ROTC CREDIT See editorial page LIM~tt Wan Figh iv-Nitte Yearsn of4 Idiforioil Free doms lEali IMPROVING High--65o Low-.43° See Today for details Vol. .XXXIX, No. 154 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 12, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Judge rules Regents may move meeting Dorms to support Nestle boyCott BY PATRICIA HAGEN In a referendum held this week, University dormitory residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of a boycott of the purchase of Nestle products by the University for use in residence hall cafeterias. With the results from all but one dorm tabulated, 1,691 students voted in favor of the boycott while 431 were op- posed. University Food Service of- ficials have said they will stop pur- chasing Nestle products and will sub- stitute alternative brands as a result of the referendum. THE REFERENDUM was held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in the cafeteria supper lines in the ten dormitories with food service. It was conducted by the student government in each residence hall to determine support of the boycott sponsored by the Infant Formula Action Coalitin (IN- FACT). The INFACT boycott, which is being observed by many groups nationwide, is aimed at stopping the direct promotion of infant formula by Nestle in developing countries. Nestle is the leading seller of the formula which, ac- cording to INFACT, has been proven harmful if not prepared under special conditions often not found in those developing countries. The improperly mixed formula has been linked by IN- FACT to millions of cases of infant malnutrition and death in the third world. Currently, the University uses very few Nestle products - including Stouf- fer and Libby's foods - and the effect on food service will be minimal, accor- ding to Housing and INFACT officials. "IT'S GOING to give a boost" to IN- FACT's efforts to increase public awareness, said Larry Pederson, a member of the local INFACT group. Hank Ciocca, Assistant Secretary of Nestles said Nestle has stopped direct promotion of infant formula in the developing countries. In response to the University boycott, Ciocca said, "Not too many people take the time to examine the information." Anti-apartheid group may appeal decision By MITCH CANTOR and MARK.PARRENT Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge Ross Campbell yesterday ruled that the University Regents can legally change the location of their April meeting to bar disrupters, should demonstrators cause a, breach of the peace at that meeting. The written judgment by Campbell is the first judicial interpretation of the Michigan's Open Meetings Act. WHILE THE judgment stated that the Regents may move their meeting in the case of a disruption, Campbell of- fered no specific means for identifying disrupters. "Of course it is going to be difficult to distinguish (between protesters and those not participating in the demon- stration). It still presents a practical problem which we will try to find a practical answer to," said University Counsel Roderick Daane. Daane said there are emergency ap- peal processes available for the WC- CAA if it wishes to have another ruling prior to the Regents meetings next Thursday and Friday. Daane declined to speculate on the likelihood of such a move. WASHTENAW COUNTY Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) member David Kadlecek said yesterday before the case had been decided that "Tom (WCCAA attorney Thomas O'Brien) said it was fairly likely that we would appeal it" if the case were not decided in the group's favor. Approximately 20 WCCAA members, who held their regular meeting last night, did not learn of the decision until midway through the meeting. O'Brien could not be reached for comment last night. University Safety Director Walt Stevens said yesterday that finding a way to separate disrupters from non- disrupters after the shift of a Regents meeting "is something we (University administratoars) will have to discuss. I'm not certain how that determination would be made." Stevens added that he may also confer with the police on the matter. Stevens indicated, however, that "spokespersons for the group and the others who are vocal are quite easily identified." IN HIS seven-page decision, Cam- pbell said, "It is significant that the legislature used the word 'excluded' in preference to 'removed,' 'expelled,' or 'ejected."' Campbell then goes on to agree with the contention of the Univer- sity's hired attorney, Peter Davis, by stating that "exclusion is . . . broad enough to include not only ejection or expulsion from within but also of keeping out or barring from admission that which is already outside." That premise had been argued in court Monday by Thomas O'Brien, the attorney for the defendants in the case, the WCCAA. O'Brien claimed the Open Meetings Act allows only that disrup- ters be arrested and physically removed from the meeting. IN HIS RULING, Judge Campbell wrote that the Open Meetings Act does not require "that a public body must necessarily provide a meeting place large enough to accommodate any size of group whatever what may wish to attend." In cases in which the meeting room is too small to facilitate all interested spectators, Campbell said the "rule of reason must be applied." To decide who See JUDGE, Page 12 Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG Answering Hopwood prayers Essayist and novelist Joan Didion, author of A Book of Common Prayer, spoke at the Hopwood Awards ceremony yesterday at Rackham Lecture Hall. See story, Page 7. PRES. SEARCH COMMITTEES REVIEW NOMINEES: Names givenI to. Regentis By LEONARD BERNSTEIN The student, faculty, and alumni ad- visory committees have completed their. reviews of the current list of nominees in the University's search for a permanent president, leaving the next move up to the Board of Regents. Student advisory committee spokespersons yesterday confirmed that group submitted a list of "around 50" namesincluding comments about each nominee to the Regents on Mon- day. Faculty committee head Harold Johnson also confirmed that his group returned "a shorter list of people we MSA election invalid; n1o, new hearing held B JLE ENGEBD)~RCHT feel should still be considered" to the "I just do Regents last week. timetable," h ALUMNI ADVISORY committee are going to b chairman Sam Krugliak explained his talk to eachc group did not meet to discuss the list of I'm sure the nominees. Instead, Krugliak said, each munication b alumnus was "canvassed" by "a groups interm. representative" of the Regents, in or- STUDENT der to learn opinions of the alumni on chairperson each nominee. assumed the F Regents Robert Nederlander (D- lists to the a Birmingham), Thomas Roach (D- Board convi Detroit), and Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- meeting on Ap bor) refused to confirm or deny that the said he had no Board received the lists from the ad- the Regents. visory committees. No other Regent Johnson, St could be reached for comment. that, to their Despite the Regents' refusal to has yet been acknowledge they have the lists, it is group. apparent the advisory committees will While every now wait for a response from the Board ch is under before continuing to pare down the Regents not t roster of presidential hopefuls. candidates, S "WE JUST wanted to make clear how med that the we felt about them (the candidates)," female and n said student committee co-chairperson Scholl said s Bridget Scholl. "I'm not sure what the ratios" of can( Regents are going to do right now." categories. But it is unclear how many names the Supowit and Regents will trim from the lists they list the studen have received. While Scholl said the rank the nomi search groups are not yet ready to in- committee ha terview candidates,. Roach refused to didate which speculate on the Regents' next move. other. ----- Thursday on't know any precise e said. "We (the Regents) e together next week. We other from time to time. ere's going to be com- etween all the advisory littently from now on." SEARCH committee co- Jeff Supowit said he Regents would return the dvisory groups when the enes for its monthly ril 19 and 20. But Supowit confirmation of this from powit, and Scholl said knowledge, no nominee contacted by any search yone involved in the sear- strict orders from the to discuss the names of choll and Roach confir- current list includes both minority-group nominees. she is "happy with the didates that fall into these d Scholl explained that the t group submitted did not nees, and that the student as not yet picked a can- it favors more than any iU ]my JZm Ii nuri The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections will be officially voided today when the final decision reached in Sunday night's certification hearing is posted. In a hearing held last night, the Cen- tral Student Judiciary (CSJ) decided not to hold a second certification hearing which was requested because it was contended that CSJ held the hearing in violation of the compiled code, which governs MSA. THE PRELIMINARY hearing last night was expected by many observers to be a formality before the second hearing, certification, which was ten- tatively scheduled for tonight. The suit CSJ ruled on last night was filed by MSA treasurer and Student Alliance for Better Represenation (SABRE) party president Brad Canale, who contended that CSJ held the original certification hearing four days following the last day of voting in the election, when the code states a hearing is to be held "not sooner than five days and not later than ten days following the last day of voting." In its verbal decision denying the petition for rehearing last night, the judiciary stated that there was no procedural violation of the five-day requirement. Speaking for CSJ, Justice Bill Smelko also stated that it had heard nothing which would give a good reason for having the hearing again., THE FIVE-DAY requirement for a hearing was avoided through the court's interpretation of what con- stituted a day, and through Section 20 of the CSJ manual, which allowed the court to interpret rules in the compiled code as not binding on the judiciary body. "If there's going to be no change in the result, why should we hold a new hearing?" Smelko asked. Smelko and Dennis Persinger, CSJ chief justice, comprised the judiciary body last night, as last night's hearing was only preliminary. Two justices, who must reach a unanimous decision are required to preside over a preliminary hearing. Kampala fails to Tanzania, exiles, KAMPALA, Uganda - Tanzanian troops and Ugandan rebels entered Idi Amin's capital in triumph yesterday af- ter a five-month war to drive the dreaded dictator from power. The victors promised to return "the good life" to this bloodstained land and said they expect the United States to play a major role in helping them do it. U.S. OFFICIALS in Washington said they would recognize the new gover- nment and took steps in Congress to restore U.S. aid to Uganda. Jubilant residents ; of Kampala flooded the streets to greet their "liberators," swarming over the Tan- zanian tanks, looting shops and beating to death stragglers from Amin's army. Amin - with remnants of his forces - was last seen Tuesday fleeing east- ward toward Jinja N50 miles away, in a convoy of limousines. Some reports said he had gone beyond that to Tororo, near the Kenyan border. MEANWHILE, experienced monitors of Radio Uganda reported that a voice which they identified as that of Amin urged discipline in the ranks of the Ugandan army yesterday, during a broadcast over Radio Uganda. The experts said that the broadcast probably originated somewhere in nor- thern Uganda. Townspeople in Jinja reported a flood of wounded and ragged soldiers from Amin's loyal units. Tanzanian and rebel commanders ordered no immediate full-scale push to the east, however. "THE RACIST fascist is no longer in power!" the rebels declared over Uganda Radio and through loud- speakers in Kampala streets. The Tanzanian-sponsored Ugandan National Liberation Front quickly an- nounced establishment of a provisional government with former Ugandan university official Yussufu Lule us president, defense minister, and armed forces chief. The elderly Lule, in a broadcast statement from Dar es Salaam, Tan- See TANZANIANS, Page 12 Mazrut spculates on Arnin 's future By RICHARD BLANCHARD Ali Mazrui, director of the Univer- sity's Center for Afro-American and African Studies program, speculated yesterday on deposed ruler Idi Amin's possible retaliatory actions against the Uganda National Liberation Front (UNLF), and the probable success of Uganda's newly-formed provisional government. Mazrui also spoke, in an interview, of the possibility of his return to Uganda See 'U', Page 12 " Interim University President Allan Smith yesterday suggested to Gov. William Milliken that a liaison be formed between the state's Office of Management and Budget and Department of Public Health, to coordinate the plan- ning of a new University Hospital. See story, Page 2. * Striking truckers have begun to return to work, while President Carter claims the Teamsters' tentative contract agreement is a victory for his anti-inflation guidelines. See story, Page 12. * Yes, it's true, high school basketball whiz Clark Kellogg has signed with Ohio State. See story, Page 11. # Read the Today column, Page 3 _ Rave: Least By BETH PERSKY and KEVIN ROSEBOROUGH Second in a three-part series Of all the crimes committed, on campus, rape is the most personal and terrifying. It is also the least understood. ' There are very few reports of rape on campus," said Walter Stevens, director of the University Deanartment of Safetv."IBut thsat does~n't mean it rderstood and 25 are by far the most likely to be violently sexually assaulted. Despite the high concentration of young women on campus, Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny said he doesn't think University students are more susceptible to attack than other young females in the city. The Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD), records approximately 30 rapes per year, but doesn't keep specialized breakdowns of city crime campus crime and leave the city." Still, the sensitive and personal nature of the crime remains a deterrent to victims coming forth to police. "There is an issue of privacy that is not respected by the news media," said Judy Price of the Women's Crisis Center of Ann Arbor. "A few years ago newspapers put all of the reports in a basket and pulled some out to print. Some women just don't p l