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January 29, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-29

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YI 1



Partly sunny, more
snow possible

Vol. LXXXI, No. 92

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 29, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

.; ,l:.:

PESC hurt
in funding
Enthusiasm high
among students
for new courses
Saddled with continuing
financial difficulties, the Pro-
gram for Educational and So-
cial Change (PESC) has be-
gun to turn its efforts away
from immediate expansion
and toward consolidation of
its current program for aca-
demic reform.
PESC's b u d g e t surplus now
stands at little over $50, as $2,000
has been allotted to PESC in-
structors Hank Bryant andChar-
les Thomas for use in their Com-
munity Control course, it was
learned at a PESC meeting yester-
day. The $100 grant forthcoming
from the literary college student
government will offer only slight
relief to the some $1500 deficit the
program now projects.
The enthusiasm of University
students, on the other hand, has
been up to PESC's expectations.
Their attendance in the commu-
nity courses has been high, and
the accompanying credit procedure
has until now received official
sanction. That procedure involves
a student electing the community
program as a form of independent
study under a PESC professor.
In addition, PESC is now begin-
ning to encourage interested stu-
dents to incorporate educational
and social change as an ndepend-
ent major towards a BA or BS
degree, or as a part of the BGS
Although PESC will begin a fund-
raising drive among a large por-
tion of the University's faculty,
most members concede that full
realization of PES's goals must
wait at least another semester.
And while the literary college
has set aside $50,000 for "educa-
tional innovation," the money is to
be used for equipment purchases
only and distributed by competi-
tive bidding of the various depart-
ments, according to LSA Dean
Frank Rhodes.
With a curriculum consisting cf
several University courses and
t h r e e autonomous community
courses, PESC has envisioned mu-
tually helpful student-community
participation in all phases of its
program. In practice, however,
community participation has been
lagging, especially in the Univer-
sity courses.
According to Thomas, the lack
of a public transportation system
in the county has prevented many
community people from attending
either University courses or PESC
meetings. Thomas says that he
and Bryant have themselves driven
community students to and from

--- . i; : :

-Associated Press
Hod gson decries strike
Secretary of Labor James Hodgson tells a news conference yes-
terday that the West Coast dock strike threatens to halt the
nation's economic recovery. He called on Congress to enact
4 President. Nixon's bill for a forcible settlement of the dispute,
saying that the legislators have shown "little sense of urgency"
in the 'matter. (See News Briefs, Page 3).
Help to Bangladesh
inds dorm support
In an effort to raise funds for the newly-formed nation of Bangla-
desh, supporters here have organized a day of fast to be held February
16 in University residence halls.
Bangladesh, formerly known as East Pakistan, was established
last month when Indian army forces defeated troops of the federal
government of General Yahya Kahn.
In a statement released yesterday, organizers of the University
based Friends of Bangladesh Refugee Fund Coalition announced they
had come close to the required 30 per cent support needed in most
residence halls for the scheme to work.
Under their plan, the University's housing office will contribute
<.from 75 cents to two dollars for

-Daily-Denny Gainer
Creative display
Students wander through the student artfair on display this week in the Michigan Union, perusing
their peers handiwork. The art work in the lower left hand corner was carved from an apple.


Saigon braces for attack
as f ighting flares nearby

VD declines
here health
figures show
In apparent contradiction to a national trend, Washtenaw
County saw no substantial increase in cases of venereal dis-
ease last year, according to figures of the county health de-
Recent widely publicized national figures show a 16 per
cent increase in the number of cases of gonorrhea and an
eight per cent rise in cases of syphilis last year.
Although county figures for 1971 show a slight increase
in the number of cases of syphilis, there was a significant
reduction - some 114 cases - in 'the more prevalent disease
of gonorrhea.
These county figures were given additional credence re-
cently through surveys by doctors at the University Health
Service who say that the rate of infection among students
has also decreased.
Dr. Robert Anderson, director of the University's Health
Service, says that an increasing awareness by students of
the dangers of VD is one factor which may have contributed
to the apparent reduction in
cases of the disease here.
He cites figures showing
that only "about one out of
ten students coming into the
Health Service believing they
have VD actually have it" as..
evidence of this awareness.
"There' has been a more in- 1
tense educational effort to let
people know early treatmentx
was important and a willing-
ness to accept such treat-
mless of the taboo sort of stuff."
Since August last year, the
Health Service has instituted
free testing for venereal dis-
ease, Anderson added, and this
may also be a factor in the
supposed reduction of infec- Robert Anderson
tion rates.
As an additional means of helping students who feel they
may have contracted VD, the Health Service has a new tele-
phone information service to answer questions on sexually
transmitted diseases.
By far the majority of the total number of cases re-
ported here were gonorrhea, less than ten per cent syphilis.
Doctors stress, however, that the majority of cases of both
types of VD are never reported or treated at all.
The reduction in venereal disease here is all the more
surprising because it runs contrary to what epidemiologists
are calling an epidemic of VD nationwide.
This epidemic, which caused a 40 per cent increase in
VD infection rates in Washtenaw County between 1969-70,
now seems to have been checked here.
Several reasons have been propounded for the national
increase in VD infection, among them increased sexual ac-
tivity among teen-agers, the prime victims of VD; a reduc-
tion in the use of condoms, which serve as a barrier to trans-
mission of the disease, along with a switch to contraceptive
See NUMBER, Page 8
Hea l thService
plans modified
Plans for a comprehensive health program for students, faculty
members and administrators have been abandoned by the Committee
on Long Range Planning for the University's Health Service in favor
of expanding student services only.
The committee of faculty members and administrators recently
termed the proposed expansion of health care facilities as "imprac-
tical," and will instead study ways for expanding health services for

Committee members point out sthat a comprehensive health plan
for faculty and administrators is being offered through the University
medical center.
The plan, as originally conceived in a report to the Regents last
year, essentially called for the integration of the existing health
<"service into a broader unit under
the control of the medical center.
Medical services for students,
faculty and staff would have been
provided by the new unit under a
comprehensive health care plan
funded by a compulsory fee levied
on members of the University
Now, however, the responsibility
for student health care will re-
main with the existing health serv-
icet-hough there will still, for the
first time, be a compulsory fee
k assessment to pay for it. Medical
services for other members of the
community will continue to be pro-
vided separately by the medical
~ '~' ~Vice President Robert Knauss
annocnced at last week's Office of
Student Services Policy Board

SAIGON (f') - Communist-led
forces wounded 10 Americans
and shot up a resupply helicopter
in a flurry of fighting east of
Saigon yesterday, the U.S. Com-
mand said today.
The troopers of the 1st Air
Cavalry Division, guarding Sai-
gon's eastern flanks, were wound-
ed in a series of four incidents
that included a shelling, a mine
explosion and two brief fire-
The South Vietnamese mili-
tary command announced that
an official radio report of sharp
fighting within 10 miles of Sai-
gon's northwestern edge was in
error, and blamed it on a mixup
in information from the field.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Command
reported yesterday the 20th air
strike inside North Vietnam this
year ,and also belatedly dis-
closed the loss of two American
aircraft to "mechanical failures."
The latest air strike was trig-
gered Thursday afternoon, the
command said, when a radar site
in North Vietnam controling a
surface-to-air missile battery be-
gan tracking U.S. planes, bomb-
ing the Ho Chi Minh Trail in
neighboring Laos.
The two aircraft losses dis-
closed yesterday bring to 8,097
the number of U.S. planes and
helicopters lost to all causes in
Indochina since Jan. 1, 1961.
The Saigon military radio er-

4HR-RIP to
at conventionl
With an eye toward April's city
elections, the Human Rights-
Radical Independent Party will
hold a platform convention today
in the Michigan Union.
The platform convention -
which will cover a range of issues
including community planning, in-
stitutionalized racism and sexism
and party structure, - bears spe-
cial significance according to par-
ty members, since all HR-RIP
candidates for City Council will be
bound to the Party's platform
HR-RIP was organized a year ago
to provide a leftwing alternative
to the Republican and Democratic
parties. Party members say that
a significant portion of the new-
ly - enfranchised 18-21-year-old
voters may bolster the party's in-
fluence in city politics this year.

each student who voluntarily miss-
es a meal. The housing office stip-
ulates, however, that at least 30
per cent of the residences in each
unit must agree to the fast, and
the money must go to an officially
recognized University activity.
To date, the following residence
halls have met the 30 per cent
figure: Bursley, .Cousins, Jordan,
Markley, Martha Cook, Oxford
and West Quad.
The latter hurdle was overcome
a week ago when President Rob-
ben Fleming, in one of' his rare
public statements on non-Univer-
sity issues, urged support for the
Describing the new nation, Flem-
ing said, "Already poor, and now
the victim of a tragic war, i t s
leadership has been decimated, its
crops destroyed, and its ; people
left homeless. Measured solely in
terms of human survival, t h e
months ahead are critical.
"Those people who care can
show their concern by supporting
this compassionate crusade."
Residents of the halls seem to
share similar reasons for their
participation in the fast. "T h e

roneously reported two battalions
of South Vietnamese rangers at-
tached to the 5th Infantry Divi-
sion battled Viet Cong troops for
seven hours beginning at dawn
just to the east and southeast of
the Quang Trung Military Train-
ing Center. This was also the
scene of heavy fighting in the
last Tet offensive.
It was the second mistaken
report produced by official Viet-
namese sources in three days,
underscoring a heightened state
of nervousnesspervading South
Vietnam as the Tet lunar new
year approaches with widespread
predictions of a Viet Cong of-
The first report, on Wednes-
day, said aircraft had destroyed
four enemy tanks, which turned
out to be trucks.
The radio claimed 23 Viet Cong
were killed in the clash, and eight
rifles and many important docu-
ments, were captured. There was
no report on South Vietnamese
Communist troops shelled a
South Vietnamese ranger com-
pany 35 miles northwest of Sai-
gon and then launched a ground
attack. Field reports said one
Ranger was killed and six were
For weeks South Vietnamese
troops have been sweeping areas
northwest of Saigon trying to
prevent Communist forces from
concentrating for a new offen-

Russo ordered to stand trial
with Ellsberg in secrets ease

eral judge has ruled that An-
thony Russo, a former Rand
Corp. researcher, must stand
trial with Daniel Ellsberg de-,
spite his once being granted
immunity in return for grand
jury testimony about the
Pentagon Papers case.
Russo never testified, as a re-!
sult of numerous legal tangles.

U.S. District Court Judge Mat-
thew Byrne Jr. said yesterday the
law "provides that the immunity
attaches at the time that the tes-
timony is given and that the scope
of the immunity is determined by
the testimony.."
After conferring with attorneys,
Byrne postponed the trial until
May 9 because of the involvement
of Ellsberg's attorney in the Har-
risburg, Pa., trial of the Rev.
Phillip Berrigan and seven others.


Byrne set pretrial hearings for
Feb. 29 and May 1.
He said he would confer with
attorneys in the interim to calcu-
late the progress in the Harris-
burg trial and determine if any
further postponements would be
Russo was not present.
Russo, 35, is charged with re-
ceiving stolen government docu-
ments - the papers relating the
origins of the Vietnam war-and
of conspiring with Ellsberg to copy
and distribute them to the news
Russo's attorney, Michael Bala-
ban, argued that Russo was im-
mune from prosecution and that it
was the government's fault that
he didn't testify.
Russo, called before the grand
jury at the inception of the case,
refused to testify, claiming the
Fifth Amendment right against
self-incrimination. A judge or-
dered him to testify under a grant
of immunityy, but he still re-
fused, was ruled in contempt and
After 45 days in jail, Russo an-
nounced he would testify if given
a transcript of his testimony to
make public. A federal judge is-

Success spurs Black Caucus

WASHINGTON (P) - The congressional
Black Caucus, organized to give the na-
tion's 25 million blacks a voice in Wash-
ington, has been stunned with its success
and rapid growth.
Less than a year after it was launched
by a dozen House Democrats, the caucus
is bursting the seams of its offices, strain-
ing its budget and draining the energies of

gesting projects for it, and duplicating it
at the state and local political level.
"Psychologically, this is the most pro-
found political symbol that has ever been
offered to black Americans," says Rep.
John Conyers Jr., (D-Mich.), a caucus
The caucus is in the process of setting
itself up as a nonprofit corporation to pro-

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