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April 13, 1979 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-13

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Page 14-Friday, April 13, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Blue faces quarterback dilemma

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For the past four years, one of Bo
Schembechler's least concerns has
been that of his quarterback. Ever sin-
ce the Michian head coach handed Rick
Leach the signal calling reigns in 1975,
the All-American never let go.
Throughout his college career, Leach
started 47 of 48 games; accumulated
2,176 yards rushing and 4,284 passing;
scored 34 touchdowns and threw for 49
NOW THAT Leach is gone, Schem-
bechler is again faced with finding a

new quarterbaack.
According to offensive back coach
Don Nehlen, the Wolverines possess a
string of very fine quarterbacks. B.J.
Dickey, Leach's understudy throughout
last season, appears to be in the drivers
seat, with three other candidates close
"I'm still not positive who is gonna
start next fall," said Nehlen before
yesterday's scrimmage. All of our
quarterbacks have shown vast im-
provement this spring.
"BUT IF WE were to start the season.

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tomorrow," continued Nehlen, "we'd
go with Dickey. Although all four quar-
terbacks in the running are about equal
in passing, Dickey's experience and
superior ground game gives him the
Other candidates for the quarterback
slot are Gary Lee, a freshman from
Flint who went to the Rose Bowl as the
No. 2 quarterback; Jim Paciorek, a
freshman from Orchard Lake, and
John Wangler, a junior from Royal Oak
who missed the entire 1978 campaign
because of a pinched nerve in his
Two promising quarterbacks are
among the incoming 1979 fresh-
men-Rich Hewlett from Plymouth-
Salem and Steve O'Donnell from New
ALTHOUGH Schembechler claims
that both Hewlett and O'Donnell are as
good now as Leach was when he was a
freshman, giving rise to speculation
that either could start, he also notes
that Leach's case was - somewhat
"You really should not count on an 18-
year-old to come to Michigan and im-
mediately take over at quarterback,"
said Schembechler. "It's only fair that
they be given time to adjust to college
life, college football and their new
Although the weather has limited the
number of practices, Nehlen is pleased
that his quarterbacks, have remained

healthy in the practices that have been
"A real plus factor," said Nehlen, "is
that although each player has gotten his
share of lumps and bruises, nobody has



softballers take two

There's no doubt about it, this kid Zyjewski has "stuff." In a whirlwind
of curves, drops, rises and heat, Julie Zyjewski hurled the Michigan
women's softball nine to victory in the first game of a doubleheader sweep
over the University of Detroit yesterday.
The Blue fastpitchers, by dumping the Titans twice, 3-0 and 8-2, boosted
their season record to 5-1 and continued on the road to a superb sophomore
Zyjewski, only a.freshwoman, weaved a one-hit masterpiece in her third
start as a Wolverine. With one no-hitter already under her belt, the fresh-
woman was robbed of another when Detroit's Terry East tripled with one out
in the bottom of the seventh.
Coach Gloria Soluk is not in the least bit surprised by her rookie pit-
chers' impressive start. "She has what it takes, and now she's building up
her confidence," said Soluk. If what her coach says is true, Julie Zyjewski's
future on the mound will be something to watch.
In addition to the pitching, the first game victory was highlighted by the
Blue's typically aggressive style of play. In a fine mixture of running, bun-
ting and timely hits, the women swatters finessed three runs across the plate
in the first four innings. Fleet-footed centerfielder Debbie Haines displayed
her defensive wares when she smothered a second inning rally with a fine
running catch.
In the tail end of the twin-bill the Wolverine offense came alive. Led by
first-baseman Tammie Sanders (two doubles, two RBI's) and catcher
Sheryl Tominac (three singles, two RBI's) the Blue softballers battered
Detroit's two-line losing pitcher, Leslie Flanagan for eight runs.
Although somewhat over-shadowed by Zyjewski, freshwoman Laura
Reed pitched an intelligent and gutsy game, allowing only two runs on four
hits. The left side of the Blue infield, comprised of shortstop Jeanette Dillay
and third-baseman Diane Hatch presented a seamless barrier to the
frustrated Titans in addition to contributing more than their share of offen-
sive punch and base-path thievery. Dillay smacked a double and two singles
while Hatch powered a double and a prodigous triple to right-center.

Hurlers shine as


B. J. Dickey
missed any practice due to injury. Con-
sequently, each quarterback has
received ample time to showcase his
Tomorrow, the Wolverines hold their
annual Blue-White scrimmage at
Michigan Stadium. It's open to the





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What is mountaineering all about? Funnyyou should ask.
Because we just happen to have an answer. (Ah-h, life's little
coincidences.) Mountaineering is a skill, a science and an art.
Yet anyone with a thirst for excellence and normally
developed motor skills can master it. Simply study,
hse damentals and follow them faithfully
- -
; -; r a .. .


- 4..
S one, -
0 pp o- -.-. ",{
apropri- , *.-. --Okay, here's
ely enough, .0- - - -O where the fun be-
starts by select- , . " gins. Hold the mountain
--ig the correct site. firmly in your left hand,
To do so, pick up e grasp the mountain
'.. a bottle of Busch". top with your right
ftThis is commnly wgT C hand and twist
called heading for they .3r the little fella off.
mountains.Xb There you go.
9 eOnce poured, pacing becomes paramount. As any seasoned
mountaineer will tell you, the only way to down a mountain
is slowly, smoothly and steadily - savoring every swallow of the
brew that is Busch. If you're a bit awkward at first,, don't be
3Now for the discouraged. Perfection takes practice. Soon enough, having
0 tricky part. emptied your gl s and filled your soul you too will be a
Neophytes, listen mountaineer.
up: the proper pourt
is straight down o -
the center of the
glass. Only in
this way will - o
the cold, invigo-
rating taste of ©
the mountain'
.nDuring " j..,After
come to a head.Mn.BeforerinMAteeng
Mountainering. Mountaieerig.5otanerg

Orleans Jazz fired Head Coach Elgin
Baylor yesterday, saying it was time
for a change for the team that finished
26-56 this season, at the bottom of the
National Basketball Association.
The announcement put a formal i
stamp on a personnel decision that was
made weeks ago.
BAYLOR WAS not available for com- i
ment, but he said privately in the final
weeks of the season that he understood
that he was not going to be kept with the
Baylor's dismissal-was announced in
a statement from Larry Hatfield of Los
Angeles, managing partner of the NBA
"Many of the ballclub's* prQems had:
nothing to do with Elgin's ability asa
coach, but it is our feeling that a change i
is needed at this time to benefit all in-
volved," Hatfield said.
"THE OWNERSHIP of the Jazz has
enjoyed its relationship with Elgin over
the past few years. He is truly a class
See more sports, page 13
Hatfield said the team would hono
the remaining two years on Baylor's
contract. The two years came in the
form of an extension given Baylor i
November as-a vote of confidence from
the owners.
Baylor, one of the NBA's all-tim,
greats as a player at Los Angeles, was)
hired as an assistant coach before th
1974 season, the team's first in the NBA .
HE WAS UNDER Scotty Robertsoni
for the first games of that initial season
then under Butch van Breda Kolff, whq
replaced Robertson. Baylor took over
as head coach on Dec. 14, 1976, whe
van Breda Kolff was fired.
The Jazz finished 1976-77 with a 35-4'
record, in a season marked by turmoi
caused by van Breda Kolff's firing an
a series of injuries - including several
in a cab wreck - that left the team with
only seven players in uniform at on
In his first full year as head coach
Baylor led the Jazz to a 39-43 record;
only two games out of the playoffs. The
team was without star guard Pet
Maravich, who was sidelined with a
knee injury for the last half of that 1977
78 season.
Baylor was one of six coaches to ge,
votes as NBA coach of the year after,
that season.
THIS SEASON began with poweri
forward Truck Robinson holding out
and alleging through his agent that tt*
Jazz was treating Maravich better thn
the other players. Robinson was later
traded, but Baylor didn't find out about
that until after the move was acco4r-
Maravich was back for the early pt
of the season, but his knee was still
giving him trouble and he sidelined
himself to recuperate.
The announcement that Baylor waE
fired came one day after team owner
said they were moving the franchise 4
Salt Lake City.
* * * * * *

-04-16 . wY

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