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April 03, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-03

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* We Serve Breakfast Al/ Da
* Try Our Famous 3 Eg Omelet *
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MON-Th 9 -5:30 FRIDAY 9-5

Page 10-Tuesday, April 3, 1979-The Michigan Daily

iity bonding proposals split

(Continued from Page1)
homes. In this country one of the main
dreams is to own your own home and to
live your life out in it."
The Democrats also retained their
domintion in the relatively densely
populated First and Second wards, cen-
trally located to the campus area. As
expected, incumbent Kennth Latta
defeated Republican challenger
William Allen, by a 2056 to 1169 vote.
However, Latta discounted the value of
his victory saying: "It doesn't count if
Jamie doesn't win. It'll be two years in
a row, I'll be a token Democrat at city
After serving a two-year council term
Allen was soundly trounced in last
year's race by Democrat Susan Green-
berg. Allen's campaign was marked by
sharp accusations toward what he
claimed were contradictions between
Latta's public statements and his
voting record.
In the student-dominated Democratic
bastion of the Second Ward, Democrat
minority leader, Leslie Morris collec-
ted 1,409 votes in her uncontested vic-
tory. This is an identical situation to
last year when Democrat Earl Greene
captured the Second Ward, also unop-
posed, amid Democrat accusations that
the Republican failure to run a can-
didate in the ward was a Republican
ploy aimed at swaying the mayoral
race. With an uncontested Second Ward
council race, the theory is, the heavily
Democratic voters would be less likely
to go to the polls where they would be
casting ballots for not only their coun-

cilperson, but for the Democratic
mayoral candidate as well.
At press time it appeared that ballot
proposals A, D, E, and F would pass,
with the fate of proposal G still uncer-
tain. Proposals B, C, and H were all
losing by large margins.
Proposal A authorizes the city to
borrow $525,000 to resurfacesfive miles
of the city's streets. These ap-
propriations will allow for a lasting
street repair program of at least five to
ten years, according to City Ad-
ministrator Sylvester Murray.
The General Obligation Drain Bon-
ding Proposition, Proposal B, will allow
the city to borrow $150,000 to revamp
the central city drainage system - the
Allen Creek Drain.
Proposal C authorizes the sale of up
to $400,000 worth of special assessment
bonds to construct sewers and water
mains for specific residential areas in
the city.
Proposal H calls for the issuing of
$24,000 worth of general obligation bon-
ds to pay for street improvements in the
Archwood district. And proposal D
requests the authorization of no more
than $700,000 to construct a new fire
station at Eisenhower and Main.
The last three proposals deal with the
city's landfill. Proposal E authorizes
the purchase of a $2,825,000 shredding'
facility to compress waste. Proposal F
calls for the expansion of the city's lan-
dfill at a price tag of up to $675,000. And
Proposal G allows for the purchase of
$725,000 worth of landfill equipment.

DEMOCRATIC COUNCILMAN Ken Latta (First Ward) smiles during a victory
celebration at Bacchus Gardens last night. Latta was elected to his second con-
secutive term yesterday by a three to two margin over Republican challenger
William Allen, according to unofficial returns.

Peer Counseling Program
Counseling Service's has several
positions available for Fall, 1979.
We are looking for students who:
-can make a one year commitment
-are willing to work evening & weekend shifts
-have, experience in helping others
-can work at least 12 hours/week.
Duties will include:
-76-Guide; 24 hr. phone counseling
information and referral
-assisting professional counselor in
group & workshop programs
-participation in training & supervising
Application 8 information are
available at Counseling Services,
Third Floor, Michigan Union
Applications must be returned by April 9th

City GOP prevails

Continued from Page 1)
ward voting patterns - Belcher said
the people are looking for quick-fixes,
not perfect solutions.
In the words of Mayor"Belcher, "they
are more practical now." Ann Ar-
borites - especially the middle-income
homeowners - are fairly satisfied with
their lot. They do not see the need for
perfectly-paved streets - all they want
is a surface safe enough to drive on
=without ruining a tire.
Belcher targeted his campaign to the
people who voted him into office last
year - the GOP Third and Fifth Wards
and the crucial Fourth Ward. Kenwor-
thy, however, spread his pitch across
both ward and party lines, trying to
reach all the voters, including students.
But he geared his literature to the con-
stituency he was addressing, and
Belcher feels this may have been one of
the Democrat's fatal mistakes. "Con-
sistency," says Belcher "is the most
important thing in politics." The

Tpayor, however, had the advantage of
having to be consistent only to a select
group of people.
Kenworthy was nevertheless paying
special attention to the traditional
liberal voters - the students. Though
Democratic campaign workers were
out in full force yesterday, setting up
publicity tables at strategic locations
on campus and banging on dormitory'
room doors, the student turnout was
Besides the rain and the prevailing
student apathy of the times, the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
elections - held yesterday through
tomorrow - drew ~a lot of student
voters who declared they did not have
the time to hit two polling places in the
spa&e of one day. And Belcher declared
he was not afraid of the students that
did vote, though he specifically avoided
addressing them in his campaign.
They, too, have become more practical,
the mayor said.

* Take a night's leave
* before the final's
* bl itze
*AA SI~i
*c V
*pn hrdyi oe etr

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