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February 02, 1972 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-02

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1 v ednesdoy, February 2, 1972


Page Seven

Wednesday, February 2, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven



Taylor picked

!_ t

out to lunch
mort noveck

A new way
to draft the players
IT'S TIME TO ABOLISH the pro football draft. There just
ought to be a better way to transfer players from the
colleges to the pro teams.
Pete Rozelle's sport is supposed to be the greatest show on
earth. Everything from training camp to the playoffs is touted
as being bigger and better. And any game that has the gall to
call it's championship 'contest the Super Bowl has a responsi-
bility to be exciting.
But just as the Super Bowl was a bust, this year's draft
wasn't much for thrills. If Michigan players hadn't done
very well the whole thing would have been slightly less ex-
citing than watching a personnel director interview candi-
dates for night watchman.
Maybe it was boring because everybody knew that Walt
Patulski would be the first one picked. Or perhaps it was be-
cause there just weren't that many great players graduating.
Of course it might have been better if the p.r. men had been
more energetic. A fan can get more excited if he's heard of
the players his team has picked.
But whtever the reason, it's time for football to change
the draft. The system has been essentially the same since
Philadelphia chose Jay Berwanger of the University of Chi-
cago as the first player in the first draft. And that was back in
However while it's easy to say that the draft should be
changed, it's a more difficult task to choose a replacement
system. But with a little- imagination and a good under-
standing of absurdity it can be done.
One possible way would be to draft the players while
they're still in high school. Since there would be no basis to
pick them on, pro teams could eliminate their costly scouting
systems and spend more promoting their 16 year old finds.
However, this method wouldn't go over real well since if the
players signed contracts they could never play in college.
Another way to do it would be to put all the players in a
dark room. The pro scouts would be blindfolded and let into
the room one at a time. The first player they bumped into
would be their pick. Or players could be selected at a giant
poker game, with the winner getting the best choices. And if
they got desperate they could always play spin the bottle.
But none of this would be any fairer to the athletes.
In order to find an equitable system it is necessary to
adopt the rules of that democratic and beloved American
institution, the Selective Service.
Just as in the real draft, there would be a lottery.' There
are 365 days in the year and 26 pro teams, so each team would
get 14 days with one left over. The team would have the ex-
clusive rights to any and all eligible players born on its days.
If no players were born on the right days, tough luck for the
pros. They could always try to sign the athletes born on the
day left over, who would be declared free agents. On leap year
they would be in good shape because there would be two xtra
Some years a team could do real well, others it would be in
real trouble. But they couldn't be any worse off than they
are now. The draft is supposed to even the teams out by letting
them pick-in reverse order of their finish. But Buffalo has had
a good pick for at least four years without getting much better.
Now that they have Reggie McKenzie things may change, but
they were just lucky he was still available.
The lottery would be held early in the year, so much
uncertainty would be eliminated. Players would know where
they were going and the teams would know who they could
get. The main benefit of this arrangement would be that
players who were the property of lousy places would have
more time to look for another profession.
More of them could follow in the footsteps of Berwanger,
who won the Heisman Trophy and then refused to play pro
Actually the draft can be criticized on several serious
counts. For one thing it treats players as property instead of
people. Of course the new system wouldn't change this, but at
least teams could go all the way. Instead of trading draft choices
they could buy and sell birth dates, just like they do at the
Chicago grain exchange.
No account is taken of who the athlete wants to work
for under the current system. Perhaps most of them don't
care as long as they get a nice contract. But under the new
system they could get a forged birth certificate and play
for whomever they wanted.
It is doubtful that the National Football League will ever
adopt this proposal. They take themselves much too seriously
to participate in a slightly outlandish experiment. But if they
want to remain the number one entertainment attraction they're
going to have to do something different. And this plan is about
as different as they are going to find.

By The Associated Press
In yesterday's NFL draft, Big
Ten champion Michigan had two
players drafted in the first round.
The first was Tom Darden, a de-
fensive back, picked 18th by the
Cleveland Browns. port
Linebacker Mike Taylor was the1
next Wolverine to be selected NIGHT EDITOR:
when the New York Jets, picking
21st in the first round called his JOEL GREER
Offensive guard Reggie Macken- Jacobson to the New York Giants.
zie and wide receiver Glenn Linebacker Jeff Siemon of Stan-
Doughty went in the second round, ford, who led the defensive charge
Mackenzie to Buffalo and Doughty] which effectively stopped Mich-
to Baltimore. igan in the Rose Bowl, was picked
St. Louis drafted defensive end tenth in the first round by Min-
Tom Beckman in the third round. nesota.
Michigan running back Bill Tay- The Detroit Lions, picking six-
kor was not picked up until At- teenth in the first round, selected
lanta, picking fifth, drafted him Herb Orvis, a defensive end from
in the fifth round. Colorado.
Iowa's Craig Clemons, a de- Super Bowl champion Dallas
fensive back, was the first Big Cowboys finished the first round
Ten player to be drafted when he scos bynclaiming Bil Touad,
was claimed by Chicago who was selections byclaimng lo as,
picking twelfth. a running back from Boston Col-
Walt Patulski, a 260-pound-and- lege.
growing defensive end from Notre In some last minute trades to
Dame who is compared favorables improve draft positions, New Or-
by his college coach with pro fleans traded its second-round pick
great Alan Page, was selected by to Oakland for the Raiders' choices
the Buffalo Bills as the National in the second and third rounds.
Football League's No. 1 draft pick. The New York Giants traded
National champion Nebraska had defensive end Fred Dryer to New
three players drafted in the first ? England for three draft choices,
round. They were quarterback including a first-round selection in
Jerry Tagge to Green Bay, run- this year's draft.
ning back Jeff Kinney to Kansas The Atlanta Falcons sent two
City, and defensive end Larry players to Buffalo for the Bills'


1, Buffalo, Walt Patulski, defensive
end, Notre Dame. 2, Cincinnati, Sher-
man White, defensive end, California.
3, Chicago, choice acquired from New
York Giants, Lionel Antoine, offensive
tackle Southern Illinois. 4, St. Louis,
Bobby Moore, running back-wide re-
ceiver, Oregon. 5, Denver, Riley Odoms,
tight end, Houston. 6, Houston Greg
Sampson, defensive end, Stanford. 7,
Green Bay, Willie Buchanon, corner
back, San Diego State. 8, New Orleans,
Royce Smith, offensive guard, Georgia.
9, New York Jets, Jerome Barkum, wide
receiver, Jackson State. 10, Minnesota,
from New England, Jeff Siemon, line-
backer, stanford. 11, Green Bay, from
San Diego, Jerry Tagge, quarterback,
Nebraska. 12, Chicago, Craig Clemons,
defensive back, Iowa. 13, Pittsburgh,
Franco Harris, running back, Penn

fifth-round pick in yesterday's
draft. The players were defensive
tackle Greg Lens and defensive
end Randy Marshall.

1, Buffalo, REGGIE. McKENZIE, of-
fensive guard, MICHIGAN. 2, San Fran-
cisco, from New York Giants, Ralph
McGill, defensive back, Tulsa. 3, Cin-
cinnati, Tommy Casanova, defensive
back, Louisiana State. 4, Los Angeles,
from Denver, through San Diego, Jim
Bertelsen, running back, Texas. 5, New
Orleans, from Houston, Willie Hall,
linebacker, Soutnern California. 6, St.
Louis, Mark Arneson, linebacker, Ari-
zona. 7, Oakland, from New Orleans,
Kelvin Korver, defensive tackle, North-
western of Iowa. 8, Green Bay, Chester
Marcol, kicker, Hillsdale. 9, Dallas, from
New England, Robert Newhouse, run-
ning back, Houston. 10, San Diego, Pete
Lazetich, defensive end, Stanford. 11,
Philadelphia, from Chicago, Dan Yo-
chum, 'offensive tackle, Syracuse. 12,
Pittsburgh, Gordon Gravelle, offensive
tackle, Brigham Young. 13, Dallas, from
New York Jets, through Oakland and
New Orleans, John Babinecz, line-
backer, Villanova.
14, Atlanta, f r o m Philadelphia,
through Detroit, Pat Sullivan, quarter-
back, Auburn. 15, Atlanta, from Detroit,
Steve Okoniewski, offensive tackle,
Montana. 16, Atlanta, Roosevelt Man-
ning,defensive tackle, Northeastern
Oklahoma State. 17, Oakland, from Los
Angeles, John Vella, offensive tackle,
Southern California. 18, San Francisco,
Jean Barrett, offensive tackle, Tulsa. 19,
Cleveland, Clifford Brooks, defensive
back, Tennessee State. 20, Baltimore,
from Oakland, Jack Mildren, defensive
back, Oklahoma. 21, Baltimore, from
Washington, GLENN DOUGHTY, wide
receiver, MICHIGAN. 22, Baltimore, Ly-
dell Mitchell, running back, Pena State.
23, New England, from Kansas City,
Tom Reynolds, wide receiver, San Di-
ego State. 24, Minnesota,Ed Marinaro,
running back, Cornell. 25, Cleveland,
from Miami, Lester Sims, defensive end,
Alabama State. 26, Dallas, Charlie Mc-
Kee, wide receiver, Arizona.

14, Philadelphia, John Reaves, quar-
terback, Florida. 15, Atlanta, Clarence
Ellis, defensive back, Notre Dame. 16,
Detroit, Herb Orvis, defensive end,
Colorado. 17, New York Giants, from
New England, from Los Angeles, Eld-
ridge Small, defensive back, Texas A&I.
18, Cleveland, TOM DARDEN, defensive
back, MICHIGAN. 19, San Francisco,
Terry Beasley, wide receiver, Auburn
20. Oakland, Mike Siani, wide receiver,
'Villanova. 21, New York Jets, from
Washington, MIKE TAYLOR, lineback-
er, MICHIGAN. 22, Baltimore, Tom
Drougas, offensive tackle, Oregon. 23,
Kansas City, Jeff Kinney, running
back, Nebraska. 24, New York Giants,
from Minnesota, Larry Jacobson, de-
fensive end, Nebraska. 25, Miami, Mike
Kadish, defensive tackle, Notre Dame.
26, Dallas, Bill Thomas, running back,
Boston College.

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
TOM DARDEN (35), a first round draft choice of the Cleveland
Browns, and the first Wolverine to be drafted in yesterday's
NFL draft, comes up with the controversial interception (arrow)
late in last season's Ohio State game. The intended receiver is
Dick Wakefield (91).


1I~edsh irting "passed

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
LINEBACKER MIKE TAYLOR (33), puts a bear hug on Ohio State qcarterback Don Lamka (19), in
Michigan's 10-7 victory last season. Taylor was selected in the first round of yesterday's NFL draft
by the New York Jets.
Bruins, as usual, topAP poll

CHICAGO (P) - Big Ten ath-1
letic directors yesterday approved
a recommendation by conference
football coaches for "redshirting."
The change, if adopted, would
provide the potential for an ad-
ditional year of eligibility in which
to complete four years of compe-
tition in football or basketball.
The recommendations will be
forwarded to the joint group of
athletic directors and faculty re-
presentatives for action at their
March meeting with approval of
the faculty representatives neces-
sary for adoption.
If approved, Big Ten football and
basketball players, if they desire,
could sit out one year in order to
compete in his fifth year at school.
The directors, in winding up a
two-day meeting, also voted to
utilize six-man football officiating
crews effective with the 1972 sea-
son. A mandatory retirement age
of 55 for football officials was ap-
The athletic directors also rati-
fied the action of the University of
Minnesota Assembly Committee
on Intercollegiate Athletics and
Big Ten Commissioner Wayne
Duke in the suspension of Minne-
sota basketball players Ron Be-
hagen and Corky Taylor.
The university suspended the
two for their part in the fight
which broke out between Minne-
sota and Ohio State basketball
players at Minnesota last Tuesday
Duke then stepped in and sus-
pended Behagen and Taylor for
the rest of the season. The direc-
tors further ratified the commis-
sioner's interpretation of suspen-
sion to include non-participation in
Northwestern Athletic Director
Tippy Dye, chairman of the di-
rectors, said the group acted with
the understanding that there would

be a continuing review of the si-
tuation by the University of Min-
nesota and the commissioner's of-
Duke reported the directors dis-
Calling all future Jack Nick-
lauses (or at least possible Dave
Camerons)! An organizational
meeting for all those wishing to
compete on either the varsity
OR the Freshman level of in-
tercollegiate golf, representing
Michigan will be held Wednes-
day (today) at 4:00 at the Ath-
letic Administration Building,
1000 S. State St.

For the Student Body:.
" Jeans
I' "Bells
" Flares.
state Street at Liberty


cussed the overall problem of dis-
ruption at conference events and
took immediate steps to increase
crowd control, security and other
aspects of game administration.
"The heated and emotional rhe-
toric of the past week has areat-
ed an unfortunate atmosphere,"
Duke said. "Now the time has come
for all parties concerned to re-
unite, and reaffirm the ideals and
objectives which have been t h e
foundation of intercollegiate ath-
letics in the Big Ten for 76 years.
"I sincerely urge Big Ten ath-
letes, coaches and fans to let .the
wounds heal, and dedicate their ef-
forts, from this point forward, to
display the highest qualities of
sportsmanship and fair play."

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By The Associated Pressa
There was a big shuffle among1
he Top Ten major college basket-
ball teams yesterday but theref
was no change for UCLA-unani-
mous selection as No. 1.
The Bruins, 16-0, received all
44 first-place votes and 880 points!
in voting by an Associated Press
national panel of sports writers
and broadcasters. It was the sec-
ond straight week UCLA was
unanimously picked No. 1.

ninth to sixth Virginia moved
from eighth to seventh; South
Carolina vaulted from 11th to
eighth; Ohio State dropped from
sixth to ninth, and Brigham
Young jumped from 13th to 10th.
Southern California, seventh
last week, plunged to 18th after
losing three times.
Michigan, on the basis of its
victory over the Buckeyes last Sat-
urday bounced back into the rat-
ings, placing twentieth.

8. South Carolina 12-3 360
9. Ohio State 12-3 278
10. Brigham Young 142 254
11. Marshall 15-2 141
12. Florida state 16-3 137
13. SW Louisiana 13-2 124
14. Hawaii 17-1 109
15. Missouri 14-2 85
16. Providence 13-2 48
17. Jacksonville 12-2 46
18. Southern California 11-5 33
19. Minnesota 11-4 19
20. MICHIGAN 10-6 17
Others receiving votes, in alphabeti-
cal order: Duquesne, Fordham, Houston,
Kentucky, Maryland, Northern Illinois,
Oral Roberts, Princeton, Syracuse,
Temple, Tennessee, Texas-El Paso, To-
ledo, Pacific, Villanova.


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Marquette, also 16-0, remained The Top Twenty, with first-place
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rest of the Top Ten did some and total points on the basis of 20 for
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s7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, through 15 places.
Louisville, 15-1 after a season- 1. UCLA (4) 16-0 880
opening loss, moved from fourth 2. Marquette 16-0 768
to third; North Catalina jumped 3. Louisville 15-1 664
from fifth to fom th, and Long 4. North Carolina 13-2 569
5. Long Beach State 16-1 519
Beach State fell from third to 6. Penn 12-2 389
fifth. Pennsylvania soared from,7. virginia 13-1 382

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Austria skiing team may boycott Olympics

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SAPPORO, Japan P) - K a r l
Schranz has been banned f r o m'
the Olympic Games, but he still
held a dominant role today among
Austrian skiers. It probably will
be his wish that determines whe-
ther they go home or stay and
4 compete in thehXI Winter Games.
What will it be?
His closest associates told The
Associated Press early today that
Schrantz, feeling great pressure,
had first decided to ask the Aus-
trians to compete, then changed
his mind' and demanded that his
4 countrymen withdraw and go home.
But these sources said Schranz
still might come back around to
the idea that he should insist that
his teammates stay.
Earlier, friends of Schranz said
he told them: "I cannot accept
your sacrifice. I would prefer that
you stay here."
If he returned to this attitude,
it could satisfy two requirements
for at least a bittersweet conclus-
ion to the drama surrounding the I

take place after the International1
Olympic Committee rejected their
appeal to reinstate Schranz Tues-7
Schranz was ordered expelled{
from the Olympics on Monday af-!
ter the IOC ruled that he h ad'
violated the amateur code by tak-
ing pay for advertising ski equip-
The Austrians appealed to have
this judgment reversed yesterday,
but the executive committee of the
IOC turned them down.
Since the Austrian Olympic Com-
mittee had certified . Schranz as
an amateur, the double slap by
the IOC clearly implied dishonesty.
Avery Brundage, 84-year-old
president of the IOC, had been
vociferous in his criticism of skiers
in general and Schranz in parti-
At a news conference after the
IOC ended its Sapporo meeting on
Tuesday, Brundage said Schranz
was the most blatant and the most
vprne nf-r-r"of all la

most honest?"
Brundage shot back: "He was
not honest. His entry form, stat-
ing that he complied with the
Olympic rules of eligibility, was
signed by him and by his federa-
tion and his National Olympic Com-
Although the IOC may have dis-

posed of Schranz, Brundage said
it is not through with either the
Austrian Olympic Committee or
the Austrian Ski Fedeartion.
"We have not discussed that to-
day," he said, "because we had
too much otherbusiness to occupy
us. But we shall be taking the.
mattef~ up with both bodies."


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