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April 11, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-11

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Page 10-Wednesday, April 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily

(Cniudfrom Page 1)

been on campus for seven years and
said he feels there have been more
breaking and entering cases, and a
lower incidence of violent crimes
recently than there were seven years
"MY SENSE IS that there've been
more rip-offs this year than last year,"
Newberry said. He added that, "The
biggest problem in terms of crime now
is vandalism. There's been hundreds of
dollars of equipment ripped-off this
year," leading, he said, to increased
dousing costs.
Neither Foulke nor Stevens said they
;felt the number of larcenies on Univer-
sity property is out of line, even though

he average is better than three per
lay. "When you consider the number of
tudents and staff that we have on
ampus, it's not excessive," Stevens
STATISTICALLY, larceny is the
rime most likely to affect the average
tudent. However, the crimes of violen-
e that occur at the University are the
nost worrisome and, naturally, the
nost dangerous to the student.
A pair of homicides and an attempted
nurder took place on campus over the
ast year, although none of the inciden-
s involved students. A University
lospital administrator was murdered
it the hospital last summer by a co-
vorker, and in September a custodial

supervisor was shot
by his girlfriend'sf
tempted murder i
State Prison inmat
while he was at Uni
medical treatment..
Students, howev
tunate in avoiding
assaults. A survey4
shows there were 1
and 89 other assault
to University Securi
Foulke respond(
"only two or three'
reported in Unive
each year. He als
historically the dis
violence can't be d

t at the Music School not enough cases are reported in a year
ex-husband. The at- to provide a hint as to where the most
nvolved a Jackson dangerous spots are.
te's escape attempt FOULKE ALSO said that there are
versity Hospital for few incidences of other violent crimes
in University housing. "Over-
er, weren't as for- whelmingly, armed robbery is a drug
g involvment with related rip-off. A resident thinks he's
of 1978 case reports negotiating for marijuana, but gets rip-
6 felonious assaults ped off."
s incidents reported Foulke said he believes that crime on
ty. campus-like crime elsewhere in the
ed that there are naton-involved repeat offenders. "A
" felonious assaults ring of criminals working student
'rsity dormitories housing was broken up about three or
so mentioned that four years ago," he said.
stribution of dorm Stevens said, "Most of the criminals
letermined, thatis, who frequent our building are non-
Univesity persons. They're mostly
men-teenage males-from the city of
Ann Arbor, though some are from Yp-
silanti, and some are from Detroit.
Mostly Ann Arbor, though."
Tomorrow: Rape on campus

elect govt


Are Now Being Accepted By

The results of last week's Rack-
ham Student Government (RSG)
election, delayed because of
mishandling of ballots by MSA of-
ficials, and finally announced
yesterday, showed Bob Milbrath as
the new RSG President.
Milbrath defeated James Miclot
for the presidency of RSG by 47 of
the 144 votes cast, and Miclot agreed
to accept the position of vice-
Director of the RSG elections, which
were held in conjunction with the
MSA elections, classified the 144 of
7,000 possible votes cast as "a
typical turnout."
Problems with MSA election
management resulted in fewer
polling sites than had been
negotiated and a lack of ballots at
some sites, as well as 23 invalidated
ballots. The, invalidated ballots,
however, did not result in a change
in voting--the only difference was a
write-in candidate for vice-
"Fundamentally, it didn't make
any difference. It's just too bad it
was screwed up," said Yorkievitz.
She also said that if anyone has
questions about the election, the
ballots have been saved, and are
availble for examination.


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BUNN (Reuter)-A 10-million-year-
old fossilized tree has been discovered
in an open coal mine at Frechen, near
the West German capital.
Researchers, who identified it as a
swamp cypress, said it was very rare to
find a large, whole tree preserved for so
long in the earth.
The trunk is about 50 feet long and
about four feet thick at the base.
Discovered at a depth of 230 feet in a
bed of sandy clay and gravel, the tree
has the consistency of soft coal.

Please send me
summer session

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Health counc
rejection of h
(Continued from Page 1)
have not been "in any effort to circum-
vent this planning process."
AFTER THE meeting, Smith said the
University's efforts had to come on both
,the state and the regional level because
the project could not proceed without
both the certificate of need and the ap-
proval of funds from the legislature.

IF THE' invalidated ballots had
represented a change in the.election
results, RSG would have brought
suit against MSA, she said. "We
tried to figure out a plan in case
there was some problem with the
elections," said Yorkievitz. "Should
someone sue Rackham, we could sue
MSA for the loss incurred." She also
mentioned that the Rackham elec-
tions were "run out of MSA's
Winners of the Biological and
Health Sciences seats are Ashok
Katdare and Neal Gordon, and those
of Education are Jerry Lapides and
Nancy Tucker. Representatives of
several other divisions have not yet
been determined, due to write-in
Milbrath names among his goals
getting people to fill the positions for
which no one ran. He also plans to
try to bring RSG closer to graduate
student organizations in the depar-
tments, and to get involved in social
issues, the issue of day care
facilities, and the adequacy of non-
academic placement facilities.
The fee increase referendum
placed on the RSG ballot, approved
by a vote of 62 to 38, will allow RSG
to request a fee increase from the
Board of Regents. This increase will
raise Rackham student fees to 75
cents from the present 50 cents per
student per semester.
it advises
ospital plans
Since the MDPH must grant a cer-
tificate of need before the legislature
can consider the funding question,
Smith said the University could not
seek definite commitments from
legislators until after the health council
review process is over.
Smith said Saturday the University
was consulting state legislators now in
order to save time when the legislature
considers the issue of funding for the
project this summer. University of-
ficials have estimated that each month
the project is delayed will, add $2
million to its final cost.
IT IS THE issue of special con-
sideration on which the battle lines are
drawn between the Uniersity planners
and CHPC-SEM staff.
University planners argue that under
state law, the hospital plans deserve
special consideration by the CHPC-
SEM because of the educational and
research roles of the hospital.
Members of the CHPC-SEM staff,
who object to the size and cost of the
proposed hospital, have refused to drop
their standard evaluation methods and
give the plans special considerations.
The hospital plans suffered their first
setback March 27, when a planning
committee of the CHPC-SEM recom-
mended to the Executive Committee,
which met yesterday, that it recom
mend disapproval to the MDPH.

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