Page 8-Friday, April 6, 1979-The Michigan Daily 'U' AND WORKSHOPS PROVIDE INFORMATION Birth control-no secret anymore then the world's g6ing C It happened to secretaries first. Then lawyers, bookkeepers, waltreS~$e cabbies, housewives, and businessmen succumbed to the beauty of our Pilot Razor Point and Fineliner pens. Some people felt it was sick to get so emotionally involved with our pens. But is it really so crazy to love a Pilot Razor Point pen that writes with a sharp smooth line and costs a mere 79C? Is it nuts to flip over Its unique little metal collar that smartly helps to keep its point from going squish? If it is crazy, it's going to surprise a whole lot of people. In fact, we understand that Pilot Razor Point even has what it takes to score extra points with football players. It also comes to our attention thatrmany coaches are fans of the Pilot Fineliner. Along with all the other Razor Point featuresthe 69C Pilot Fineliner has the strength and drive to go through carbons. P LOT it's hard to resist a pen that holds the line like a Pilot. More hc just something to write W Hh. By SARA ANSPACH In your mother's day, the subject was spoken of in whispers. Your older sister and her friends spoke a little louder, but their information was minimal and what they knew was often based on rumor. Today, birth control is coming to be a subject that everyone can talk about openly. Here at the University con- traceptives are cheap and available, and residence halls are beginning to host "sexuality" workshops, where-in addition to lerning about birth con- trol-students have a chance to discuss the emotional aspect of becoming sexually involved. MANY STUDENTS come to the Univesity tongue-tied about sexuality and birth control. "I see a need for more discussion," said Stockwell R.A. Linda Dinger, who recently conducted a two-day workshop on human sexuality in her dorm. "Nine out of ten times it's something that is not discussed in the homes." Next year Dinger would li e to see a group that meets weekly or/bi-monthly to discuss sexuality. "We'd be doing some role-playing, where a situation is read to people and they have to think 'what would I do if I were in that position?"' she said. The level of information about con- traceptive methods is pretty high among college women, but often there's,, a need to discuss an emotional side of sexual relationships. At the Stockwell workshop, women discussed the social norms that can inhibit couples from using contraception. "THERE'S THE myth that nice girls don't even think about contracepting. It involves accepting the fact you're having intercourse," explained Dinger. "Sometimes people feel, 'it hasn't hap- pened yet, so I won't get-pregnant next time' or 'I don't need to contracept because I don't have intercourse that often'." "There's also a problem when you are under stress. Your need for close contact and intimacy may overcome your fear of pregnancy," she added. Dinger questioned if peer pressure to be sexually active is real or imagined. "If you stay all night at somebody's house tonight are you expected to come back with tales of ecstasy?" she said. THE WORKSHOP at Stockwell stresses communication between par- tners. Who should -take the respon- sibility for birth control and which method is best are topics that the couple should talk over together. The student who decides to become sexually active finds obtaining birth control to be a relatively easy process. University Health Service-the cheapest place to go for a prescribed contraception (.e. birth control pills, IUD and diaphragm) -provides an in- formative lecture, pelvic exam, routine check up, breast exam, gonnorhea test and special instruction classes for cer- tain methods as part of its comprehen- sive birth control package. Everyone who wants contraception from health service must attend a mandatory two-hour lecture, given Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. on the third floor of the Health Service bulding. The attendance' is usually small, although recently there have been up to 20 people at the lecture, perhaps, as one lecturer explained, "because it's spring." The lecture, given by volunteers who have attended a workshop at Health Service, goes through a brief discussion of the male and female anatomy and the menstrual cycle, and then focuses on a variety of birth control methods. As the lecturer is explaining the advan- tages and disadvantages of each method, contraceptives are passed around for the audience to see. They are encouraged to play with the" multi- colored condoms available for inspec- tion, and to smell a tasted variety of foam, creams and jellies. WITHDRAWAL AND rhythm, the only two methods of contraception ac- ceptable to the Catholic Church, are dealt with briefly. With a 20 per cent pregancy rate, withdrawal is con- sidered risky, but "much better than nothing at all," explained one lecturer. People seriously interested in learning the rhythm method are referred to counselors at Health Service or Plan- ned Parenthood. A condom, an age-old method, when combined with a contraceptive foam or cream is quite effective with a theoretical pregnancy rate of one per cent. This combined method can be in- corporated into the sex act and has no adverse side effects cn the users. The audience at the lecture is warned not to use vaseline as a lubricant because it corodes rubber, and to make sure the foam or cream used is meant for con- traception and is not another feminine product. The diaphragm is billed as a method that requires more motivation and mechanical ability. Health Service won't fit a virgin because the size of her cervix is likely to change after several months of being sexually active. Women who will be using a diaphragm are required to attend a special class to insure that they can insert their diaphragm properly. The rate of pregnancy is three per cent (as long as the diaphragm is used every time) and there are no side effects. ''II that 'There'a a myth nice girls don't even think 1,1 0-. about contracepting. It" involves accepting the fact that you're having in- 'A tercourse.' -Linda Dingier, Stockwell R.A. HEAVIER CRAMPS and flow during the menstrual period, pelvic infections, and perforation of the uterus are the possible side effects Health Service 1.3 mentions about the Intrauterine device (IUD). Its advantages are that it > doesn't interrupt intercourse, and is fairly effective, with a pregnancy rate of one-to-three per cent, depending on what type of IUD is inserted. Birth control pills work by mimicking the body's state of pregnancy. The Health Service lectue explains that they synthetic hormones introduced in- to the bloodstream affect all parts of the body, not just the reproductive system. Studies indicate that it can case blood clotting, liver tumors and a list of other disorders. Possible side ef- fects include a feeling of nausea, depression, and other symptoms com- mon to the early stages of pregnancy. From a brighter perspective, the pill is the most effective form of birth con- trol with a pregnancy rate of .' per cent. It doesn't interupt intercourse and can cause its user to have lighter periods with minimal cramps. MOST LECTURERS don't mention the costs of the different methods of contraception. The pelvic exam is $15.00 and the pap smear is $5.00. The total cost of a diaphragm from Health Service is $40.00, a three-month supply of birth control pills is $26.00, and an IUD ranges from $37.00 to $42.00 depen- ding on the type. Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor also offers contraceptives at slightly higher prices for most items. They provide the same care and education on methods as Health Service does. Total cost for a diaphragm is $36.00, a three month supply of birth control pills is $29.50 and IUD insertion can range from $40.00 to $45.00. A student only has to, wait a week for an appointment at Health Service while Planned Parenthood has a three week wait list.