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January 12, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-12

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See Editorial Page


High-upper 2's
Low-in teens
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 86
Fusion closer to
reality at KMS

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 12, 1979

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

....... . .. ................


Vietnam role
in Cambodia
hit at U.N.


A spokesperson for KMS Fusion, an
Ann Arbor firm which recently
received a long-term government con-
tract for fusion research, said yester-
day that it is only a matter of time and
money before fusion becomes a viable
energy alternative.
KMS public information director
Donald Woodbridge also said that if the
government oversaw the development
of fusion energy as enthusiastically as
it did the space program, fusion energy
would sooner become a reality.
It is difficult to predict when fusion
energy might be ready, Woodbridge
said, adding that it could take as long as
a century.
"LOOK WHAT the government did
with the space program. They gave it
extensive funding and gathered
together the best scientists," he said.
"The government could do the same
with the development of fusion
KMS is the nation's leading private
research group for fusion energy
development. But until now, the com-
pany has never gotten more than a one-
year contract.
THE NEW 40-month contract calls
for initial funding of $10.2 million by the
end of 1979, with additional funds to be
negotiated annually.
Congressman Carl Pursell (R-Ann
Arbor), announced the contract signing
between the Department of Energy

(DOE) and KMS.
"This has enhanced my respect for
the DOE decision-makers and my con-
fidence in the direction of the entire
program," Pursell said. "Alternative
energy sources must be a primary
national priority. An intensive, broad-
based energy research program by
DOE, the national laboratories and
private firms like KMS is essential."
THE INITIAL $10.2 million will go to
theoretical and experimental studies on
laser fusion. With this contract, KMS
hopes to quadruple the power of its
laser, allowing the firm to get higher
yields from laser targets and better ex-
perimental data.
The development of laser fusion as an
energy source is based on the concept of
using high-powered, short laser pulses
to implode and compress pellets of
thermonuclear fuel. This heats the
pellets to their ignition point.
The energy is released in the form of
X-rays and high velocity nuclear par-
ticles which can be converted to heat by
absorption in a surrounding chamber.
The heat can be used to generate steam
for conversion to electricity or used
directly for chemical processing.
The primary advantage of fusion as
an energy source is its potential abun-
dance, with the principal fuel source
coming from seawater. It also does not
pose the environmental and waste
problems associated with nuclear

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Guardian of the city
High above the city, this silent sentinal licks its mouth while keeping a watchfuleye
on the mere humans scurrying beneath his stoney gaze.

aligned nations in the Security Council
yesterday considered possible amen-
dments to a resolution condemning
Vietnam's "armed invasion and
aggression" in Cambodia..-
The resolution was introduced Thur-
sday night by China-its first-ever
resolution in the Council. This was
unlikely to be put to an early vote and is
strongly opposed by the Soviet Union.
aligned members were considering
possible amendments to the text and
whether to submit their own separate
They have already affirmed support
for the fallen Cambodian government
of Pol Pot, which the council decided
yesterday remained the leagal ad-
ministration of Cambodia.
Norwegian Ambassador Ole Algard
said yesterday it was essential
hostilities in Cambodia cease im-
mediately and all foreign forces be
Human rights violations by the Pol
Pot government could not justify the
actions of the Vietnamese, he said.
a VIETNAM, ALONG with its ally, the
Soviet Union and many other countries
in the Soviet orbit, has recognized the
People's Revolutionary Council, set up
by the Front four days ago, as the legal
government of the country.
"eng Sary, Cambodia's deputy prime
minister in charge of foreign affairs,
arrived in China yesterday after a
flight out of Cambodia Thursday, but it
was not known whether he would be
going to New York to attend the
Security Council meeting.
There has been no firm word on Pol
Pot, who has been variously'reported as
dead, in Peking and directing a
guerrilla war he promised to wage to
the end.
Soviet commentaries blamed the
United States, China, and Yugoslavia
for the Kremlin's failure to win
recognition at the United Nations for its
allies in Cambodia.
diplomatic defeat Thursday when the
U.N. Security Countil upheld the
legitimacy of the Pol Pot government in
Cambodia despite the claim of Viet-
namese-backed rebels to control the
Meanwhile, Cambodian government
forces made last-ditch stands in the
northwestern cities as the Vietnamese
-ffensive moved closer to the border

with Thailand, diplomatic sources said.
They said a Cambodian division of
about 2,000 men was under attack in
prepared defensive positions at the
town of Siem Reap, close to the ruins of
Angkor Wat. The town's airport, just
two miles from the famed temples, had
been heavily bombed, they added.
The airport at Battambang, further
west, had also been bombed and
motorized Vietnamese units were
heading for the city from the north.
they said.
U.S. 'asks
in Iran
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - The State Depar-
tment yesterday issued its strongest
appeal so far to the Iranian military to
respect that country's constitutional
"Weedo not believe a military
takeover' would resolve Iran's
problems," department spokesman
Hodding Carter said in a new ex-
pression of support for the country's
fledgling civilian government.
A SEIZURE of power by the military,
Carter said, would inhibit an "orderly
and. constructive approach" to the
establishment of stability in Iran.
The new policy statement followed a
more oblique appeal on Thursday by
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. In ad-
dition to the administration's public
calls for restraint, Air Force Gen..
Robert Huyser has spent the past week
in Iran delivering the same message to
Iran's military leaders.
The Iranian military reportedly has
been concerned that the new gover-
nment of Prime Minister Shahpour
Bakhtiar will not protect military in-
RUMORS OF a coup threat began to
spread after Gen. Freidoun Jam, who is
highly respected by Iran's officer cor-
ps, rejected Bakhtiar's offer to serve as
war minister.
See U.S., Page 8

LSA-SG Pres. under fire

The president of the Literary College
Student Government is being criticized
by several student groups for using
LSA-SG's name to sponsor the protest
of an Israeli speaker last December.
Bob Stechuk, the student government
leader included LSA-SG's name on a
list of endorsements protesting the
December 17 appearance of Yigal
Allon, Israel's former Prime Minister.
STECHUK SAID he did not check
with other LSA-SG members before
making the endorsement, but did not
need to because he is "authorized to
represent council and to speak on

behalf of Council.".
At the December speech, Allon was
shouted down by hecklers voicing op-
position to Israel and support of the
Palestinian cause.
When the disturbance became
violent, Ann Arbor police were called,
and many protestors were physically
removed from the auditorium. Several
charges of assault are still being in-
vestigated. No injuries were reported.
LSA-SG sponsorship of the protest
has disturbed a number of students in-
cluding members of the Union of
Students for Israel (USI) and an un-
named group of LSA students concer-

ned with freedom of speech.
"In endorsing the pamphlet, they
(LSA-SG) added some wood to the
fire," claimed group member David
Leopold. "They should take respon-
sibility for the disturbance. It was an
abuse of power."
Another member, Carol Bordenstein,
echoed his opinion. "Their support ad-
ded some legitimacy to the violence,"
she said, adding that the act was
"thoughtless and irresponsible. We are
upset by a chaotic, frightening in-
Members of LSA-SG also expressed
See STUDENTS, Page 2

It's not too early to start lo
housing for next fall, but the op
many and a hasty decision
regretted later. Students in Ai
face one of the most crowded
pensive housing markets in th
and prospective tenants
carefully scrutinize any leas
signing on the dotted line.
"Don't hurry," warned Ur
Off-Campus Housing Adv:
Williams earlier this week. All
is a good idea to start lookingi
said there will still be pl
reasonable housing oppor
available over the next several
University students include Un
operated dormitories, apartme
cooperatives, as well as indepe

owned fraternities, sororities
oking for tments, cooperatives, and house
tions are The alternatives all have one
may be common, however - They are
nn Arbor expensive and usually scarce.
and ex- to complicated local con
e nation, housing in student areas has av
should rate of about one-half per ce
e before sidered unhealthy for competiti
stacks many of the cards int
niversity dlord's favor. So in this seller'si
isor Jo let the buyer beware.
though it Apartments
now, she THE PROSPECTIVE apa
lenty of dweller has a wide choice,1
'tunities from modern high-rises to coz
months. tments in divided houses. Man
lable to tment buildings are run by larg
iversity- agencies, most of which are re
nts, and with the University's Off-C
ndently- Housing Office.

hunt is on
s, apar- Some of these companies already have
es. availability lists posted at the Housing
thing in Office, and most of the rest will in the
usually near future.
Thanks Williams said smaller landlords tend
ditions, to wait until later in the term before
vacancy seeking tenants. Again, the Off-Campus
nt, con- Housing Office is a good place to check
on. This for information on these apartments.
the lan- Many landlords have acquired bad
market, reputations, but there are also many
who are reasonable and treat tenants
fairly well.
rtment- WILLIAMS recommended that
ranging prospective tenants check with present
zy apar- tenants of the apartments for several
ny apar- things: Is the landlord usually
;e rental available for repairs? Is the building
gistered generally quiet? Are things usually in
-ampus working order? Does the heating
See LOCAL, Page 2

" Film legend John
Wayne had his stomach
removed yesterday in a
Los Angeles hospital after
surgeons discovered a
malignant tumor there.
Wayne, 71, originally en-
tered the hospital for
removal of gallstones.
The nine and one-half
hour operation was the
second cancer operation
for Wayne, who had one of
his lungs removed 14 years
.r. . Y
M Read the Today
column, Page 3
Martial lami
spreads in
By AP and Reuter
SALISBURY, Rhodesia-Rhodesia's
transitional government brought
almost the entire country under martial
law yesterday and also announced
steps to bolster the army through con-
scription of white men between the ages
of 50 and 59.
The emergency regulations, exten-
ded in stages since last September to
combat the guerrillawar, now cover
about 90 per cent of the country.
Yesterday's decree extended
military rule to fifteen more districts,
including tribal and European farming
Salisburg and Bulawayo are the only
major cities that remain outside
military jurisdiction along with belts of
land stretching between the capital and
Bulawayo in the midlands, and between
Untali in the east to Karoi in the west.
The conscription announcement, af-
fecting Rhodesia's so-called "Dad's
Army," said men would be called up
shortly to guard against a threat of in-
creased urban guerrilla wafare and to
protect one-man, one-vote elections
scheduled for April 20.
On Thursday, Prime Minister Ian
Smith told a white audience the war-
torn nation does not have enough troops
to defend the country against the at-

Listed below is information concerning housing offered by the area's larger rental agencies. Most of the com-
panies are registered with the University Off-Campus Housing Office in the Student Activities Building. In
addition, there are many smaller agencies that offer housing in the campus area, but their rental lists are
typically not available until later in the term.
Campus Management' Older and modern 137 units- List available
663-4101 buildings; houses 60-70 open jan. 15
Campus Rentals Older and modern information List available
665-8825 buildings; houses not available now
Dahlman Apts. 5 modern apt. 88 units- List available
761-7600 complexes approx. 75 per cent open now
Vernon Hutton 4 modern 95 units- List available
663;9268 apt. buildings openings unknown now
Maize and Blue Modern 166 Units- List available
4761-3131 apartments openings unknown Jan.22
McKinley Older and modern 600 units- List available
769-8520 buildings; some houses openings unknown Jan. 17
Modern Apts. 16 modern 130 units- List available
668-6906,663-3641 apt. buildings openings unknown end of Jan.
Old Town Realty Houses About 75 units List available
663-8989 openings unknown beginning of May
Fort Rae s .alyndot rP.aRP anv infnr.atn "nrhiinurant an ...f..a.ct .4- -n..sv-,,

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Talib bdul-Mus quit
Co-op takes student

gov't re. 1
A member of the Literary College.
Student government is being taken to
court by the Xanadu cooperative over:
$177 in unpaid rent and $130.66 in long
distance phone bills.
A complaint filed recently in

to court
The co-op members are angry
because they must make up the unpaid
A COURT HEARING, set for Jan. 9,
was postponed because Abdul-Musqit
did not show up for the hearing. Xanadu
members claim he will not accept a

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