OILriria DEREGULATION 10 See Editorial Page 1EauiI RELIEF High- 0 Low-24 See Today for details Eigh I llv( e(ears of IE.dit ormi xlFree domu Vol. LXXXIX, No. 152 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 10, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages .. a MSA election results invalidated r New hearing necessary Courts will make ruling on Regents' relocation By MITCH CANTOR Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge Ross Campbell yesterday said he would deliver a written decision later this week on whether or-not the Univer- sity Regents may move the location of their meetings next week if the sessions are disrupted by protesters. Campbell made the announcement after hearing arguments from attorney Peter Davis, who is representing the University, and Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) attorney Thomas O'Brien. The two lawyers addressed a motion filed last week by Davis asking that the Regents be allowed to move their meeting to ex- clude demonstrators should there be a breach of the peace. - ' ACCORDING TO Davis, the Regents "will determine what constitutes a breach of peace." The board last month obtained a temporary restraining order from visiting Circuit Court Judge Harold Van Domelen which allowed them to ex- clude all spectators barring members of the press. The order, later dissolved by visiting Judge George Kent, was issued after WCCAA members forced the Regents to call their third recess in two days. The demonstrators were demanding that the Regents put the South African divestment issue on the April agenda. Several WCCAA members have, already said the more than 200 suppor- ters who joined in last month's protest will show up for the April meetings. "I PRESUME if there is a repeat of last time (the last Regents meeting) everybody would agree it would be a breach of peace," Davis said yesterday after the hour-long hearing. Michigan's Open Meetings Act, passed in 1977, allows for the exclusion see REGENTS, Page 7 By JULIE ENGEBRECHT In a certification hearing Sunday night, the Central Student Judiciary (CJS) unanimously decided not to cer- tify the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections, and recommended that new elections be held late next Sep- tember. However, an action filed yesterday by MSA treasurer and Student Alliance for Better Representation (SABRE) party President Brad Canale, states that certification hearings must be held between five and ten days after the last day of the election, in accordance with the compiled code governing MSA. The certification hearing was held Sunday, four days after the election ended on Wednesday. The next re-certification hearing is tentatively set for Thursday at 7:30 p.m. THE POSSIBILITY of filing law suits in legal suits in legal courts has also been discussed by several MSA can- didates. CSJ's decision Sunday night not to certify the election was based on the lack of opportunity for students to vote, ballot problems, and a "definite fear of corruption and general irregularities." Three dormitories - Couzens, Bur- sley, and East Quad - were not open for voting on the last night of the elec- tion, and most other polling sites were closed early. A suit filed with CSJ by the People's Action Coalition (PAC( charges students promised a chance to vote were not able to vote because of a lack of ballots at polling places. CSJ ALSO SAID, that numerous problems with the ballot, including a lack of explanation of preferential voting, in which students number can-' didatesin order of preference; no space for write-in candidates orr the ballot; numerous misspelling of names; and lines for voting not lining up with a can- didate's name. They also cited a fear of corruption and general irregularities because polling sites were left unmanned with empty ballots, and candidates working at polling places, among other things. CSJ did certify five of 'the six ballot proposals because of the "comfor- table" margin by which the five won. One, mandatory funding, will be Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG GLANCING AT THIS picture, Actually though, it was taken weighed down with icicles.' one would think it was taken last January when invariably the snow covered the ground. yesterday in the Arb where the trees, which should be filled with greenery, were instead Rain, snow result in power loss By ELEONORA DI LISCIA Sunday's freezing rain and snow tur- ned Ann Arbor into a winter won- derland with glazed-over trees and streets, but for the 8,000 Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Township residents who were without electrical power due to snap- ping power lines, the icy display lost some of its beauty. According to Ken Wanty, University landscape architect and grounds manager, the University area sustained little damage except for a few large broken tree limbs. Wanty said the University land maintenance depar- tment will remain busy this week cleaning up fallen debris. "NO LARGE trees were lost com- pletely but large limbs were down around Hill Auditorium, West Quad, and the site of Waterman's Gym," Wanty said. Wanty said the biggest problem around the University occurred when limbs would fall off trees, get caught in other trees and hang there. He said those branches had to be removed for safety purposes. In Ann Arbor, there was little damage to property or people except for some cars that were smashed by falling trees or poles. Mike Anderson, Superintendent of Maintenance for the County Roads Commission, gave a 'conservative estimate' of having lost 200 whole trees. Road crews worked around the clock Sunday trying to open roadways. Although Anderson said, "Things were starting to get wrapped up," the road crews will probably be cleaning up after Mother Nature's mess until the end of the week. ANDERSON SAID one road in Yp- silanti, Rawsonville, had to be tem- porarily closed when a main power line fell across the road. He said the road crew would have to take care of about 1,700 street miles. Detroit Edison spokesman Bob Veen- stra said Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti townships were the hardest hit of Washtenaw or Livingston Counties. Of the 8,000 people who suffered power losses by four in the afternoon yester- day, 6,000 were still without power. By. See SUNDAY'S, Page 7 Cannale> ...-charged illegal hearing coming up before the Regents for ap- proval next week. ONE QUESTION, on whether or not to give Minority Affairs and Legislative Relations committee heads votes on the steering committee, was too close for the justices to feel comfortable cer- tifying. The mandatory funding and tenure questions were passed' by sizable margins, while internal funding was soundly defeated. CSJ also made several recommen- dations which included: A new election be scheduled for between Sept. 20 to Oct. 1; MSA should hire an independent group from outside the University, and professional if necessary, to run the elections; to have preferential voting explained to students clearly; to resolve the dispute concerning an In- teflex student who ran for a Medical School seat. The student, Scott Kern, lost to a write-in candidate, and received only two votes. He contended that he had more than two votes, but lost because fellow Inteflex students' votes were disqualified due to dual enrollment in LSA and the School of Medicine. The new election would not be limited See MSA, Page 7 HEALTH COUNCIL REVIEW CONTINUES: Smith to defend hospital By JOHN GOYER The Uni In the midst of such controversial "informa student-oriented issues as tenure, South state sena African divestment, and the status of the Joint graduate student assistants, the The comn University Hospital Replacement and Senat Project often gets lost in the shuffle. issue to r But despite this lack of student interest, hospital. University officials consider the project UIE one of their top priorities. hUNIVE Interim University President Allan the hospit Smith and other top University officials tee in theI have been spending a lot of time recen- to Univers tly pressing forward plans for the new Relations $254 million hospital project. planning plans. It s THE UNIVERSITY'S plans to build a Michigan new hospital focus on two main objec- (MDPH) tives: whether t * Obtaining a building permit from tificate of state health planning agencies; A certifica " Getting .legislative approval for state mit to buil funding for the project. The hos In his push to get a state permit, the review Smith will go to a meeting today of the need on M Executive Committee of the Com- committee prehensive Health Planning Council of mended t Southeastern Michigan (CHPC-SEM). which is m T uesday iversity has also been holding' 1 discussions" with the 12 ators and representatives on Capital Outlay Committee. mittee will influence House e decisions on a state bonding aise $200 million for the new RSITY planners will present al plans to the joint commit- last week of April, according sity Vice-President for State Richard Kennedy. [PC-SEM is a state health agency that reviews hospital erves an advisory role to the Department of Public Health which has final say on he University will get a cer- need for the hospital project. ate of need is in effect a per- d. pital plans ran into trouble in w process for a certificate of March 27, when the planning e of the CHPC-SEM recom- hat the Executive Committee, neeting today, not approve the University's application tificate of need. for a cer- THE EXECUTIVE Committee meeting today is the last step in the CHPC-SEM's review of the Univer- sity's hospital plans. It will vote today, on whether it will advise the MDPH to approve a certificate of need for the new hospital. The CHPC-SEM's Executive Com- mittee decision today is important because even though the committee does not have final say on the cer- tificate of need, the MDPH oply over- turns Executive Committee recom- mendations "two or three per cent" of the time, according to one CHPC-SEM staff member. At the March 27 planning committee meeting which recommended disap- proval of the plans, individual mem- bers of the committee objected to the $254 million price tag on the project. Several of them asked the University to defer its application for a certificate of need for 90 days, in order that a cheaper proposal might be developed. See 'U', Page 7 City Council reinstated without discord By ELISA ISAACSON Last night's swearing-in ceremony was the only noticeable mark of the advent of the new City Council year, as the members taking oath had all occupied their seats before last week's election. Even the council rules, which are put up before the members for ap- proval or alteration each year, were reinstated unanimously in their old form - a vote Mayor re-elect Louis Belcher said was rare. A beaming Mayor Belcher raised his right hand and swore to "faith- fully discharge the duties of the of- fice of Mayor of the City of Ann Ar- bor according to the best of my ability." DOWNPLAYING the traditional bickering between parties, Belcher declared he foresees no partisan Daily photo by DAN OBERDORFER blockades to mar efficient decision- MAYOR LOUIS BELCHER looks serious and gets down to business atter making. "We (the Democrats and being sworn in at last night's council meeting. the Republicans) get along fine," See CITY, Page 10 " Pre-schoolers and members of the University's Child Care Coalition will be demonstrating today on the' Diag for more University support of child care centers. See story, Page 2. " Representeatives from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Bay Mills Indian com- munity, and Michigan Steelheaders Association debated the issues of resource depletion and Indian fishing rights at a symposium this weekend. See story, Page 3. " Two football players underwent surgery this weekend and a third Laetrile, a cancer treatment sub- stance, is being held up in the state Senate Health and Social Services Department by Sen. Ed Pierce (D- Ann Arbor). See story, Page 10. N Native Americans~ appeal ruling By TOM MIRGA Elmer White, attorney representing a group of Michigan Native Americans in a class action suit filed against .the University Regents, has decided to ap- peal a Washtenaw CountyCircuit Court judgement that the 1817 Treaty of Fort Meigs did not impose a trust obligation f t h TT y.a...-2.. 4. d, a .4, h Johnson's claim that the University owes a "complete" educatioh including tuition, books, supplies, food, shelter, medical and dental care, "and such other expenses incident to being a student" to the descendants of the three tribes. never followed through on their obligation to the tribes, but instead sold the land, "comingled the trust funds with other monies," and used those funds for purposes other than those specified by the treaty. R()n1Ti'n rir V A A A TI' -:-.= .. project." He added that oral arguments in the appeal could be heard before the three-judge court "before the end of the calendar year, but I would not expect a decision this year." The University General Counsel declined to snenulate how the n*entc MEEWC ,A,"m imlg