PION-01, 04' ilk Page 4-Friday, April 13, 1979-The Michigan Daily Jones followers disagree THE ILR'UtKE Ot RNAL "Let's go downtown and see 'The China Syndrome' - th' boss said it has a really wild and unreal plot!" t r3idigan 1 tI 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Iighly-Nime Years of Edit orial Iree dont Vol. LXXXIX, No. 155 on spiritual Was there a Word, a Bible- based spark of theology in Reverend Jim Jones' religion? Or was People's Temple the result of religious opportunism, came away with in which scripture or spirituality organizational model played no central role? proach to world proble Depending on which members JONES TRANSLAT of the Temple, past and present, Divine's famous slog you talk to, the answers come it's wonderful" intou down starkly on one or the other opposition to war, p side of the question. the war in Vietnam. ONE CERTAIN fact is that Archie Ijames reme People's Temple in its beginnings Father Divine sugg was firmly rooted in Christianity. Jones should join up w Archie Ijames, Jones' assistant become his success minister, says that he joined declined his offer. People's Temple in Indianapolis, however, empty one 27 years ago after confirming Divine's nursing ho that Jones shared his view of Divine's death, and br recreating the communal those elderly people t lifestyle of Christ's apostles in a home which he est modern setting. Ukiah, California. Ijames says that his conversion The scriptural ins to Christianity at age 17 followed which Jones based hi his inspirational acceptance of a wood Valley templ passage in the Acts of the parable of the loaves Apostles describing how the From its beginning, t apostles shared everything they provided an incredibl owned without the notion of money to support c private possessions. dividuals and progra JAMES BECAME a minister which seemed to be m in a fundamentalist apostolic produced from church but soon clashed with his congregation. In addit fellow ministers who claimed to miracles of support w accept the Bible literally but who healing - reserved ft denied that the communalism of Temple members. the Acts of the Apostles had any AL AND JEAN Mi practical contemporary value. couple who defec He left the church and began People's Temple, cha preaching on his own. Then, he of the faith healing heard a Jim Jones radio sermon produced by Jones w and immediately went down to The Mills subsequent meet the man. "This is my the Human Freedom vision," Ijames told Jones. "If Berkeley-based half- you don't find it here, you won't dedicated to encourag find it any place in the world," defections. was Jones' reply. But Tim Clancy, a For Ijames, Reverend Jones lost a wife in Guyan and People's Temple "became handles most of the c the channel and the vehicle by ween the Temple and which I was seeing my vision of insists that both the M people working together because entire anti-People's T they had a common cause and a paratus are part of a common interest in one another conspiracy aimed at and in the total humanity." the Temple and its idi THIS VISION was then proach to the proble modified by socialism and Father world. Divine. "I've seen things The socialism came easy. Clancy's soft voice re Jones was using a modern voice "I sincerely believe t not only to update the Biblical can recover miracul admonitions against excessive illnesses and disease riches, war, and the sins faith." The key to Jon associated with greed but also to according to Clancy push his version of com- Biblical observation th munalism. love." The Temple was in many BUT JEAN MILLSi respects an adaptation of the Jones had little to d organization put together by Bible and that actuall Father Divine, the black minister fear-inspired administ who useda hcombination of Birdie Marable,abl religion, faith healing, com- who was recruited int munal living and collective Temple in the early business enterprises, to shepherd days, but defected t tens of thousands of blacks that Jones did use fear through the Depression.' Jones tee his control. Bi visited Divine's "heaven" in brought her sister an Philadelphia several times and into the Temple and w r By Reginald Major News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Free elections I Uganda both an and an ap- ims. 'ED Father an "peace, unswerving particularly mbers that ested that ith him and sor. Jones He did, of Father mes after rought all of to a nursing ablished in piration on s new Red- e was the and fishes. the Temple e amount of causes, in- ms - funds iraculously a poor ion to these as the faith or People's lls, a white ted from, rge thht all miracles ere faked. ly founded Center, a way house ing further man who a and who ontacts bet- the press, ills and the Temple ap- n elaborate destroying ealistic ap- ims of the happen." flects awe. hat people ously from es through nes' power,, , was the hat "God is insists that o with the y he ran a ration. ack woman, to People's California wice, says to guaran- rdie, who d husband who moved basis of cult from San Francisco to Ukiah to run the nursing home Jones established to accommodate the elderly ex-parishioners of Father Divine, told of a banquet that was organized for the newcomers. In the midst of the banquet, a seemingly angry Reverend Jones ordered three of his aides to drop dead. They complied, and lay lifeless in full view of over 100 people for a half hour. HE THEN relented and revived each of the three individually. The two men and one woman each praised Jones when they were revived, begged his forgiveness and stressed, in fear- filled voices to the audience (which had long before aban- doned their food) that the Reverend Jim Jones should always be obeyed. Temple loyalists, however, in-, sist that no such episode oc- curred. They argue that Jones' record of good works - his free food programs, health clinics, drug rehabilitation project, educational programs along with the direct support of good :auses - speaks louder than the falsified statements of those who no longer are members of People's Tem- ple. "Jones preached Apostolic socialism," Al and Jean Mills claim. The Temple "was pseudo- .political, but more with a church front," they say. AGAIN, loyalists like Frances Johnson - a warmly animated black woman whose smiling face occasionally reflects the pain of losing her mother and son at Jonestown - flatly reject the idea that People's Temple was a religious front just because so many of its activities were political. "Even Martin Luther King had to use toe church as a platform to reach a lot of his people," Ms. Johnson observes. One explanation for the con- tradictory stories about the strange events in People's Tem- ple history may lie in the dif- Oferent experiences of regular members and those who belonged to the inner circle of Jones ad- visors, the Planning Commission. In many ways, the Planning Commission was an organization separate from, though part of People's Temple. Ex-Temple members, many of whom were. on the Commission, insist that only. Jones- and the actual Plan- ning Commission members knew exactly who was on the governing body. As a result, it was possible for Planning Commission mem- bers to have vivid memories of events which were not witnessed by regular members. It was to Planning Commission members that Jones reportedly said, "I can no longer rule with love, I am going to have to start ruling with fear," shortly after the defection of eight Com- mission members in 1973. UNTIL THAT year, the Plan- ning Commission was predominantly white. But, then, following the defections, Jones brought in some blacks and ex- panded the governing body. Defections continued. Now, most of the vocal defectors and many of the survivors of Guyana are white. Some of these defectors have charged that the predominantly white Planning Commission really reflected Jones' own racism. But professional or mid- dle class blacks - people who shared the backgrounds of the majority of white Planning Commission members - were less likely to become active Tem- ple members in the first place. Neither the defectors nor the loyalists say anything about Jones' religious message that could account for the alleged willingness of Jonestown residen- ts to kill themselves, now the single most compelling fact about the Temple.; If mind control was the method by which Jim Jones moved folk to suicide, there is no indication that a religious message was the vehicle. The . Temple sought rewards here on earth, not in an afterlife. That was the promise and the program of People's Temple. Now the Temple is destroyed, most of its members dead and the survivors in San Francisco are asking the court to distribute the remaining assets of the Temple among the relatives of the 912 victifis. There are only, a few Temple members who hang on to the need to believe that Reverend Jones was a victim rather than the vic- timizer. If at some point in the future, they decide that Reverend Jones did create all that havoc, they will have to live with the ac- cusation implicit in the last verse of Jones' inspirational gospel quote: "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ..: ye have done it unto me." Reginald Major, author of Justice in the Round on the Angela Davis trial, and The Panther is a Black Cat on the Black Panther party, is a veteran observer of black politics. He wrote this piece for the Pacific News Service. A FTER A FIVE-MONTH war with the remaining loyal Ugandan soldiers, the invading force of Tan- zanian troops and Ugandan exiles have finally captured Kampala, the Ugan- dan capital, effectively toppling President Idi Amin's eight-year mur- derous reign. And though Amin's loyal forces still retain one-third of the coun- try, the long conflict between the two bitter rivals appears to be at an end. But now that the struggle has ended, what will the future hold for Ugandan citizens? Will the new leaers duplicate Amin's atrocious behavior or will democracy be restored? And should the United States have any role in the, future of Uganda? Fortunately, the signs for a return to democracy in Uganda have been very encouraging. Yusufu Lule, the 67- year-old academic who assumed the presidency of a provisional Ugandan government, told Ugandan citizens that elections would be held as soon as conditions permit. Lule also vowed to create a system in which the "rule of law" would safeguard human rights. These initial promises, however, will be difficult to implement within a short period of time. The country has been torn apart by the five-month conflict,. Uganda's economy is in shambles; it has no foreign exchange, its basic in- stallations and facilities are crumbling and its currency value has dropped to one-tenth its face value. The nation's citizens have been completely demoralized by Amin's regime and the bitter war. In short, it will take a massive effort to put the pieces of Uganda back together. Soon after the capital was captured, U.S. officials said they would recognize the new government and took steps in Congress to restore aid to Uganda. These quick acknowledgements by the Carter administration should be followed up by a determined effort to insure that free elections in Uganda are held as soon as possible. The president and his associates should try to use diplomatic channels to push the elections process up as quickly as they can, because without a constitutional mandate from its citizens, Uganda's leaders will be holding power illegally. And the coalition of Tanzanian troops and Ugandan exiles, whose combined effort toppled Amin and now control most of the country, must move toward elections and a restoration of basic civil, liberties-so often ignored by Amin's officials. Ugandans must decide for themselves who they want to be their new rulers. EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner .............................. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard Berke, Julie Rovner.........MANAGING EDITORS Michael Arkush...................... EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Brian Blanchard ................UNIVERSITY EDITOR Keith Richburg ................ ........ .CITY EDITOR Shelley Wolson.................. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR, Elizabeth Slowik ... ............... FEATURES EDITOR Dennis Sabo............. ........SPECIAL PROJECTS R.J. Smith, Eric Zorn..................... ARTS EDITORS Owen Gleiberman, Judy Rakowsky ..... MAGAZINE EDITORS STAFF WRITERS-Sara Anspach, Ron Benschoter, Lenny Bernstein, Julie Brown, Rick Blanchard, Mitch Cantor, Joe Ceterski, Stefany Cooperman, Amy Diamond, Monica Eby, Marianne Egri, Julie Engebrecht, Mary Faranski, Bob Feld- man. Joyce Frieden, Greg Gallopoulos, Ron Gifford, JohnbGoyer. Pat Hagen, Marion Halberg, Vicki Henderson, Alison Hirschel, Steve Hook, Elisa Isaacson, Tom Kettler, Paula Lashingsky, Adrienne Lyons, Chester Maleski, Jeff Miller, Tom Mirga, Mark Parrent, Beth Persky, Kevin Roseborough, Beth Rosen- berg, Amy Saltzman, Steve Shaer, Tom Sinkevics, Bill Thom- pson, Charles Thomson, Jon Vogle, Joe Vargo, Howard Witt, Jeff Wolff, Tim Yagle Letters F aculty supports divestment To the Daily: The following will be presented to the Board of Regents at their meeting next Thursday, April 19: AN OPEN LETTER TO THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN The controversy surrounding the events at the Regents' meeting of March 15-16 has ten- ded to obscure the central issue that is posed for the University community: should we make a real commitment to the cause of ending the brutal system of apar- theid in South Africa? We, the undersigned, believe that the University has a moral and educational responsibility to make such a commitment. In our view, the University's present policy amounts to an effort to continue "business as usual" while abdicating responsibility to take a clear-cut moral stand. We urge therefore that the Regents and the University ad- ministration reconsider their position and move to join other universities in support of the anti- apartheid movement by divesting forthwith all holdings Weisskopf, Associate Profess of Economics. Said Abdi (Political Science) W. H. Locke Anderson (Economics) Michael Balinsky (Campus Minister) Frithjof Bergmann (Philosophy) Robert E. Beyer (Biology) Barbara Bono (English) Charles Bright (Res. College) Larry Brilliant (Public Health) Stephen G. Bringardner (Camp. Min.) John Broomfield (History) Vern Carroll (Anthropology) Vincent Castagnacci (Art) Chun-shu Chang (History) Mark Chesler (Sociology) ' Ann Coleman (Campus Minister) Donald Coleman (Campus Minister) Philip E. Converse (Poli. Sci.) Paul Courant (Economics) James Crowfoot (Natural Reasources) Harold Cruse ( History ) Margaret Dewey (Campus Minister) Norma Diamond (Anthropology) Penny Eckert (Anthropology) Jeffrey Evans (Res. College) Raphael S. Ezekiel (Psychology ) Lincoln Faller (English) Paul Federbush (Mathematics) Barbara J. Fields (History) Andrew Foster (Campus Minister) Daniel R. Fusfeld (Economics) Marsha Hewitt Gates (Art), Oscar Gish (Public Health) Thomas Gottlieb (Poli. Sci.) Susan Hansen (Poll.:Sci.) Susan Harding (Anthropology) Bobert Haurt (Ethics & Religion) Max Heirich (Sociology) Clement Henry (Poli. Sci.) Bert G. Hornback (English) Liam Hunt (History) Robin Jacoby (History) Lemuel A. Johnson (English) Elizabeth Kaufman (ILIR) Judith B. Kerman (Extension) John0. King (History) Ira Konigsberg (English) 'or Vonnie C. McLoyd (CAAS) Alfred G. Meyer (Poll. SciL) RebeccaNMuller (Counselling) Margot Norris (English) Norman G. Owen (History) Max Owusu (Anthropology) Jacqueline Parsons (Psychology) Robert Paslick (German) Don Postema (Campus Minister) Glenda W. Prins (Campus Minister) Peter Railton (Philosophy). Susan Ranney (Economics) Roy A. Rappaaport (Anthropology) Chris Roberts (Anthropology) William G. Rosenberg (History) Erci Ross (Anthropology) William D. Rudolph (Camp. Min.) Joel Samoff (Poli. Sci.). Arlene Saxonhouse (Poli. Sci.) Karen Sayer (Michigan Media) Thomas Schomaker (Camp. Min.) Arthur J. Schwartz (Mathematics) Arthur R. Schwartz (Economics) Joan Scott (Campus Minister) Patricia Sharpe (English) William G. Shepherd (Economics) Josep M. Sobre (Romance Lang.) Donald Spivey (History) Pauline Stone (Poli. Sci. ) Thomas F. Storer (Mathematics) Michael Taussig (Anthropology) Leslie Tentler (Social Sciences) Thomas Tentler (History) G. H. Uzoigwe (History) John Vandermeer (Biology) Alan Wald (English) Kendall Walton (Philosophy) GordorW. Ward, Jr. (Cam. Min.) Steven B. Webb (Economics) Robert Weisbuch (English) Susan Weisskopf (Women's Studies) Thomas Weisskopf (Ecomonics) Gary Witherspoon (Anthropology) John Wright (English) Frances Wyers (Romance Lang.) Aram Yengoyan (Anthropology) levels of ,radiation or whether they want to face the gruesome consequences of a nuclear catastrophe. Analogies to auto deaths and dental X-rays are misleading and downright fraudulent. Medical X- rays, though not without danger, are highly localized and con- trolled and the trade-off is willingly assumed. It is the peculiar nature of radiation- induced illnesses (e.g. leukemia, cancer) that they cause distress and death a long time after. the exposure. This has given rise to the absurd industry claims that nuclear power has caused no deaths. Automobile deaths, on the other hand, are usually im- mediate and there is no question as to the cause. Since there is no level of radiation where cancers etc. are not produced, the government's "acceptable" limits imply that the deaths caused by low-level radiation constantly emitted from normally functioning plants are acceptable. Unfortunately, no public debate was ever en- tered upon to discuss this inescapable facet of nuclear power production. Instead, utilities glibly announced that accidents are "inconceivable." We have seen such an attitude ' W - ~" I