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April 14, 1979 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-14

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday; April 14, 1979-Page 9

Student-run art magazines make campus debut


(Continued from Page 1)
from the English Department and in-
dividual donors. It's published once a
term and can be purchased in the Fish-
bowl - the unofficial distribution point
for many local publications - or in the
Hopwood Room. Submissions should
also be made thro!gh the Hopwood
FROM THE rarified air of the "Em-
pyrean" it is a long descent to the
deliberate vulgarity of "Gargoyle," the
student-published humor and satire
magazine., S
The first "Gargoyle" was published
70 years ago..But the magazine has
frequently gone out of print - once at
the adamant insistence of the Univer-
sity administration - only to re-
emerge later in a new, but no less
scathing, form. The last issue before
the current one was published two-and-
a-half years ago.
The new "Gargoyle's" first issue
went on sale at the beginning of this
month for a dime apiece. It is
aggressively hawked all over campus
by salesman who promise, in medicine-
show style, to "put a smile in your life."
ACCORDING TO "Gargoyle-in-
C lassif ieds
(Continued from Page 8)
NEW ROLLAND PIANO, variable sustain and
sound-mixing. A new innovation. Apollo Music
Center, 323 South Main, 769-1400. cX414
in stock. Runs through April 30th. Apollo Music
Center. cX414
35 WATTS LAFAYETTE, $110. 20 Watt Sherwood,
$100. Excellent condition. 662-6744. dX415

Chief" Gil Borman, the purpose of
"Gargoyle" is simple: to make people
laugh. "Gargoyle" will, he admits,
"probably offend some people." But he
says he hopes its primary effect will be
to "loosen people up."
Borman described "Gargoyle" as
"unstiff, unformal, off the wall, off the
record," and said his primary goal in
publishing the magazine is "to have a
goddamned good time."
"Gargoyle's" humor is in the vein of
the "National Lampoon" - relying
heavily on parody. One of "Gargoyle's
future targets is the "University
Record." Borman encourages anyone
interested to contribute material for
future issues, and announces, "We'll
take and print just about anything."
Submissions should be dropped off at
the Student Publications Building.
-ON A SERIOUS level, "Rising Star,"
a journal of poetry and translation, was
founded last winter by two students,
David Victor and Cindy Rhodes, as the
only student-oriented poetry magazine
since the demise of "Generation" a few
years ago.
Instead of printing only the work of
established poets, said Rhodes, "Rising
Star" seeks "the person who writes
poetry and then jams it under the bed."
That is not to say, she added, that the
magazine is not selective. Each work
submitted is subjected to a lengthy
selection procedure, and, according to
Victor, only about ten per cent of the
work submitted is published in the

"Rising Star" is currently published
twice a year, but the editors hope to go
to three times a year soon. The journal,
which costs 50 cents an issue, is finan-
cially self-supporting, and is heavily
dependent on advertising. For "Rising
Star" to survive without University
subsidies, said Rhodes, "we can't just
be poets in an ivory tower. We must
also be businessmen, and go out and get
"Rising Star's" staff, or in submitting
work, can contact the editors through
the Hopwood Room.
"Empyrea," "Gargoyle," and
"Rising Star" are independent and'
student-edited. The "Michigan Quar-
terly Review," on the other hand, is a
professionally-edited official
publication of the University.
The "Quarterly Review" has recen-
tly changed editorial policy, and moved
from a highly specialized, purely
literary journal to what Associate
Editor E. H. Creeth calls "a
multidisciplinary journal of general in-
tellectual interest." The "Review" will
no longer print literary criticism, but
instead a wide variety of other
material, including poetry, graphics,
literature, and essays.
EACH YEAR, according to Creeth,
one of the four issues of the magazine
will address a single theme of broad
cultural and intellectual significance.
The first such special issue is currently
on sale, and focuses on "the moon lan-
ding and its aftermath."

The moon landing issue is anything
but scientific in its perspective. The
magazine contains everything from
moon-centered poetry and graphics to
an article by psychiatrist Donald Stan-
ford entitled, "the Moon Landing: A
Psychoanalytical Interpretation."

All of this helps to broaden the appeal
of the "Quarterly Review," and, since
the new editorial policy has been in-
stituted, said Creeth, the circulation
has steadily increased to its present
level of 2.000.

The "Quarterly Review" is available,,
in local bookstores at $2.50 per copy,.:
and can also be had, at a slightly
reduced rate, by subscription.
Tomorrow: News media in Ann


TA policy 4
among gn
(Continued from Page 1)
by former University President Robben
Fleming to campaign against the entire
TA program. "Fleming wanted the
whole (TA) program shut down," Scott
ALTHOUGH Fleming's alleged cam-
paign did not work, Scott insists that the
administration's "hostility to the TA
program is linked to the fact that the
TAs have unionized. The (the ad-
ministration) hate this."
Knott denied GEO's claim that the
Executive Committee's TA decision is
political. "It's hard to do anything
without becoming entangled in the GEO
dispute," Knott said. "The policy is in-
dependent of the dispute. It's not a
deliberate reaction to the dispute. TAs
are treated as employees in upper-level
courses. We recognize that that goes on,
and that's inappropriate use in that TAs
are teaching apprentices."
GEO Secretary Robbie Lieberman
said she disagreed. She called the

causes. con troversy
ids and departments

Executive Committee's policy a "not-
too-subtle form of union-busting," ex-
plaining the decision will make the
competition between graduate students
stronger. Lieberman also said that
"undergraduates are learning from
(TAs) who are closer to their own
SCOTT SAID he agreed with this
assessment. "It (the policy) represents
underestimations of the quality of
TAs." TAs who teach above the 200-
level, he said, are experienced. Scott
said it's rare that TAs are supervised -
especially in the Math Department,
where, he said, faculty supervision is
especially low.
Opponents of the policy said they are
also afraid that some programs,,
especially newer courses and courses
dealing with minorities, will be cut.
WOmen's Studies Director Susan
Weisskopf said her program has a
number of 300-level courses that are

now taught by TAs and that can only be
taken through her program. Weisskopf
said she or other faculty members
supervise the TAs.
ANOTHER program facing major
cuts under the new policy would be,
American Studies. "Topic courses are-
in jeopardy," said American Study Ac-
ting Director Marion Marzolf. Several
specialized American Studies courses
have been created and taught by TAs.
She said she thought two'American
Studies courses which were exempted,
last week by the Curriculum Conmit-
tee were exempt from the policy. The
Committee exempted American
Studies 410 and 498, which deal with
Chicanos and native Americans respec-
tively, since these courses use-TAs who
are members of the minority groups,
and therefore have special knbwledge
of the material.

GRAD MALE-Share two bedroom apt. with one
other, 15 minutes to campus, a/c, fall option, rent
negotiable. 663-1786. 76Y415
1978 YAMAHA 175DT ENDURO. 600 miles, PER-
FECT condition, with Bell helmet. $775. Call 995-
0061. dZ415
NEEDED-FEMALE Roommate for May-August.
Reasonable price, dishwasher and air conditioning.
THREE FRIENDLY WOMEN need a fourth to
share our two bedroom Forest Glen apt. Good
deal! 95-9401. 58Y415
DOUBLE ROOM available in house. Fall lease
with sublet option. $105 each. Close to campus.
Call Kathe, 764-8824, 420-2032. 28Y415
room in 2-person apt. on Church and Willard. Close
to law/business schools. Call 663-3728. 20Y415
DOUBLE ROOM available in house. Fall lease
with sublet option. $105 each. Close to campus. Call
Kathe, 764-8824, 420-2032. 28Y414
FEMALE-SINGLE in 7 bedroom house May-May
on Packard. Call Carol, 761-1058. 36U415
3 MALES NEEDED for 4 man apartment-Heritage
House, 829 Tappan. Rent negotiable. Call Arvy,
persistently, 995-1657. 81Y415
FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, own bedroom, $125/
month, on So. Forest. Call 662-0153. 89Y415
Looking for I or 2 males or opening in your
apartment. Call SI eve, 665-9940. 34Y415
MAN OR WOMAN with car--We have a single
room available in a semi-vegetarian, semi-coopera-
tive house on Catherine between State and Division.
Spring/Summer sublet option. Call Dan or Katie at
996-0726. dY415


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