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Air ihnr
See Editorial Page
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 87
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 14, 1979
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Ten Cents Ten Pages
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Israeli
soldiers killed three Palestinian
terrorists who raided a guest house in
the northern city of Maalot yesterday.
An Israeli woman fell to her death from
a third-story window while trying to
escape, police said.
Many of the 230 visitors at the guest,
house scrambled down knotted sheets
to safety.
Palestinian plan to take hostages was
thwarted when a soldier on routine
patrol became suspicious, dashed to the
second floor and killed one of the
terrorists. The other two raiders were
slain by Israeli troops in a separate
gunfight at the guest house. Five
Israelis were injured, none seriously.
"It was over in a few moments," said
a policeman.
The three Palestinians, armed with
grenades, rifles and explosives, entered
the government-run house six miles
south of the Lebanese border at 7 a.m.
and took a family of three hostage while
most of the weekend guests were
sleeping, police said.
The dead woman was identified as
Miriam Alfasi, 30, of Beersheba, who
slipped while climbing down an im-
provised escape rope. Police initially
reported she jumped in a bid to escape.
"WE HEARD noises, and we heard it
was terrorists, and I said, 'No, it can't
be,' " said Mazal Azari, a guest who
suffered three broken ribs in her
escape. "We looked out the window and
Shah chooses
new council
TEiRAN, Iran (AP) - Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi picked a
regency council yesterday to represent
him when he leaves Iran on a tem-
porary "vacation," a highly placed
palace official said.
The shah has been urged to leave the
country temporarily to give Prime
Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar's new
civilian government time to pacify the
anti-shah violence that has raged in
Iran for more than a year and brought
the oil-rich nation to the brink of
economic chaos.
Other highly placed sources said the
shah had moved to avert a military
coup last week by telling his generals
he would rather leave the country than
have them stage a takeover that would
prolong bloodshed in Iran.
Under the constitution, a regency
council must be formed before the shah
can leave the country. The council must
include the new prime minister, the
presidents of both houses of
Parliament, the chief justice of the
Supreme Court and "four
knowledgeable persons well versed in
the affairs of state."
The Tehran newspaper Kayhan'
reported that the four included armed
forces chief of staff Gen. Abags
Gharabaghi, president of the National
Iranian Oil Co.;Abdullah Entezam, and°
two former Cabinet ministers-Saysd
Jalal Tehrani and Mohammad.
More anti-shah protests were repor-
ted across Iran yesterday, with the
largest in the capital.
Iranian state radio said 40,000 per-.
sons demonstrated against the shah in
the streets near Tehran University, but
that no one was hurt. Tehran University
reopened yesterday along with five
other colleges in the capital. The
schools, which include a teachers'
college and a technical institute, had
been shut down since last June because
they were centers of anti-shah'
See SHAH, Page 7
AP Photo
An Iranian guard on a street in downtown Tehran decorated the muzzle of his gun with carnations yesterday. Students
marching through the city from Tehran University handed out the flowers to soldiers. The students demonstrated peacefully,
returning from an opening ceremony of the university, which had been closed for six months.
Canham supports NCAA stance
Twenty resign to
protest A bzug firing
WASHINGTON (AP) - Half of the
40-member White House advisory
committee on women resigned yester-
day in protest over President Carter's '
firing of former Rep. Bella Abzug as the
group's co-leader.
Abzug and 20 other panelists charged
that she was being made ". . . a
scapegoat in an effort to suppress our
independence" as an advisory commit- ,,,
tee. -
With Wire Reports
University Athletic Director Don
Canham said yesterday that he suppor-
tas a-resolution drafted by the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
which blasts the federal Title IX
But Canham split from the consensus
of the nation's collegiate athletic of-
ficials by advocating a separate
division for big-time football powers.
THE TITLE IX issue dominated the
annual NCAA convention last week in
San Francisco. Athletic officials claim
that a strict interpretation of the
guidelines, which call for equal funding
for men's and women's sports, could
ultimately destroy college athletics.
"I think the interpretation is a
disaster," Canham said, citing the
tough stance on Title IX taken so far by,
the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare.
The NCAA resolution on Title IX
states that "any government standard
or administrative enforcement method
which would require the government to
monitor and dictate in detail the finan-
cial operations of the nation's colleges
and universities with respect to
athletics" will be opposed by the
athletic officials. Calling the financial
obligations resulting from the
guidelines "excessive and
unreasonable," the NCAA urged its
.members to voice their objections to
their representatives in Congress.
Proposals drafted by the College
Football Association (CFA), an af-
filiation of major collegiate football
powers which has spent four years
promoting a separate division for large
schools, were consistently voted down.
The smaller schools outnumbered the
major powers at the convention.
"It's the same old story," remarked
one CFA official. The little guys are still
telling the big guys how things are
going to be."
"But that doesn't seem so important
with Title IX hanging over our heads,"
he added.
Canham said he supports the
separation of large and small schools in
athletics because "you have small
schools voting on policies which affect
large schools."
The delegates also voted at the con-
vention to oppose red-shirting, which
takes freshmen off the playing field but
keeps them on the practice field, thus
allowing them to participate in the
sport for five years. "You're prolonging
a kid's education," said Canham.
"Four years is enough for anybody."
The NCAA also voted in favor of the
elimination of the "three-visit rule" in
recruiting, which allows a scout to visit
a prospect just three times. Canham
supports "keeping it down to three,
because this will prevent hounding of
an individual."
In other issues discussed at the con-
* The majority of the delegates urged
that tougher academic requirements'
for incoming athletes be dropped.
Canham stated that.he is "obviously"
in favor of the less stringent
* Exclusive dormitories for football
and basketball players were
discouraged. "We couldn't possibly do
that," said Canham.
" Delegates rejected a proposal that
scholarships for all sports except foot-
ball and basketball be based on need.
Canham said he does not agree with the
measure, which was introduced by
other Big Ten officials.
The athletic officials also defeated a
move to add assistant football coaches
to each team. "We're satisfied," said
THEY 54D HER ouster late Friday
stemmed primarily from the commit-
tee's strong criticism of Carter's anti-
inflation program and its release of a
statement critical of the President in
advance of its meeting with Carter at
the White House.
"This is the sin committed by this
committee. This is the sin committed
by the chair of this committee," Abzug,
the outspoken, longtime feminist
leader, declared at a news conference
The committee had claimed in its
statement that the wage and price
policy will be particularly harmful to
women because many women already
are at the bottom of the economic lad-
AFTER THE resignations yesterday,
the White House issued a statement
urging tht panel's members to "con-
tinue to serve" and to work with Carter
because he considers them "individuals
for whom he has great respect ... and
Although not referring to Abzug by
,name, the White House statement said
that Carter believes new leadership on
the panel is necessary to create "a
harmonious working relationship"
between it and the administration.
Abzug was informed of her dismissal
at a meeting late Friday with presiden-
tial advisers Hamilton Jordan and
Robert Lipshutz. The word came only a
matter of moments after Abzug had
told reporters she felt the committee's
hour-long meeting with Carter had gone
AT THE NEWS conference yester-
day, Abzug and more than half a dozen
other committee members protested
her ouster, but stopped short of saying
the controversy might seriously affect
Carter's expected re-election bid in
1980. 1
"If he gives his all for approval of the
Equal Rights Amendment, it's going to
be very difficult not to be for him," one
resigning committee member said. She
asked not to be identified publicly.
Co-chairwoman Carmen Delgao
Votaw, who announced her resignation
shortly after Abzug was fired, said all
but five of the committee members
were surveyed by mid-day yesterday
and resignations were received from
20, including herself.
Cambodians battle
continuing invasion
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Rem-
nants of the shattered Cambodian army
fought rear-guard battles yesterday
against a Vietnamese invasion force in
northwestern Cambodia, Western sour-
ces reported. Some retreating Cam-
bodian units reportedly fled to the
mountains to organize for an expected
guerrilla war against the new Phnom
Penh regime.
The sources said the northwestern
city of Siem Reap and possibly the
nearby ancient temples of Angkor were
captured by a mechanized Vietnamese
infantry division backed- by tanks and
air strikes.
ONE VIETNAMESE regiment was
reported to be attacking Battambang,
* Actor John Wayne is making
a "remarkable' recovery after
surgery Friday that removed his
cancerous stomach. See story,
Page 2.
Cambodia's second largest city and an
airfield site, from the northwest, and
another column was closing in from the
Sisophon, a third key Vietnamese-
held town in the area, is only about 340
miles from the border where Thai for-
ces were on full alert, the sources said.
The Chinese news agency Hsinhua,
monitored in Tokyo, said Senior Deputy
Premier Teng Hsiao-ping wanted
closer relations with Thailand.
"WE NOW HAVE good relations with
Thailand, but closer cooperation is
necessary in the light of Vietnamese
aggression in Kampuchea," Hsinhua
quoted Teng as saying. Kampuchea is
another name for Cambodia.
Sources said some of the defeated
Cambodian troops were withdrawing
southward to the rugged 6,500-foot Car-
damom and Elephant mountain ranges
of the southwest that have been the
home of several rebel movements.
They are near the coast and afford the
best supply routes should China, backer
of the defeated government, fulfill its
promise of limited military aid for the
ousted regime.
The new pro-Vietnam Peoples
Reonutionnrv Cnunoil in Phnnm DPnh
"Here comes another Michigan
winter," is perhaps what this
disillusioned student is groaning
to himself as he gazes out of a
window in the Undergraduate
Library yesterday. Old Man Win-
ter had been taking it relatively
easy until yesterday when he .A<
dumped over four inches of snow
and freezing rain on the city.
* Michigan cagersd
drop their