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Eig t -Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
E aiIQ
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 155 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 13, 1979 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
A Tenants Union continues
On November 11, 1968 a large white
sign with bold black letters hung again-
st the stark brick wall of an apartment
building on E. Hoover, The sign read:
.Join the Tenants Union Rent Strike."
;three months later, 1,500 Ann Arbor
tenants had pledged to withhold their
rent in what was hailed as the nation's
largest rent strike.
Today, more than a decade after the
first angry tenants plastered their walls
with words of defiance, the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union (TU) is still organizing,
to appeal
rulin g
The Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid's (WCCAA) attor-
aey yesterday said the group will ap-
peal Wednesday's decision handed
down by Circuit Court Judge Ross
Campbell allowing the University
Regents to move their April meeting to
bar potential disrupters.
WCCAA members have not yet
decided whether to file for an emergen-
cy appeal, according to WCCAA attor-
hey Thomas O'Brien. He added that
§hould members favor that option, the
ase has a good chance of coming
before a judge again prior to next Thur-
sday and Friday's Regents meetings. If
the appeal is requested under normal
circumstances, however, it will not
likely meet that deadline, the attorney
THE LAWYER, who met with two
representatives from the coalition
Yesterday afternoon, said the group
tnay opt to wait on the matter because
preparation for the appellate hearing
"would drain from their efforts (to
prepare for) the Regents' meeting."
O'Brien said it is likely the coalition
will likelydecide on that issue before
The first step in the process, regar-
dless of the WCCAA decision, is the
filing of a claim of appeal, wpich.
O'Brien plans to do today in Lansing.
Thv case will eventually come before
the Michigan Court of Appeals in the
state capital.
The interpretation offered by Cam-
pbell is the first judicial ruling of
Michigan's 1977 Open Meetings Act.
While the decision allows the Board to
relocate in the face of disruption, it in-
sikts that only the protesters may be
excluded from the relocated meeting.
Campbell, however, did not prescribe a
method for distinguishing all the
demonstrators from non-
counseling and defending the rights of
the city's tenants.
BUT EVEN though their motto -
"Housing For People Not Profits" -
still graces the surface of an occasional
kiosk, over the past few years, the TU's
organizing efforts have come up again-
st some major obstacles.
The organization is still feeling the
severe financial and spiritual effects of
a 1977 embezzlement of thousands of
dollars from its escrow fund. "I know it
(the embezzlement) has had an effect
on our reputation," said TU coordinator
Chris Strempek. "It's just something
we have to deal with that we inherited
from our past."
Strempek said since the theft, TU has
made several fund-raisingefforts in an
attempt to pay back all of the money.
He said "at least" 40 per cent of the
money has been refunded, although he
could not cite specific figures.
LAST WEEK, the TU suffered
another setback: The Literary
College's (LSA) Curriculum Commit-
tee announced plans for cutting back
and possibly eliminating Project
Outreach credit for organizati(
the TU.
The majority of the students
TU are receiving Project Ot
credit and some members ag
loss of such credit could
problems for the organization.
lose Project Outreach support
look difficult," said Forrest Tie
LSA senior, and TU group leader
Tiedman said the immediatee
the loss of Project Outreach
would be a substantial reductio
hours. The organization, locate(
ons like fourth floor of the Michigan
currently open five days a we
at the a staff of 25 to 30 students.,
utreach ALTHOUGH THE Unive
ree the began granting credit four y
create interested TU members, som
"If we said it was this credit whi
things provided them with the incen
dman, a the organization.
r. "I would never have gott
effect of with the TU if it hadn't beenf
credit Outreach," said TU mem
n in TU Flood.
d on the Other TU members, howe
n Union, is particularly concerned about the
ek and has possible loss of Outreach credit. "This
place will be here even if Outreach
rsity only doesn't provide the students,'' said
ears ago to Strempek.
ne students Strempek said if the organization
ch initially loses Outreach support, the TU will be
ntive to join forced to shift its focus to the com-
munity. But Strempek said he is in-
en involved terested in doing that regardless of the
for Project Project Outreach situation. "We are
ber Frank going to try to spread more throughout
the community and not depend so much
ver, aren't See TENANTS, Page 9
Two resign
* :Y~~z from
Two Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)
justices resigned yesteray, protesting
the manner in which the judiciary body
handled last week's Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) election certifiction.
Sunday night, CSJ decided not to cer-
tify last week's election. After a
question arose as to the legality of that
hearing, however, CSJ met Wednesday
to decide whether another hearing
would be necessary. The two justices
who were present decided that no
second hearing was needed and that
Sunday's ruling would stand.
"Due process is being raped," said
LSA senior Kim Gardner, who resigned
along with LSA senior Shelly Drew,
"and I can't be a part of it."
IN A LETTER addressed to MSA,
Assistant Vice President of Student
Services Thomas Easthope, and Chief
Justice Dennis Persinger, Gardner and
Drew stated, "We do not advocate cer-
tification or non-certification of the
election, rather we advocate that CSJ
fulfill its obligations as established by
the All-Campus Constitution and the
Compiled Code by hearing all sides of
the question.
"It is obvious to us from the Court's
actions of 11 April that the court has lost
sight of its purpose as a judicial body,"
the letter continued. "We feel that we
can no longer remain members of a
body that has demonstrated such an
unwillingness or inability to perform its
Richard Barr and Thomas Potter,
former CSJ justices, are also
displeased with the actions of the
judiciary and the body's decision not to
certify the election. The former justices
posted a notice in MSA offices early
yesterday stating that CSJ did not have
a proper quorum at the preliminary
hearing Wednesday night, and that the
certifiction hearing Sunday night was
illegal because of a rule which requires
CSJ to hold such a hearing not less than
five and not more than 10 days
following the last day of an election.
IN THE LETTER, Gardner and
Drew also said the certification hearing
Sunday was unquestionably convened
prior to the expiration of the required
five-day waiting period.
Wednesday night's preliminary
hearing was required because of a suit
filed by MSA treasurer and Student
Alliance for Better Representataive
(SABRE) party President Brad Canale
saying that CSJ had violated its rules.
However, most justices bad not been in-
formed of the hearing and only two-
justices are required at a preliminary
See MSA,,Page 16
MEMBERS OF PEACEMAKERS Unlimited, a group of local citizens opposing military recruitment, have set up a table at
CRISP. The table is next to one set up by ROTC recruiters, although both groups say there is no hostility between the two.
Group challenges R 0 TC -1regirstration
Controversy has grown recently over whether students
should get academinc' edit for Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) courses at the University. Now, one group -
trying a direct approach to curb ROTC registration - has set
up shop right next to military recruiters at CRISP lines.
Peacemakers Unlimited is composed of a handful of local
citizens who oppose military recruiting. Members say their
goal is to act as a "counter presence" to ROTC recruiters.
TO ACHIEVE this counter effort, group members discuss
the value of ROTC courses with students at registration lines.
They also pass out a flyer advising students to "sign up for
classes . . . not for the military."
Mike Pennanen, a member of Peacemakers Unlimited,
said his group wants students to realize that the purpose of
the military is to prepare people for war. "It's their job to get
people to join," Pennanen said of the recruiters. "We want to
help people find their vocations."
Peacemakers Unlimited member Susan Johnson said
though her group is opposed to the military, it doesn't see at-
tacking ROTC as part of its role.
"WE'VE GOT nothing against the people in the military -
just the institution," she said. "We have a very good relation-
ship with the ROTC group."
ROTC recruiters, who sit only a few feet from
Peacemakers Unlimited, agreed that relations are friendly
between the two groups. "There hasn't been any conflict,"
said ROTC cadet Barry DeCicco, a University freshman.
"They (Peacemakers Unlimited) haven't leveledany
criticism," added Don Hall, a sophomore ROTC cadet. He
said the group has "the right to be there."
BOTH RECRUITERS said the presence of the group does
not affect their recruiting efforts. "We're trying to play our
recruiting casual," Hall said. "We're not wearing uniforms."
The purpose of the ROTC table at CRISP, said Hall, is to
make people aware of their program. "We are trying to boost
our enrollment," he added.
Workers from both groups said reactions of students
toward their pitches have been apathetic. Johnson attributed
this to a general lack of interest in the military. Pennanen,
however, said "most people just want to get through the
See GROUP, Page 12
South Africa expels
three U.S. officials
l1a5 arrested, officer
charged w
Five persons were arrested yester-
day and charges of assault and battery
were filed against an Ann Arbor police
officer in connection with an incident
involving "about 70" persons at State
and William.
According to witnesses, the distur-
bance began shortly before 5 p.m.,
when members of the AAPD attempted
to disperse a crowd gathered on the
corner across from the Diag. "The
majority of them were black kids
hanging around in front of the (Focus)
pinball joint," said witness Stacy Stin-
WITNESSES said that police poured
out one man's bottle of beer and then
arrested him as he walked around the
corner. "People stayed on the corner -
ith assault
17. Jim Wallace, an LSA sophomore,
said that he saw a police officer jab
Arletta James, 16, in the stomach "for
no reason."
"It didn't seem right to me that he
should do that," said Wallace, who said
he was just passing through. "I went
and asked him his badge number, and
. he lied to me. I asked him about it again
and he pushed me and said, 'It's none of
your business!" Wallace went to Police
Headquarters and filed assault and bat-
tery charges against the officer, iden-
tified only as Officer Wise.
Captain Robert Conn of the AAPD
said that "a couple (of persons) were
charged with loitering, a couple with
hindering and opposing." All were
released on personal recognizance.
CAPE TOWN (AP)-Prime Minister
Pieter Botha charged yesterday that
some U.S. Embassy personnellhave
snooped on sensitive areas of South
Africa with a specially equipped "spy
plane," and he ordered them to leave
the country within a week.
The embassy said it would have no
comment, but the State Department in
Washington said three U.S. Air Force
personnel assigned to the embassy
were ordered out.
The State Department identified the
personnel asked to leave as Air Force
Colonel Alvin Crews, the defense at-
tache; Major Bernd McConnell,
assistant air attache; and Master
Sergeant HoraceWyatt, crew chief of
the embassy plane.
A SPOKESWOMAN said the plane
was the defense attache's C-12, a thin-
engined aircraft sometimes used to
transport U.S. Ambassador William
The bombshell announcement sent
U.S.-South African relations, already
badly strained, into a tailspin.
In Washington, a State Department
official confirmed an airplane assigned
to the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria was
equipped with a camera and took aerial
photographs, but said he would not call
the photography espionage. An em-
bassy spokesman said it would have no
"WE DON'T have all of the facts
;yet," one official said. "But if we wan-
ted to spy on South Africa, we have fan-
cy satellites that can do it better than
a Piper Cub."
Botha, appearing unexpectedly on
the country's 8 p.m. television news
broadcast, accused the embassy of
using Edmondson's airplane as a "spy
plane" to take pictures of "very sen-
sitive areas" of South African territory.
Botha described the affair as
"disgraceful" and "a great violation of
A University study claims
that one out of three victims in
fatal car crashes could have been
saved had they been wearing seat
belts. See Story, Page 3.
* More of the Shah's suppor-
ters in Iran were executed
yesterday following their convic-
tions in secret trials. See story,
Page 12.
Sead the Today
column, Page 3
lk: 4: .>::::... ....
Police, guards, protect campus
GLEN RICHTER, NEW director of the Michigan Marching Band, told 100
members yesterday that he foresees no major changes in band traditions.
Richter is replacing George Cavender, who held the position for 27 years.
Marchin Band director
* will continue traditions
Last in a three-part series
The security of students on the
University campus hinges on three for-
ces-the protection provided by
patrolling Ann Arbor police, the
security organizations employed by the
University, and the awareness of the
in the city. He did point out, however,
that there were "more readily
available crime victims" on campus.
"By the very nature of the campus
and its buildings, which are open to the
public, there are more occasions for
robberies and larcenies," he said.
"There's always the usual hasssling on
the Diag, due in part to the large flow of
people through there. Panhandling and
universities have their own police
department-we do not. We work
closely with the Ann Arbor police-the
University has every problem the city
has." The University Safety Depar-
tment is staffed by 22 officers, accor-
ding to Stevens.
"MOST OF OUR officers are
recruited with the desirability of them
having prior police experience, prior
The University Department of
Housing Security works with the Safety
Department, but is a separate entity.
Guards from Housing Security are
stationed in dorms at night, and are ex-
pected to patrol their halls.
"WHAT I'M expected to do when I
come on is do a very thorough check,"
and one' Housing Security guard.
"When I'm off, I make sure that all the
1" Q W'IUgPt V UWlI7
By DE:1HFlURSKY Cave'~under.who hbecame the Muici