closely followed last
Monday's city council discussion
on public housing.
However, Johnson said that the
decision was made around Jan.
21, before the meeting.
Councilman Norris Thomas (D-
First Ward) also criticized the
move, calling it "most irrespon-
sible" and "typical" of the Nixon
administration. Thomas said, "To
cut the housing for the people who
need it the most is most incon-

H D slashes
city request
for housing
The Detroit office of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development has decided to cancel a 167-unit public
housing request of the Ann Arbor Housing Commission.
The HUD move eliminates both the reservation with
the government for the previously approved housing and
the funding to implement it.
The action leaves Ann Arbor with 18 available low in-
come housing units to utilize in the near future, and dras-
tically cuts further public housing activity in the city.
According to Daniel Johnson, director of the Housing
Commission, the decision released yesterday but apparently
made two w:.eks ago resulted from new government priorities
based on a new policy on allocat-

Interns to
ie by Feb. 11
From Wire Service Reports
The University's Interns and
Residents Association has voted
to appeal to the State Supreme
Courta decision that the Regents
need not bargain with the associ-
Dr. Charles Brook, president of
the association which has been
seeking bargaining rights for resi-
dents, interns and fellows at the
Medical Center since early 1970,
said the vote Wednesday night was
almost unanimous in favor of ap-
Attorneys for the association
said yesterday an application"for
leave to appeal will be filed before
the Feb. 11 deadline. The Supreme
Court will then decide whether to
take the case.
It was also reported yesterday
that Attorney General Frank Kel-
ley has been authorized to appeal
the earlier Court of Appeals de-
cision to the Supreme Court in
behalf of the state.
The earlier split decision stated
that the Regents need not bar-
gain with the association since its
members are not public employes
within the meaning of a 1965 pub-
lic employment relations set

The Housing Policy Committee
of the Office of Student Servicesj
approved the final reading of next
year's residence hall lease yester-
day, but reversed last week's deci-I
sion to allow a cancellation option.
The new lease, which awaits the
approval of the University attorney
and University controller, contains
several revisions from the Hous-
ing Office's proposed draft.





Daily News Analysis
In order to evaluate the University's
progress in the implementation of its
affirmative action program to end sex
discrimination, the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)
has summoned detailed data from the
University regarding its hiring and em-
ployment practices.
An HEW investigative team is meet-
ing with University officials this morn-
ing to discuss the computerized data

its Affirmative Action Program as it
proceeds. Accordingly the University
should be able to provide the informa-
tion requested promptly."
According to Secretary of the Uni-
versity Richard Kennedy, Hodgon's ex-
pectations "exceed our capacity to ful-
fill them. Many of the inquiries require
hand-developed kind of replies."
"Today's discussion is meant to try
and resolve the difficulties," said Ken-
Probably the least difficult to ac-

employm e
inequities in hiring and promotion
Another related request calls for a list
of all academic and administrative per-
sonnel hired since fall, 1970, and a list
of all applicants considered for those
positions. It is in precisely this area that
the University has come under a great
deal of criticism by the Women's Equity
Action League (WEAL).
According to WEAL's analysis of Uni-
versity timetables, over a four year per-
iod, 1970 to 1974, the percentage of wo-

Housing committee member Wil- lease required a second reading at
lham Dobbs submitted an alterna- this week's meeting before it could
tive draft, including a one-term go into effect.
lease provision, for committee ap- Last week's proposed lease would
proval at last week's meeting. An- have required residents to pay 60
other member, P h i 1 Cherner, per cent of the cost the fall term,
amended the clause to allow can- thereby penalizing those who chose
cellation of a full-term lease be- to leave after one term.
tween Nov. 1 and 15 of the fall Priscilla Hambrick expressed
term. concern for students, particularly
The committee last week passed blacks, receiving financial assist-
Cherner's amendment, but the ance on a 50-50 basis. Dobbs said
- ---he was certain the Office of Fi-
nancial Aid could "work some-
thing out.''
Housing Director John Feldkamp
restated his belief that the 60-40
plan "won't work" and that studies
to determine the effects on hous-
The vote against the cancella-
tion option was 6-4, with Dobbs,
Cherner, Chuck Simons and Ronald
Beck dissenting. Several opponents
of the option asked for more in-
I formation on the subject, and ap-
proved Drbb 's motion to appoint
i a subcommittee.
Dobb's other lease provisions in-
eluded the presence of the resi-
dent during final inspection and
refunds for loss of services upon
lease termination the last two
weeks of the term. Both were de-
feated by the committee.
However, the committee passed

PARIS OP)-The Viet Cong offi-
cially placed before the Paris
talks yesterday its revised peace
plan calling for the immediate
resignation of Nguyen Van Thieu
as South Vietnam's president.
But the United States suggested
the Communist side take another
look at President Nixon's eight-
point plan, as the basis for ending
the Indochina war.
U.S. Ambassador William Por-
ter made no detailed response
to the Viet Cong plan but in
Washington a State Denartment

Viet Cong enter new
peace plan in Paris

posal is designed to do specif-
Under. the U.S. plan, he added,
the United States is prepared to
begin troop withdrawals and pris-
oner exchanges w hi le other
points are negotiated.
"Ours is a proposal which is
fully consistent with the. principle
that the political future of South
Vietnam will be left for the South
Vietnamese people to decide for
themselves, free from outside in-
terference," Porter declared.
He said the plan was not sub-

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