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February 02, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-02

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See Editorial Page


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with snow

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 2, 1972 Ten Cents
Draft lottery to dayin midst o call redui
By HOWARD BRICK draftees will be inducted before ministration to keep draft calls as According to Selective Service spokesmen say that they will be able
A 19-year olds anxiously await the April. low as possible, if not at the zero Public Information Director Kenneth to establish an effective volunteer
draft lottery today, it appears that One influential factor in the re- level, until the end of the year. Coffey, draft calls in 1973 are bound army by July. 1973, if it rzceives
to be low as the Selective Service monetary support from Congress.
most of those men whose numbers duced need for draftees, is the on- "At this point, there is a 33 per tobeslowaa"erSelrct
were chosen last year may not be going reduction in the size of the cent chance, perhaps more, that there moves toward a "zero draft," In addition to the $3 billion in pay
drafted. standing army. When Congress re- will be no draft calls at all this year," Nixon has set July, 1973. as the raises already approved by Con-
newed the draft last fall, it ordered he says. deadline for the zero draft. gress, the army will need money in
Indications are that draft calls
after March this year will probably that the size of the army be cut to A Chicago draft counselor, Joseph The zero draft means a perma- order to improve the life-style of
be very low, in response to recent 829,000 men by the end of the fiscal Tuchinski, says that if there are nent end to peacetime draft calls and the individual in the service" and in -
Congressional action and increasing year next June 30. calls this year, the top lottery num- the creation of an all-volunteer army, grams, army spokesman Col. Richard
electoral pressures to reduce the At the same time, Congress raised ber to be called would be somewhere except during national emergencies. ansaid.
number of men drafted. base pay for enlisted men in the between 35 and 60, and could pos- The Selective Service structure might
YoungnmencwhoseSnumbersuwill hope of drawing more recruits into sibly be even lower, be retained under such a program, Pay raises included in last year's
Young men whose numbers will the service. Tuchinski advises, however, that even if no men are actually drafted, draft bill accounted for $2.4 billion
be chosenpibltoday's lottery will not men holding deferments at this time according to Nixon's plan. and went into effect last Nov. 15.
be susceptible to the draft until Both measures, as well as recent should keep them until the end of. With additional raises last Jan., a
1973. Vietnam troop withdrawals, have Selective Service Director Curtis private's base pay has been increased
D ts es ue ahacted to reduce the need for draft the year when a ceiling number has Tar' has told the New York Times from s143s7 per mh $288ers
raft observers speculate that there cbeen officially set. "There's no need that he has doubts the draft could from $143.70 per month to $288. per
is a possibility no draft calls will be tojump the gun," he said. month.
ordered in 1972. Los Angeles draft counselor Wil- Both Smith and Tuchinski are un- be ended at all and an effective mili- Congress has also granted Laird
Defense Secretary Melvin Laird liam Smith speculates that electoral willing to speculate on the draft situ- tary be maintained at the same time. the right to give recruits a $3,000 bo-
has already announced that no pressures will lead the Nixon ad- ation in 1973. Despite Tarr's reservations, army See DRAFT, Page 8 Draft lottery

Eight Page

Study says
crime up
in county
Crimies againstl
persons (lown.
Significant c h a n g e s have
occurred in the patterns and
volumes of criminal warrants
issued in Washtenaw County,
according to a report on crim-
inal authorizations released
by the county prosecutors of-
1An authorization is the legalj
term for permission to charge a
person with a crime.
Comparing 1971 with 1970, these
statistics reveal a 23 per cent in-
crease this year in felonies across
the country with a 38 per cent in-
crease for Ann Arbor.
The majority of these warrants
were for "crimes against property"
while "crimes against persons"
have decreased sharply. Although:
the figures represent authoriza-
tions only, County Prosecutor Wil-
liam Delhey pointed out. "No
doubt the number of authoriza-
tions does bear a relationship to
the volume of crime in any specific
Homicides in the county have

N. Ireland hit
by continuing
strife, turmoil
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (R) - Violence, death and
protest gripped divided Ireland yesterday as guerrillas re-
taliated for the victims of Londonderry's "Bloody Sunday." A
sniper killed a British soldier and a Belfast woman was
gravely wounded in cross-fire.
.. Strikes and boycotts throughout Ulster and the Irish
republic to the south spearheaded a surge of anger by Roman
Catholics mourning the 13 who died in the Londonderry
clash between civilians and British troops.
The republic's prime minister, Jack Lynch, demanded
that Britain pull its troops out of heavily populated Catholic
areas in the North and end internment without trial.
In Dublin, capital of the republic, an explosive device
shattered windows in the Bri-
tish Embassy. Police said sev- S
eral persons were believed in- ufi
jured. Two thousand demon-
strators marched on the Em-
bassy, burning a flag and
mock coffins and lobbing
bricks and fire bombs over the
heads of police."

-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
PICTURED is one of the University's many researchers. Cuts in
research funds, however, may soon render him a Reduction in
Force (RIF) victim.
'U' research fund
Cut results in ,RIF
"I've known since I came to the University that my job was
contingent on research funding. The first contract I worked on
was for two and a half years, and I didn't know if we would get
new ones after it was completed. But we did . . . until now."
The experience of this 25 year veteran researcher at the Uni-
versity is an unpleasant one. He is about to be 'laid off by the
University because the funding for the research he was doing is
being terminated. In about one month the University's Personnel
Office will classify this non-academic technician as a "reduction
in force," (RIF').
That 41 of his colleagues in research projects have also been
laid off since last October brings little solace to him. To these men
and women another job prospect would be the best news they
could hear.
Surprisingly, most of these RIFs seem to accept their situa-
tion. "It was clear many months ahead of time that the situa-
tion was tight," said another researcher.
"I had hoped that the proposais would keep going, but when it
turned out that they would not, the manager had to lay off some-
one," he added. "That's the way the ball bounces.'
The money that employed these people comes from the research
budget, which involves University contracts with outside sources
such as NASA or the Department of Defense. But lately the Uni-
versity has been having difficulty in obtaining these funds.
The problem of layoffs from research not being renewed." ac-
cording to Richard Daggett of Personnel, "is new in the last three
to four years. Until then federal research was at a high level, not
like we are now."
See RESEARCH, Page 8

-Associated Press
PROTESTERS yesterday carry white crosses through the streets of Budgiven, Northern Ireland, com-
memorating the deaths in nearby Londonderry of 10 persons shot Sunday. The crosses have been
placed on the steps of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Budgiven. At bottom, right, Bernadette Dev-
lin, a member of Parliament from Mid-Ulster, on her way to yesterday's emergency debate at the.
House of Commons in London on the strife in Northern Ireland. At the left is British Home Secre-
tary Reginald Maulding, also en route to the emergency debate. At a previous House of Commons
sesson Monday, Devlin physically attacked the secretary.

decreased by 44 per cent, sex re- $60,000,000
lated offenses which include
rape, have shown a drop in war-
rants from 11 to 5 in the city of
Ann Arbor, while the overall
county figures show a drop of 21
per cent. Assaults decreased by 24
per cent county-wide.
Although police department fig-
ures are not yet finished for last
year, Ann Arbor Police Chief Wal- a g a
ter Krasny notes that there has
been a substantial increase in theI
number of rape cases reported to By KAREN TIN
the department but that "gen- The Ann Ar]
erally one half are not considered Union (TU) has
rape in that not all the elements $60,000,000 suit
to prove rape are present." University, it was
In the assault category, Krasny terday.
believes that complaints to police However, a TU
are up "at least 40 per cent" but the action was m
that many persons fail to prose- dural", and thatt
cute. to refile charges to
Crimes against property have TU attorney Cla
See COUNTY, Page 8 University attorn


lismisses charges
inst U will refIle

bor Tenants
dismissed its
against the
revealed yes-
member said
erely "proce-
the TU plans
rice Jobes and
ey Roderick


New Daily Senior Editors na

The Senior Editors of T h e
Daily have announced the ap-
pointment of 13 Senior Editors
for 1972-73. The appointments will
be effective Feb. 20.
The new senior staff has as-
sumed management of the pap-
er but will work under the direc-
tion of the outgoing Senior Edi-
tors for the next three weeks.
Alan Lenhoff, a journalism ma-
jor from Southfield, was named
Editor. Lenhoff will supervise
the 50-member editorial staff
which produces the news, editor-
ial and arts pages of The Daily.
Coordinating the day-to-day
operations of the paper will be
,Managing Editor Sara Fitzgerald,
Editorial Director Tammy Ja-
cobs, and Executive Editor
Carla Rapoport.
Fitzgerald, a history and jour-
n'alism major from Bloomfield

Daane agreed to a "dismissal
without prejudice" in Federal
District Court last Jan. 21. This
term implies that neither party
has assumed guilt in the case.
A knowledgeable source ex-
plained yesterday that the or-
iginal suit involved only rental
increases in University hous-
ing during the three-month
wage-price freeze, Phase I of
President N i x o n 's economic
members of the staff. In ad-
dition, she will train copy edi-
tors and work to increase com-
munication between the staff and
the Senior Editors.
Working closely with Fitz-
gerald in supervising news op-
erations will be News Editor
Robert Schreiner, an English
major from Birmingham, Fea-
ture Editor Rose Sue Berstein,
a history major from Pawtucket,
R.I., and Associate Managing
Editor Pat Bauer, a psychol-
ogy major from Dearborn.
Appointed Editorial Page Edi-
tors were Lindsay Chaney, an
economics major from Ann Ar-
bor, Mark Diller., a Russian
studies major from Detroit, and
Arthur Lerner, a sociology maj-
or from Toledo, Ohio.
The Editorial Page Editors
will work with the Editorial Di-

plan. The new suit will also cov-
er the University's alleged vio-
lations of Phase II of Nixon's
economic plan.
In addition, the source said,
the new suit will name plaintiffs
from every University residence
According to the source, TU
had earlier requested a rul-
ing from the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) which had re-
fused to rule in the case. He
said the case might have been
settled out of court if the IRS
had decided against the Univer-
"The only way to force (the
University) to pay is to take the
case to court," the source said.
TU filed its first suit against
the University last Sept. 27. The
action called for a court in-
junction preventing the Univer-
sity from further collection of
increased rents.
They are seeking the full pen-
alty of $5 000 for each tenant,
adding up to approximately
University officials a r g u e
that the rent increases were
lawful because payment on
housing deposits had begun be-
fore the freeze was initiated last
Aug. 14.
TU plans to issue a detailed
statement on the latest court
action tomorrow.
The Tenants Union was or-
ganized early in 1969 to protest
housing conditions in the city.
One of TU's first actions was to
organize a rent strike w h i c h
grew to be the largestwin the
'r h i,.' an '. a in n n i a n+

Meanwhile the Irish Republic's
foreign minister, Patrick Hillery,
hinted, on arriving in New York
for talks with U.S. and United
Nations officials, that the repub-
lic might have to remove British
soldiers from Northern Ireland.
Charging the British w i t h
"practicing war," Hillery said he
would ask U.N. officials to use
"their own good offices in bring-
ing about a solution ..."
Hillery did not say Ireland
was ready to use troops to drive
the British out of Northern Ire-
land. He said it would take an
act of Parliament to arm his
country. But he added: "If Britain
is not visited by sanity, we are
dedicated to getting them out."
Northern Ireland's Prime Min-
ister, Brian Faulkner, charged the
republic with using a distress fund
set up two years ago for Catho-
lics in the north to "buy guns for
The British government named
the nation's top judge, Lord Chief
Justice Sir John Widgery, to un-
dertake an inquiry into the Lon-
donderry killings.
The British soldier's death was
seen as a reprisal by the outlawed
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
which swore Sunday to kill a sol-
dier for each of the Londonderry
His death' brought the toll since
August, 1969 to 233. He was the
third soldier killed this year.
Gunmen and British army con-
See N. IRELAND, Page 8

The Tappan Jr. High School
Student Union, a group of students
who seek to oust the present stu-
dent council, yesterday filed suit
against the principal and assistant
principal for "unlawfully and un-
reasonably interfering with forma-
tion" of the union.
The suit also charges that assist-
ant principal Duane Peterson as-
saulted student union member
David Kaimowitz.
Tappan's student union is part
of a larger movement on the part
of the Ann Arbor Youth Liberation,
a group of about 35 young people,
to organize high school unions
throughout the city.
Calling for such reforms as stu-
dent-teacher equality, a student
decision-making voice, and an end
to the tracking system, the union
has clashed with the school ad-
ministration in its efforts to meet
on school grounds during school
hours and in its attempt to replace
the Tappan student council.
Administrators have denied re-
quests for meeting times for the
According to union members,
Peterson struck Kaimowitz for re-
fusing to tell students to disband
an unauthorized union meeting.
Peterson said last night that the
allegations of his striking a student
were untrue.
See CITY, Page 8

SGCmember may
SCattend peace par ley
With King Louis historic Ver-
sailles Palace just north of
Paris as a backdrop, 900 dele-
gates from around the world
will gather for a\3-day confer-
ence on the Indochina conflict.
Arlene Griffin, '73, Student Gov-
ernment Council member at
large, is seeking a financial

r ....

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