Page 4-Wednesday, April 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily . Gay commumty strives for acceptance in society Awkwardly sprawled somewhere bktween the gay-stereotype extremes de Militant and the Miserable lies something loosely called "the gay community." This is probably a misnomer for what may be a nonentity - at least in the sense some, straights feel compelled to think of it. Exanining the distinction between the image and and even singleness of puspose; coming from less enlightened sources, it seems to anticipate allusions to clubhouses, secret passwords, and decoder rings. Such expectations, at either level, leave two segments of humanity ill-served. FIRST, IS THE part of the straight population that believes in an By the Social Acceptance for Gays Organization "Gays who feel this way have the same levels of humanity, diversity, and individual complexity as straights, and our need to feel part of-not separate from-other things and other people is just as strong as theirs. As a way of relating to others, we don 't care nearly as much about our gayness as about our humanity. " film-star celebrity than for native naivete, it is just such uninformed faith and overgeneralization that invests the "vision" some straights have about gays. The solidarity that some strights ascribe to what they think of as "the gay community" is unrealistic at best, and insistence on this image does nothing but encourage misunderstan-. ding and fear. Our being gay does not justify assumptions about what we mutually know or share or are. . This issue of solidarity must be ad- dressed by the second group being poorly served by such a distorted view of the gay community - those of us who theoretically compose a large part of it but are mostly irritated by the potential for isolation that can accrue from such a label. STRAIGHTS NEED to hear-and to understand-that many gays do not consider their gayness to give them enough in common to prompt grouping together. And if we do not see our gayness as central to our lives or our- selves, we are unlikely to feel and more "central" about our role in some nebulous gay community conceived by the Wholly Spiteful, borne of the virulent Anita Bryant, and suffered un- der pompous pilots. Straights who don't believe that many gays fail to see gayness as a binding force should take note that very few of even the most die- hard straights (whose hearts were young and gay presumably only by way of homosexual panic) view themselves as central to any kind of straight com- munity. Gays who feel this way have the same levels of humanity, diversity, and in- dividual complexity as straights, and. our need to feel part of-not separate from-other things and other people is just as strong as theirs. As a way of relating to others, we don't care nearly as much about our gayness as about our humanity. In fact, it is precisely this quality in us-our humanity-that forms the basis for a realistic and meaningful definition of "the gay community"-and also un- derlies the need for that type of com- munity. This is the gay' community associated with such functions as gay counseling services, "coming out" groups, and social gatherings for gay men and women. THESE SERVICES exist not because we are sick; indeed, directly analogous counterparts to such services are easily found in the presumably healthy straight world itself: straight coun- seling, therapy groups, dances, ets. These services exist because, quite simply, we are human and have the same human needs for acceptance and caring as straights-but we face those needs against a range of social op- pression. Straights who don't believe that one might try noticing how strange the term "straight counseling" probably sounded a few lines earlier: It sounds strange because it is never used, and it is never used because the world at large assumes heterosexuality implicitly of its entire populace. This, of course, is no problem if one is straight; if not, it is authentically op- pressive and, for those of us who don't want to be segregated, deeply painful. And hurt (though it sounds sophomoric to mention it) hurts-a point which straights must understand applies as much to gays as to themselves. Those treated as second-class citizens sometimes need first-aid, or, at any rate, help in finding themselves and each other, in reaching out to eah other, and in helping each other. In this sense, there is, indeed, a gay community. And its purpose, as states, is no less valid or valuable for gays than it is for straights; imanity will always tran- scend sexual preference-even if it's a while before everyone knows it. IN THE LAST analysis, maybe both straights and gays can relax a bit. Straights can relax because many gays simply do not find gayness a point of commonality that makes us enough like each other (or different from straights) to be banding ominously together. And the nonmembers of that-in one sense-nonexistent "gay community" can relax a little too, since we are con- fident in our personal convictions and in our inclination toward- integration in- stead of separatism. And we are con- fident, too, that the message will become clearer in time, even to straights still looking for clubhouses and decoder rings. They're right about one thing. We don't have a clubhouse, but there is a password: understanding. The Social Acceptance for Gays Organization is a campus group seeking to enhance understanding about gays. the reality may benefit straights and says alike. The straight image of the "gay com- rtunity" is suggested by a question spmetimes put to gays: "How does it feel to be a member of the gay com- munity?" Context makes a difference, utt even coming from intelligent alults, the question seems to carry un- spon expectations for a sense of unity organized, unified gay community and. fears it. Such believers should, perhaps, be told of the apocryphal but appropriate story from the 1950s in which an American hunter on African safari tells a jungle native where he is from, and the native responds, "America-you must know Marilyn Monroe." Though the story clearly says less for Perhaps the term fallout of Island nuclear probability that o the surface topics of the paign. For Califor Brown, the disa Opportunity. The nuclear budget-balancir could pit Br Democratic ch - in a direct ci ter. The stark positions on nuc portrayed last arter donne boots to perso 4sylvania p americans of power. At the Brown was cc Rpgulatory Co an.exact duplic niar his own st the California p operating norm ;Immy Cart presidency on t power would be since become remarked Ric' three safety ex Eectric's nuc beause he w dangers. On t took a highly stuck with it," h Indeed, Brov Brown's anti-I most significant short- political figure to take a clear-cut stand the recent Three Mile in opposition to nuclear power. plant accident is the For a presidential candidate, the t nuclear safety will boil position is not without risk. The as one of the hottest national commitment to nuclear power 1980 presidential cam- is immense. Hundreds of billionsof dollars are involved in operating and nia Governor Jerry planning plants, and important aster is thus tinged with segments of industry and labor firmly 0 support nuclear power. issue, even more than But the clusters of opposition groups, ng and tax reduction, multiplying in recent years, now have own - the leading the public's attention as never before, allenger of the moment thanks to Three Mile Island. And Brown ash with President Car- can capitalize on the issue, as hetcan't on many others, by pointing to an differences in their unambiguous record of achievement in clear power were vividly his own administration. week when President Brown has never voiced all-out op- d anti-contamination position to existing atomic power plan- nally inspect the Pen- ts. Rather, he has emphasized concern lant and reassure over the lack of disposal plans for the safety of nuclear plutonium waste products or to ear- same time, Governor thquake hazards, an especially sen- alling on the Nuclear sitive factor in California. - mmission to shut down But the California governor has gone ate of the disabled plant further than any other political figure ate capital, even though to stress solar, wind, geothermal or plant, Rancho Seco, was biomass alternatives to nuclear power. ally. This pursuit of other energy sources er campaigned for the may be the rpost significant aspect of he promise that nuclear his anti-nuclear stance. a "last resort," but has "Without absolutely closing the door an ardent advocate, on nuclear energy," he said in a recent hard Hubbard, one of interview, "I don't think we should put Kperts who left General all our energy eggs into the plutonium clear division in 1976 basket while the federal government is 'as alarmed about its determining whether or not nuclear he other hand, "Brown wastes can be stored." unpopular position and Brown's first - and most significant he said. - foray into the nuclear issue was in vn is the first national 1976, shortly after his election, when he Nuke stance key to 1980 contest By Mary Ellen Leary "I don't think we should put all our energy eggs into the plutonium basket while the federal government is determining whether or not nuclear wastes can be stored." see the state through. Beyond the legislative efforts, Brown also assembled a State Energy Com- mission that has strongly favored alternate energy sources. It voted 4-1 againstthe proposed San Diego nuclear plant last year. Brown has also appointed a number of State Public Utilities commissioners who have raised grave doubts about the financial feasibility of nuclear power as the costs of such plants keep mounting. They have initiated a far-reaching policy to press for energy conservation instead of new. plants. In the financial arena, Brown has sponsored a budget that currently runs to $25 million for energy programs other than nuclear power. The same amount is scheduled for next year. He also supported, earlier than anyone else, the most generous tax abatement schedule in the nation to en- courage adoption of solar or wind energy plans and strict structural con- servation improvements. A small sur- charge on all electric bills funds this program and yields about $3 million for solar development and consumer ad- vice and another $6 million to conser- vation programs.' The governor's record has won him high marks from environmentalists, though some anti-nuclear activists feel his intervention on the Rancho Seco plant last week was mostly politically motivated. Many felt he should have shut down the plant on his own' authority, rather than merely requesting the NRC to do so. By calling on Washington to act, Brown shifted the burden of responsibility completely to the Carter administration. The NRC, as most observers expected, refused to, order any shutdowns in the wake of Three Mile Island. But despite the suspicions in some quarters, most environmental leaders believe Brown's record on nuclear energy is a "political plus." "He has wrapped himself in the mystique of an energy pursuit that would be harmless to man," said Con- niue Parrish, California representative of Friends of the Earth. "He may not have been with us at every turn of the road, but he has a posture that will be increasingly significant." Roger Beers, a senior staff attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council, said the, governor "has to be credited as largely responsible for the climate of public opinion that allowed state agencies to deal so strictly with nuclear problems. "I suspect the nuclear issue will be very hot in the presidential contest,"-he added. Some of Brown's advisors are coun- ting on the same thing. They expect the whole approach to energy, not just nuclear, will provide grist for presiden- tial debate. (Mary Ellen Leary is a contribut- ing editor of Pacific News Service specializing in California political trends. She is author of "Phantom Politics" on the 1974 California governor's race. Her work also ap- pears in The Economist, Atlantic and the Nation.) Bro wn played a key role in winning state legislative passage of three nuclear safety measures. The " laws, requiring strict safety standards and safe disppsal plansfor radioactive wastes, have held the line against any new nuclear expansion in the state. When the legislature threatened to push through a proposed $1.5 billion nuclear plant in San Diego by exempting it from the laws in January, 1978, Brown threatened a veto and the effort failed. During Brown's term, California's nuclear plants have actually dwindled from four to two through shutdowns. "The Diablo Canyon reactor, the only new plant on the horizon, was authorized before the safety standards were passed and was all but completed two years ago. But plant operation has been delayed by a series of litigations and still awaits a final go-ahead. The nuclear issue inevitably arose as a top concern in Brown's re-election campaign last fall. His Republican op- ponent, Atty. Gen. Evelle Younger, argued the state could not survive into the 21st century without at least 50 more nuclear plants. Brown stubbornly harped on safety issues and argued that conservation and alternate fuels could . 't ' 'A 'A t- 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom 2 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 153 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and manciged by students at the University of Michigan. CSJ ruling necessary viel i ( 1SN r%)fi M I &)T ' 6 I TH G(R5 E cilos 32 F - - - - r . 7}l9* l 1f R tai KWI 1 (J 3j"1 (dUIP1t$. t~6AoP S cU,1 155 s RE PW6I fJP6C " ; Ttr I1. '1 / CUemS RICH S6X LIFE~. 'A. Z WD Ho yocXlt$' PIW c N Xt2dtoit MUOMS L MJV1,5 V) LAST WEEK'S elections for the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) were full of shabby and unethical procedural practices. Three dormitories-Couzens, Bursley, and East Quad-were not open for voting dn the last night of the election, and most other polling sites were closed early. Some polling sites were left un- Manned with empty ballots, and some candidates were even operating other sites. These fears of widespread corrup- tion were not expected by some of last week's winners to represent sufficient wrongdoings for invalidating the elec- tion. As some MSA representatives have argued, these sloppy things occur every year. But, fortunately, the Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) didn't follow unwise advice nd unanimously invalidated [he election, calling for a new one to be held early next fall. CSJ's decision Sunday night was an unfortunate and painful step but was the only fair alter- native available. If the results of this election were permitted to stand, the ter Representation (SABRE) party president Brad Canale, think they have found a loophole. I Canale claims that certification hearings must be held between five and ten days after the last day of the election; Sunday's CSJ hearing was held four days after the election ended on Wednesday. The next re- certification hearing is tentatively scheduled for Thursday night. While the MSA constitution does in- deed say that CSJ certification meetings must occur at least five days after the end of elections, this technicality is a minor point with which Canale and others should not waste their time. Instead, this valuble time and energy could be spent on preparing a sound and responsible elections procedure for the coming fall. CSJ's proposal that the Assembly should hire an independent group from outside the Unviersity to coordinate the elections may be a costly but necessary step to insure that fair elec- tions are held in future years. As I k Letters Stude To the Daily: On April 5, the Moslem fanatics of the Organization of Iranian Moslem students (OIMS) attem- pted to physically disrupt the Spartacus Youth League (SYL) forum: "No to the veil! Iranian Women Face Islamic Reaction" held in the Kuenzel Room of the Union. The SYL protests this vicious attack and insists on our right to speak out in defense of Iranian women as well as all other groups-the workers, national minorites, homosexuals, and others threatened by the "Islamic Republic" being setup by the followers of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. The Khomeini-lovers of the OIMS in attempting to disrupt mits defoend, opposed our right to speak but little band of ( even our very right to exist. First prevent such fc they tried to disrupt the speaker, forward. And calling her a "slut" and a people, these "prostitute". Then when it was defenders o made clear the disruption would Khomeini? The not be allowed and that the SYL leftists or, prog intended to continue the forum, bourgeois liber the OIMS supporters complained sons and daugh that we were "heavy-handed" upper-crust wh like "SAVAK", for these fanatics from Khomeini see every obstruction of their at- similar to the tempts to silence all anti- students who i Khomeini dissent as an attack meetings of wo upon their "rights"! Despite the and who shot an provocations, the forum con- taking part in tinued, and due to the vigilant Women's Day defense provided by supporters Khomeini's rul of the SYL and other friends of similar to theJ workers democracy, including students whoi supnorters of the BLG. a local vangard of f ree speech OIMS fanatics to trade union movement. It will orums from going condemn women to the bar- who are these barism of Islamic custom, which e self-appointed encourages polygamy and child f Islam and marriage, bars women from par- ey are in no sense ticipating in public life (already gressives or even Khomeini has banned als. They are the coeducation!) and enforces the ters of the Iranian wearing of the chador, the head- ho stand to gain to-foot veil which effectively cuts' i's rule. They are women off from contact with the fantical Moslem outside world. And it is trampling n Teheran attack on the democratic right of the irkers and leftists minorities of the Iranian prison nd stabbed women house of peoples to national in- the International dependence - 500 Kurds 'ave protest against been killed by Khomeini's troops e there. They are in the first few weeks of his rule. fanatical Moslem The SYL does not intend to be in 1965 were the intimidated by these fanatics the reactionary from denouncing the crimes of