Eighty.one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan circus maximus PEST attacks the Institute for Good Works by indsay chaney 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers ur the editors. This must be noted in all reprints FRI DAY, JANUARY 28, 1972 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT BAUERI Protesting political- trials THE RELEASE on parole of Daniel Ber- rigan from federal prison should be reason for some relief in a season marked by yet more political trials such as the one which- sent Berrigan to the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Conn. under sentence for vandalizing draft records. For, while Berrigan is free, his brother Philip and six co-defendants wen' on trial Monday on charges of conspiring to kidnap presidential advisor Henry Kis- singer. And, in California, Angela Davis faces trial - now scheduled to begin next Monday - for allegedly supplying the guns that killed four persons in an at- tempt, to free three convicts undergoing trial.- Political trials have always attracted concern beyond that generated by ordin- ary trials because they focus on issues that transcend the individuals being tried, And, it ,is in this light that the trials of Angela Davis and the Harrisburg defendants should be examined. FIMTY YEARS AGO, groups of Ameri- cans mobilized to protest the death sentence imposed upon anarchists Ni- chola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti after a murder trial based on flimsy cir- eumstantial evidence, conducted before an obviously biased judge and jury. Editorial Staff Protests then did nothing but prolong for seven years the lives of Sacco and Vanzetti. It is certainly questionable whether protests now will alter the fate of the Harrisburg six or of Angela Davis, since the government seems intent upon convicting them. Yet it should be re- membered that Bobby Seale, Huey New- ton and Erika Huggins all underwent po- litical trials and walk free now. It seems likely that public outcry and demonstra- tions of support in these cases aided the accused.4 But in the meantime, there is no jus- tification for the abuse perpetrated by the present system of discretionary bail. Now, a judge may free on bail a suspect accused of, perhaps, armed robbery, while denying bail to someone like John Sin- clair, accused .of possessing marijuana, or Angela Davis, charged, in essence, with owning guns. Thus, the judge can decide to free on bail a person charged with a crime con- sidered socially unacceptable, enforcing the assumption of innocence until guilt has been shown. But at the same time, a person accused of a crime considered po- litically unacceptable is generally not freed on bail - effectively rendering that person guilty unless proven innocent. Where political preference - which should be a matter of individual choice - becomes mandated by the state through its judicial system, then individual choice loses its power and political views outside the current mainstream become sup- pressed. That is what has happened in the current crop of political trials, and that is what happened fifty years earlier to Sacco and Vanzetti. STILL, IT IS crucial that large groups mobilize in support of both the Har- risburg Six and Angela Davis. It is indeed possible that even the most conservative justices might be influenced by massive public outrage at the flimsy evidence upon which these cases are built. For a nation, which proudly proclaims that it is founded upon freedom, to sup- press vigorously and systematically op- position thought is less than honest. For that same nation to sanction criminal proceedings in response to opposing mili- tary conscription or for existing as a black woman Communist is inexcusable. Placing the Harrisburg defendants and Angela Davis in the criminal dockets are acts that should, thus, be met with vig- orous and systematic opposition. -ROSE SUE BERSTEIN Landers on pot EVEN ANN LANDERS has joined the band wagon. Referring to current drug penalties, she writes: "I've had letters from teenagers and their parents that make you wonder whether such things could happen in America. The laws pertaining to mai- juana are still archaic and inhumane in most states." Ever wonder how many legislators around the country read Ann Landers? -MAYNARD FRANK AND AL were sitting in Frank's office on the top floor of the Institute for Good Works building. It was a fine new building, ten stories tall, which at- tested to the success of the Institute. The purpose of the Institute was to do Good, and both Frank and Al, who were co-directors, were proud of their record in that area. When it was founded ten years ago, the Institute did Good by sending its staff members to area hospitals where they read stories to hospitalized children, eight years old and under. Due to progressive leadership on the part of Frank and Al, the institute f i r s t expanded its operations to include, a 11 children up to age 1A, and then to include everyone. Of.course, there were problems at first. Most children over age 10 were not anxious to hear about The Little Engine that Could and neither were the adults. However, the Institute eventually managed to gather a variety of reading materials ranging from Cowboy Sam and the Ind- ians through The Hardy Boys at B 1 a c k Snake Island; through Silas Marner to Lord Jim and Rabbit Redux and the Feynman Lectures on Physics. And everyone was happy. Institute readers were now in every hospital in the city and they even branshed. out to reading at local boys clubs and civic organizations. HOWEVER, all was evidently not well. Frank and Al had heard that some insti- tute staff members were not happy and had formed a group called Persons to End Story Telling (PEST). Instead of stomping down hard on the dissident staff members, Frank and Al decided to show their pro- gressive and liberal natures by discussing . the issues with PEST members. They were now waiting for two PEST representatives. "Yes, indeed," rejoined Frank. "It is through books that the greatest thoughts of the greatest minds this world has 'evr seen are disseminated to the great masses of our population." "We never questioned that there is some good to reading," said Cedric. "What we are saying is that there are other ways to do Good.. "We need to take Goodness to the people. All the people aren't if= hos- pitals or Rotary clubs. We have to strive for innovative goodness." "I'm not sure that your idea of Good is very good," said Frank. "We have an Institute policy of signing an agreement with whatever organization wants readers. Now, are you going to be' signing an agree- ment with everyone you help out on the street?" "We hadn't planned, to," said Sam. "But then, we aren't going out on the streets to read stories to people either." "How do you know the people on the streets want to be helped?" asked Al. "IT'S BEEN MY observation, especially. in the case of old ladies, that they all yell , 'help', just before getting hit by cars, ,buses or trucks," said Sam. "You don't say?" mused Frank. "So you assume that these old ladies would pre- fer not to be hit by the cars, buses and trucks?" "That's right." said Frank. "We plan to help them cross the streets." "You're certainly free to help people cross streets in your free time," said Al. "Cf course, this would be strictly outside cf working hours." "You're missing the point," said Cedric. "We want to help people cross streets ,as part of the regular Institute program." "Absolutely not." said Al. "We'll think about it," said Frank. r s p Sam and Cedric soon appeared for the discussions. Frank poured a round of car- rot juice, and the four sat down to talk business. "Now," Frank said, "I understand you gentlemen are unhappy with our policy of promoting goodness." "Well, that is not exactly accurate," said Sam. "We are unhappy with the Institute policy of only promoting Goodness by read- ing to sick people in the hospitals." "That's not quite true,' said Al. "We also read to Boy Scout troops, the Rotary Club, and numerous other civic and fraternal organizations." -Daily-Sara Krulwich "Nonetheless." said Cedric, "There seems to be an assumption that reading to people is the only way to do Good." "Do you have any better ideas?" asked' Frank. "Yes," said Sam. "We'd like to go out to the community and, help old ladies and small children cross the streets." "That's interesting," Frank said, not knowing quite what to say.; "WE'VE ALWAYS dcne Good by reading to people." said Al. "Reading is the pri- mary method by which knowledge is trans- mitted from one person to another." 141 Soledad trial: The heat goes on ROsjRT ERAroWrt Z ditor JD* 1 BEATflS Executive-Editors, DAVE CHUDWiN Managing Editor STEVE KOPPMAX ..........Editoria Page Editor RICK PERLOIT .... Asseciate Editorial Page Editor PAT MANORET .... Assistant Editorial Page Editor LARRY LEMPERT ...... Associate Managing Editor LTNN WEINER.........Associate Managib1g Editor- ANITA CRONE......... ............ Arts Editor JIM mRW7N................. Associate Arts Editor OBERT CONROW .....................Books Editor JANET FRET................ Personnel Director TERRY MCCARTRT .........Photography Editor NIGHT EITORS: Pat Hauer, Rose Sue Berstein, Lindsay Chaney, Mark Dillen, Sara Fitzgerald, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Arthur Lerner, Hes- ter Pulling, Robert Schreiner, W.E. SChrock, Geri sprung. OOPY EDITORS: Linda Dreeben, Chris Parks. Gene Robinlson, Paul Travis. DAY EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Mary Kramer, John Mitchell, Hannah Morrison, Beth OberIelder, Tony Schwartz, Gloria Jane Smith, Charles Stein, Ted Stein, Marcia Zoulaw. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Howard Brick, Dave purhenn, Janet Gordon, Daniel Jacobs, Judy Rus- kin, Lynn Sheehan, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink- lenberg, Rebecca Warner. Business Staff JAMES STOREY, Business Manager RICHARD RADCLIFFE........Advertising Manager SUEANNE BOSCRAN..................Sales Manager ANDY GOLDING ..... Associate Advertising Manager Sports Staff MORT NOVEC Sports Editor TERRI FOUCHEY ....... Contributing Sports Editor #ETSY.MAHON. .............. Senior Night Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS:4Bill Alterman, Bob An- trews, Saudi Genis, Joel Greer, Elliot Legow, John Papanek, Randy Phillips, Al Shackelford. By MICHAEL CASTLEMAN HERE USED to be three Sole- dad Brothers - George Jack- son, John Cluchette, and Fleeta Drumgo. Then as Bob Dylan puts it: "Lord, Lord, they shot George Jackson down." . Right now, in San Francisco, the two remaining Soledad Brothers are on trial, accused of murdering John Mills, a white guard, at Soledad Prison, in January 1970. Immediately prior to the killing of Mills, racial tensions at the pri- son were higher than usual. After a prison yard fight between blacks and whites, a group of black "troublemakers" -but no whites - was thrown into "solitary con- finement. A few days later, Mills was beaten td death on the third tier and thrown down to the first. Jackson, Cluchette and Drumgo; all black activists, were indicted for murder. Radicals immediately charged a political frameup. If convicted, the two remainingde- fendants face a mandatory death sentence under California law. WE ARRIVED at the S an Francisco Hall of Justice on Jan. 4. In order to enter the building everyone must empty their pockets and walk through a metal de- tector to be admitted to the build- ing. If the metal detector blips, the prospective spectator is frisk- ed. One of our party had steel-toed work boots; the detector went off, he was frisked. Another had a coat with large metal buttons; the detector caught her and she was made to walk through again with- out her coat. I stepped up to Window I where a sign said "Passes for the Clu- chette-Drumgo trial," and asked for a pass. "I can't give you a pass until you're standing in that line," the cop at the window barked, vaguely motioning behind me where there was no line. I tried again. "You're got to stand in line Michael Castleman is a sociol- ogy teaching fellow and literary college senior majoring in litera- ture. "SOLEDAD BROTHERS" John Cluchette, George Jackson and Fleeta Drumgo are escorted into an elevator by a guard, left. At right, Fleeta Drumgo. issue. The prcec"tkn is basing its case on the testimony of alleged eye witnesses to Mill's death - Soledad inmate; wbn will swear they saw Jackson, Cluchette and Drumgo kill the guard. But the defense intends to prove the testimony has been bought- that the witnesses have been prom- ised parole in exchange 'for what amounts to perjury: The prosecution hoped the. judge would rule defense attempts to prove perjury inadmissible. So far he has refused to make -uch a ruling. THE DAY WE were at the, trial, the prosecution presented it most expert expert, a Mr. Elzerman. a fifteen year veteran homocide in- vestigator, who did the initial in- vestigation of Mills' murder! After an entire day of boring testimony on blood types, he stated. that he found no evidence to either in- criminate or exonerate the 4efend- ants. Then the defense cross-examined Mr. Elzerman. "You stated earlier that you found nothing to either in- criminate or exonerani the; detelid- ants. Now.Mr. lzerm an; iato ur opinion, what evidemie Goulds.You have possible found to ezoftnete the defendants?" Elzerman w a a silent. The defense counsel continued, "You were only looking for evi- dence to incriminate someone or some group for the murder r'of Mills, is that correct?" "That is correct." "COULD YOU have found " any- thing to exonerate the defendants or anyone else?" "And you found nothing to -in- criminate either defendant?" "That's right." "Mr. Elzerman, would you say that your entire investigation came up with a big fat zero?" "I would say so." And this guy was the prosecu- tion's best expert. During one of the recesses, I went to the bathroom, and read the grafitti in the stall. One "Die Niggers." One "Free Angela Dav- is." One "Avenge George Jack- son." And with arrows pointing to the two contradictory political views, one liberal spirit had writ- ten "Let's get together." The line from Dylan flashed through my mind: "In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls." 4 V 4 before I'll give you a pass," he said, without looking up. The five of us caucused, t h e n drifted in the direction the cop had pointed and stood still fora moment. "All right, step up," he growled. I showed my double identificat on -driver's license and draft card. An officer wrote down my name and permanent address, while another matched the signatures. When my out-of-state address was observed, he asked me where I was staying. I wasn't prepared for the question; and blurted out the ad- dress, then wondered for which file that information was intended. NEXT CAME the police f i 1 e photograph. Everyone admitted to the trial must have his or her pic- ture taken unless a picture is on his or her driver's license. Then came the frisk for every- one entering the courtroom, sur- prisingly cursory for men. Women, however, were taken behind a partition, frisked by a female of- ficer, and made to drop t h e iir pants. I asked a cop why this was done, and was told that the police are not allowed to make internal searches, but if a weapon were concealed in a woman's vagina or ass, the chances are it would show up as a bulge in her under- wear. That's funny," I said. "A man could just as easily have a wea- pon up his ass or in his crotch " But the cop didn't have an answer. Later 'I discovered that there are five women who come to the trial every day - Drumgo's mother, Cluchette's wife, and three white women from the Angela Davis - Soledad Brothers Defense Committee. Now the women's search appeared in a different light - harassment. THE COURT proceedings take place behind ten panels of bullet- proof plexiglass held together by steel beams. The, room is sound- proofed and the trial is piped in through a public address system. The trial participants cannot hear anything that goes on in the aud- ience, but observers can be eject- ed for talking, dozing off, or laughing. There are two closed circuit television cameras in operation at the trial. One pans the court, the other the audience. All spectators are under another kind of scrutiny as well. Every major police department in t h e country is linked by teletype to the vast memory banl, of the Na- tional Crime Lab computer in Washington, D.C. Each spectator's rnme is submitted and a record where the 100 prospective jurors had plenty of time to prepare themselves to tell the Court how impartial they were. According to one of the Defense Committee women, a prospective juror would come in and take the oath. The defense would ask, "Are there any blacks in your neigh- borhood?" "No." "Are there any blacks in organizations you be- long to?" "No." "Any blacks on your job?" "No." "Do you have any black friends?" "No." Do you think you could render a fair and impartial verdict in this .ase?" "Yes, I have no racial prejudices." The judge has been better than the defense had expected, con- sidering that many San Francisco judges were friends of the Marin County judge killed in Aug. 1970 in a kidnap attempt by G e o r g e Jackson's younger brother Jona- than. That kidnap attempt resulted in a number of deaths including Jonathan Jackson and the judge. ALTHOUGH THE trial judge has agreed with the prosecution on a number of points, he has not ruled against the defense on one key 4 *4I t vrrn& QlO HO /Ie I . ''' Ds.Pubishers-an Sy5ndicats rY4'. WT--- I I a t2O-r' f t! 7 Rtl1HIE!l Ek"k --i 0-1 1- I I I