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January 28, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-01-28

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i1 e


:43 a t I

Low- -5
Continued cold
with snow flurries

Vol. LXXXII, No. 91
Motion to
oust SGC
w- g
Council ready to
openi meat co-op
on trial week run

Ann Arbor,

Michigan-Friday, January

28, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

-Dally-Rolfe Tessem

SGC DEBATES last night on a motion to oust administrative
vice-president Jay Hack. The members of GROUP, who voted to
support the measure, are also involved in a drive to allow
women membership in the Michigan Union.
Wo-men membershi
in Union requested
The Michigan Union, once a male bastion, may soon accept'
women as members.
The five GROUP members of Student Government Council are
currently sponsoring a petition to amend the Michigan Union con-
stitution to admit women as members of the Union.
The amendment proposes to strike from the constitution the
clause stating that membership "shall be confined to men."
In order to bring the proposed amendment before the Union

Student Government Coun-
cil last night rejected a move
that called for the elimination
of the office of administrative
vice president, a post currently:
held by Jay Hack.
The measure which was intro-
duced by council member Curt
Steinhauer of the Responsible Al-
ternative Party received only five
supporting votes, two short of the
necessary majority. A related mo-1
tion, that had merely asked Hack
to resign, had been previously de-
feated by the council in a meeting
last month.
In other action, SGC voted to
fund a one week trial-run of the
newly created SGC Meat Co-op.
The co-op is a part of the larger
grocery store project that the
council established as its number
one priority for the semester. In a
#report before the council, Bill
Jacobs, the coordinator of the pro-
ject, stated that at the present'
time, it did not seem economically
feasible for the council to get in-
volved in a large-scale grocery An investigator
operation. sub-level of the
He proposed instead a co-op (left) and New
limited only to the sale of meats, a cigar."
since this was an area in which
he felt the council; could substan-
tially undercut the prices avail- ROGERS
able at local markets.
Jacobs predicted that the meat
co-op could sell its products for
approximately 15 per cent less P
than the lowest prices currently
Starting next Monday and con-
tinuing through Thursday, repre-
sentatives of the co-op will be in
the fishbowl to take orders for a "4
the meat. Purchasers will be re-
quired to pay 50 per cent of the
bill as a down payment with the
remainder to be paid upon de-
The co-op plans to fill the orders
on Saturday and students will be
able to pick up their meat that.
day at both the SAB and East
Quad. Those sites as well as the
times of delivery are tentative,
and will be confirmed at a hter
In the debate on the proposed,
Hack ouster, Steinhauer claimed
that his motion was not in any
way a personal vendetta against
Hack, although he did say that
Hack had done a poor job in +he
office. He described the post of
administrative vice president as
"excessive baggage which the
council could easily do without."
Voting in favor of the measure
were Steinhauer, Michael Davis,
John Koza, Marty Scott and Bob
Nelson. XlL(I

Board may let
students break
lease in dorm
The Housing Policy Committee of the Office of Student
Services (OSS) yesterday approved a provision in the 1972-
73 residence hall lease which, if implemented, could allow
students the option to cancel their contracts.
Under the provision, cancellations would have to be made
within a specified time period which has not yet been de-
termined by the committee.
In order to go into effect, however, the provision must
receive final approval from the committee at its second read-
ing next week. In addition, the University attorney and con-
troller must approve it.
Committee member Phil Cher- ''
ner raised the motion as an alter-
native to Tenants Union member
William Dobbs' one-term lease
proposal. Dobbs favored the adop-
tion of three lease forms-one for:
fall, one for winter, and one for
both terms. decd
In order to prevent loss of reve-
nue from departing students, the
provision calls for students to pyt e t
60 per cent of the room and board
charge during the fall term and
the remaining 40 per cent in the By SUE STEPHENSON
winter. The general assembly of the
This measure was included to Southeast Michigan Council of
offset the expected loss of revenue Governments (SEMCOG) will de-
during the second term, which; cide today on its recommendation
would raise the rates of students to the Water Recources Commis-
remaining in the dorms. A student sion (WRC) concerning Ann Ar-
leaving at the end of the first bor's sewage treatment.
term would therefore be penalized Today's'decision - another step
by paying an extra 10 per cent the
firstemes Cherein the controversy over whether
fcrst n seetr. enrth ewthe city should expand its own
lease will "make the University try sewage treatment with, a proposed
harder to attract students to its area wide system - follows last
housing and force the UniversityIweeks SEMCOG executive com-
+n h rannni'to +ncfi~o Ap mittee decision in favor of the

Arson at Grad Library?
(right) holds the charred remains of books after a fire ,broke out last night in a
University library. Damaged shelves of the library included books on anarchism
Zealand. According to one Burns Security man, the fire was set by "a man with
ice plan officiall
icked atlaris taks

board for acceptance or rejection, support
H _tures c
time U
0 WOO SIf th
Hopwoods I h
by"up for
receivedb of°g
tails vo
al queg
Eight University underclassmen ment a
this week received Hopwood Stud
Awards for creative writing. In the of the
sixth annual Hopwood contest, ngt
the eight students received awards vicepr
totaling $750. always
In the essay division Martin the res
Lee, '75, was awarded $100 for saw it
"The Only Way to Fly is to Die." If th
Marcia Zoslaw, '74, received $50 propos
for two essays, "The Case for the constit
Indian" and "Jerusalem." gathers
Three awards were made in the of the
fiction division. Julie Wittes, '75, membe
received $150 for "two Stories". bership
Roger DeLiso, '75, was awarded issue w
$100 for "Fiction" and Teri Mal- al by t
witz, '75, received $50 for "Satur- SGC
day Morning, Home." alizedt
Three students also received could b
awards in the poetry division. Lin- How
nea Dudley, for "Water Colors eral me
Ruled by Neptune" received $150. non-vo
Bruce Shlain ,'75, was awarded pressed
wud s
$100 for "Poetry". $50 was award- Curr
ed to Cynthia Yockey, '75, for student
"Lot's Wife." and a s
English Profs. Arno Bader and in their
Robert Haugh judged 42 manu- membe
scripts entered by 36 students. with $3
The awards were presented ing dir
Wednesday by Haugh, chairman The1
of the Hopwood Committee, fol- Ty aE
They e
lowing a lecture given by poet organiz
Adrienne Rich. bership
M1s. Davis says
Angela 'victim
of repression'
"Angela is as innocent of criminal
charges as any one of you," Sallye Davis,
mother of Angela Davis, said yesterday at
t a rally in the Law Quad.
Speaking to about 200 people, Davis said,
"But because she is a black woman, be-
cause her political ideas differ from those
of the power structure, because of her

ters must collect 200 signa-
of male students and life-
'nion members.
e Union board approves the
ment; it would be brought
a vote before the entire
membership. Women can-
*n the petitions.
abership in the Union en-
ting on Union constitution-
stions and participating in
ns concerning the govern-
and use of the Union.
ents seem only dimly aware
"men-only" clause. Accord-
Jay Hack, administrative
esident of SGC, there have
been vocal objections to
striction, "but no one really
as a burning issue."
he Union board rejects the
ed amendment, the Union
ution can be amended by
Ing signatures of 10 per cent
e current student Union
rs. The entire Union mem-
could then vote on the
without needing the approv-
he Union board,
members only recently re-
that the Union constitution
be amended in this way.
ever, Stanfield Wells, gen-
anager of the Union, and a
ting board member, ex-
confidence that the board
approve the amendment.
ently, all full-time male
ts become Union members,
mall assessment is included
, tuition.
ien automatically become
rs of the Michigan League
.50 of their tuition fees go-
ectly to the League.
Union was founded in 1906
group of University men.
established it as a private
ation and restricted mem-
to men.

By The Associated Press
Representatives of North Viet-
nam and the Viet Cong offic-
ially attacked every major point
of President Nixon's peace plan
at the Paris peace talks yester-
day, reinforcing earlier indica-
tionstthat the plan is unaccept-
able to them.
Secretary of State William
Rogers, however, expressed some
hesitant optimism about the
plan, pointing out that the
North Vietnamese had not ex-
actly rejected the proposal.
In a related development last
night, administration officials
reported that the United States,
in secret talks in Paris last year,
told Hanoi envoys that Wash-
ington would be willing to un-
dertake a $7.5-billion postwar
reconstruction aid program for
Indochina of which up to $2.5
billion could go to North Viet-


Officials said this "illustra-
tive" figure was given for a five-
year U.S. economic-assistance
program for South Vietnam,
North Vietnam, Cambodia and
Laos once a peace settlement
stops the fighting.
In Indochina, meanwhile,
Communist-led forces launched
two heavy attacks yesterday in
the southern half of South Viet-
nam. In the central highlands,
South Vietnanese troops stum-
bled onto an enemy base camp,
touching off one of the sharpest
battles since a North Vietna-
mese buildup began there two
months ago.
The communist buildup in the
central highlands has officials
predicting a North Vietnamese
offensive there, probably next
In presenting the plan at the
peace talks, U.S. Ambassador
William Porter and South Viet-
nam's Pham Dang Lam stressed
that it was flexible and open to
negotiation. The allied dele-
gates hoped that the Commu-
nist side might take up the
challenge and open bargaining
in public or secret meetings.
The meeting, however, pro-
duced no hint that the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong dele-
gations were ready to bargain-
publicly or privately - on the
basis of Nixon's plan.
After denouncing the plan as
a maneuver by Nixon to get
himself re-elected president,
Xuan Thuy, the North Vietna-
mese delegate, said he would
have "other comments to make"
Thuy denounced Nixon for
See VIET CONG, Page 8

to be responsiv to stuaeta
Housing Director John Feld-
kamp expressed concern that the
provision would be financially
damaging to the University, and
would "serve Ann Arbor land-
lords" by encouraging more stu-
dents to move into apartments.
He said, however, the plan "won't
make us go broke," though it was
According to Cherner the Hous-
ing Policy Committee exists to
serve student needs, not the Uni-
versity's. If the new lease did re-
sult in massive dormitory vacan-
cies, he said, the University should
find out what was wrong with the
resident hall system or "get out of
the housing business."

Vayne County collective system.
SEMCOG's goal, defined by its
irector Robert Turner, is to pro-
ide sewage treatment on a collec-
[ve scale."
However, Turner said that "the
>rimary concern is the protection
f the river." Whether the sys-
;m is individual or collective,
ie said, it should provide "the
nost extensive treatment possi-
Harris and other city officials
avor expansion of the city's plant
ver the proposed areawide sys-
According to Fred Mammel,
uperintendent of Public Works,
the Wayne County plan is more
xpensive and proposes only sec-
ndary treatment whereas the ex-
ansion of the Ann Arbor sew-
ge plant would be less expensive
nd provide better treatment."
City Administrator Guy Lar-
om described the areawide sys-
em approach as "expensive and,
ion-beneficial," although he said
[hat "expansion of future treat-
nent facilities must occur."
The estimated cost* of the
>ant's expansion is $18 million,
with an additional $5 million for
^etention basins making the to-
l expenditure $23 million.
Expansion of the city plant
would increase the amount of
ewage treated from 15 million
allons per day (mgd) to an es-
imated 24-33 mgd, Mammel pro-
jcted. It would also introduce
and filtration so that the end
>roduct would "look like distilled
water next to well water or even
ap water," he said.
The city also plans to use the
orth-side interceptor -an over-
ized pipe-as a retention basin to
ontrol daily sewage flow into the
Mammel claimed that the con-
rol of sewage levels provides for
fficient utilization of the plant
ver a 24-hour period instead of
vertaxing it five hours of the day,
nd not using it to Capacity at
ther times - thus saving city

HR-RIP to write party platform
tomorrow for City Council, race

The Human Rights - Radical
Independent Party (HR-RIP)-
organized a year ago to provide
a leftwing alternative to the two
existing parties - will hold its
platform convention this week-
The party's City Council can-
didates will be nominated dur-
ing the second session of the
platform convention.
During the weekend, meetings
will be held to discuss a wide
range of issues including com-
munity planning, education, the

law, party structure, sexism and
HR-RIP has held in the past
to a radical platform advocating
community control of police, in-
creased day care facilities for
the city, and low cost housing.
In addition, it has strongly op-
posed the city's proposed flat
rate income tax..
HR-RIP is the union of the
statewide Human Rights Party
and the locally based Radical
Independent Party. RIP ran
candidates in a write-in cam-

paign for mayor and a City
Council seat in last year's elec-
Though RIP candidates fared
poorly then, observers believe
the party's chances are better
It is expected to attract a large
segment of the newly enfran-
chised 18-20 year old bloc of
voters, mainly because HR-RIP
candidates may be more radical
than either the Republican or
Democratic candidates.tThis is
expected to appeal to the local
youth vote.
In addition, the party views
its recent certification as an
official state party, and the
elimination of the one-year ward
residency requirement for city
council elections - which could
have discouraged student candi-
dates-as particularly significant
to the outcome of the upcoming
According to Nancy Burghardt,
an HR-RIP member, the party
expects most of its support to
come from students, who hold
the majority in the first and
second wards.
The party is expected to run
candidates in races in all of the
city's wards this April.
n HR-RIP was assured a spot
Ion the city's April ballot and the

John Feldkamp EN
Stockwell's Building Dirtctor c
Rich Thompson, estimated that p
the move could cause dorm va-
cancies to increase by 5 to 10 per tj
cent. He predicted that vacancies e
would be further increased when o
a loss of revenue caused the o
quality of dorm life to decrease a
further. o
See LEASE, Page 8 f

Oregon State hit for sex bias

College Press Service
EUGENE, ORE. - Oregon State University
this month became one of over 300 schools across
the country charged with sexddiscrimination by
the Department of Health, Education, and Wel-
fare CHEW).
The charges filed against Oregon are similar
to those filed against the University in the fall
of 1970. The University then submitted an af-
firmative action plan to HEW, which has yet to
be accepted. The plan has recently become the
subject of a complaint by PROBE, a local

been staffed by females (home economics and
women's physical education, for example), have
not actively recruited and hired females to fill
academic positions;"
-Oregon State policies regarding part-time
employees (sent by the State System of Higher
Education) "result in discrimination against fe-
males" because the policies do not include most
fringe benefits. Thirty percent of OSU's faculty
women are employed on a part-time basis, the
investigating team said, while only nine per cent
Of the faculty men are part-time.

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