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January 29, 1972 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-29

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t Page Eight


Saturday, January 29, 1972

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 29, 1972

SEMCOG calls
delay for cVty's
sanitation pan s
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEM-
COG) yesterday delayed approval of a plan to tie in the city's
sewage disposal system to that of Wayne County pending
further evaluation of the plan.
On the urging of city mayor Robert Harris, SEMCOG
referred to a study committee the regional sewer plan which
calls for the construction of an interceptor line linking Ann
Arbor with the sewage treatment plant at the mouth of the
Huron River.
Harris and other critics have charged the plan would
lead to pollution in Lake Erie and excess costs for the city.

Drug trade rocks Asia

The SEMCOG committee

N umber of
ND eases in
county down
(Continued from Page 1)
pills; a possible reduction in nat-
ural immunity to VD in women
through the use of contraceptive
pills; and increased mobility
around the country, leading to
heightened difficulties for con-
tact investigators.
Doctors stress that VD can be
cured, but that early treatment
is necessary.
Syphilis is the more dangerous
of the two diseases. During its
earliest, most infectious stage, a
chancre or sore usually appears
at the p.oint of entry of the germ.
If untreated syphilis may result-
perhaps as much as ten years la-
ter - in paralysis, insanity, blind-
ness, heart disease, and death.
A symptom for gonorrhea, which
is caused by a gonococcus, isa
discharge of pus from the genital
organs. Blindness, arthritis, and
sterility can result. Both infec-
tions are curable in the early
stages with the help of penicillin
or other antibiotics.
It has been suggested by the
American Social Health Associa-
tion that money be allocated fron
federal funds for the control of
venereal disease. In 1971 only one-
third of the requested appropria-
tions were granted. Researcher
are trying to find a satisfactory
vaccine but at the present prog-
ress they feel it will not be made
available for some years.

will be composed of one repre-
sentative each from Ann Ar-
bor, Wayne County, Oakland
County, Washtenaw County,
the Detroit water board, a
firm of bond attorneys, and
SEMCOG. If the recommen-
dation stands after the com-

mittee studies, it will then be
presented to the U.S. Dept. of
Housing and Urban Develop-
ment for approval (HUD).
Meanwhile, the state Water Re-
sources Commission and the Fed-
eral Environmental Protection
Agency will be looking on and de-
ciding their stand on the issue.
Presently, these agencies jointly
cover 75 per cent of the cost of
Ann Arbor's sewage treatment
through grants. If they decide that
the city should not expand its own
plant but rather join in with the
Wayne county system, then the
city must comply with that de-
cision, or their grant will be ter-
Mayor Harris yesterday said he
would go to court if necessary to
block the tie-in with the Wayne
County plant.
Harris' opposition contrasts
strongly with the opinion of
.SEMCOG director Robert Turner.
Turner said he is aiming towards
providing "sewage treatment on a
collective scale."
Turner Insisted, however, that
"the primary concern is the pro-
tection of the (Huron) river."
Whether the sewage system is
individual or collective, he said, it
should provide "the most exten-
sive treatment possible."
City administrator Guy Larcom
said this week, "the Wayne coun-
ty plan is more expensive and
proposes only secondary treatment
of sewage whereas the expansion
of the Ann Arbor sewage plant
would be less expensive and pro-
vide better treatment."

-Associated Press
Wallace and the law
A Jacksonville, Fla., city patrolman greets presidential hopeful George Wallace yesterday as the
Alabama governor enters his campaign headquarters there.

Dispatch News Service
VIENTIANE - Six months aft-
er the Nixon administration finally
awoke to the dangers of drug ad-
diction in Indochina, the U.S.
finds itself involved in a frustart-
ing and many-faceted effort, both
open and clandestine, to destroy
the Indochina drug economy.
This trade links remote moun-
tain tribesmen and high govern-
ment officials -many of them
U.S. proteges - in at least five
countries to the U.S. soldier seek-
ing escape from a pointless, end-
less war.
Like the military effort, how-
ever, the U.S. anti-drugrstrategy
so far seems to have produced no
lasting results, and is becoming a
much more difficult and com-
promising endeavor than seemed
likely in the beginning.
The official side of the U.S. ef-
fort chiefly involves the activities
of the overseas section of the U.S.
Bureau of Narcotics and Danger-
ous Drugs. A regional director has
his headquarters in Bangkok. Lo-
cal representatives are attached to
U.S. mission here, in Chiangmai in
northern Thailand, in Kuala Lum-
pur and in Saigon.
Ostensibly, the "narcs" do little
except enforce U.S. drug laws
among the official American com-
munity and lobby with local gov-
ernment for more effective anti-
drug law enforcement. In fact, the
U.S. this year has become deeply
enmeshed in the often lethargic
anti-drug activities of South Viet
Nam, Thailand, Cambodia and
Here in Laos, the U.S. embassy
was the principal author of the
country's first anti-opium legisla-
tion. The U.S. mission also forced
the retirement of the Commander-
in-Chief of the Royal Lao Armed
Forces, General Ouane Ratikone.
a known trafficker who had been
under Interpol surveillance for
some time.
But in Thailand, another U.S.
ally where American-backed of-
ficials long have been involved in
the opium trade, American agents
have authorization to use "extra-
legal" methods -- including as-
sassination - to eliminate traf-
fickers who refuse to be wooed out
of business by compensating U.S.
construction contracts. N.
"You don't do it all with law,
enforcement," one U.S. official re-
cently commented. He was allud-
ing to the clandestine side of the
Nixon administration's efforts to
wipe out the Southeast Asian drug


-Associatet Press
MYLES AMBROSE, named by President Nixon yesterday to head a
new Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, tells newsmen about
his plans to rid the nation of drug pushers. Meanwhile, in South
Vietnam, military officials are also having problems with drug
salesmen - on U.S. bases.
One of the main problems of

117,000 INQUIRIES:

Wage-price controls to stick;
public finds rules confusing

WASHINGTON (P) - The ad-
ministration tried to make it very
clear that pay-price controls will
stay until they work, but the con-
trols themselves apparently aren't
clear to the public.
The Internal Revenue Service
has received more than one mil-
lion inquiries about the rules, more
than half of them on rents. And
the questions keep on coming.
Latest figures show 117,000 in-
quiries were received by the In-
ternal Revenue Service for the
week ending Jan. 18.
The government's rules govern-
ing pay and prices are becoming
increasingly complex. A recent
booklet, published at 35 cents a
copy and available through the
U.S. Superintendent of Documents
in Washingotn, takes more than
10 pages of fine print to list all
the rules in place as of Jan. 1.
More rulings have been issued
since then, and major additions

and revisions are in the works.
It is far too early to tell if these
rules will achieve the administra-
tion's goal of reducing last year's
3.4 per cent inflation rate to be-
tween two and three per cent by
the end of this year.
But the " major outline of the
administration's anti-inflation ma-
chinery, as it evolved' over the
past 21/2 months, is now clear:
" President Nixon's Cost of Liv-
ing Council, headed by Treasury
Secretary John Connally, retains
ultimate authority over the econ-
omy. Under it, the seven-member
Price Commission regulates prices;
the 15-member Pay Board a, dis-

* Complicated Price Commis-
sion rules are aimed at bringing
the average increase in all prices
to no more than 2.5 per cent this
" The Pay Board's general
standard, which the board itself
has frequently ignored for big,
powerful unions, is that wages in
new contracts can't go up more
than 5.5 per cent a year, or seven
per cent in some narrowly defined
special circumstances.
The government's Consumer
Price Index rose 0.4 per cent last
month, a yearly rate of around
five per cent after compounding.
And, the Wholesale Price Index
went up twice that. But the ad-

the U.S. anti-drug effort is that
it involves, in many instances, re-
versing long-standing U.S. policies
by using the drug traffic to ce-
ment local anti-communist alli-
The CIA, for example, helped to
consolidate General Vang Pao's
lordship of the Meo in the 1960's
by using U.S. and chartered air-
craft to transport the Meo opium
harvest to market. It also indirect-
ly supported the opium enterprises
of General Ratikone because his
trade of U.S. donated arms for
opium with the insurgent tribal
groups or Northeast Burma helped
keep open the espionage roots to
In southeastern Laos, Prince
Soun Oum Long has run a "Catch
22" type operation - trading rice
and U.S. arms with the commun-
ists while providing men for U.S.
operations against the Ho Chi
Minh Trail.
"We wanted the territory to use
against North Vietnam," he said.
"and the Meo wanted the hills to
grow opium. Neither of us had
tny illusions."

For the Student Body:
State Street at Liberty


Day Calendar
International Polk Dance: Hungarian
Folk Dance Workshop, Andor Czompo,
Women's Athletic Bldg., 10 am.-Noon;
Barbour Gym, 2-4 pm.
Basketball: Michigan vs. Ohio' State,
Crisler Arena, freshmen, 11:45 am., var-
sity, 2 pm.
Swimming: Michigan vs. Purdue,
Matt Mann Pool, 3 pm.
Wrestling: Michigan vs. Purdue,
Crisler Arena, 4 pm.
Music School: Duo Costero-Beltron,
guitarists, Rackham Aud., 8 pm.
University Players: "Ceremonies in
Dark Old Men" Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, 8 pm.
Rive Gauche: Arab Weekend, 1024
Hill St., 8 pm.
General Notices
Tours of the Computing Center:
Starting Jan. 23, Comp. Ctr. will con-
duct tours of its facilities, including
machine room, each Sun., 3 and 4 pm.;
tour groups limited to 15 people, first-
come first-served basis; tours begin at
Seminar Rm. on first fl., will last about
45 min. Groups who wish to tour at
special times during the week may ar-
range this by calling Mrs. Preston,
774-2121; groups of more than 15 will
have to tour in shifts when additional
tour guides not available.
JOBS IN A.A. AREA: for info contact
our office, 764-7460.
1) Press Rep. in Detroit-req. 5 years
exp. in mass media..
2) Research Technician in Eloise-
B. or M. in chem., knowledge of gas
3) Research & Developmental Chem-
ist in Detroit - BS in chem. or Chem.
4) Office Help in Detroit - in the
Mktg. Info. Systems Dept., req. college
5) Accountant in Wixom-B in bus.
or acct.
Announcement: The Univ. of Denver
Grad. School of International Studies
offering Graduate Fellowships for 1972-
1973. Deadline for application is Feb.
15, 1972. For info call 764-6338 or come
into our office.
212 SAB
Mobil Research and Development
Corp., Dallas, Texas. Wants PhD stu-
dents in chem. engr., mech. engr.. pe-
troleum engr., math., computer science,
geophysics, geology and geochemistry,
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield
Village. Openings for food service at-
tendants, bus boys, grill men, ticket
c.shiers, and groundamen.

Supporters raise funds
through dorm fast day

(Continued from Page 1)
money is for a good cause. It wlll
go directly to Bangladesh," s a i d
a West Quad resident. A resident
of Oxford said, "We can go with-
out a meal so easily and being
hungry will make us stop and
think a little." After a moment's
hesitation she added, "Besides,
half the people in this house are
too fat anyway.m y
Members of the community not
living in residence halls who wish
to donate the cost of their meals
are asked to send donations to the
Ecumenical Campus Center, 921
Church St.,
The fast on the 16th is jus t
part of what the friends of Bang-
ladesh has designated as Bangla-
desh Week, with two additional
events scheduled. Saturday, Feb.
12 will be Bangladesh night at the
Rive Gauche coffee house on Hill
St., featuring Bengali music and
The following Friday there will
be a Bangladesh Independence Day
Celebration in the Union Ballroom
with free admission.
In addition, the Refugees Relief
Fund, coordinated by International
Center director Rev. Paul Dotson,
is initiating a campaign entitled
"Ten Dollars to Start a Life."
That sum is approximately w h a t

the Bangladesh government has
pledged to returning families to en-
able them to buy the tools, seeds
and materials necessary to begin
Financial woes
plague PESC
(Continued from Page 1)
their course, which meets twice a
While other PESC members
agreed to assist in car-pools for
the community courses, they saw
little hope for financing any formal
busing arrangements.
Thomas also calls for the exten-
sion of the University's Health
Service to serve the community,
thus further encouraging Univer-
sity course attendance. But tile
expensive book lists of many Uni-
versity courses have been cited as
another roadblock to public par-
Despite its current difficulties in
attracting community people to the
campus, PESC retains Ats song-
range goal of an "open univer-
sity." Along these lines, PESC is
trying to arrange a program
whereby community students now
taking the community courses
could receive credit for them upon
subsequent college enrollment.

sent-torn body of business, public ministration says this is part of
an expected, temporary price bulge
and union members, regulates following the lifting of the strict
wage-price freeze last Nov. 14. It"
assigned 3,000 agents to enforce should settle down after anothe
controls. ____should___setteyowsa.raohe:;f
controls. few months, they say. &
Bogh adSl
Book Shop-. .
518 E. William
CLEARNCE 1 59 0* *+ $1 3 tax, tips & services
rrni~iMARCH 3-10
U" to )UU of AT THE FAMOUS MONTEGU BEACH HOTEL (nationally advertised in the
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763-2147 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
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See Classified Ad for Complete Flight List


Jews-Gentiles-Atheists-Idol Worshippers!
at 1429 Hill
The Bagels For Brunch Bunch
Will Present


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