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April 11, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-11

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False alarm
Rampant apathy is nothing new on campus these days but it seems
even the threat of fire will not bring a response from some students.
When a fire alarm went off in the Graduate Library Monday evening
no one moved. Hard core academics kept their noses stuck in their
books attempting to block out the offending noise. With neither the
smell of smoke nor the sight of flames present it appeared that no one
felt danger to be eminent. The buzzer ceased after five minutes and
was followed by an announcement intended to pacify a nervous
student. The announcement itself, however, was a little off-beat. In-
stead of assuring students that no fire was present the announcement
said "please ignore the alarm; it was the result of a fault in our
Happy Birthday Israel

Parents rally for 'U' c

They wore signs saying, "Ohio State
provides Day Care ... Why don't we?"
and "Invest in Children, not South
Africa," but most of the children at
yesterday's child care rally on the Diag
were more interested in the fun and
games provided in celebration of the
Year of the Child.
The Child Care Coalition (CCA) spon-
sored the rally because members said
they feel child care is becoming an im-
portant campus issue. There are more
than 1,500 children whose parents at-
tend the University-and two University
affiliated child care centers that care
for only about 50 of these children.
ONE OF THESE two University-af-
filiated centers, the Child Care Action
Center (CCAC(, located in the School of
Education, will close in the next few
months because of fire code violations.
Protesters at yesterday's rally called
for the University to provide space for
the CCAC to relocate, and to provide
other child care centers.
Marti Bombyk, a University
graduate student, said, "Without child
care the University discriminates
against older students. Some studies
show that with the shrinking birth rate
of young people, the University will
have to rely more and more on non-
traditional students."
University administrators have said
child care is not a University rogram
and compared to other University

needs, child care is a low priority. Ad-
ministrators also say that they just
don't have space available.
CAROLYNE DAVIS, associate vice
president for academic affairs said,
"We're not denying them (child care)
but it can't compete with academic
needs . . . We've got to maintain
academic programs before getting into
other areas."

told them. They've gone fro
to saying we won't throw y
would help us out in searchi
place, but they didn't say v
would mean giving us a va
us a space."
the issue goes beyond just fi
space for CCAC and sh
dressed by the entire comm

'Children art ,inrisibl>. Faculty and
ministrators don't know, and we think it's
portant that people know how many child

higan Daily-Wednesday, April 11, 1979-Page 3
bid care
im indefinite Comparing the University to other
ou out. They Big Ten schools that provide extensivq
ing for a new child care programs for their students;
whether that Axelrod demanded, "Why is the
an or finding University of Michigan so far behind ird
day care?"
pporters say AFTER AXELROD spoke, a mime
inding a new performed for the children, mgny f
ould be ad- whom clutched balloons and woie
nunity. After signs. Many of the children were frn
Ann Arbor day care centers who w e
told they were going on a field try.
ad- Other parents brought their children
who attend Ann Arbor schools which
im. are in recess this week for sprg
vacation. More than 100 persons att -
iren ded, including many University studa.
ts. Kathleen Smiley, member of Oe
CCA urged the crowd to "write to Vie-
Presidents Shapiro and Johnson and 0-
On terim University President Allan Smih
and tell them how you feel."
The somewhat unusual presence'f
children laughing and playing on tie
gic tricks for grass in the Diag was part of the CC s
1, child care strategy, according to Smils.
sor with the "Children are invisible, she saw.
}r wethe "Faculty, and administrators dot
o and gave know and we think it's importai ft
dcon-people know how many children are
has 9,000 here."
ix who need Coordinators of the rally hope it wfll
,000 slots (in demonstrate to the University a/neOd
Sof childrenfor child care support. When asked
od for them. where she will go when the CCAC
quality day closes, four-year-old Meagan Clancy,
whose mother attends the University,
said "I go to my grandma's." K

art> here.'

-Kathleen SmileY,
Child Cart Coaliti

Bombyk said, "It is my understan-
ding that Vice-President Shapiro is a
delegate to the International Year of
the Child and he is part of the executive
planning that calls child care a low
In the past week, however, the
University's stance on child care may
have become more supportive. Mike
McGrath, of the CCAC said, "The last
letter from (Vice-President for Student
Services Henry) Johnson said we
wouldn't get notice to leave until we

a magician performed mag
the children, Pearl Axelro
advocate and Project Advi
City University Day Care P
a short speech to the paren
cerned adults present.
"Washtenaw County
children under the age of s
day care. There are about 4
the Ann Arbor area). Lots
are in places that aren't goc
It's really hard to find

Developer eyes Riverside Plaza
as new convention center site

Winter-like weather hampered the festivities but the guests didn't
seem to mind. Students gathered in the Diag yesterday for a birthday
party, in celebration of Israel's 31st year of independence. Colorful
balloons dotted the air as students joined in song and dance to
celebrate the event.
Take ten
Draft Director Gen. Lewis Hershey said on April 11, 1969, that con-
scientious objection might be the way out as a grounds for avoiding
military service. ie predicted in Lansing the Supreme Court might
review a federal judge's ruling that objection to military service may
not require formal religious belief, since that would constitute state
intervention in religious freedom. "If you declare (the religious
requirement) unconstitutional, then you have no law. I may get
scolded a great deal, but I think that if you take this out of the law, you
don't give anyone the right of a conscientious scruple," Hershey said.
Students Concerned About Suicide-College Can Be Killing, 7:30
p.m., Mosher-Jordan.
Cinema II-Black Orpheus, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-LaNotte, 7 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Illumination, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Pendleton Center-John Armstrong, classical guitar, noon, Union.
PTP-"The River Niger" by Walker, 8 p.m., Power Center.
U. Symphony Orchestra-Gustav Meier, conductor, 8 p.m., Hill
U. Music Society-Jazz and Blues soprano Eileen Farrell, 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Aud.
Turkish Students Assoc. and Dept. of Near Eastern Studies-"The
Chanting Dervishes of Istanbul", 8 p.m., Trueblood Theater.
College of Engineering-Leslie Olsen, Humanities, "Computer-
Assisted Instruction in Writing", 4 p.m., Room 1047, E. Eng.
Ann Arbor Advocates for Safe Alternative in Childbirth-Dr. Mark
Hildebrant, "Newborn Care", 7:30 p.m., Wesley Foundation Lounge,
602 E. Huron.
Pendleton Center/Ethics, Religion-"Talking About What Matters:
Conversations with Local Ministers and Rabbis", 4 p.m., Pendleton
Center, Union.
Humanities 410-Timothy Carey, actor, "The Fanatical Cult of
TWGS", 4 p.m., Aud. A, Angell..
Hopwood Award Ceremony-Joan Didion, "Making Up Stories", 4
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Chabad House- Jewish Seder, 7 p.m., 715 Hill St.
Commission for Women-Meeting, noon, 2549 LSA Building.
Housing Div. and Student Gov't. Task Forces-Meeting for student
representation in residence halls, 7 p.m.,Mosher-Jordan.
Dollars and sense
Most students find it necessary to budget a minimum of $50 a term to
cover the cost of required textbooks. The purchase of used books and
the Union book exchange can cut down on expenses but it is hard to
escape the University Cellar each term without a huge dent in your
wallet. It seems that students at Central Missouri State University in
Warrensburg, Missouri, are not in the same institution. Students books
rent for $10 a term and they get the $10 back when they return the
books after completion of their courses. According to the Muleskinner,
the student newspaper, a new policy that would allow teachers to
require the purchase of paperbacks as long as the combined cost does
not exceed $7.50. Students on the whole are very upset with this
proposal. They feel, says the Muleskinner, that the,.University should
provide them with all learning materials and this extra cost is an im-
position. After a short trip to Ann Arbor and Ulrich's, they might
change their minds.
A weighty program
While many college students are learning how to come out ahead in
life, a group of 55 students at the University of Maine at Orono last
semester learned how to lose-weight. A 1976 graduate of the school in

Riverside Plaza, an area of about 32
acres at the north end of Main Street is
being considered as a future site for a
conference center.
The proposal, however, has encoun-
tered objections from area residents
which are being voiced in part at plan-
ning commission hearings.
ACCORDING TO the developer,
Richard Berger, the proposal would
benefit downtown merchants by attrac-
ting extra business and aiding their
competition with Briarwood.
"With our conference as an anchor,
hopefully the corridor would change,"
Berger said. The surrounding area is
primarily industrial, he explained.
"The land values would go significantly
higher and the taxes would go
significantly higher which would cause
those industrial owners to look
elsewhere to place their plants - that
would create a corridor of new' river
frontage that could be redeveloped into
housing and other important types of
development which would assist down-
town with its economic impact,"
Berger said.
DIRECTOR OF the Ann Arbor Con-
ference and Visitor's bureau, Richard
Lotz said he supported the concept that
more rooms were needed since Ann Ar-
bor is not capable of boarding a con-
ference of over 400. This in turn would
support local merchants, Lotz said.
Berger must first receive approval
from the planning commission and then
City Council to go through with his

Although according to Berger, the
land presently has no significant
vegetation, just a lot of brush and wild
type of vegetation, area residents in-
dicated that they would prefer to see
the area turned into an open space park
along the lines of Geddes and Gallup
Parks, instead of a convention center.
ACCORDING TO one resident, the
site was originally a broad wetland but
was filled in and then used as a dum-
ping site. Currently, there are a few
large trees, scrub brush, wetland and
an excellent water fowl and wildlife
There are about 80 neighbors that
have indicated that they are opposed to
the development by participating in
neighborhood meetings, accoding to
resident Marge Phillips. These residen-
ts have started a Northside Neigh-
borhood Association "to express our
feelings and get a cohesiveness here for
action and to see that the project is
taking in our feelings and concerns,"
Phillips said.
Neighborhood concerns are for visual
,and ecological impact of the proposal.
Phillips said they were concerned about
the use of salt on the parking lots in win-
ter and its polluting the river.
ANOTHER WORRY expressed by
the neighborhood coalitions is how
sewage will be disposed of and how
much the river can absorb.
"He's (Berger) talking about a 30
story building which is totally inap-
propriate to this part of the riverbed,"

Phillips said.
Another fact is that the only other ac-
cess to the area besides Main Street,
would be neighborhood streets and this
could cause a traffic build-up.
Before further action is taken,
Phillips said the neighborhood wants "a
thorough investigation into all impacts
on the river, ecology, traffic and
IN RESPONSE to resident pressure,
Berger has called in consultants to con-
duct surveys on environmental impact,
pollution, traffic, and water run-off.
The next step is waiting for an-
nexation of two acres of the land which
belongs to another township and may
take one to two months.
One area resident indicated that
there was a definite possibility of a
legal challenge "if we see it going
through, under the Michigan Environ-
mental Protection Act."

By Joseph A.Walker
Featuring MEL WINKLER.
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FRI-Malcolm McDowell in IF. . . and Bugs Bunny in'HECKLING HARE
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Daily Official Bulletin

Daily Calendar:
Hopwood Room: Coffee hour to meet Joan Didion,
10:30-12:00; Announcement of Hopwood Awards 1979
and lecture "Making UIp Stories," 4 p.m.
Statistics: Persi Diaconis, Bell Laboratories and
Stanord-U., "Exchangeability and Sufficiency," 451
Mason, 4 p.m.
Humanities: Timothy Carey, actor, "The
Fanatical Cult of TWGS," Aud. A, Angell, 4 p.m.
Ind./Oper. Engr.: Roger Wissinger Baylor,
"Using Models to Solve Problems: The Functions of
Visual Mental Imagery," 229 W. Eng., 4 p.m.

Physics/Astronomy: G. W. Ford, "Albert Ein-
stein," 2038 Randall, 4p.m.
General Notices:
CEW will sponsor another "Job Search" series
beginning on Tuesday, May 8. The group will meet
for four consecutive Tuesdays, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
At the Center, 328 Thompson Street.
Series is designed for women who are in the
process of looking for a job and will emphasize job-
search techniques such as resume writing, inter-'
viewing, and information-gathering.
Registration is required. Call the Center at 763-

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