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April 05, 1979 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-05

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The Michigan Daily--Thursday, April 5, 1979--Page 5

S. Africa issue hits nationwide
(Continued from Page 1)

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in employment opportunities for non-
whites," Stevens said.
Stevens maintained that Harvard
would divest from a company "if we
find that we don't believe companies
are making progress. We havt a policy
of not investing in debt securities of
banks granting loaft to the government
of South Africa."
ACCORDING TO Stevens, Harvard
has $350 million invested in American
companies with some South African
But, he said the school has withdrawn
all direct investments from South
Africa. "Harvard hasn't invested direc-
tly in South Africa since the early
seventies," he said.
Administration officials of the
University of California system use a
similar argument in defending its youth
Africa investments. "The regents have
tended to take the point of view that we
aren t invested in South Africa," ex-
plained Steve Moore, an investment of-
ficer for the University of California
INVESTMENTS IN concerns connec-
ted with South Africa are "a minor part
of the total operation," Moore said.
"We are sensitive to outside pressures
and the university's role in society."
Ken Burt, a leader of an anti-apar-
theid group at the University of
California at Berkeley, disputed
Moore's claims. Burt said his group
conducted a study which showed more
than half of the University of California
system's investments are somehow tied
to South Africa.
Nevertheless, Burt said the emphasis
in Berkeley has shifted from fighting
the university's South African invest-
ments to the city's. In a referendum,
Berkeley voters will determine this
month whether or not to release the

city's South Africa-related holdings.
over the state are coming to Berkeley,"
said Burt. "We can get the city to divest
this April by winning the election and
that's likely." Burt says election suc-
cess will serve as a "roundabout way to
put pressure on the regents and to show
that divestiture is possible."
Although South African divestiture is
a major issue at the University of Min-
nesota, protest leaders in Minneapolis
have made it a point to avoid confron-
tations with the administration. "Ad-
ministrators like disruption," said Dick
Cook of the South African Solidarity
Committee, a student organization.
"Administrators would rather face
disruptions than discuss the issue,"
Cook explained. "They feed on disrup-
tion. At one meeting an administrator
provoked a disruption."
COOK SAID evading confrontations
will lead to success for his group. "We

have some very reasonable regents,"
he said. "There's no doubt that we will
see divestiture within the year."
Administrators at Minnesota,
however, foresee no change in the
University's policy toward South
Africa. Ann Rutledge, assistant to the
vice-president for finance, said MVIin-
nesota's regents oppose divestiture. "I
don't see the issue coming up again in
the near future," she said.
"We will continue to be active
shareholders" in companies dealing
with South Africa, Rutledge stated. She
said there would be no review of the
companies' connection with South
Africa because "we don't have any
criteria" for evaluating them.
"THERE WAS an extensive debate
on total divestiture," Rutledge added.
"Butnthere is a legal requirement that
the University could not divest for
social reasons."
No such problems exist at the

University of Wisconsin, which
divested its holdings related to South
Africa a year ago. According to Joseph
Holt, an investment officer for the
university, Wisconsin was forced to
divest because of an order from the
state's attorney general.
Tony Man, editor of the University of
Wisconsin campus newspaper, said
that the school's divestiture followed
large demonstrations in which
protestors tried to take over regents'
meetings. But, Man said, "Most people
now are only copcerned with the Statue
of Liberty," referring to a replica of the
statoe's hand built on a lake near the
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Election ends in

(Continued from Page 1)
"I don't think it (the election) will be
thrown out," Persinger said, "but it's
too early to tell. We just have to wait
and see."
Presidential candidate Mike Spirnak
said he considered suing MSA for the
election troubles, but said he would
have to check election codes and rules
regarding just what problems he could
SPRINAK HAS also filed a suit with
CSJ claiming that Proposal D, which
appeared on the ballot, is uncon-

stitutional. The proposal el
provision in the Constitution1
salaries of officers, replacin
provision placing a ceiling
cent of the Assembly budget
In his suit, Spirnak chargi
Assemply didn't vote on th
dum early enough, and that
of the Assembly did not vote
it, as required.
In discussing the possibi
filing a suit against specif
procedures, Spirnak said, "I

WCCAA closes 'strategy' meeti

iminates a The possibility exists that I might sue
prohibiting with other candidates. I'll have to look
g it with a at the election code and find specific
of 3.9 per grievances.
to officers' "I'M GENERALLY upset. I was
counting on a lot of votes from Bursley.
ed that the Yvonne (McClenney) was too. It's fun-
ie referen- ny that one place' (closed) was Bur-
two-thirds sley," he also said.
in favor of Koo said there will probably be no
problem in catching ballot stuffing
lity of his because procedures for validating
ic election ballots are very strict.
might sue. She also said according to the elec-
tions code she could throw out ballots
which had been checked or marked
gwith an "X" instead of ordered
in numerically according to guidelines of
preferential voting.
lief sought MANY VOTERS had not been infor-
t or desire med by poll workers that they were
physically working under a preferential voting
red. Such system, although it was specified on the
ontrary to ballot, and on the ballot box.
rned," the Students who voted with an "X" also
had the option of voting again with the
urt should first ballot being thrown out, according
lay recess to Koo.
rder to ex- Some candidates also said that some
e peace," candidates were working at the polls,
and questioned the legitimacy along,
protesting with the "severe" problem of can-
icy on in- didates being close to the polls. One also
which do said that some polling workers were
'he group,, displaying signs and buttons promoting
ty divest- the party they supported.

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(Continued from Page 1)
Gottfried, who initiated the motion.
Several members expressed fears that
any published strategy would assist
the Regents' case for a court order.
"They're (the University Regents)
going to use everything they can to put
a prior restraint on us," said member
Judy Weiss. She added that any
publication of WCCAA plans "would be
very detrimental to us."
Gottfried said that Thomas O'Brien,
WCCAA's lawyer, had recommended
against any discussion of the case with
members of the press.
SOME MEMBERS argued in favor of
keeping the meeting open, saying that
the University already knew roughly
what to expect at the Regents meeting.
One member said he feared receiving
"bad press" should the meeting be
After the group voted to close the
meeting, two students left, saying later
that they disagreed with the decision.
After the meeting, which ended shor-
tly before 10 p.m. last night, sophomore
member Phil Kwik said the group did
not make any major strategy plans
during the closed session. "We decided
we don't have enough information on
what the Regents are going to do," he
said. Kwik voted against excluding the
ATTENDANCE at the weekly WC-
CAA meetings has dwindled since a
peak of more than 60 two weeks ago.
Approximately 25 persons attended the
meeting last night. "We hope it's just a
bad time of year," said Kwik.
At last night's meeting, Literary
College (LSA) junior George Wilson,
one of the two students arrested
following a scuffle at the March Regen-
ts meeting, said he was arraigned
yesterday on charges of assault and
battery. Charges have been dropped
against the other arrested student,
David Kadlecek. Wilson is charged with
assaulting Regent Gerald Dunn and
Ann Arbor Police Captain Kenneth
Klinge. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled
for April 17.
Both WCCAA attorney O'Brien and
University General Counsel Roderick
Daane agreed yesterday that the major
C. Players

factor in theRegento' case will rest in
Judge Campbell's interpretation of how
a public body may exclude disrupters.
DAANE DECLINED to make any
other comments on the case. O'Brien
also said he preferred not to talk about
the specifics of the case until he meets
with representatives of the WCCAA
sometime this afternoon. O'Brien and
the group are still considering further
action of their own. One possible move
would be to ask that the court void all
business transacted at the Regents'
semi-private meeting last month.
Davis' brief states that the Board
could have dragged all the disrupters
from the meeting last month and could
follow the same course of action during
the April Regents meeting, butdalso
says that allowing the Board to meet
behind closed doors is a "more
peaceful, rational alternative.

"To argue against the rel
herein is to advocate the righ
of defendants to be arrested,
removed and possibly inju
position is both illogical and c
the best interests of all conce
report states.
declare that the Regents m
and move their meetings in o
clude those who breach th
Davis' brief concludes.
WCCAA members were
last month the Regents' pol
vestments in corporations
business in South Africa. T
which demanded Universit
ment from such holdings, st
Regents from going throi
agenda when Board member
to promise that the divestm
would be on the Regents' Apri

opped the
uigh their
rs refused
nent issue
it agenda.

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