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January 30, 1972 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-30

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IPage Eight


Sunday, January 30, 1972

Page Eight THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 30, 1972

Students caught by budgetary cutbacks

A look at the city elections

(Continued from Page 1)
Since equipment is crucial to
the operation of laboratory
sciences, the engineering college
finds itself this year among the
hardest hit by cutbacks.
"Equipment purchases are sim-
ilar to library purchases to us,"
Engineering Dean Gordon Van
Wylen says. "You just can't quit
for a year and keep up.
"Our budget is so heavily com-
mitted we're going to have prob-
lems meeting the cutback," he
In order to 'tighten up,' Van
Wylen says course offerings for
both Spring-Summer and Fall
terms will be reduced, while
technician and secretarial posi-
tions will be left unfilled.
More importantly, in the en-
gineering college and elsewhere,
more professorial positions may
be left unfilled in order to absorb
the ordered cutback in each
The largest unit of the Univer-
sity-the literary college-is also
constrained by "tight money."
So many courses closed before
the end of registration last fall,
that a special budget allocation
had to be made to the college to
provide enough classes for its
"Every time we're forced to

make cuts, the quality of the
education goes down," says Lit-
erary C o 11 e g e Dean Frank
Rhodes. "We've cut our equip-
ment and non-academic person-
nel funds, and we've a small
amount left in the academic fund
due to sabbaticals."
He also adds, "We've tried to
spread the misery equally."
With regard to the one and
one-quarter per cent across-the-
board cutback, it appears that
the literary college will not be
able to come up with the full
amount. "I'm sure we won't
get it all," Smith said.
The equipment freeze has been
felt primarily in the college's lab
Chemistry, a case in point, was
denied allocations for construc-
tion, according to Chemistry De-
partment Chairman Robert Tay-
Taylor ays the department
lacks money to convert class-
rooms into laboratories (or vice
versa) or for such necessary
equipment items as "fume
hoods'"-vacuum fans over each
lab position.
"This year," he says, "we have
400 more students in freshman
and sophomore courses than a
year ago."
For example, in organic chem-

istry, which usually closes after
the first week of registration,
every lab position is filled, with
students waiting to get in. The
upper limitation of 20 in ,a lab
is imposed by space, Taylor ex-
In the case of organic chem-
istry Taylor adds "We received
a special allocation because of
the high priority of the course,
yet we still have some space
sitting idle, which is not proper-
ly equipped for the course."
"We're getting less than a
quarter of last year's funds,"
Taylor observes. "The instruc-
tional program suffers because
of the out-of-date facilities. Lec-
tures have grown, and other
classes are getting close to the
The cutbacks, however, are
not confined to the sciences, in
which refurbished equipment is
at a premium. Departments such
as psychology and economics are
also feeling the pinch.
In the psychology department,
"Our biggest need is for non-
academic - funds for mimeo-
graphing and secretarial help,
Department Chairman Wilbert
McKeachie says.
"We need about $20,000 a year
for equipment, and we were al-
located $3,000 for both lab and
non-lab courses."
Another major problem, ac-
cording to McKeachie, is the
c 1 o s i n g of 40 undergraduate
In the economics department
as in most other non-lab oriented
areas, the budget cutbacks ap-
pear as "a general squeeze
rather than a specific cut," ac-
cording to Department Chair-
man Peter Steiner.
"Our problems are not pri-
marily due to immediate budget-
ary changes," he says, "but long
term trends." Steiner says the

individual economics s t u d e n t
Would not "feel the world is
very different this year."
Nevertheless, students w il11
recognize this "general squeeze"
throughout the University. Class-
es in general will be larger,
except in lab courses, and in
this instance the demand for
courses far exceeds the available
In such a course as Zoology
476, according to Prof. Brian
Hazlett, the very nature of the
course has been modified during
the last four years as enroll-
ment for the course has jumped
from 35 to 95 students.
In the past, the course was a
small lecture - discussion group,
geared toward maximum inter-
action between professor and
"Now," Hazlett says, "I don't
have as much time to interact
with students or to entertain
Not only is the general trend
toward l a r g e r class sizes
wherever possible, but many in-
troductory courses close well be-
fore the end of registration.
A shortage of teaching fellows
in economics, according to Stein-
er, has created problems in the
elementary courses, such as the
popular 201-202 sequence.
Other colleges throughout the
University report that the spe-
cifics of budget cutbacks have
not yet been discussed, but al-
ready Smith has circulated a
note asking each college whether
it will be able to leave the one
and one-quarter per cent of its
budget unspent.
"We're going to each college
one by one," Smith says, "to see
if they can make it." If they
can't, then "we'll bicker, barter
and come to an agreement."

(Continued from Page 1)
landlords, who would receive a 7.5
mill drop in property taxes along
with all other land owners.
Instead, the party supports a
steeply graduated income tax levy
and higher exemptions for depen-
Local Republicans also oppose
the tax, but for different rea-
sons. Councilman James Stephen-
son (R-Fourth ward) has said it
would be risky to adopt a city in-
come tax without knowing whe-
ther the state will adopt a higher
state income levy to finance
schooling. He is referring to the
possibility that the state consti-
tution will be amended to elimi-
nate the property tax as a source
of education revenue.
Harris is the chief supporter of
the income tax plan, saying it is
the "most progressive" means to
meet city financial problems. If
steps are not taken soon to alle-
viate the city's fiscal bind, he
says, people will be feeling the
harsh effects of service cuts.
Although opinions differ on its
worth, both supporters and op-
ponents of the income tax ac-
knowledge the slim chances for its
approval by city voters. "I'd be
astonished if the thing passed on
February 21," Harris says. Steph-
enson also expressed doubts on
a favorable vote for the 'tax.
In addition to city financing,
other issues that should influence
council candidates and their po-
sitions this spring include crime,

the planned growth of the ur-
ban area, and the responsiveness
of city officials.
The April election could also
sway the close balance of power
that has existed between coun-
cil's six Republicans and five
Democrats. Decisions at many
sessions were often made by 6-5
margins, with liberal Councilman
Robert Weaver (R-First Ward)
providing the winning vote for
both Republican and Democratic
Two of the city's wards will
have primary races for council on
their February ballots. The line
up in both wards is:
-Fourth Ward: Democrats
Mona Walz and William Everett
will vie for the right to face Re-
publicans S a r a h Steingold,
Charles Frank or Bruce Benner,
Jr.; and
-Fifth Ward: Democrats Ai-
gustine Lalonde and Frank Mog-
dis will run to determine who will
compete against Republican in-
cumbent Lloyd Fairbanks (R).
In the other wards where no
primary will take place, council
candidates for the April ballot
-First Ward: incumbent Jack
Kirscht (D) against Richard Fos-
ter (R);
-Second Ward: Michael Mor-
ris (D) against Thomas Burn-
ham (R); and
-Third Ward: Ulrich Stoll (D)
against C. William Coburn (R).


-Associated Press
Hiya Ed!
Democratic presidential contender Edmund Muskie takes time
from a trip around "Disney World" in Orlando, Fla., to greet
"Epyore." Muskie is campaigning as part of the Florida presi-
dential primary to be held March 14.



Day Calendar
Family Recreation Program: for fac-
lIty, staff and married students, all
ports bldg. facilities, 1:30-5:30 pm.
Music School: John Martens, tenor
-'torate, Bch, of Mus. Recital Hall,
:30 pm.
Environmental and Industrial Health:
.-A. Mayer, "A New Approach to En-
ifonmental Awareness," SPH II Aud.,
SACUA Meeting: 4079 Admin. Bldg.,
INTERVIEWS: you can sign up for
ppts. with following recruiters start-
.ng tomorrow, Jan. 31; Come in or call
ur office 763-1363.
Feb. 7, KMS Technology. Center-seek-
ng B., M., or Ph.D in math, physics
Feb. 8, Abraham & Straus-seeking
ib. arts, math stat., econ.
Ford Motor Co.-B., M. in econ., com-
uter science & math
Feb. 9, General Foods Corp.-seeking
., M. in biol., C.C.S., microbiol. & M.
n math and statistics
Feb. 10, Inland Steel-seeking lb. arts,
SB., M. in math & econ.
Harris Trust & Savings Bank-seek-
ng all majors
United States Air Force-all majors
Feb. 11, Moore Business Forms-all
X12 SAB ,
Mobil Research and Development

Corp., Dallas, Texas. Wants PhD stu-
Cents in chem. engr., mech. engr. pe-
troleum engr., math., computer science,
geophysics, geology and geochemistry,
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield
Village. Openings for food service at-
tendants, bus boys, grill men, ticket
cashiers, and groundsmen.
Camp Happy Hollow, Mich. Social
Work, will interview Tues., Feb. 1, 9:30-
5. Camp handles retarded and emo-
tionally disturbed children. Openings
include group game counselor, water-
front, campcraft and trail blazing ac-
tivities, unit leaders, register by phone
or in person, 764-7460.
The following schools will send reps.
to our office to interview prospective
teachers for the 1972-1973 school year.
Make appointments through Educ. Re-
ceptionist or call 764-7459, beginning
Mon., Jan. 31:
FEB. 3, Mt. Vernon, Ohio-Elem., Sp./
Hearing, Voc. Home Bec; FEB. 7, Glen-
coe, Illinois-Elem. only; FEB. 8, Mid-
land, Michigan-All Fields; Boston Area
Schools-All Fields; FEB. 9, Boston
Area Schools-All fields; FEB. 10,
Greenwich, Conn.-For specific vacan-
cies contact our office.
MON., FEB. 7.
FEB. 15, Battle Creek, Mi.-For spe-
cific vacancies contact our office; FEB.
17, Santa Ana, Calif.-For specific va-
cancies contact our office.

PESC: Controversy hits
latest curricula reform

Research solution nears

(Continued from Page 4)
Supporters of the original pro-
sal argued that the two types of
esearch should be treated as two
ifferent issues.
They feared that because of ov-
erriding sentiment against any
trong sanctions on proprietary re-
search, and because of the large
amount of such research done at
the University, any joint state-
ment on both types would have
the net effect of weakening re-
strictions on war-related federal
However, it now appears they
were wrong, and that the new
provisions will indeed restrict
most University classified re-
It remains to be seen, however,
how the new policies will be en-
forced, if they are approved by
the Regents.
Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman has expressed
doubts as to whether the plan is
administerable, and called the
Ilan "very confused."
He says the plan depended too
much on the trust of the CRC in
their sources of information about
the projects being considered.
Perhaps one important over-

sight on the part of the assembly
was its failure to pass certain pro-
cedures for the review of research
The Schuman proposal con-
tained procedures calling for the
creation of a 12-member commit-
tee to review requests for exemp-
tions from the policy.
The committee would include
two members who are philosophi-
cally opposed to classified re-
search, two members who are en-
gaged in classified research at the
time of their appointment and two
student members.
This time, however, the assem-
bly overlooked the procedural
measures, as a motion to adopt
them was ruled out of order by
Chairman Warren Norman.
The lack of procedural provi-
sions in the current plan could
conceivably stall the plan tem-
porarily, but the assembly mem-
bers thought that the Regents
would look to the earlier resolu-
tion as expressing the intent of
the body.
There still exists the possibility
that an emergency meeting of
Senate Assembly may be held to
formally re-affirm their approval
of the committee procedures.

(Continued from Page 4)
He says he plans no further
action against the group, but the
damage has already been done,
say PESO supporters. While the
University may not move to close
the program, PESC supporters feel
that Smith's actions could dis-
courage departments and colleges
from aiding a program which has
already been "blacklisted" by the
The second statement came last
week from literary college Dean
Frank Rhodes, and amounts to a
set of guidelines to be used by
LSA departments in a general re-
view of the credit standing of
PESC courses.
The guidelines point out LSA
regulations against the use of
"guest lecturers" as "substitute
faculty for the whole or a sub-
stantial part of a course."
This seems directly aimed at
PESC's "community courses" -
"Community Control", taught by
Charles Thomas and Hank Bry-,
ant of the Black Economic De-
velopment League, and "Com-
munity C o n t r o l of Prisons,"
taught by Rainbow People's Par-
ty leader John Sinclair.
Currently, these courses may be
elected as independent study sec-
tions of courses taught by PESC
This would seem to violate sec-
tions of Rhodes' guidelines which
ban delegation of teaching respon-
sibility without departmental per-
mission, and the use of indepen-
dent study projects for "introduc-
ing new courses" without the ap-
proval of the college Curriculum
One course in question is that
taught by Prof. Sam Warner. His
History 576 course has a section
which is being taught by Thomas
and Bryant.

According to Warner, however,
history department Chairman Ja-
cob Price has sent a letter to
Rhodes explaining that Warner's
current approach is no different
than that of previous semesters,
and thus, does not merit further
Price has confirmed Warner's
assessment of the letter as being
accurate, but has declined to of-
fer any other details.
But beyond the question of
PESC's survival is whether the
University will choose to finan-
cially support this innovative pro-
gram; Currently, the program is
being financed, by contributions
from PESC members, but PESC
has its eye on a $50,000 LSA fund
earmarked for "educational in-
PESC members say that about
$4,600 would provide for all of
the program's needs this semes-
ter, including the payment of
salaries to the "community teach-
Whether this money is allocat-
ed depends largely on Rhodes,
who has effective control over the
Rhodes has, in the past, pledged
to improve the quality of under-
graduate education through inno-
vative educational experiments.
Yet since his appointment last
July, he has concerned himself
mainly with restructuring his own
office and has not yet instituted
any major academic experiments.

Sex bias ch
(Continued from Page 4)
been named an advisor to HEW,
to be consulted on matters of sex
Fleming became one of five
members of an American Council
on Education (ACE) advisory unit
to HEW last December when ACE
decided that HEW needed advice
coordinating its regional offices.
Other college presidents on the
committee represent Harvard Uni-
versity, Michigan State University,
Duke University, and Barnard
College. Sparks soon began to fly
-three of the five universities
represented on the committee are
not currently in compliance with
HEW guidelines forbincreased hir-
ing of women and blacks.
Claiming that the university
presidents on the committee could
not consider HEW in an unbiased
manner, an ad hoc group of wo-
men began petitioning for their
resignations across the country.
The appointment of these peo-
ple just stinks to high heaven,"
said Sheilah Tobias, president of
the Professional Women's Caucus
and provost of Wesleyan Univer-
sity. "It would mean the weaken-
ing of the guidelines set by HEW."
ACE president Logan Wilson,
however, was firm in his defense
of the members of the commit-
tee. "We wanted to get people
who had already had experience
with HEW. so they would be fa-
miliar with some of the problems
that come up."
Meanwhile, however, HEW's bias
came under question. In a report
publicized by HEW Secretary El-
liot Richardson last month. HEW
was attacked for widespread sex
discrimination in employment
Prepared by Women's Action
Group, a coalition of female HEW
employes, the report revealed that
only 14 per cent of HEW's top
positions are held by women, al-
though women comprise 64 per
cent of its working force.
The report was a disappoint-
ment to supporters of the PROBE
suit. "Everybody needs a prince
charming sometimes," said Zena

rarges go on
Zumeta, University Women's Rep-
resentative. "But what do you do
when all you've got is a broken
down prince?"
HEW also came under fire last
month when the Women's Equity
Action League (WEAL) requested
a Congressional investigation into
the federal agency.
WEAL, a professional women's
group, charged HEW with:
-Failing to -notify institutions
when charges have been. filed
against them, thus depriving in-
stitutions of the opportunity to
reassess their own policies;
-Failing to notify the charging
parties when investigations are be-
gun or completed so they cannot
give HEW investigators additional
-Failing to complete the guide-
lines for eliminating sex discrimi-
nation which were promised for
July 1970. According to the WEAL
motion, colleges and universities
have not been formally notified as
to what their responsibilities to-
wards women are; and
-Failing to discipline its own
employes who have publicly or
privately made statements de-
meaning to women.
To date, however, WEAL's bid
for a congressional investigation
has been unsuccessful.

Play tryouts
Tryouts for Antigone, to be given~
by the Ann Arbor Civic Theater,
will be held tomorrow, Tuesday
and Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. to 10:00
P.M. at 201 Mulholland. Roles are
available for seven men and four
women, with tryouts open to the
general public.
The production dates are March
22 through March 26 in Trueblood
Auditorium. All interested in ob-
taining a script should call Direc-
tor Burnette Staebler at 668-7057,
or Producer, Alida Silverman at


Resul ts

Do You Feel Chained
To Your Apartment?
if MH fVMrig nst'41



For the Student Body:
State Street at Liberty

Daily Classified~s



Chmn., Dept. of Political Science, Hebrew U., Jerusalem
THURS., FEB. 3: 4 P.M., Residential College Aud.
8:30 P.M., Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St.
FRI., FEB. 4: 3 P.M., Angell Hall, Aud. C


State soothes budget woes

(Continued from Page 4)
Subsequently, meetings between
state and University officials were
stepped up this year to give the
Iniversity a chance to justify its
udget request and provide state
fficials with the opportunity to
respond. The result has been bet-
er communication - and more
receptivity to University re-
In addition, the University step-
ped up its lobbying efforts as
President Robben Fleming made
several trips to Lansing in order to
plead the University's case before
the governor and his budget bu-
reau administrators.
Right now, administrators are
preparing detailed budget infor-
ration for a presentation before a

Movement strike of 1970, the Uni-
versity committed Itself to enroll-
ing increased numbers of minority
and disadvantaged students.
Administrator say they need
more than $2.5 million in new
funds to meet this commitment.
The governor, however, using a
standard funding formula for all
state schools, designated only
$926,000 for the University's new
student aid program. Thus the
University may have to fund this
difference through cutbacks or
other sources of funds.
It if weren't for this problem,
administrators say they could al-
most guarantee that a tuition in-
crease would not occur next year.

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