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April 08, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-08

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See editorial page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 151

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 8, 1979

Ten Cents

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Ten Centsspls upieen



Poor ventdlat

plagues Chem. Building

It's sometimes hard to catch a breath of fresh
air in the Chemistry Building.
Ventilation is so bad, in fact, that within five
years state officials will likely declare the
building unfit for laboratory work, according to
Thomas Dunn, the Chemistry Department
THE BUILDING, which sits on the north side
of the Diag, is on the way to obsolesence, and was
designed for use by only about half the number of
students and faculty members who now work
there, Dunn said.
The steps for approval of a new University
building are many and complex, but University
planners say they are considering the possibility

of replacing the Chemistry Building. Renovation
or replacement of the structure is one of the
University's "upper priorities," said Douglas
Sherman, assistant vice president for capital
planning. Sherman stressed, though, that no
definite plan has been proposed.
The western portion of the building, opposite
the Natural Science Building, was constructed in
1908, and the eastern half went up 32 years ago.
ALL FOUR FLOORS and basement of the
Chemistry Building contain offices, research
labs, and teaching labs. The building has ten
large teaching laboratories to accommodate
some 3,700 undergraduates each semester.
Two people who work in the building say they

have become sick inhaling bad air, and
chemistry instructors say students occasionally
complain to them about headaches and nausea
after working in the labs.
Dunn said there is "an increasing problem with
respect to (state established) clean air standar-
ds" that get more stringent each year. "I don't
think anyone could say that it's dangerous," he,
said, adding that the building falls short on some
of the building code requirements in fire p 'even-
tion and ventilation.
ONE GRADAUTE student in chemistry, who
asked not to be named, said she is particularly
sensitive to one substance that floats through the
air in the building. She said that on three oc-

casions, she has been affected by fumes carried
into her lab through the building's ventilation
The first time was last summer, she said, She
was working in the lab with several other people
when they smelled fumes. "I wasn't paying any
attention toituntil I landed on the floor," she
said. The substance does not make her pass out,
she said, but she loses control of the muscles in
her legs and' arms. She said that after co-workers
helped her outside, she felt better, but not until the
next day did she feel normal.
"It's no chemical that we're using, so it has to
be coming from another part of the building,"
the gradaute student said.

WILLIAM JOY, director of the University's
Department of Occupatioal Safety and Health,
said that when members of his department were
called in on thepwoman's case, they followed a set
procedure for finding the odor. Joy said the
department responded as quickly as possible,
within a matter of minutes. So far, he said, even
though they have been all through the Chemistry
Building, the department has not yet found the
source of the odor.
The professor in charge of the laboratory, Rick
Francis, confirmed that he and about six others
working in the lab had gotten headaches or felt
nauseous. See BAD, Page 2

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ratify new
In what union president Dwight
Newman called an "overwhelming"
victory, the membership of Local 1583
of the American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees (AF-
SCME) yesterday ratified a new two-
year contract with the University.
The new agreement passed by a 4-1
margin, with 445 votes cast in favor, 134
against. AFSCME represents more
than 2,100 service personnel on all three
University campuses, Dearborn, Flint,
and Ann Arbor.
UNDER TERMS of the new contract,
-the employees will receive an average
wage increase of 83.5 cents per hour
over 25 months, with an average per
hour wage hike of 38.5 cents this year,
and 45 cents next year.
Union negotiators also had sought a
cost-of-living increase, but this request
was not granted. "It (the cost-of-living
icrease) was something we just
couldn't get. Wetried, but the Univer-
sity wouldn't give it to us," Newman
When it became apparent AFSCME
negotiators would not get that increase,
they told the University to "give us the
best possible package you can,"
bargaining chairman Art Anderson told
the membership at the meeting.
WHILE SOME of the union members
privately expressed disappointment,
over the terms of the contract, the
See AFSCME, Page 10



capture top

SOPHOMORE CADET Sergeant Kevin McEnery waits for the "enemy" to appear as he clutches his M-16 rifle.
McEnery joined more than 100 other students in an ROTC field training exercise last weekend near Battle Creek.
ROTC: You 'rein the Army now

1V1A pot
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT several pollsites we
Jim Alland, and Laurie Tyler of the ballots were unavai
Student Alliance for Better Represen- PAC claims, was
tation (SABRE) have been elected carefully as it could1
president and vice president of the CURRENT MSA
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA( for SABRE candidate
the coming year. that this electiony
Alland and Tyler beat out'People's much different fron
Action Coalition (PAC) candidates , problems with polli
Yvonne McClenney and Joseph Pelava are inherent in stud
by a 340-vote margin, or 56 per cent of Alland said his fir
the 4,293 votes cast. Veteran MSA ob- is to get the commi
servers said the election was, a lan- set up, "to get good]
dslide as MSA elections go. organized - at lea
SABRE AND PAC each took 15 tled in a little bit bef
representative seats in the partisan ',He also said he wa
election. Two independents, one ting a report on the
Michigan Republicans' Club (MIRC) tion before the stu
candidate, a candidate from the Young summer.
Socialist Alliance (YSA), and a write-in "I feel great," Al
candidate were elected to the Assem- votes had been tallie
bly. a super campaign,
Ballots were finally counted for didate and non-cand
Assembly seats after, some delay in really fired upandsi
validating, and election results still "There's a lot o
must be certified by the Central Student organizing," Tyler
Judiciary. A certification hearing is work on specifics
scheduled for tonight at 7. anything dope other'
Some, primarily PAC members, If the election is
charge that the election should be in- Assembly will meet
validated because students were elect committee hea
"denied their right to vote" because other organizational

ere not set up, and
lable. The election,
not handled as
have been.
s have contended
year has not been
m others, and that
ing sites and ballots
ent elections.
st goal as president
ttee chair positions
people, and get that
st have people set-
ore summer."
as interested in get-
presidential selec-
dents leave for the
land said after the
ed. "I think we had
and both the can-
idate workers were
upported us a lot."
f work to do just
said. "Then we'll
s. You can't get
certified, the new
4 Tuesday night to
ds and take care of

It was a strange setting for an
engagement announcement. Asrows of
Army ROTC cadets stood in formation
shortfy after dawn in front of their drab
barracks, the student leader announced
that cadets Matthew Winter and Marisa
Berrios had decided the night before to
get married. A thunderous cheer arose
from the ranks, breaking the crisp
morning air and rolling across the
parade grounds.
The early morning proclamation,
made .while most of the cadets' peers

back in Ann Arbor still sound asleep,
highlighted the contrast between ap-
pearance and substance of a recent
ROTC training{exercise. While the
cadets in their drab olive fatigues ap-
pared to be soldiers preparing for war,
in many ways the weekend outing was,
an escape, a social event.
The unique diversion from clases oc-
curred last weekend, when more than
100 Army ROTC (Reserve Officer
Training Corps) cadets from the
University of Michigan, Eastern
Michigan University, and the Univer-
sity of Detroit gathered at Camp Custer

just outside of Battle Creek for a three-
day field training exercise. Cadets ran
the entire activity themselves-over-
seen by Army officers--using a -rank
hierarchy similar to the actual Army
simulation, cross-country orienteering,
weapon assembly and cleaning, and
armored vehicle instruction. But the
weekend also gave the students a chan-
ce to get away from the rigors of
University life for at least a short time.
After the cadets arrived at Camp
See FOR, Page 2

MSA Election Results

r . .See.FOR,.Pag. .2

Libyan troops leave Uganda

From Reuter and UPI
NAIROBI, Kenya - Libyan troops
sent to Uganda to bolster President Idi
Amin's regime against an invasion by
Tanzanian troops and Ugandan exiles
have been flown out of the country,
diplomatic sources in Kampala said
Phone links with the Ugandan
capital, a city virtually surrounded by
the anti-Amin invasion forces, were
later 'cut off. Post office officials in
Nairobi said this could have been
caused by the fighting.
before the phones went dead said they
heard the sound ,of tanks moving
around the cityyesterday, as well as
sporadic outbursts of gunfire.
When communications with the out-
side world were restored late Saturday
night, after the Kampala curfew had
gone into effect, residents of the capital
said everything was "calm and quiet."
They reported there had been heavy
gunfire during the afternoon in the
n 3,000 protesters yesterday
turned out for the christening of a
new type of submarine, the most
powerful to carry Trident nuclear
missiles yet. Despite the demon-
stration, however, Sen. John
Glenn (D-Ohio), said the vessel
will be a war deterrent. See story,
Page 3.
" Next fall a new course in
"Technology Assessment" will
be offered by the Engineering
School in response to the expan-
ding role of new scientific advan-
ces in our lives. See story, Page 2.
" The Phi Delta Theta frater-

southern part of the city, where the
Tanzanians were attacking.
A local broadcast of Radio Tanzania
beamed at Kampala said, "the final
assault" on the Ugandan capital had
begun, and warned people to stay in
their homes. That particular radio
station has issued similar reports for
several days, however.
THE NEWS OF the Libyan with-
drawal came, the' official Kenya news
agency issued a statement from the
Kenyan High Commissioner to Zambia
saying Kenya could not be counted as
on the side of President Amin, whose
regime violated basic human rights and
was "on the verge of total collapse."
The agency later issued a note can-
celling the dispatch and saying it had

been issued before clearance was
Kenya has been neutral in the conflict
between its neighbors.
Diplomatic sources in Kampala said
the Libyan troops, numbering about
1,000, had been flown out of the country
in C-130 transport planes from the
Israeli-built military airbase at
Nakasongola, 70 miles north of the
EXILE SOURCES said some of the
Libyans, many of whom were seen
boarding trains at towns east of Kam-
pala Friday, had left Uganda from the
northeastern airbase of Soroti.
A Ugandan rebel unit shelled
Nakasongola base soon after the
Libyans had left, but it was not known

how much damage they caused, the
exile sources said.
President Amin Friday gave what
Radio Uganda said was a live broad-
cast from its Kampala studios, in which
he urged Ugandans not to panic and not
to fear the enemy bombardment as the
invaders were at least 40 miles from the
The president was reported by
diplomatic sources to have been seen in
Kampala Friday, despite persistent
rumors that he was about to leave the
country. Exile sources said yesterday
he had been seen at various points east
of the capital.
With the phone lines dead, there was
little way of knowing what was hap-
pening in Kampala.

James Alland (SA BRE)
Laurie Tyler (SABRE)
Douglas Farr (PAC)
Carole Bilson (SABRE)
Alan Abrahamns (SABRE)
Brian McCallion (SABRE)
Jeff Martin (PAC)
Jackie Rice (YSA)
David Fischer (SABRE)
Roy More (SABRE)
S harron Reiss (PAC)
Kathi Machle (Ind.)
Marc Breakstone (PAC)
Gregg Nathanson (Ind.)
Robert DiScipio (MIRC)
Jane Moore (SABRE)
Teresa Evarts (PAC)

Kathy Kelly (SABRE)
Anita Eve (.PAC)
Jack Hall (PAC)
David Trott (SABRE)
Spencer Waler (SABRE)
Scott Kelly (SABRE)
Ken Davies (Write-n)
Mark Brewer (SABRE)
'Nicola Binns (PAC)
Jeanne Barr (SABRE)
Camille Quincannon (SABRE)
Anne Fullerton (PAC)
Riase Jakpoi (PAC)
Alan sack (SABRE)
Maria Garcia (PAC)
Timothy Feeman (PAC)
Mervat Hatem (PAC)
Janre O'Neal (PAC)
Conni Bridge (SABRE)

Men call
women's lib
closemin de d
Eighteen male students met yester-
day in East Quad and expressed an-
noyance with women who try to keep
men from participating in the women's
liberation movement.
Though they seemed generally sym-
pathetic to the movement, several in
the group said women assume "men
aren'tcapable of understanding what
*ba~, (thbawnmnlnrp avi,.n nceacnn

women discuss women's issues
Right to Life speaker
addresses hostile crowd

Comparing the Right to Life group's
anti-abortion stance to the Civil Rights
movement, Cathy Chuplis of
Washtenaw County's Life-span said
yesterday, "In a way we're
Speaking to more than 50 people at
East Quad's "Symposium on Women's
Issues: For Everyone" yesterday,
Chuplis defended, before the largely
hostile crowd, the right to life stand on
saving human life from the moment of
conception on.

know that killing children won't solve
One person asked what Right to Life
members felt about abortion in thecase
of rape. Chuplis responded, "What
right do we have to kill someone
because of a bad situation?"
COMPARING abortion to Nazism,
Chuplis asked, "By whose criteria do
we decide who should live or die?"
When one woman suggested that
Right to Lifers work together with other
organizations by educating people
about contraception, Chuplis replied

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