h y ' j j Mtr4,0 41, x an 41 - S F Y.-'.. ~ '', The month in review No. 4 December, 1971 - January, 1972 Page Four Classified research: Light at the end of the tunnel? By GENE ROBINSON Senate Assembly's endorsement last week of restrictions on University classified and proprietary research has set the stage for the final resolution of the year-long re- search controversy at next month's Regents' meeting. The controversy has focused on the issues of war-related research and academic free- dom-whether or not an educational insti- tution is justified in permitting classified research. The University currently operates under a policy forbidding research whose specific purpose is the destruction of human life. Almost no projects have been rejected un- der this policy. The restrictions passed by the assembly should eliminate most federal classified research to maximum of one year. This pro- of private-sponsored proprietary research beyond one year. The sanctions, in the form of a report submitted by the assembly's Research Poli- cies Committee, limit classification of all research a maximum of one year. This pro- vision, however, is relevant only to proprie- tary research, since currently no federal research is classified for a specified time limit. The report's sponsors explain that the one-year grace period allows proprietary re- search sponsors a "reasonable" amount of time to obtain patents and deal with legal issues. The report, however, does not restrict re- search which only'restricts publication of numerical constants and parameters which are deemed inessential for publication. The determination of what is essential for publication must come from the Clas- sified Research Committee (CRC), which reviews all classified research projects. Members of the committee indicate that this provision would not likely allow a significant amount of "research to continue However, some University administrators have called the provision a loophole. Wil- liam Brown, director of Willow Run Labora- tories, site of most of the University's clas- sified research, said that the provision could conceivably allow 10 to 20 per cent of all classified research to continue. The stipulations of this provision will certainly be difficult to enforce, since the decision on whether to accept a proposal must be made before a contract is actually -signed. It is difficult at that early stage for the government to determine exactly what must be classified. 4 -0 -Daily-Sara Krulich 1 The beat of the bands After being stoned by Stanford bandsmen during the days preceding the Rose Bowl, the University Marching Band (lower right) got its revenge on the field by subjecting a nationwide television a udience to a series of bleary-eyed '60's pop tunes. George Caven- der, University band director, waves his baton (upper right) as a Stanford freak (left) demonstrates his band's unique style. 'U', HEW CRITICIZED Sexbias charges con tinu Se I -Daily--Terry McCarthy Senate Assembly discusses classified research By PAT'BAUER Women have good reason to worry about the results of the University's affirmative action plan to combat sexism in employ- ment practices. Campus women's groups, who have been unhappy with the year-old plan since the day it was formulated, last month com- plained to the federal government for the second time in 18 months. This time they focused on the plan itself, Which they called "distorted, confused and deficient," and reiterated their claims that the University is guilty of discrimination. Meanwhile, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, which enforces the ban on sexism at the University, recently proclaimed itself guilty of widespread sex discrimination in employment. The last two months have been the most hectic-in terms of women's demands on the University-in a year and a half. The recent flurry began when PROBE, a local women's group, charged the University with wid e s pre a d employment discrimination against women. The complaint, released in December, charged the University with acting in bad faith concerning its goals and timetables for increased hiring of women. The goals were formulated in response to an HEW demand last year, when HEW found the University guilty of discrimina- tion and ordered some federal contracts to the University halted until an affirmative action plan was created. PROBE had helped file the original com- PESC: Fighting the ivory to wer' image plaint in fall, 1970, which led to the HEW investigation. As evidence of bad faith, the new com- plaint cited: . -The inadequacy of the University's complaint procedures for employe griev- ances concerning sex discrimination; -The failure of the University to pro- vide any back payment of wages to women victimized by sex discrimination, despite the fact that the University was ordered to do so by HEW; -The "distortion, confusion, and inac- curacy" of the goals and timetables for pro- moting and hiring women, which the Uni- versity submitted to HEW, and the Univer- sity's failure to meet even these limited goals; -The inadequacy of the procedures the University is currently using to identify victims of sex discrimination; and -The University's alleged use of the me- dia to bias the public and gain support for its allegations that sex discrimination is an insignificant problem. The complaint was filed with the De- partment of Labor and passed along to HEW, the federal agency in charge of en- forcing an executive order 'prohibiting sex bias in employment in federal contracts. According to Gaye Crouch, PROBE's president, the complaint was sent to HEW rather 'reluctantly. "We filed it under HEW because we're not protected under any other law, even though they've been slow and inefficient in the past," she said. The action which HEW will take on the complaint-if any-is as yet unclear. Ac- cording to Crouch, HEW investigators have stated that they will be on campus exam- ining the University this month. HEW officials, however, have not con- firmed nor denied these reports. A short time later, however, PROBE members may have wished they hadn't sent the complaint to HEW. Less than two weeks after they filed the complaint, it was learned that President Robben Fleming had See SEX, Page 8 The research controversy began early last year with a series of demonstrations against war-related research and a week-long pro- test fast by some 60 faculty members. Shortly Phereafter, Senate Assembly di- rected its Research Policies Committee to undertake a study of University classified research guidelines and presents recom- mendations for possible changes in it. The report of the committee, however, was bypassed by the assembly last fall in favor of a resolution introduced by sociology Prof. Howard Schuman. By ALAN LENHOFF The University has always had a tenuous relationship with the citizens of Michigan. While the University acknowledges that it has an obligation to increase its services to the citizens of the state, it has never been quite sure what the thrust of such a policy should be. In general, the University's efforts to this end have followed rather uninspired, traditional paths - resulting in scholar- ship programs, minority admissions goals, extension education programs, and various "missionary-like" activities such as "Project Outreach," in which students work at state correctional institutions. The emphasis has always been on extend- ing the University to the people, rather than making the University itself acces- sible to the general public. Recently, however, a group composed of professors, students and "community peo- ple" has presented the University with a program that would, on a limited basis, open the ivory tower that is the University to the community-for the mutual benefit of both town and gown. Dubbed the Program for Economic and Social Change (PESC), thergroup announc- ed that approximately 50 courses in the pro- gram will be open to the community for tree auditing and two new courses taught by community political activists who are not University faculty members are being offered. in addition, PESC professors are both encouraging and offering individual and The usual fee for auditing in $30 per credit hour for Michigan residents, and $95 for non-residents. PESO's response to the Smith statement was simply to reaffirm their intentions to open their courses to the community. Apparently, Smith has come to believe, as have many others, that enforcement of the University's rules regarding auditing is im- possible by any means short of placing se- curity guards at classroom doors. "Most University rules depend largely on the good faith of the participants," Smith acknowledges. Smith now says he is willing to let the courses continue if PESC would guarantee that no "duly registered student" would be excluded from a class because it was filled with non-students. See PESC, Page 8 i r 1 C 5 T; I t 5 i The proposal called for the University not to "enter into or renew" any federal con- tract or grant which limits open publica- tion of the results of research, unless the project was likely to contribute significantly to "the advancement of knowledge." The Schuman resolution was scheduled to be presented to the Regents last De- cember, but became stalled as several of the Regents and President Robben Fleming expressed an unwillingness to deal with the classified research issue until a report was completed on proprietary research as well. See RESEARCH, Page 8 After staggering through recent years of budget cuts and slashed appropriations, the University could easily term Gov. William Milliken's proposed hefty appropriation in- crease a welcome breath of fresh air. Indeed, Milliken's sizable recommenda- tion to the State Legislature comes directly, on the coattails of what has been a rather grim financial year for the University. Tui- tion hikes, across-the-board cuts and the elimination of many services were all in- stituted after the governor last year recom- mended only a $2.7 million increase over the University's 1970-71 appropriation. And only a few weeks ago, a predicted two per cent cutback on state funds to the University and all other state agencies was ordered by the governor to avert a possi- ble state budget deficit. Thus, when Milliken announced his bud- get recommendation last week for fiscal Rather than facing another year of STATE FUNDS INCREASE Bandagig the -budget cuts to make financial ends meet :.2: ,..:, . cutbacks, the University can now most likely anticipate full state #i funding needs. for most of its minimum " \ Y Vr r..:".".":::: r. ".t1t":.'. :."r.".".": Y Vr."Jrrrrrr.".L :..Vr. '.4". 64V: J.' ":."f ".::":.S ' ".4\ ":.M: Y.. :'. .1 S :".NV:1.": I:I :V. ': f }".'t:" '.Y .i . :..} :. 4"'tti ti "". .: *. 'S .:' .'Y"ii "..> :r {": { { f.' { Y. "r.^ + ;' {;4"{f . . .1.:i'.l:ti{{::J. :"ii :'::.t{.:5.....:..4"r. .':.}:":" ........................':":":"1:{:":.......r:":{......o.:.$^..r 4.'....{ ..ri.S".11"...i. '{': i1.CY1"..".. .ti..:":h:"s: " {{tih: }T.:...h.is. i'rh. e r li 1972-73, calling for a $12 million increase in funds to the University, he opened the door for a new budget scene. Rather than facing another year of budget austerity and cutbacks, the University can now most likely anticipate full state funding for most of its minimum needs. While the governor's recommendation December-January TWO UNIVERSITY VICE PRESIDENTS have postponed their scheduled departures from their jobs and will stay until successors are found. Robert Knauss, vice president for student services, plans to commute from his new job as Dean of Vanderbilt University Law School until a successor is found for the Office of Student Services post. A student-staff-faculty search committee is presently inter- viewing candidates, and hopes to submit a list of nominees to Presi- dent Robben Fleming by the end of February. A special dispensation from the Regents has been given A. Geof- News Briefs doesn't include funds for major new pro- jects, it does include funds for increased operational costs, growing departments, and faculty and staff salary increases. While the reasons for the University's impending financial upswing stem from many different areas, a major factor has necessarily been a brightening state finan- cial scene: Both .state officials and Univer- sity administrators feel the economy-par- ticularly in relation to the state's auto in- dustries - will pick up enough to generate the revenues to support Milliken's record $2.24 billion budget. University officials are also quick to point out that the governor's sizable funding in- crease recommendation for the University reflects certain funding priorities which Milliken hopes to establish for all state in- stitutions of higher education. . For example, Milliken has recommended a 6.5 per cent salary increase for all state college and university faculty members. Thus, as the University has the highest faculty pay budget in the state, its increase A SPECIAL "UNIVERSITY UNIT" of the Ann Arbor Police Department, to be funded entirely by the University, may be in operation as early as July 1. The plan would supersede the current arrangement in which the University subsidizes a portion of the Ann Arbor Police budget in return for services rendered. The plan has been endorsed by University and city officials, in addition to Governor William Milliken, whose opposition to the old set-up prompted the new plan. * * *