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April 08, 1979 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-08

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Page 8-Sunday, April 8, 1979-The Michigan Daily


I* I -


Special toThe Daily
DETROIT - What a letdown. Before
an opening day crowd of 43,708, 'the
Texas Rangers spoiled manager Les
Moss' debut yesterday by routing the
Tigers, 8-2.
WHILE THEi Rangers won by six
runs, Detroit blunders in the fifth and
sixth innings opened up what was a
tight game.
With the score at two apiece in the fif-
t;Texas scored two runs without the
benefit of a hit.
after getting one man out, starting
pitcher Dave Rozema hit Texas second
baseman Bump Wills with a pitch. Then
John Grubb lined a ball to fairly deep
back and stumbled the moment he tried
t make the catch. Leflore's error per-
mitted Wills to score and Grubb to take
third. Al Oliver's sacrifice fly brought
in. Grubb and the Rangers took a two-
run lead..
In the sixth, shortstop Alan Tram-
mell's error on a Buddy Bell grounder,
combined with a passed ball by Lance
Parrish, led to another Ranger run.
Catcher Jim Sundberg's sharply-hit
single brought Bell home and further
extended a margin which the Tigers
touldn't overcome.
Leflore's performance in the opener
couldn't have done much for his con-
fidence. While committing the three-
tase error, Leflore went zero for four,
inicluding a double play in the third.
CONSEQUENTLY, the crowd heaped
rpuch abuse on him throughout most of
the game. Fans in the upper deck
bleachers in center threw garbageat
Lhef lore, and he was hailed with sar-
dastic comments.
Actually, things looked brightest for
tpe Tigers'before the game evenbegan.
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Sunny skies, an enthusiastic crowd
and Robert "Fat Bob" Taylor's in-
spiring rendition of the national anthem
greeted the Tigers, in anticipation of a
successful start for the 1979 season.
THE NEW electronic scoreboard was
in operation, vendors sold their share of
hot dogs and coke, and groundskeeper
Herbie Redmond aroused the crowd by
doffing his cap and waving. Everything
at Tiger Stadium went well except the
Detroit got off to an inauspicious start
right from the opening inning. Wills led
off the game with an infield hit which
just eluded Rozema's grasp. Before the
crowd had a chance to cheer, Grubb
stroked a two-run homer off the facing
of the upper deck in right.

Tiger c
Though the Tigers closed the gap to 2-
1 in the second, they could have easily
scored another run.
WITH ONE out and runners at first
and third, Phil Mankowski singled to
right, scoring Jerry Morales. Parrish
slid into third base beating the throw of
rightfielder Richie Zisk. The ball
eluded third baseman Bell and rolled
near the Tiger dugout.
Coach Dick Tracewski waved
Parrish' home and the Rangers easily
trapped him between home and third.
Parrish almost scored, though, as
Jenkins tagged him just before
reaching home plate. Had Parrish
stayed at third, he would have scored
on Tim Corcoran's fly ball to center-
field, which ended the inning.

Detroit tied the game in'the fourth as
Kemp lined a leadoff home run into the
rightfield seats. The tie was short-lived,
however, as Texas pulled away in the.
fifth, sixth, and seventh innings.
AFTER THE three unearned runs in
the fifth and sixth, the Rangers knocked
reliever Sheldon Burnside out of the
game with a three-run surge in the
seventh. Pinch hitter Pat Putnam's
double accounted for two of the Texas
Righthander Aurelio Lopez finished
the game for Detroit as he limited the
Rangers to two hits.
Jenkins went the distance in notching
the Rangers' first win while Rozema
absorbed the defeat in his 51% innings'

Out of the Blue
By Geoff Larcom
Women in' lockePrrooms . .
..a few solutions
FOR THOSE UNAWARE, there's been more than this midwestern
madness we call "spring" to gripe about as this year's pro baseball
season finally swings into action.
On March 9th, a month before opening day, Commissioner Bowie Kuhn
issued a set of suggestions to the 26 major league clubs concerning the ad-
mission of female reporters toteam's clubhouses this year. Although the
matter was left, for the most part, to the clubs' discretion, Kuhn urged clubs
to equalize access as much as possible for all reporters.
Kuhn's edict came as a result of a year and a half long court battle, in
which the commissioner unsuccessfully attempted to preserve the rules for-
bidding female reporters' admission to major league clubhouses, on the
basis that changing them would be an infringement of the ballplayers'
privacy, while at the same time tarnishing the image of the game.
The conflict began when Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke
(now Melissa Lincoln) took to court her being barred from the clubhouse of
the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees during the 1977 World
Series. Ludtke and her employer, Time Inc., won a victory of sorts lastApril
when it was ruled women could be barred from locker rooms only if men
were as well.
I say victory of sorts, because the ruling is more of a setback to male
reporters than a gain for women. Iaving enjoyed the privilege of postgame
clubhouse interviews for so long, male spontwriter aren't about to give an
inch in this regard.
Any change from the status quo will be greeted with screams of protest,
protests that story quality will suffer if immediate access is not allowed, that
the emotion that accompanies the game's end will have died out once the
players have dressed.
Step in the right direction
While those points are valid, the fact remains that sdmething must be
done to remedy the inequalities women reporters have suffered in the past.
While their male counterparts roamed freely in the clubhouse gathering
quotes and inside information from various sources, women have had to con-
tent themselves with one or two interviews with a harried athlete outside the
clubhouse, who was often sucked dry of news after being questioned inside
already. Add to that the pressure of an impending deadline, and you see the
situation has been far from ideal.
Thus, Kuhn's order has to be looked upon as a step in the right direction.
Yet Kuhn did not specify that women were to be allowed in clubhouses while
the players are dressing, only that they were to be treated as equals.
The problem here is that anything less than equal admission to locker
rooms following a game is unsatisfactory. One alternative, a separate inter-
view room, is inadequate in that situations such asthis are often artificial.
Players and coaches tend to hold back more when brought into a room full of
reporters and placed in front of a mike. Responses will be more vague and
A further blow to women reporters would be the bitterness of their male
counterparts should such a policy be instituted. Women would be looked
upon as the cause of the male reporters losing previously unchallenged
reporting rights.
A better procedurewould be to open the dressing rooms immeditely af-
terthe game ends, while requesting that players remain in uniform for that
15 to 20 minute period. The dressing room would then be closed to the media
for a half hour so the players could shower and dress in private.
Business, not pleasure
You could even resort to what the New York Cosmos of the North
American Soccer League did. The Cosmos gave each of their players a
bathrobe to wear after the game and let all reporters in right after the game.
Yet from this corner, it seems that solutions of this natfure aren't even
necessary. The issue of ballplayers' privacy, along with the sexual overtones
resulting from admitting women reporters, is irrelevant.
To suppose that a woman reporter would enter a clubhouse for any
reason other than completing her work in the best possible manner is
preposterous. Following a game, a female reporter is far too more concer-
ned with pulling together a decent story prior to her deadline to care about
ogling naked athletes.
In addition, a major leatgue clubhouse is surely one of the most sexless
places a man and a woman could meet. The air is stale, other reporters are
milling about, and the language heard within is hardly romantic.
Then there's the question of the players' right to privacy. Do women
reportery have the right to see tnen in the nude? Here it should be noted, a
ballplayer already endures a considerable annoyance in the form ofthe
many male reporters who pester him following the game. In many case, a
player might feel more at home answering a question posed by a woman.
It's admittedly a touchy issue, one which will take much time in being
fully resolved.

But the piecemeal solutions proposed, which would damage the rights
male reporters now have, won't do. Only equal admittance right after each
game is.the fair solution for all concerned, and that, as the preseason furor
has indicated, won't come easy.
Tumbler Creek goes

AP Photo
TIGER CATCAHER Lance Parrish glances back at a pursuing Buddy Bell in a second inning rundown in yesterday's opening
day game. Parrish was attempting to score on a Phil Mankowski hit, but fell and was tagged out. Little else went right for
the Tigers as they fell to the Texas Rangers, 8-2. Detroit will get a chance to gain revenge against the Rangers this afternoon.

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Brewers club Yanks



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By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Milwaukee hit for the
cycle against Ed Figueroa in a three-
run first inning, including Ben Oglivie's
two-run homer, and defeated the New
York Yankees 4-3 yesterday, the
Brewers' second straight victory over
baseball's two-time World Champions.
Larry Hisle, who doubled and scored
ahead of Ogilvie's blast, added asolo
homer in the fourth, while Billy Travers
and five relievers limited the Yankees
to six hits.
The Yankees ended a scoreless string
of 12 innings in the fifth with Mickey
Rivers' two-run single. The Yankees
added a run in the ninth on Thurman
Munson's sacrifice fly off Reggie
Clcieland 3, Boston 0
CLEVELAND - Lefthander Rick
Waits checked Boston on just one hit--
Jerry Remy's leadoff single in the sixth
inning - and Mike Torrez walked in the
winning run as Cleveland stopped the
Red Sox 3-0 yesterday in the Indians'
home opener.
Torrez, who gave up four hits in 72/

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innings, also pitched no-hit ball through
the first five innings.
Boston got a runner as far as third
only once in the game, but Waits got out
of the jam when Dwight Evans was
caught in a rundown between third and
Baltimore 6, Chicago 3
BALTIMORE - Rick Dempsey
snapped a sixth-inning tie with a two-
run double and scored on Al Bumbry's
single, keying a four-run rally that gave
the Baltimore Orioles a 6-3 victory over
the Chicago White Sox yesterday.
Dempsey bounced a ground-rule
double over the center-field fence.
Bumbry, who walked to force in a fifth-
inning run, then singled to finish
Mike Flanagan, a 19-game winner
last season, earned the victory with
three innings of relief from rookie
Sammy Stewart.
.Minnelsota 3, Oakland 1
OAKLAND - Butch Wynegar's two-
out double to left-center field drove in
two runs in the top of the 12th inning and
gave the Minnesota Twins a 3-1 victory
over the Oakland A's yesterday.
Wynegar's hit was his third of the
game and Minnesota's 13th. The double
off Jim Todd scored Roy Smalley, who
had walked, and Jose Morales, on base
on a fielder's choice.
The victory went to Mike Marshall,
who replaced starter Roger Erickson in
the 10th inning.




on to NC
Special to The Daily
BATON ROUGE - Bob Creek,
Michigan's sole remaining competitor'
for the NCAA gymnastic finals, was in a
three-way tie for fourth place {,9.525) in
the high bar competition. Indiana
State's Kurt Thomas was leading the


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versity level for at least one year. (4) Undergraduates must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point
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April 19. We are interested in interviewing present
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1. Bachelors or Masters Degree in Electrical
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istration or Industrial Engineering.

AA finals
event with a 9.7 score.
Other Michigan gymnasts in the.
tournament were Jim Varilek and
Nigel Rothwell. Varilek finished fif-
teenth with a score of 18.3 in the floor
exercise. Rothwell, competing in the all
around event, finished seventeenth with
103.9 points.
Nebraska was leading going int the
finals, with Oklahoma 'and Indiana
State in second and third respectively.
Mich. 'A'21, London 3 '.
Mich. 'B'56, London 4
Michigan's Rugby club continued its t
winning ways yesterday as the A squad
defeated London, Ontario by a 21-3"
score and the B side swamped London's
B team 56 to 4.
Both the A and B teams are un-
defeated in three games this year.
Next weekend the ruggers travel to
Northwestern with high hopes for the
Big Ten conference tournament.

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