s Page 8-Thursday, April 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily Daly Classifieds BICYCLES. Both ten speed, sharp condition. 27" blue Peugeot $100 and 24" red Falcon $75. Loved but outgrown. 769-5674. 61B415 REFRIGERATOR. Great for dorm, apartment. Really excellent condition-buy now, beat the fall rush. 995-1914. dB415 NEED FURNITURE? One comfortable couch in excellent condition for sale. Call 668-7131. dB415 REFRIGERATOR-Sanyo, 4 cubic foot, wood grain finish, excellent condition. Call Jip, 763-0764. 51B415 PIANO. Good conditon. Lori, 994-1541. 63B415 FOR SALE Marantz 35w amp and tuner and two Pioneer HPM 40 speakers. Call 662-9643 and leave mes- sage. dB413 LARGE, COMFORTABLE COUCH for sale; re- movable'eushions. $60.971-7967. p06B414 COLOR CUNCERT PHOTS. Led Zep, Stones, Seger, Dylan, and more. Send one dollar for catalog and sample photo to Bill Mertz, Box 05092, Detroit, Mt 4820-. p49B503 ATTRACTIVE three piece living room furniture. includes couch, love seat and chair. Make best off er! Call 662-17192 or 668-6558 evenings. dB415 COLOR CONCERT PHOTOS. Led Zep, Stones. Seger, Dylan, more. Send one dollar for catalog and sample photo to Bill Mertz, Box 05092, Detroit, MI 48205. p49B420 FOR THE BEST IN WATER BEDS rememoer to come see Waterworks Waterbeds at 3066 Packard near Platt. 971-1355. at r rNI E ROMuMAira wanted!! _Coed house-relaxed atmosphere, parking and other extras available. Summer and/or fall option. 662.7687. 70C415 MOI)DERN 2 BEDROOM apt. near IM Bldg. Fall option. Cheap rent. 995-5822 after 5. 54C415 THERE'S STILL TIME to join a student Co-op. Spaces available for spring, summer and fall. Room, board and utilities at moderate cost. Share the work (4-5 hours/wkJ and the fun! Inter-Co-operative Council, 4062 Michigan Union. 662-4414. 69C414 BROADVIEW APARTMENTS near North Campus, immediate occupancy, deluxe units, one bedroom from $280/month, includes heat. No pets. 769-2256. 56C415 LIVE CHEAPLY Summer Sublets We have apts. to suit all needs-on or off campus; rooms, I and 2 bedrooms; quality houses and modern buildings. Call before vacation begins: Modern Management 668-6906 cC415 LARGE APARTMENTS- We have a few 2 bedroom apts. left-one four -person. Several 1 bedroom available. Modern build- ings and older houses, all well managed. Call while there is still a choice: MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 cC415 One opening in cooprative 6-member coed house, to share double with male. May-May or Sept.-May. Glenn 663-7981 or Carolyn 995-4398. 04C415 ARE YOU HOMELESS THIS FALL? Two quiet, non-smoking females needed to share furnished 2-bdrm. apt. with two of the same. Five large rooms, offstreet parking, 10 min. from central campus, low price. Call Mary or Diana at 996-0628, dC415 Wanted-Person(s) to rent rooms in 3 bedroom house. On East Kingsley.'Rent Cheap. 668-7931. 27C412 flAALl RENTAL 2 bdrm. apts., one 1-bdrm. All: iurnished, parking, convenient location on S. Forest near S. University. Stratford ApIs. 761-1840. 62C414 IMMElD IAIE OC(UPAN(Y 2 iDRM apt. in house CampusR entals. 665-8825. cCtc fSi' M.\I{K [ E.N iALI Time negotiable. East side p iVdhe iome. i btiirooms. Adults only. $550 a mont h. Ret erences and leposit required. 994-5120. 72C415 HOutSEMATE WANTEDI -l Female Grad or Univ. .atf 1wr - 6 1- IPossibility for fall> to share my home. Nea r Kurns Park, 1 mile to campus. $275. ('all Jane IHassinger. 764-W3I12/994-4215. 89C412 ROOMS FOR RENT at a Jewish rooming house, spring/summer discount prices, fall/winter leases. 769-3078. pcCtc AVAILABLE July and/or Fall. Male grad student seeking two of same to share small but comfortable furnished home five minute drive to campus. $160/ month includes utilities and own room. Ted, 663- 7976. 31C413 SHARE HOME on Washtenaw near campus with three adults. Couple, woman preferred. Children 0. K. Call 769-1442 after 7:00. 42C415 AVAILABLE FOR FALL Furnished one bedroom and efficiency apartments in older homes near campus. Listings at the Off- Campus Housing Office or OLD TOWN REALTY, 214 Nickels Arcade, 663-8989. 37C415 SUBLET W/FALL OPTION-2 people needed for summer and next year. 662-7850. 34C415 Just a little bit o campus buv VERY reasonable!!! LARGE 1 and 2 bedroom apts. GRACIOUS * Modern Bldgs. * Older houses " New furniture, drapes and carpeting * Parking * Disposals * Balconies See these before school ends!! MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 cC415 FALL 1979 CAMPUS We are currently leasing efficiencies and 1 bed- room modern, furnished apartments for next fall. Stop by or call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church, 761-7600. Daily 9-5. cCt' ----------------- ----- GRAND OPENING RENTAL HOMES Brand new homes with fireplace, cathedral ceiling, two-car garage with automatic opener, four bed- rooms or three bedrooms and family room, full basement, large wood deck, use of tennis court and heated pool. Approx. 12 miles from campus off W. Liberty. Dahlmann Apts., Ltd., 761-7600. cC415 The Highlands LOC D ON NORTH CAMPUS One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments for immediate or fall occupancy. Featuring: security lock system, drapes, dishwasher, tennis courts and swimming pool. Buses to and from central campus daily. CALL 769-3672 Or visit the Resident Manager at 1693 Broadway, Apt. 302 MANAGED BY REAUME & DODDS Management Co. cCtc 3 MAN, 1 BEDROOM with study, large furnished apartment 2 blocks to law schoolaavailablefor fall. Rent $400 a month includes heat, water, elec- tricity and parking. Also efficiency and one bed- room apartments in older homes on campus for fall occupancy. Campus Management Inc. 337 E. Huron St.-663-4101 cCtc MODERN two-bedroom furnished apartments four blocks north of Rackham available for fall, $335-$340 per month. Rent includes heat, water, parking, laundry facilities and disposals. Also modern two-bedroom unfurnished apartments one mile from campus available immediately and for fall. Rent $280 to $285 per month includes heat, water, parking, laundry facilities and disposal. Campus Management, Inc. 337 E. Huron St.-663-4101 cCtc IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY One bedroom and two bedroom apts. N6w available. Furnished. Includes heat, water and parking. Across from U of M Stadium. 2 blocks from campus bus stop. Sans Souci Apts., 1036 S. Main. 994-3955. cCtc MODERN FURNISHED one and 2-BDRM., central air and heat, laundry, parking. Near IM building on commuter route. $275 and $395. Utilities included. 769-9823.769-4112. 63C415 EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT/IMPROVISATIONAL DANCE WORKSHOP All day Saturday, April 21st. No experience necessary. $20. Margaret and Bob Blood, 769-0046. cF412 REPRESENTATIVES WANTED for promotion of international bus lines in Europe and Asia. Expe- ditions in Africa and South America. Camping tours. Educational tours. Almost any travel arrangements organized. Magic Bus, Damrak 87, Amsterdam, Holland. 38F412 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CLOTHING-Sweaters, shirts, blouses, zurapds, ponchos, and Mexican sandals. Call Sandra, 662-6346 after 5:00 p.m. dF413 FRIENDS LAKE COMMUNITY 80-acre wildlife preserve near Chelsea: swimming, sailing, canoe- ing, picknicing, tenting. All year membership $50/ adult; children free. Brochure from Blood's, 2005 Penneraft, Ann Arbor 48105. cF415 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. cFtc GAY YOUNG MEN needing real friend and those coming out who are honest, sincere, and serious. Write telling of yourself, etc. to: Boxholder, 2803 Tenth, Wyandotte, Michigan 48192. 55F412 INVESTOR WILL PAY $200 reward for information leading to purchase of house or apartment-building on or near campus. 995-0335. cFtc ASTROLOGICAL SERVICES-Natal charts, consul- tations, and instruction. Barbara Ribble, astrologer. 434-6458. 06F412 FOLK CONCERT: With Gemini, Friday and Satur- day, April 13 and 14, 8 p.m., at Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State, second floor. 93F414 SUMMER STORAGE. Clean, safe, from $20/month. 11 miles south of UM Stadium, I-94 & Ann Arbor Saline Rd. StowAway Self-Storage, 769-0119. cC415 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at a Jewish rooming house, spring/summer discount prices, fall/winter leases. 769-3078. pcCtc AVAILABLE MAY 1-AUG. Some Fall Options Furnished rooms, 1, 2, 3 BRs * on and off campus * Security Systems * Modern Bldgs. * Older Houses * A/C * Disposals * Laundry For Best Selection Call Now MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 TYPISTS The Word Processors, a professional commercial service has morning shift positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in at least one of the following: tianscription, type- setting, or computerized word processing equip- ment. Pleasant working environment, pay com- mensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne,, 662-3969. cHtc PAID VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. The University of Michigan Allergy Division needs volunteers age 18 or over to participate in a study of desensitization to ragweed by spraying small amounts of modified ragweed extract into the nose. Subjects must have ragweed hay fever, be in the Ann Arbor area most of the summer, and have had no treatment with injec- tions of ragweed extract within the last 3 years. Call 764-6145 or 763-3141 for further details. 05H412 COUNSELORS WANTED-Physical Education, athletes, WSI, drama, A&C, general, coed overnight camp, N.Y. State. Apply David Ettenberg, 15 Eldorado Place, Weehawken, New Jersey, 07087. 73H412 TYPISTS The WordProcessors, a professional commercial service has full/part-time positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in at least one of the following: transcription, typesetting, or computerized word processing equipment. Pleasant working environment, pay commensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne 662-3969. cHtc University Assigned Security Guards. Shift openings 11:30-7:30 a.m. 1000 Cornwell Place, North Ingalls Bldg. 668-0444. 05H415 STAYING IN TOWN THIS SUMMER? Part time position .with flexible hours helping a disabled woman with dressing, meals, etc. is available. Some hours open now. Call immediately 662-2734. 09H415 Prt time sales clerk, gardening, nursing, cooking. 761-8556. 99H413 WANTED-Mother with pre-school child and trans- portation. Here is your chance to earn good pay while taking care of your child and my 32-yr. old in my home.12-20 hrs./wk. or more if you want. Occasional early evenings, no weekends. Call 769- -818 between 7:00-and 8:00-p.m.6745 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500- $1,200 monthly. Expenses paid. Sight seeing. Free info-Write: IJC, Box 52-13, Corona Del Mar, CA. 92625. 59H531 UNIVERSITY CELLAR will be accepting applica- tions for fal book rush 1979 on April 7-14. Pay is $3.30/hr. Apply U-Cellar Info. desk, Basement Mich- igan Union, 530 S. State. 10H414 HUNTER GATHERERS Join a Himalayan Yeti Quest. Details 995-4658. cHtc MR. TONY'S Now accepting applications for summer help. Full or part time. Apply within 342S. State. 5911414 Need extra cash? Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants have full and part time shifts available. Hours flexible to.your schedule. Stop at any of the four restaurants for application or call 668-8515 for an in- terview. 85H415 Delivery-General maintenance. Days-Part time and full time. Call A- Rental 663-0060. 86H414 SUMMER HELP DEARBORN AREA. Temporary full time, no experience necessary. Office and service help needed. Please call 274-3242. 88H415 NOW HIRING, night club, cocktail waitresses and barbacks, will train. Apply after 8 p.m.. Second Chance, 516 E. Liberty. cH415 FULL TIME POSITION of Assistant Coordinator with Student Buyers Association, will be available mid-May. Applicants should have some knowledge of food and supply purchasing, bookkeeping, and/or typing. Experience in a frat, sorority or co-op would be helpful. Minimum salary-$9,200. Send Resume to: Coordinator SBA Box 64, 530S. State Ann Arbor, MI 48109 or call 662-6062 by April 25. . 67H415 OLD TOWN is accepting application for wait people for April and Sept. starts. 37H413 DISHWASHER-Private Club-close to campus. Mon.-Fri. 10:30-3:30. Call 662-3279. 31H412 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPEND- ENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 mem- ber camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 55 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 763-6595. p54H502 NATURAL FOODS HEADCOOK WANTED Must be available mornings & evenings. Seva Restaurant,:314 E. Liberty, 662-2019. 00H415 NEED $50? I want your senior prior coupon. Call now-Larry, 995-4975. MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 12095. University 663-7151 Specializing incustom engagement & wedding rings OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S University AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS. Good watch dogs, good with children, nice disposition., Reasonable! CAll 483-5973 evenings before 11. football p17 413 cFtc SUMMER SUBLET. Modern furnished efficiency. Air cond. and Cable T.V. Negotiable. Evenings, 665-0905. 53U415 SUBLET IN HERITAGE HOUSE-One space in bedroom of 2 bedroom male apt. Call Jeff at 995-3981. Negotiable. dU414 JULY-AUG. SUBLET 2-BDRM. Apt. A/C, dish- washer, great location, price negotiable. 995-4526. 50U415 GREAT LOCATION-4 minutes from diag, 1 bed- room, 1 or 2 people. 825 Tappan. 662-6235. 65U415 BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT in a house, available May-August. Next to CCRB, Arb. Parking, bar, porch. Price negotiable. 662- 9807. 57U415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. $50, free parking, A/C, furnished, at Forest Terrace. Call 996-0598. dU413 ONE BEDROOM on Pauline. Negotiable. May- June or longer. Fireplace. 995-3743, persistently. 64U415 INEXPENSIVE-Sublet. May-August. Female. Own room in 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. 996-0183. 77U414 FREE KEG if you sublet from us Plus bi-level with balcony. 2 bedrooms, 3 bath- rooms, air-conditioning, dishwasher, and 5 minutes from Campus and Arb. 994-0757, dU415 ROOMS-PRIVATE HOME May-August. By week or month. Refrigerator, linens, cleaning, furnished. No cooking or laundry. 662-9806. 67U415 CHEAP SUBLET-Two bedroom furnished apt. Conveniently located. Price negotiable. Call morn- ings/nights, 662-5038. 60U415 CONVENIENT SUBLET Cheap. 815 S. State-Two bedrooms, great balcony, A/C. Across from Campus Corners and Pizza Bob's. Laundry facilities, free parking. 665-5463. dU415 BEAUTIFUL LARGE BDRM. availble from May through August. Fabulous location very near central campus, also close to CCRB and the Arb and parking too. Call: 662-5340. dU415 TWO BEDROOM apartment available. May 1 on North Campus. Fall option. Call 994-6547. 62U415 SUBLET-4 Bedroom House Close to campus; IM Building. Price negotiable. Call 995-5792. 68U415 EFFICIENCY AVAILABLE May 15, Fall option, close to campus. $165. 663-8431. 66U414 SUMMER SUBLET. May-August. 3-4 bedroom apartment. 5 minutes from campus near old IM bldg. Furnished, air-conditioning, full freezer. $300/mo. 994-5710. p91U414 SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM APT. Near Dooley's Furnished, A/C, free laundry, separate study. 994- 5694 35U413 BREATHTAKING BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT May-August. Fall option. Female needed to fill space. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap! Call 662.6349 per- sistently. 13U415 ARE YOU READY FOR THE GOOD LIFE? Spacious room, big enough for one or two people in the biggest house in A. All the essentials of modern existence provided. Great house for party down individuals. May-August sublet, price nego- tiable. Call Alan, 996-0193. dU413 SUBLET SPRING/SUMMER. 5 Woman apt. needs one woman. Tri-level, great location Geddes/ Church. Your own room, the only room on that level. Air conditioning, balcony, laundry room. Call 995-0345. 08U413 OWN ROOM in beautiful six bedroom house. Close to store and campus. Dishwasher! $95/mo.sor best offer. Bill, 668-6929. 12U413 SUMMER SUBLET-One bedroom on State St. Furnished, parking, balcony, laundry, A/C. 995- 0753. 14U413 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. I4 bedrooms avail- able in house. Sundeck, parking, near Campus, U-Hospital. Call 994-6470, 996-0565 after 4:00. 15U415 INEXPENSIVE Summer Sublet. Campus area. Two bedrooms, fully furnished, laundry, parking. 995- 3425. 18U415 Two Bedroom apt, as close to campus as they come, either April 28 or June 1Ito Aug. 21. Parking, cable T.V. A/C, furnished, can rent one or both rooms. Call 665-9524. dU415 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for Spring/Summer Sublet. Rent negotiable. Call 769-1521. 39U413 SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET. Heritage House Apts. 2 bedroom, a.c., dishwasher, laundry, paiking. 994-4020. 63U415 Modern 2 bedroom apt. Furnished, air-conditioned, parking. State St.-Fuller, 996-0679. 90U412 SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET-modern, two- bedroom, furnished apartment, 1 bedrooms available. Great location, air-conditioning, parking, laundry facilities. Price negotiable. 994-4915. 04U415 Sublet, May-August, large two bedroom apartment. Cl an, close to campus, free laundry and parking facilities, a/c, completely furnished. 994-0240. 92U415 WANT HIGH QUALITY PRINTING & COPYING? come to the wordprocessors We offer quick job turn around and clean, crisp copies. The widest range of special paper stocks in town. Many other specialty items and services available, also typing, graphic design, word processing, and typesetting. 211 S. State 662-3969 eJtc COPIES: 31 zt each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 Sulet-Sunny, Spacious house at 917 Green- wood-rooms for four or five persons-two bathrooms-porch, washer/dryer-negotiable. 662- 2815. 83U413 TWO BEDROOMS-May to August. Modern fur- nished, parking, A/C, close to campus. 995-013. 80U412 Summer Sublet-Female single, parking. Air, balcony. S. Forest. Negotiable. 995-5421. 30U413 APARTMENT-2 bedroom-A/C and D/W -available May 1st -$310 a month -Call 995-3492 after 5:00p.m. 45U415 FANTASTIC 2 BEDROOM SUBLET Midway between Central Campus, Medical Campus, Arb. Fully furnished, Air Conditioned, Parking, Dishwasher. Available May through August.. Rent negotiable. Call 663-7396. 46U413 SUMMER SUBLEASES Complete Campus area lisitings available at: CAMPUS RENTAL LTD. 1335 S. UNIVERSITY 665-8825 cU415 Spacious 3 bedroom apartment, parkin,, A/C. Dish- washer, free cable T.V. 1 minute from CCRB at Ged- des and Observatory. Call 668-6503. 84U413 SUMMERSUBLET Two single rooms in seven bdrm house (female) nicely furnished/washer-dryer, porch swing, sun deck. Price negotiable. 10011 Church St. 662-0717. --U413 IMMEDIATE SUB-LETS We have an extensive list of low-priced Sub-lets for Spring and Summer. Roommates, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom furnished apts. located on campus. For best selection call now MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 cU415 11ROOM in 2 bedroom apt. Available for spring- summer sublet. Air-conditioned, washer-dryer on premises. 2 minutes from CCRB, near Bagel Fac- tory, Arb, Diag. Hospital. $125/mo. (negotible. Call 995-0496 anytime. 8U408 CAMPUS SUBLET-Furnished two-bedroom apart- ment with balcony, parking, air. Openings Now- August.Call persistently evenings,761-3416. 07U412 SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET MAIZE & BLUE MANAGEMENT Need 4. Free parking, dishwasher, bi-level with 2 bathroom's and balconies. Air conditioning, 5 min. from campus. 525 Walnut. 668-1578. dU45 SUBLET SPACIOUS 5-DRM. house. Furnished. appliances, parking. 7-min. walk to Diag. Dave, 764-8958. 03U412 FREE CHEESECAKE SUBLET OUR 2-bedroom apt. on Church and Willard; big storage, kitchen, living room. Cheap. Call 663-3728. 19U415 MAY TO MAY LEASE-Two men prefer two women in 4 bedroom house. Call Rob, 662-4270; Nels, 662- 2850. .- dt'415 SPRING & SUMMER SUBLET. Rooms to rent in fully furnished house. Washer & dryer, color chble TV, stereo. Driveway, garage, backyard, nice front porch. Quiet street, good location. Cross St. off Packard near South Quad. Rent negotiable.dCall: 662-3467. dU415 SUBLET-2 MALES NEEDED to fill large apt., A/C, balcony, 5-min. to Campus. 628 Packard.996- 0658, 210412 BI-LEVEL APT. SUMMER SUBLET-2-BDRM., 11z2 bath, A/C, balcony, dishwasher, parking' and 5-min. from campus. Call Tom, 663-1943. 22U413 ONE-BEDROOM APT. Near Campus. Spacious. Furnished. May-Aug. only. $240/negotiable. 769-045. 25 7412 SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET-Beautifully Furrissh- ed Room in house-Big bedroomwhich includes two rooms in which to reside. Ten minutes from campus. Washer, dryer, refrigerator, sink in own room. Call Billy at 663-1346 persistently. dU415 5-6 BEDROOM HOUSE. May-August. Fully fur- nished with kitchen. Prime location-next to S. Quad. Parking. Price negotiable. Call evenings, 662-2879. d415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET for female in awn room in 3 bedroom apartment. Modern, furnished, A/C, laundry facilities. Close to business/law schools. Call 995-3662. 26U415 SUMMER SUBLET-FALL OPTION-Near cam- pus. 1-BDRM. apt. available May 1. Call Mary, 662-3971. 240415 LARGE ROOM in well-kept, beautifully furnished old house. Semi-cooperative with 5 friendly women. Close to campus and across from IM Bldg. Possible fall option. Prefer female grad student or working person. Phyllis-668-2471 (home), 763-3485 (work). 231415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Two furnished singles in large 5-BDRM. beautiful house. Washer/dryer, garage, 5-min. walk to Campus. Call Bobby, or Marty, 668-6410. 45U415 TAKE OVER LEASE of 3-BDRM. townhouse in May. Live Rent Free. Keith, 995-4384. 441,415 SUBLET-2 BEDROOM, A/C, balcony, parking, laundry, near track, tennis, campus. Phone994- 0678. 43U415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Cheap, free parking, A/C, furnished, at Forest Terrace. Call 996-0598. 39U413 ONE BEDROOM apartment, May-August. Great location; parking; furnished. Fall option, price negotiable. 665-4028, evenings. dU415 SUBLET MAY 1-AUG. Large 1-BDRM. efficiethcy with scenic view Ann Arbor atop Maynard House Apartments. 1 block from Campus. Sundeck, park- ing, central air. Call persistently, 995-8807. $200/ino. 46U415 SUBLET-JUNE-AUGST. One bedroom, furnished modern apt. on E. Kingsley. Close to campps and hospital, air conditioning, parking, laundry. Fall option. Call 662-0320 after 5:30. 40U412 SPRING SUBLET. Staying just for the Spring term? Try my huge furnished room in a beautiful 6 bedroom brick house on shaded Vaughn St; A very negotiable $80/month. Arlene, 665-5624. dU415 SPRING-SUMMER SUBLET. One sunny roor, furnished, parking, good location. Gayle, 665- 5624. dU415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET Heritage House Apart- ments. Large two bedroom apt. with air condition- ing and parking. 662-9050. Call anytime. 33U415 LET CAMPUS Management Sublet service assist you in locating an apartment for the spring-summer terms. We have prime tenants seeking sublets for efficiencies, 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Don't wait lill the last minute, call us now at 663-4101. cutc STAYING FOR summer half-term only? Rent my single in a house close to campus for cheaper than a double in a dorm. Call Ann, 994-5361 after 5. 68U412 MUSICA L MDSE* RADIOS, REPA IRS NEW ROLLAND PIANO, variable sustain 4nd sound-mixing. A new innovation'. Apollo Music Center, 323 South Main, 769-1400. cX414 SHURE MICROPHONE SALE-SM and PE se'ies in stock. Runs through April 30th. Apollo Music Center. cX414 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe © 1979 Los Angeles Times Syndicate ACROSS 1 Marketed, 5 Beau (perfect beauty) 10 Songbirds 12 Places apart 14 Ship's boat 15 Domain; realm 16 Cold 17 Burning 19 Islet 20 Troubles 21 Silvery food fish 22 Printing direction 23 Specified time 24 Scold 25 Acadia National Park state 26 Fashionable fabric 27 Fontainebleau attraction 28 Memorable play by O'Neill: Phrase 32 Trusts (with "on") 33 Negative ion 34 Seed coverings 35 Ranch animal 36 Layette item 39 Alcott heroine and namesakes 40 Skins 41 Fashioned 42 Upsilon 43 Sultanic decree 44. Kind of window 45 Abundant 47 Witty remarks 49 Fish traps 50 Fries 51 Rouen's river 52 Interpret DOWN 1 Individually 2 Birds of a region 3 Plumbum 4 Playwright Simon, to friends 5 Sluggish 6 Coin 7 Compass point 8 A variety of police dog 9 Quality of being gentle 10 Rural residence 11 6,080 feet 12 Roman official 13 Furniture items 14 Settled a bill 18 Leagued 21 Transports 22 Reception room 24 Takes place 25 Shaw's Barbara 26 Conceals 27 Levers 28 Tread heavily 29 Unorthodox beliefs 30 Fit to be chosen 31 What nine is to ten 35 Certain pups 36 Pampered 37 Loafs 38 Old-fashioned social gatherings 40 Babble 41 Where Valetta is 43 Ferrum 44 Fasten 46 Roof apex covering 48 Rhine feeder A GIRL TO LIVE-IN for light housekeeping, over 5'7", $650 per month (313) 287-2216 after 5:30 p.m. 49H413 Camp Director and Other Personnel (Counselors, waterfront, cooks) needed for two Girl Scout Camps. June 17-August 5. Write: Girl Scuts of Singing Sands, 1635 N. Ironwood Dr., South Bend, Indiana 46635 for more information and an application. 47H415 COMPUTER GRADUATE WANTED to assist Data Processor Manager at American Girl Uniforms. Great opportunities and fringe benefits. Send resume to P.O. Box 3700, Oak Park, MI 48237. dH415 A Masters Degree in RADIATION PROTECTION at the University of Michigan Opportunities available for: -financial support for qualified graduate students -research in radiation dosimetry and radiation biology -high paying, interesting jobs in a growing profession in which the demand far exceeds the supply. Applications should be filed by 15 April, 1979. Interested students in engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, pre-med or any of the otier physical or bioldgical sciences should write: Dr. G. Whipple, Dept. of Envornomental and Industrial Health, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. 59H412 Get Your Summer Job Now If you are getting out of school, work the spring/ summer with good pay. Industrial and office work available. MANPOWER 118 W. Jefferson 665-3757 (See white pages in your hometown for nearest offices). cH415 BUSINESS, pre-med, pre-law, and engineering majors wanted for summer work. Qualifying stu- dents can earn $3500 this summr. For interview; call 994-4326. 291415 SUMMER JOBS Clerical work available at $3.50 per hr. in Novi area. Some light typing. John Eckstrom, 349-7600. 32H415 GET YOUR SUMMER JOB now. If you are get- ting out of school, work spring/summer with good pay. Industrial and office work available. Call Mon.-Fri. MAN-POWER TYPING,.experiencedAll kinds.971-3699. p36J412 PROFESSIONAL TYPING and WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. We specialize in dissertations, manuscripts., resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding. Open 7 days. 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cJtc TYPING/BINDING . Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes "*Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843: 612 S. Forest Suite B cJte WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Professional. 996- 0566. cJtc EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Dis- sertations, manuscripts, resumes, reports. Pick-up --delivery available. Word Processing Group. 662- 7879. p42J413 PAINTING-INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Free reasonable estimates-All work guaranteed. Call Doug Miller at 761-1237 or Martin Crow at 662- 8289. 64J414 Typing, experienced. All kinds. 971-3699. p36J412 THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 1 ROOM in 2 bedroom apt ... Available for spring- summer sublet. Air-conditioned, washer-dryer on premises. 2 minutes from CCRB, near Bagel Fac- tory, Arb, Diag, Hospital. $125/mo. (negotiable). Call 995-0496 anytime. 97U415 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET 1 bedroom apt. Large bedroom and living room. SUNNY KITCHEN. Air-conditioning. Next to East Quad. 995-0362. 98U412 SUMMER SUBLET in cooperative coed house. Need one or two people for a double. Glenn 663-7981 or Carolyn 995-4398. 03U415 One room available for spring-summer in our fur- nished 6 bedroom house close to campus. Back yard with gas grill and picnic table! Call soon at 995-1772. 07U412 ON-CAMPUS SUBLET 3 females needed. 3 bedroom apartment. Air- conditioning. Next to CCRB. Bi-level. Dishwasher. $65/mo. 662-3364. 95U415 SUPER SUBLET: May-Aug. 2 bedrooms air con- ditioned, garbage disposal, vacuum, parking, storage, close to CCRB, central campus, Med. Cen- ter. Rent negotiable. 994-0994. 94U415 Summer sublet near State and Packard. Five bedrooms available in comfortable house, 2 baths, front porch. Rent negotiable. 769-0303. 93U415 Spring-Summer. 3 rms. avail. block south of Law Quad. 2 baths, kitchen privileges, cable tv, parking. 715 Oakland. 668-1690. 01U413 INEXPENSIVE Summer Sublet. Campus area, 2 bedrooms. 665-5120. 28U412 AVAILBLE MAY 1. Large, sunny room in co-op, co-ed apartment. Close to campus. Rent negotiable. 663-5077, 995-5241 persistently. 39U415 I NEED A ROOM! Spring-Summer Sublet.,Prefer sunny single, nice location, parking, and A/C (not necessary though). Nancy.763-3960 anytime after 6 n.m. dU415 1 12 13 I4 IX3 - -1 4-4--4- 118 W. Jefferson 665-3757 17 23 10 ,5 70H413 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 member camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 55' West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 736- 6595. p54H502 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 812 South State Street 4-3594 9-4 Mon.-So Th- '74 FIAT 128 SL. New brakes, alternator, Michelins. Plus more. FM-Cassette. Getting married-must sell. 662-5400 after 5:00. 30N415 1973 MUSTANG-Great condition. Call for details. fir ! i I I I I I.