See Editorial Page
Sir i!3Uf
light snow
Vol. LXXXiI, No. 89
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 26, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
for student
)W trade
housing project
Plans to build a 250-unit
student housing project may
be dropped at the next meet
ing of the Plant Extension ~
Committee, according to Uni-
versity Housing Director John'
Feldkamp quoted University
President Robben Fleming as say-
ing that there was "considerable
opposition among the Executive
Officers and Regents" to build-
ing student housing.
The housing planwas aporoved
by the Regents last April, but
could still be returned for recon-
Fleming, when contacted lastz
night, said a "key factor" in the
committee's decision will be "wh-
ther we should be building new
housing when we have problems
filling dormitories."
Dorm vacancies increased from
67 to 789 during the fall s~'mes-I
ter. with the figure presently in
excess of 600.
Feldk mo. who h ds th- Nous-
ine Policy Committee.. nrenar-d
a study on the economic f-a-ibility
of the project at the reouest of
the Plant Extension Committee.'
The statement concluded that
Ann Arbor's low vacancy rate and
the "doe~ininq ratio of stiIdentc MEMBERS OF PESC discuss the
now living in University-owned
and onerated structures" stronpIv,
sunnorted the need for additional
student housing.
However, Feldkamp said the:
lack of enrollment growth, and
absence of pressure from students
and the Tenants' Union could be o m
responsible for the lack of the Re-
gents' support.
Fleming said the committee had
to consider site alternatives, costs. By DANIEL JACOBSc
and other data before a final de- t
cision to approve or drop the The Program for Educational;
I roject could be made. The com- and Social Change (PESC) has1
should reach its decision expressed confidence that its two
at e "community" courses will continue. 1
a h naxt meeting in Februdry. unimpeded, and has initiated plans
'ThP need for low-cost student frit awnlnd-hasnicotieupance
housing was an issue which caused for its own long-range continuance
students to apply considerable and expansion.
oressure on administration offi- At last night's PESC meeting,'
cials last year. Prof. Samuel Warner indicated I
Students dramatized the need that his History 576 course, some
for more low-cost housing when of whose sections are sponsoring
Tenants Union members organized a Community Control program ledl
"Tent City" in the fall of 1970. by Charles Thomas and Hank
Students pitched tents on the Bryant, will achieve official ap-
Diag to protest housing conditions proval.
until officials ordered them to According to Warner, history
After many meetings and de- department chairman Jacob Price
baterwithystudetstheReend has sent a letter to LSA Dean
bates with students, the Regents Frank Rhodes, explaining that
finally approved a plan to build FaneR'sdesrexpla hat 7
200 low-rent housing units in Ap- Warner's current approach is no
ril, 971.different from that of previous se-1
rilThe $4.6 million pro.iect would mesters, and therefore does not,
befinanced bydthesCollegetHD constitute additional University
ing Program, a division of the De-curulm
partment of Housing and Urban While he confirmed the dis-
Develonment (HUD). Under this patch of his letter and accepted
See HOUSING, Page 8 Warner's assessment of it, Price
New elections, Thieu
'resignation possible
By Tihe Associated Press
President Nixon announced last night the details of a
peace plan which he said has been secretly offered to the
Communists, and which offers withdrawal of U.S. forces
within a six-month period and new South Vietnamese presi-
dential elections in return for a North Vietnamese release
of all American prisoners of war and agreement to a cease-
fire in Indochina.
The plan was agreed to by Soitth Vietnamese President
Nguyen Van Thieu, who issued his own statement in Saigon
last night. He promised to step down, as called for in the
Nixon proposal, and to allow new elections with Communist
participation-a major policy switch.
Nixon's election-year plan differs from the uncondi-
tional total withdrawal of
American troops called for by
several of the candidates for (. its
the Democratic presidential U S '1
In adnational radio andhtelevi-t
I sion address, Nixon said his top t r e s i
foreign affairs advisor, Henry Kis-
singer, had made a dozen secret "
months to pursue theprivate ne- V e n i
-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
status of their community courses at last night's PESC meeting.
,-mu nitycoursvoes
-Associated Press
Harrisburg co-defendants
Eqbal Ahmad and Sister Elizabeth McAlister, two of the seven
defendants in an alleged bomb-kidnap conspiracy, yesterday an-
swered questions at a news conference in Harrisburg after the
second day of their trial. (See News Briefs, Page 3.)
New research
plan questioned
University administrators yesterday expressed reserva-
tions over a Senate Assembly plan, approved Monday, to re-
strict University research, with some doubting the plan could
be administered.
The faculty representative body's plan calls for the Uni-
versity not to "enter into or renew any agreement or con-
tract, or accept any grant that limits open publication of the
results of research beyond approximately one year."
Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman said
yesterday, "I haven't seen the -
final draft of the plan but it C
certainly is very confused."
"What I'm not sure of," he
said, "is whether it is adminis-
4 terable."
A great deal of what the plan
calls for, Norman said, "has to be
known in radvance. It will depend
on the trust of the Classified Re- By GLORIA JANE SMITH
search Committee - which must The long dispute between grad-
approve all projects - in their iate and undergraduate student
sources of information about the froups over the appointment of
r project. Recent experience has student representatives to faculty
been that the committee has not committees appears to be nearing
trusted proposals brought before resolution.
it." Out of a meeting Saturday of
William M. Brown, director of members of Student Government
Willow Run Laboratories, site of Council and Graduate Federation
most of the University's classified (GF) - the coordinating body of
See IV. PaeE 8 grauate une nrofeinnal chool
gotiations with North Vietnamese
The basic stipulations of theI
eight point plan call for:
-Total withdrawal from South
Vietnam of all U.S. forces within
six months of an agreement.
-An exchange of prisonersI
which will begin the same day asI
the troop withdrawals and will be'
completed when they are com-
-A general cease-fire through-
out Indochina beginning when an
agreement is signed and barring
any infiltration of outside forces
into any of the countries of Indo-
-New presidential elections in
South Vietnam within six months
of an agreement, supervised by
an independent body,rwith incum-
bent President Van Thieu resign-
ing one month prior to the elec-
The other four points in the
decl:_-ed to reveal its precise con-
Last Friday it was revealed that
the literary college was conduct-
ing a general review of the credit
standing of the PESC courses.
In a statement released Mon-
day, Rhodes explained the re-
view was necessitated by the fact
that several PESC courses had
not gone through the mandatory
review procedure before the col-
lege's curriculum committee.
Included in the statement were
guidelines Rhodes said would be
employed by the college's depart-
ment chairmen in reviewing the'
PESC courses. These 'guidelines
included college regulations pro-
hibiting courses taught primarily
by guest lecturers, and introduc-
tion of new courses through inde-
pendent study sections of existing
which are being taught by non-'
University personnel and were
new courses not approved through'
standard college channels.
PESC members, however, argu-
ed that if a student can elect read-
ing or movie-going as a form of,'
independent study, he should also'
be able to attend regular com-
munity seminars for individualized
Nixon plan include an agreement
Rhodes has declined to com- that there will be no foreign in-
ment on whether the guidelines tervention in Indochinese countries
would be likely to affect the credit as set forth in the 1954 Geneva
status of the community courses Agreement and the 1962 Laos pact;
saying only that all PESC courses that there will be international
were under review, supervision military aspects of the
This review, being carried on agreement; that all armed forces
through the executive committees must remain within their national
of the various college departments, frontiers and that there will be an
may last a week or longer accord- international guarantee for the
ing to Price. fundamental rights of the Indo-
On completion of the study the See NIXON, Page 8
results of the review will be sub-
mitted to the curriculum commit-
tee which will consider what, if H arveG hatr
any action to take.
SAIGON (R) - American planes
have struck at three more missile
radar sites in North Vietnam for
a total of eight in the past three
days, as the escalation of the air
war in Indochina continues.
The U.S. Command reported yes-
terday one strike Sunday and two
Monday in the intensified air war
that began with , the mass raids
on North Vietnam in December.
U.S. sources said the increasing
number of so-called protective re-
action strikes is due to North Viet-
nam concentrating its anti-aircraft
defenses along the Laotian border.
U.S. planes fly bombing raids
against roads coming out of North
Vietnam and into the Laotian pan-
handle, the supply routes feeding
the Ho Chi Minh supply trail net-
work into, Cambodia and South
When an.;-aircraft radar locks
on a plane in preparation for a
missile firing, or when missiles
actually are fired, the U.S. planes
take what is called protective re-
In two of the attacks, Navy A4
Skyhawks fired missiles at radar
sites near the Ban Karai Pass, 46
miles north of the demilitarilzed
zone separating North and South
Equipment aboard-the Navy jets
indicated they were being tracked
by enemy radar, the command
In the third attack, Air Force
F105 fighter-bombers escorting an
RF4 reconnaissance plane hit a
missile radar site near the North
Vietnamese coastal city of Dong
Hoi, 45 miles north of the demili-
tarized zone.
The command said the results
of the strikes were not known
but no U.S. planes were hit.
The air war far to the south
showed no sign of letup. The U.S.
Command reported one B52 mis-
sion was flown against enemy tar-
gets 43 miles southwest of Kon-
tum in the central highlands.
Other sources said four other
missions hit enemy base areas west
of Kontum in the area where the
borders of South Vietnam, Cam-
bodia and Laos meet.
A mission usually consists of up
to three of the giant Stratofortress-
es, each carrying 30 tons of bombs.
Intelligence sources have report-
ed a buildup of four North Viet-
namese regiments in the central
highlands, and the construction of
roads for tanks, which have fre-
quently been sighted there.
These guidelines were interpreted
by some as having special impli-
cations for the community courses
I Tn ui~iu uurl~nnriviuig iue ukee~o,
T ai" a l °' a 1inauuaato, curng the meeting,
Community Control co-instructor M ot On C it
Charles Thomas suggested that
free health and transportation DETROIT - Federal Judge
rlauuatv allu ulvivoa71Vllal z llVVi I
i L
rads agir
governments - came the prelim-
inary draft of a contract between
the two groups.
The contract would establish an
interviewing committee composed
of an equal number of student.,
from undergraduate college gov-
ernments, SGC and GF (or grad-
uate and professional college stu-
dent governments in the event
that GF dissolves.
Representatives from under-'
graduate college governments
were absent from the meeting.
SOC plans, however, to either
draft a similar contract with the
undergraduate governments, or to
eventually ask them to sign Sat-
urday's contract.
The contract outlines certain
policies to be followed in appoint-
ing committees, among them that
students can no longer be exclud-
ad from committees because of
their views.
This is directly opposed to pres-
ent faculty regulations, which pro-j
hibit, for example, the seating of
members on the Classified Re-I
search Committee who are op-
posed to or in favor of all re-
The proposals, however, would
services eventually be provided to Lawrence Gubow yesterday denied
the community as an incentive for a two-year-old motion by Wash-
participation in University courses. tenaw County Sheriff Doug Har-
ee on contract Despite the administrative de- vey, aimed at dismissing a two-
bate over the community courses, year-old lawsuit filed by eight
PESC is now attempting to raise demonstrators who charge Harvey,
SGC has always claimed that idents on matters within the areas with illegally giving them short'
as the all-campus student govern- of their respective responsibilities funds for their financing. A buc- haircuts while being held in jail
ment, it should be able to make Most of the committees cur- ket-drive begun yesterday has pro- on misdemeanor charges.
all appointments. Graduate gov- rently have vacancies for student duced $150, a small fraction of The suit was filed by eight Ann
ernments, however, have argued positions. Some of these commit- PESC's total deficit. However, Arbor protesters arrested while
that SGC - traditionally chiefly tees have no student members re-1PESC demonstrating against a General
composed of undergraduate stu- sulting from the failure of stu- heSChopesry secure a portion ofy
dents does not represent the views dent governments to submit ap- the $50,000 earmarked for inno- 1970.
of most graduate students. pointments nominations. vation" in LSA. The attorney for the plaintiffs.
Faculty committees, organized ,"SGC has made no student ap- According to Rhodes, the LSA Ernest Goodman, says the trial
by Senate Assembly, the faculty pointments, to my knowledge fund will be used only for equip- may still be more than a year
representative body, and Pres since last June," explains Warren away. "This simply means that
Robben Fleming, serve to discuss Norman, Chairman of the assem- ment purchases and will beap- Sheriff Harvey must answer the
campus issues and to advise and bly. portioned by competitive bidding complaint. Then a trial date will
consult with University vice-pres- See STUDENTS, Page 8 of the various departments. be set," he said..
Last hearing set in sex bias case
The final hearing in the appeal of
Cheryl Clark, the first woman in the
nation to demand back pay from a uni-
versity on grounds of sex discrimination,
will be heard by a University arbitration
board tonight.
Clark, a research associate in the
Universitv', Hiohwav Safetv Research
Elliot Richardson, secretary of the De-
partment of Health, Education and Wel-
fare (HEW). According to Richardson,
the procedure "would not appear to be
a viable process whereby the University
can . . . eliminate the continuing dis-
criminatory treatment of female em-
HEW is the fedlerai aanev in charge
1970, when President Robben Fleming
issued the following statement:
-"The University will achieve salary
equity between male and female em-
ployes having the same qualifications,
responsibilities, and performance in the
same job classification; and
-"The University commits itself to
the navnmnt nf hack wn sto any wo-
tentional and, therefore, not discrimina-
tion at all.
According to law Prof. Harry Edwards,
Clark's lawyer, Clark had more senior-
ity, experience and training than the
male employe. She had also been ap-
pointed as supervisor on the project
they were both producing.