A former jet-setting gourmet Has come to Ann Arbor to stay, Saying, "Why should I fly When The League is right by? International Night makes my day!" .D.M. The chigan Next to Hill Auditorium Located in the heart of the campus, it is the heart of the campus ... Lunch 11:30Oto 1:15 Dinner 5:00 to 7:15 SNACK BAR Lower Level Open 7:15 AM to 4:00 PM Send your League Limerick to: Manager, Michigan League 227 South Ingalls You will receive 2 free dinner tickets if your limerick is used in one of our ads. Page 2-Wednesday, April 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily SICKLE CELL RESEARCHED 'Upro. studies early etection Public Lecture by Jeffrey Mehimlan Department of French Johns Hopkins University Wednesday, April 11-4:10 p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre L Boetie s Montaigne onsored by Te Program in Comparative Literature By TOM MIRGA Sickle cell anemia is a devastating genetic disease afflicting ap- proximately one out of every 600 blacks in America. It impairs their vigor,-and deals them four-to-five day episodes of severe pain two to three times every year. The disease often leads to an early death for many sufferers.,There is no known cure. Donald Rucknagel, University professor of Human Genetics and In- ternal Medicine, is currently involved in a research project with a dual goal - the development of methods to diagnose the disease in fetuses, and halting it from developing in children whose genetic makeup would otherwise insure a life of hardship. RUCKNAGEL, who has been in- volved in hemoglobin research for 25 years, makes no claims of impending success. "Whether we will be able to do anything after we come to understand the problem is a difficult thing to an- swer," he said. "We may not have an answer, but bear in mind that we presently know a lot about sickle cell, and there has been no payoff in the way of a cure." Rucknagel said people who have the disease have two sickle cell genes in their hemoglobin. About eight per cent of all blacks carry a single defective gene, known as sickle cell trait. Many geneticists consider this condition a disease in itself, but Rucknagel disagrees. "These people lead a normal life with only a few problems related to the trait," he said. These problems include a painful enlargement of the spleen when flying in an unpressurized air- plane cabin at altitudes-over 10,000 feet, and occasional instances of bloody urine. CURRENTLY, doctors can offer sickle cell patients only limited remedies, including analgesics for pain, antibiotics for infection, correc- tion of fluid imbalances, and blood transfusions. Rucknagel called these answers "responses to symptoms, ef- ficient but expensive. By no means are they a definitive treatment." Rucknagel said it is currently possible to determine whether a fetus will have sickle cell anemia by analyzing a sample of fluid drawn from the placenta of a pregnant woman through a process called amniocentjsis. While the process is not new, it is o in the last year that scientists, have developed a method of detecting the disease without actually having a sam- ple of the fetus' blood. "The fluid contains the fetus' skin cells," he explained. "We can take those cells and extract the DNA from them, break the DNA up into small pieces, and determine which pieces contain the hemoglobin genes." PIECES OF the DNA strand that con- tain sickle cell genes are larger than normal ones, Rucknagel continued. "We can use that to determine if the fetus has either sickle cell anemia or sickle cell traits. This will greatly sim- plify the diagnosis of the disease." Rucknagel said this would give parents who both exhibit sickle cell traits the opportunity to decide if they wish to abort the fetus, and make fur- ther reproductive choices. The attempt to find ways of blocking the disease from developing in children e rests on the difference between fetal and normal. adult hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of the blood which carries oxygen to the cells. RUCKNAGEL pointed out that fetal hemoglobin is different from that of adults. Hemoglobin is the part of the blood which carries oxygen to the cells. Fetal hemoglobin contains protein chains that are not affected by the defective sickle cell genes, allowing them to function normally. "If a child is destined to become an adult with sickle cell anemia," he said, "by the time he is nine months old, most of his blood contains adult sickle cell hemoglobins." Rucknagel's efforts are focused on determining what "switch" starts that process in motion, and if that switch can be controlled. "If the child can continue to produce fetal hemoglobins throughout his life, he will not get the disease," he said. While most sickle cell patients are handicapped throughout their lives and encounter difficulties in holding jobs and having successful, scholastic careers, Rucknagel said that he has known many people who have over- come the disability, including doctors and teachers. "Having sickle cell anemia," he said, "is not to say success in life cannot be had." LSA credit for ROTC rejected (Continued from Page 1) have that much support. But ROTC people are talking with faculty mem- bers in various departments to argue their case, and we're attempting to see just what kind of support we do have." IN OTHER action, the Curriculum Committee discussed the 'status of Project Outreach and' the Executive Committee's decision two weeks agoto force the Psychology department to make major revisions in the program. Some committee members were con- fused about the Curriculum Commit- tee's recommendations to the Executive Committee, and expressed concern in regard to the actions which were taken. They said they thought the decisions made in the Curriculum Committee concerning credit limitations for ex- periential courses included Outreach, and that the Executive Committee may have misinterpreted those decisions. Associate LSA Dean and Curriculum Committee Chairman John Knott said he was surprised that some members were confused, but said he was certain the Executive Committee was not misinformed in any way. Security guard assaulted A security guard patrolling Univer- sity buldings in the 500 block of East University was knocked out and robbed by a person or persons he never saw early Monday morning, police repor- ted. Lt. William Hoover of the Ann Arbor Police Department said that the 25- year-old Ann Arbor resident was making his rounds on East University shortly after midnight when he was struck on the back of the head and knocked unconscious. THE GUARD told police that he remained unconscious for 10 to 15 minutes. When he came to, he said, his pockets were turned inside out and he was missing a $10 bill. The guard was taken to University Hospital for treatment but was released immediately. Police have no suspects in the assault. Use Daily Classifieds THE MICHIGAN DAILY (USPS 344-900) Volume LXXXIX, No. 153 Wednesday, April 11, 1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday thronALh iSundavnmn-