The Michigan Daily-Thursday, April 12, 1979-Page9
Tornadoes sweep,
Texas, kill 56
From AP and Reuter
Emergency crews strung lifelines
yesterday to splintered neighborhoods
in this north Texas city and three other
_Tornado Alley" towns hit by tor-
nadoes that killed at least 56 persons
and injured more than 800 others.
Officials. in this town of 96,000
residents said 44 people were killed
when twin tornadoes struck Tuesday
night, levelling two shopping centers
and several residential districts.
POLICE SAID looting started shortly
after the storm struck.
"There's been plenty of it," a police
spokesman said. %
Texas Governor Bill Clements or-
dered 150 National Guardsmen into the
OFFICIALS SAID the area had little
or no warning of the impending
Texas Gov. Bill Clements took to the
air to survey the damage left by
Tuesday's killer twisters and said the
cost to rebuild would run between $200
million and $300 million.
The Department of Public Safety
reported 44 bodies had been found in
Wichita Falls by noon, plus 12 in Vernon
and one in Harrold, a few miles to .the
west. Across the Red River in Lawton,
Okla., three more were counted dead.
AS THE CLEANUP was under way
along the Texas-Oklahoma border,
several other tornadoes struck in
Arkansas, injuring at least 26 persons
in the Polk County communities of
Grannis and Wickes.
The Red Cross said 21 mobile homes
were destroyed and 15 others were
damaged when a twister hit Grannis in
the western part of the state.
Other tornadoes touched down in
rural areas of Washington County,
Conway County, Stone County and Van
Buren County.
BRACED FOR "one horror after
another," often working with emergen-
cy power supplies, doctors and nurses
struggled to patch up the tornado vic-
tims who jammed city hospitals.
The lack of electricity hampered
medical personnel at Wichita General
Hospital, although an extra generator,
sent from Fort Sill, Okla., 50 miles
away, was expected to help. Mean-
while, said nursing supervisor Peggy
Horn, many bones had to be set without
"I think we are going to have one
horror after another when they clear
the rubble," said Ms. Horn.
RESIDENTS milled outside Wichita
General and Bethenia Hospital, waiting
for word of relatives. -
Meanwhile, the south Arkansas town
of Hamburg was hit by its second tor-
nado in four days and while buildings
were damaged, there were no reports of
injuries. A tornado Sunday caused
more than $1 million damage and in-
jured 17 persons.
A small tornado swept across an area
north of Topeka, Kan., yesterday, over-
turning two mobile homes, but no in-
juries were reported.
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,Rape: A violent and
(Continued from Page 1)
the assignment. If policewomen are on neys," said Kr
duty, they get involved in the case. If sitisef the
there is excessive visciousness, a sitisixuof ts
female detective (there are two in Ann the sexual ass
Arbor's 15-member bureau) is called other factors
in. Otherwise, we turn the victim over reluctance to g
to hospital persons who are well trained According
to handle the specific problems of the frightning as
rape victim."elisnhtm"tnc
The police also offer further help for cluding men.
victims through psychological coun- thing to face u
seling with the Michigan Department of
Mental Health. "Counselors are Tomorrow:?
availble to put victims at ease and help
get their heads back on," said Krasny.
FOR THOSE too shaken to report
their assault, Krasny suggests that they
ask a third person to report it. Working
under the assumption that the victim
who is reluctant to report a rape would
be unwilling to go to trial against her '
assailant, Krasny said the department
"accepts the information and hope tht
we can lipk it to other cases.
In 1973, the legal definition of sexual
assault was broadened in Michigan.
The law, which included four degrees of
criminal sexual conduct, was no longer
sex specific,. The statute was expanded
to include not only intercourse but the
unsolicited touching of private body
to make prosecution of lesser counts of
-sexual abuse a simpler matter. As well, o
assaulted women cannot be questioned
about their past sexual history in court.
'The courts are more restrictive now of
unethical and badgering defense attor-
reported increased sen-
state judicial system to
sault problem, there are
contributing to a victim's
go to the police.
to Judy Price, the
pect of rape in Ann Arbor
kn happen to anyone-in-
And that's a realy hard
p to."
The state of campus security
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Mountaineering #7
Oh sure, injured indignation. "A quiz?" you protest, feigning ignorance. Well sir,
what do you think these mountaineering, lessons have been all about? That's right -
knowledge, and the accumulation thereof. So put your gray matter on red alert and
start cracking. Here's where you move to the top of the mountain. Or get left at base
camp. And, bythe way, remember that the difference between the two is all in your head.
(Cont inued'iIfrom Pa ge 8t
FEMAlE GRAD. Non-Smoker. Share 2 bdrm. N.
Cam pus apt.Lease 6179-8 ,$1:57.50 '_ uii ies
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SIN G E Fl )1{ F FMAL: Ein modern campus apt.
Non-snmok ing grad. or U. st all prefer red. Faill'79.
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FEMALE G AlD non smoker. Share 2 bedro tm
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07_011 Y40
E'E:llAl~ AI'Alt'EN IA~"Il-: needed For Fall
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ampus. O i-24911 and 99401)22.19Ym1
1I$BDRM. apt. Newly furnished, carpeted.EAMPLE
_ torage. Near law and bus. schools. CHEAP! 62-
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NEEDED-FEMALE Roommate for May-August.
R easonable price, dishwasher and air conditioning.
ThREE FIIENDLY WOMEN need a fourth to
share our two bedroom Forest Glen apt. Good
teal! 995-9401. 58Y415
ROOM AVAILABLE NOW. Older home; healthy
foods, non-smoker, coop living with three grads,'
-prefer female. $155/tuo. plus. 994-4027. 55Y413
DOUtBLE ROOM available in house. Fall lease
,with sublet option. $105 each. Close to campus.
- all Kathe. 764-8824, 420-2032. 28Y415
F"MALE NON-SMOKER NEEDED for fall for own
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to law/business schools. Call 663-3728. 20Y415
Xultiple Choice Aral Exam
Drinking Busch beer is ;5 - Here's where youput your tongue
known as: -: |f to the test. Arrange three
(B) Downingthe glasses, two ordinary beers
mountinsth and one Busch in front of your-
(0) Quaffing-self. Ask a friend to blindfold
()) Peaking -you and pour each into aglass.
Sip all three, taking pains to
A mountaineer's best friend clear your palatebetweenbeers
- either by eating a plain soda
(B) Bailbondsma cracker or lightly dusting your
(B)Mailbnd su ane Ang wtha belt sander After
(D) Free and flexible arm sampling each, identify the moun-
- - tains. Unless you've just returned
uT tuosni v IfT i~M (()a) 8mst -from the dentist with a mouthful of
Beesigton Baxter-Bennington,-
the noted financier of mound °n- -°- - nOVocaine, this should be easy. Cold
eering expeditions,was fOnd L ; refreshment andnatural smoothness
of saying: * are your two big clues to the peak.
(A) "The price is right
(B)"Your check is in the ma T
(C) "Keep all your assets
,, TThis is the visual perception portion. Simply read the pertinent subject
(D) "Put this on my tab, fella. phrase and determine which picture most closely symbolizes it. Then, check
-tE IOU em gi g 8AAPOTIId
WuRTarue agnowg uo29trrneg (a'o'a) :JaMesuv the appropriate box.
The best place for a mountaineer to
take a romantic R&R is:°.
(A) Somewhere over the -
(B) 24 hours from Tulsa
(C) In the craggypeaks
(D) Deep in the heart of Texas
GW o4 (A) [ Mountaineering (B) [ (A) Q Mountain Peak (B) Q
seamou.osna 'wjeaeinnAreao (p) :JemsuV
You can recognize a mountaineer T'S ALL BE
(A) Crampons
(B) Sherpa guides
(C) Pickaxe
(D) Foamy moustache
S{]~JQMtu (A) El Mountain Lion (B) (A) E Mountain Pine (B) Q
The mut ormmn rangnn for --
Proudly Announces
Its First Special-Issue
111CJ. llua' O rUIIL.ll±JlL r 'J.ll lull
mountaineering is:
(A) Because it's there
(B) Because it's better than
(C) Because nothing is better
(D) All of the above
aN of emoo us a5 reed em uo w
Phu dexeir 'aft guo uo
gm o q oa Q u'BUI UY5f '1unou1
&JA GAO uI qq 11 GT Iourmoo111
Q.ojug 9 aqJJ y *qA5g1IOM JO GIION :Ja&SUV
:'' . - a
~ ;...;
gyp' o00
g o°Sy
. / E4
A ,, a
r c +° ../
- A Multidisciplinary Forum -
On sale now
a InriaI hnsLtcsnrs
(A) [ Mountain Music (B)]
(A) E MountainCat (B)El
Scoring 10-13 correct: congratulations, buclty, your flag waves at the summit.7-10 correct: not bad
but there's room for improvement; run to the package store and keep mountaineering. 4-7 correct:
don't mountaineer without an adult guardian. Less than 4: who read this test to you?
'Mountaineering is the science and art of drinking Busch. The term originates due to
cold, naturaUy refreshing taste inside.
+, f'fJ
r'r " T
the snowy, icy peaks sported by the label outside and perpetuates due to the