Page 8-Sunday, April 1, 1979-The Michigan Daily HOUSE CLEANING expertly done Oy grad stuaent. Call Jeri, 668-4044. 45J407 WANT HIGH QUALITY aPINTING & COPYING? COME TO THE PROCESSORS we offer quick job turn around and clean, crisp copies. The widest range of special paper stocks in town. Many other specialty items and services available, also typing, graphic design, word processing, and typesetting. 211 S. State 662-3969, cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING and I WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. we specialize in dissertations, manuscripts,, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding. Open 7 days. RAND OPENING, April 3-8, quality used furniture SMOKER, no pets, professional woman. Write M. _ __'_ __'__" " SUMMER 1979: Counselors needed for a Northern gallery, 5235 Jackson Rd. 663-5055.10-5 daily. Mulligan, 3010 Santa Monica Blvd., No. 483, Santa IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Wisconsin summer camp servicing a population of 40 Antique Gallery Inc. Monica, CA. 90404. 94C408 One bedroom and two bedroom apts. Now available boys with learning and adjustment disabilities. Good 50B408 3 MAN, 1 BEDROOM with study, large furnished Furnished. Includes heat, water and parking. Acros salary and benefits. Some experience desirable; artment 2 blocks to law school available for from U of M Stadium. 2 blocks from campus bu and/or good recreational skills. Job begins June 1 EOVING SOON-On sale 2.5 cubic foot refrigerator, fal Rent $400 a o th cludes heat, water, elec- stop.Sans Souci Apts., 1036 S. Main. 994-3955. cCt 17th. Contact Richard Stern, Camp Sullivan, 7439 N. $140. Excellentcondition.662-2868. 37B403 .mon inc, AshlandAve., Chicago I.60626.312-262-8918.19H401 tricity and parking. Also efficiency and one bed- _AslanAe.,Chiag,___._066.32_22-918_194_ MONTGOMERY WARD STEREO, a few years old room apartments in older homes on campus for ROOM BO A R D PAID VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. The University of l$ot seldom used. $125. Call Kermit, 769-7824 after fall occupancy. Michigan Allergy Division needs volunteers age 18 or 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cJtc li(a.m. SUNDAY ONLY. dB401 2 S VOLVO superb, excellent condition. Rebuilt ie. Best offer. Call Dennis, 663-5552. dB401 RTABLE DISHWASHER. A student's luxury. ke new. Eight cycle selections. $175/offer. 662- 0 27. 73B403 k APRIL FOOLS DAY PLANT SALE Dots of hanging plants, crafts, other plants, door prize; beautiful hanging plant. April 1-1-6 pm 'ake Sunset to Beechwood to 501 Huron View. Phone 761-1318. 95B401 FOR THE BEST IN WATER BEDS remeniO r to oamf see Waterworks Waterbeds at 3066 Packard Campus Management Inc. 337 E. Huron St.-663-4101 cCtc SUMMERSTORAGE. Clean, safe, from $20/month. 1 miles south of UM Stadium, I-94 & Ann Arbor Saline Rd. StowAway Self-Storage, 769-0119. cC415 SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM for male student. $165/mo. includes utilities. On campus. Immediate occupancy. 663-3886. 68C404 MODERN FURNISHED one and 2-BDRM., central. air and heat, laundry, parking. Near IM, building on commuter route. $275 and $395. Utilities included. 769-9823.769-4112. 63C415 CAMPUS LOCATION Two floors containing three large rooms. Above Conlin Travel near Washtenaw and S. University. Great for counsulting firm or other professional use. Flexible terms. Available immediately. Long term leasepreferred.Peter Allen, 995-5221 78C40' The Hihla ands LOCATD ON NORTH CAMPUS One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments for immediate or fall occupancy. Featuring: security lock system, drapes, dishwasher, tennis courts and swimming pool. Buses to and from central campus daily. CALL 769-3672 Or visit the Resident Manager at 1693 Broadway Apt. 302. COUPLE DESIRES ROOM in house for tal. Cal DOUBLE ROOM, singles for fal, home cooked meals served in small boarding house for male grad students and upperclassmen. Walk to campus. 8 month lease. 769-3875. 36C410 FALL OCCUPANCY 5'BDRM., remodeled apt. in house. Campus Rentals, 665-8825. -Ctc BEAUTIFUL HOUSE on S.U.-2 spaces available in double rooms. May to May leases. Females only. Val or Mindy, 668-6767. 29C401 FALL ROOM in home for quiet male grad near IM building. 662-6007 evenings. 77C406 . GRAND OPENING RENTAL HOMES rand new homes with fireplace, cathedral ceiling, ' wo-car garage with automatic opener, four bed- .rooms or three bedrooms and family room, full asement, large wood deck, use of tennis court and heated pool. Approx. 11 miles from campus off W. Liberty. Dahlmann Apts., Ltd., 761-7600. cC415 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2-BDRM. apt. in house with fall option. Campus Rentals, 665-8825. cCtc FALL 1979 CAMPUS We are currently leasing efficiencies and 1 bed- room modern, furnished apartments for next fall. Stop by or call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church, 761-7600. Daily 9-5. cCtc FALL RENTAL Four beautiful 2 bedroom apartments left on Cam- pus. One in spacious old house with fireplace, 2 bilevels, all furnished, carpeted, disposals, some have parking. Please call Modern Management at 668-6906. cC415 Jag vill bara ha skorna. Kommer ni ihig den dar sangen Tack simycket I'm sorry it's hard to let go. 51F401 Balding Graduate student seeks short girl for meaningless physical relationship. Contact John D., Randall Lab. 41F401 , GLIMPSE INTO DARKNESS A CONFERENCE ON THE HOLOCAUST Sunday, April 1st, 2 p.m., Professor Emil Fackenheim, University of Toronto: "Thex Holocaust; Authentic and Unauthentic Responses." Rackham Amphitheater. Sunday, April 1st, 7:15 p.m. Evening of Interpretive Dance, film "Night in Fog" and experiences of Holocaust survivors. Pendleton Room, Michigan Union. Monday, April 2nd 7:30 p'm. Professor John Pawlikowski, Catholic Theological Union; "The Holocaust from a Christian Perspective." Rackham Amphitheater. Tuesday, April 3rd 7:30 p.m. Professor Henry. Feingold, City University of New York. "The Politics of Rescue; The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust." Rackham Amphitheater. Sponsored by B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, LS and A Student Government, Michigan Student Assembly, Office of Ethics and Religion, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Program in Jpdaic Studies, and Washtenaw County Jewish Community Council. cF401 over to participate in a study of desensitization to, ragweed by spraying small amounts of modified ragweed extract into the nose. Subjects must have ragweed hay fever, be in the Ann Arbor area most of the summer, and have had no treatment with injec- tions of ragweed extract within the last 3 years. Call 764-6145 or 763-3141 for further details. . 05H412 JOB FOR PERSON with graduate level expertise in statistics and excellent command of Midas. Excellent pay! Flexible hours! 764-5195. 08H406, HOUSESITTINGAVAILABLE Young married physician moving to Ann Arbor in June is interested in housesitting job close to Uni- versity to last at least 4 months. No children. For more information and references please write: S. E. Swanson 421 Seventh St. SW Rochester, Minn. 55901 11H406" SUMMER JOBS, NOW! WORLD CRUISES! PLEASURE BOATS! No ex- perience! Good Pay! Carribean, Hawaii, World! Send $3.95 for APPLICATION and direct referrals to SEAWORLD, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. 25H406 WANTED-STUDENTS to work at GUIDE, Counsel- ing Service's peer counseling program. Includes work on 76-GUIDE (phone service), public relations and information presentations, and opportunities for leaders groups and workshops. Must be able to make one year commitment, willing to work nights and weekend shifts and be interested in learning and developing peer counseling skill; relevant experi- ence an asset. Pay $3.20/hr., minimum 12 hours/ week. Applications and information available at Counseling Services, 3rd floor Michigan Union. Applications due April 9. 07H406 TYPING/BINDING " Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes " Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B THESECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. te DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Outstanding quality, fast service. Donna, 973-0433. 23J407 WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Professional. 996-' ,0566. cJtc, WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY used guitar and case under $100. Call C. Krasnow, 764-1576 days, 995-0882 eves. 58K403 VERY ATTRACTIVE Sublet for 1 female -in 2 bedroom; parking, a/cMay-Aug. 994-5364. 80U403 4VAILABLE MAY 1. Large, sunny room in co-op. co-ed apartment. Close to campus. Rent negotiable. 663-5077, 995-5241 persistently. 39U401 SUBLET-2 Bedroom Apt. close to campus. A/C, sauna, laundry facilities. 668-2450. 63U404 SUBLETTING 2 bedroom apt. near campus and hospital. Fall option. 668-0425 after six. 86U401 STUDIO APT. Available May-August. Furnished. Campus location. Rent negotiable. Call 995-2463. 91U405 NEED TWO FEMALES to share one bedroom in large two bedroom apartment. Close to campus. A/C. Balcony. Price $180 (negotiable). Call 994- 0274. Available May-August. 95U401 SUBLET-2 bedroom unfurnished, AC, laundry, parking. Available May 15, fall option. 663-4417. 96U406 SUMMER SUBLET May-August 1 or 2 Subtenants. Bilevel, 1/ baths, A/C. Under 5 minutes fnom campus. Furnished, dishwasher. 668-4619, Ken or Curt. 94U404 SUBLET/FALL OPTION Spacious 2 bedroom lakeside apartment, A/C, dish- washer, laundry, pool, tennis, yard, on Campus. Busline, negotiable. Evenings 995-1472. 03U404 CONDO Super 3 bedroom, 2 bath, familyroom, kitchen, living room, basement, patio, fireplace, dishwasher, etc. Three miles from campus, close to Briarwood. Ideal for family or 2-5 people. Pets permitted, rent negotiable. Call Scott, 764-0430 or 973-9541. 97U401 ARCH ESTATES-May-August. Large 2 bedroom apartment, furnished. Good deal. 665-4034 late. 99U404 SUBLET-LARGE modern TWO BEDROOM, furnished apartment, A/C, parking, sunny, near campus. 995-0099. 06U401 SUMMER SUBLEASES Complete Campus area lisitings available at: CAMPUS RENTAL LTD. 1335S.:UNIVERSITY 665-8825 cU415 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for Spring- Summer SUBLET. Air conditioning, laundry facili- ties near Med Center and Campus. Price negotiable. 663-3058. 59U403 SUBLET-HOUSE ON CAMPUS. Three large bed- rooms available. Huge por Price negotiable. 996-0564. 65U401 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for sublet. Includes livingroom, kitchen, two bathrooms. Fall option available: $300/mo. Call 995-1493 between 5-7 p.m. 70U403 WAN'D-1 or 2 female(s) for room in 2 bed- room bi-level apartment. A/C, parking, laundry, facilities. Excellent location. Price negotiable. Call persistently at 662-2613. 71U403 MANAGED BY REAUME & DODDS Management Co. cCtc ROOM, OPTIONAL KIT. PRIV.-May 1st-June 8 near U.M. to finish dissertation and defense. NON-SMOKER, no pets, professional woman. Write M. Mulligan, 3010 Santa Monica Blvd., No. 483, Santa Monica, CA 90404. 94C408. CENTRAL CAMPUS Completely furnished, carpeted, draped, garbage disposal, air conditioning, laundry facilities. Effi- ciency $180 a month and one bedroom $240 a month. Available May through August with fall option. Call Dahlmann Apartments, 761-7600. 61C404 MODERN two-bedroom furnished apartments four blocks north of Rackham available for fall, $335-$340 per month. Rent includes heat, water, parking, laundry facilities and disposals. Alsc modern two-bedroom unfurnished apartments one mile from campus available for fall. Rent $280 to $285 per month includes heat, water, parking, laun dry facilities and disposal. Campus Management, Inc. 337 E. Huron St.-663-4101 cCtc Don't let today's fools Make tomorrow's rules Ann Arbor needs sound leadership!! Vote tomorrow, April 2, for Democrats j JAMES KENWORTHY-Mayor KEN LATTA-City Council, First Ward COME PLAY BRIDGE Group interested in organizing weekly pla welcome-Any level of experience. First me Tuesday, April 3-7 p.m.-Conf. Rm. 5 Mi Union. MICHIGAN ECONOMICS SOCIETY SCHED April 4-Student/Faculty Wine & Cheese3 April 5-Nomination for officers April 12-Elections April 11-Professor Duesenberry Lecture Tutoring and exams available 38 EconomicsI ing. JOBS! LAKE TAHOE, CALIF! Fantastic tips! $1,700- $4,000 summer! Thousands still needed. Casinos, Restaurants, Ranches, Cruisers. Send $3.95 for APPLICATION/INFO. to LAKE-WORLD, Box 35F401 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860. 26H406 EDEN FOODS RESTAURANT is now taking appli- y. All cations for full-time chapati cook and deli line eeting, service workers. Apply in person. 330 Maynard St. chigan 02H405 87F403 DENTAL HYGIENIST. Part time or full time. Call )UL 761-2177 between 9a.m. and 1 p.m. 01H410 THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in Ann Arbor- invites you to a talk, "The Brotherhood of Angels and Men" at the Ann Arbor Library Auditorium Saturday, April7at3:00p.m. 92M406 THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in Ann Arbor invites you to an illustrated talk, "The Trinity in Action" and "Three Stages of Operation" by Ms. Nedra Brooks at the Ann Arbor Public Library Auditorium, Saturday, May 12 at 3:00 p.m. 91M511 WANTED-SINGLE room and board in Frat. For Fall. Call Doug, 763-2634. 31L401 Party Build- 00F411 AVAILABLE MAY 1-AUG. Some Fall Options Furnished rooms, 1,2,3 BRs * on and off campus * Security Systems * Modern Bldgs. * Older Houses * A/C * Disposals * Laundry For Best Selection Call Now MODERN MANAGEMENT .« us___ _,o BROADVIEW APARTMENTS near North Campus, immediate occupancy, deluxe units,2 bedroom from $320/month includes heat, 1 bedroom from $270/ CC415 month, includes heat. No pets. 769-2256. 04C406 SUMMER SUBLET three very nice buildings left at off-campus prices. One or two bedrooms available. All are furnished, ,have parking, with heat and water paid. Two modern buildings, one older house on westside. Now accept- ing applications. 668-6906. cC415 Female student needed to share modern condo. Private bedroom and bath, kitchen, laundry facilities. Quiet atmosphere and parking. Fall '79. $160/mo. Call 971-2744. 34C401 SUMMER LEASES available. $70-140/month. Call Jim, 995-5374 between 5and 7 p.m. 41C320 EdDAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe ACROSS 1 Yorkshire Pudding's cousin 8 Neck muscles: Anat. 15 Alligator pear 16 Part of France famed for Bur- gundies: Phrase 17 Decoctions of herbs 18 Spanish condiment 19 River into the Fulda 20 Spider's nest 22 So be it 23 Peripatetic' 26 Purely scientific 29 Horse: Colloq. 33 One kind of Chinesecuisine 34 Prime numbers 36 Unit 37 Behold 39 Do knotted lace work 40 Receivers of anmesty 42 County north of Dublin 44 Michaelmas daisies 0 1979 Los Amg* Thim syanik 45 Male figures used as columns 47 Playing ninepins 49 Crows 52 Classic Valentino role 53 Bay of a church 57 Province of Cuba 59 Complete view of a building from within 61 Dishes served before the roast 62 Corsetiere 63 Build anew 64 Become precipitous DOWN 1 Part of the head .2 Roman poet 3 Nonplus 4 Noisy sweet potato 5 Pianist Cliburn 6 Paradisean 7 Quixote's charger 8 Clean 9 Popular acces- sories 10 Supped 11 Beneficiary 12 Cheese board favorite 13 Less than 36 Across 14 About 5% of the earth's crust 21 Sketch 24 Metallic product 25 Seiner 26 Rudder fish of Florida, Bermuda, etc. 27 Green-winged moths 28 Apathetic 30 Ascertain: Colloq. 31 Maternally akin 32 Natives of a Baltic country 35 Squabs 38 Persistent one 41 Dinner sweet 43 Epeeist's words 46 "As you- 48 Demonstrative word 49 Active one 50 English composer 51 Experts in raillery 54 Touch 55 Pintail duck 56 Merit 58 Latest: Prefix 60 Limonite or siderite EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE early May through Sept. 4th-Housekeeping, kitchen, busboy and maintenance. Send resume-Iroquois Hotel, Mack- inac Island, MI 49757. 14H401 PERSONS IN HELPING PROFESSIONS-We're looking for volunteers to participate in a study on the elderly. Students in clinical psychology are par- ticularly sought for participation. Only one hour of your time is needed April 6, 7 or 8. Call 663-5465 during the day and leave a message. 82F404 MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cptc Don't be an April Fool and let election day go by. VOTE DEMOCRATIC TOMORROW (Monday, April 2) Elect JAMES(ENWORTHY Mayor Re-elect KEN LATTA to City Council, First Ward 33F401 BE CREATIVE Are you a writer, photographer, artist, or business- person? Would you like to get first-hand experience in any of these areas? Join the MICHIGANENSIAN, U-M's Yearbook Come to our New Staff Meeting, Monday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m., at 420 Maynard St. or call 764-0561 for more information. dF40l Ot's no April fool's joke-there's an important Ann Arbor City Election on Monday, April 2 and YOUR: vote could decide the outcome. VOTE DEMOCRATIC TOMORROW JAMES KENWORTHYMayor KEN LATTA-City Council, First Ward ° 34F401 JEALOUSY IN MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. April 6-8. $25 plus sliding scale. Bob Blood, PhD, Margaret Blood, MA. 769-0046. cF404 PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeks energetic person to care for home and 8 and 11-yr. old children week-' days for the summer. Own transportation preferred. Fringe benefits. Call 971-5239 weekdays. 60H401 FINALS APPROACHING! Concerned? Join us at a Preparing for Finals Workshop. April 3, 7-9:30. Register by calling Counseling Services 764-8312. 41F401 JEALOUSY IN MULTIPLE RELATIONSHIP WORKSHOP for couples, individuals. april 6-8. $25 plus sliding scale. Bob Blood, PhD, Mare Blood, MA. 769-0046. cF404 INVESTOR WILL PAY $200 reward for information leading to purchase of house or apartrmntebuilding on or near campus. 995-0335. cFtc COPIES: 3/¢each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE S OR E CRIB ASCD O F F T H CMFF ATML0 a GIRL TO LIVE IN for light housekeeping, over 5'7", $650 per month. (313) 287-2216 after 5:30 p.m. 56H404 TYPISTS The Word Processors, a professional commercial service has morning shift positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in, at least one of the following: transcription, type- setting, or computerized word processing equip- ment. Pleasant working environment, pay com- mensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne,, 662-3969. cHtc- SUMMER 1979-Counselors needed for a Northern Wisconsin summer camp servicing a population of 40 boys with learning and adjustment disabilities. Good salary and benefits. Some experience desir- able, and/or good recreational skills. Job begins June 17th. Contact Richard Stern, Camp Sullivan, 7439 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. 60626. 312-262- 8918. 19H401 TEACH ENGLISH in Japan. If you have at least an UG degree and are interested in teaching for one or two years, please contact Overseas Human Resources. Send resume to 1230 White, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Interviews will be held in April. p43H403 DENTIST-Part-time: We need your help. Hours adjusted at your convenience. Call 761-2177 betw. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Mon.-Fri. 83H403 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Part time, must be 18, no car necessary, start im- mediately, apply in person only after 4:30 pm. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place-across from Couzens Hall. 29H405 EXEC Director wanted to be responsible for thor overall functioning of a local 24 hr. crisis center, in- cluding maintaining and operating budget and coor- dination of paid staff and volunteer activities. 30 hours to start, going to 40 w/in 3 months. $11,000 full time. Starting dates 6/1. Experience is more' desirable than a degree. Send resume by April 16 to The Directors Committee, Room 114-N. River, Yp- silanti, Mi. 48197. 45H407 National Company needs applicants for summer work. All applicants considered. Do not have to have specific business experience. Attractive money for right people. Call today for interview. 994-4326. 36H401 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPEND- ENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 mem- ber camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August.. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 55 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 763-6595.- p54H502 MURRAY HOTEL-Mackinaw Island, MI needs summer cooks, bartenders, maintenance men, piano players, and personnel for rotation between food service, waitressing, and housekeeping. Send complete resume, work experience, and first and last day available to work to: 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 24H408 TEACH OVERSEAS! All fields, all levels. For, details, send self-addressed, stamped, long envelope to: Teaching, Box 1049, San Diego, CA 92112. p38H403 THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan's Survey Research Center is presently adding to its staff of profes- sional interviewers to work on its on-going tele- phone research projects. Candidates should be available to work a minimum of 18 hours per week. Morning, afternoon, evening and weekend times available. No interviewing experience necessary. We will train. Pay starts $3.80 per hour. Interested persons should attend an informational meeting to be held in room 6050, Institute for Social Research, 428 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor. The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wed., April 4th. A non- discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 51H407 CHRYSLER NEWPORT '69-One owner, 2-door,. power steering and brakes, automatic, air, radio. 995-8962after5p.m. \ 24N403 '72 PLYMOUTH DUSTER: 3-speed, new exhaust system, good mileage, very dependable. $900, 995- 8469. 48N404 For Sale: 1973 Volvo 142. Good condition, $1,900. Call 994-3912. After 6:00, 482-4415. cNtc FOR SALE-1973 Volvo 142. Good condition. $1,900. Call 994-3912. After 6:00, 482-4415. cNtc '69 CHEVY 6 passenger wagon. Good condition. BEST APT. FOR SUBLET, -5 min. Arb and campus -A/C-Tri-level -Dishwasher-disposal -2 bdrm -2 bath-2 showers -Call 663-2674 persistently-NOW 43U408 MAY-AUGUST.. 1-2 PEOPLE, Fall Option.! Modern, 1 bedroom, furn., great modern convenien- ce, parking. 994-5716 or 764-5374 (Carole) persisten- tly. 46U407 Female needed to share furnished 1-BDRM apar- tment. Rent negotiable. Call 995-8913 after 5:00. 32U408 DREAM APT ! Spring-Summer or Summer Sublet Modern, 2 Ige. bedroom, air-cond,., dishwasher, 11 bath, brand new furniture and carpeting, parking. Terrific location-Forest and Hill. Price negotiable. Female(s) only. 668-1311 persistently. See it to. believe it! dU415 THREE BEDROOM, HOUSE for sublet. Includes livingroom, kitchen, two bathrooms, fall option available. $300/month. Call 995-1493, between 5-7 p.m. 67U403 SUBLET-ROOM for woman. Great location. April 25th (or May 1st)-August 25th. $105/month. Call persistently: 668-6007. 76U403 MAY-AUGUST SUBLET-One bedroom apartment, furnished, utilities paid. Rent negotiable. Packard. 995-4699. 09U401 BEST SUMMER SUBLET: Own room in a large comfortable house-convenient location. FRONT PORCH, KITCHEN WITH DISH- WASHER. MAY-AUGUST. WOMEN ONLY, Friendly housemates. Call Rosie, 995-5490, 7-10:30 p.m. 10U405 HUGE ROOM for one or two. Very close to Central Campus and Arb. Parking, free laundry facilities, furnished, incredibly cheap. Call 662-5340. dUtc 2 BDRM. APT. near campus. May-August. A/C, parking, furnished. Rent negotiable. 662-5792. 13U405 CAMPUS AREA-Sublet May 1-August 24-Large . 1 bedroom, 2 person apt. Air-conditioned, modern building. 662-0751, after 6:30. 19U405 FALI-FEMALE housemate wanted, own room in 4 bedroom house, many assets. 994-3567. 20U406 2 BEDROOM apartment. Lalrge living room, near campus. Air conditioning, parking. Price negoti- able. 996-0688. 27U407 CAMPUS AREA-Fall lease. Two bedroom town- house. Modern building. Carpet, air-conditioned. .Private patio. 662-0751, after 6:30. 21U405 TWO BEDROOM-3 person apartment, sublet. May- August. Call Laurie before 9:30 a.m., after 5:00 p.m., 662-0232. Great financial deal! 18U401 LARGE 3 bedroom apartment. Rent separate rooms or entire apartment. 2 baths, dishwasher, disposal, great view; corner South-University and Washtenaw. Good times. Negotiable. 995-1062.28U401 SUBLET-LEASE Sublet May-August with option to take over May- May lease in another house. Or lease May-May., Both CLOSE to campus. Call Debby, 668-6929. 30U405 AVAILABLE May-August. Large 4 bedroom 4-6 man apartment, located on campus. 2 full baths, dish- washer, air conditioning, parking, fully furnished and carpeted. Call 663-1832 or 662-3267. 44U401 SUBLET- ONE BDRM. WITH PATIO. Village Green East (Washtenaw). A/C, laundry facilities, pool, tennis court, cats O.K. 434-0587. 44U408 Sublet: 1 Bedroom Apartment on E. University. Furnished, kitchen facilities, utilities paid. $135 mo. negotiable. 995-3784. 50U401 DON'T READ THIS AK!!!! unless you want a nice place this summer. Furnished two-bedroom apartment in a house bet- ween central campus, Farmer's Market, med. ceri-. ter, downtown. Offstreet parking, large, bright rooms. Laundry nearby. Room for 4, rent negotiable. Call 996-0628. dU415 IMMEDIATE SUB-LETS We have an extensive list of low-priced Sub-lets for Spring and Summer. Roommates, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom furnished apts. located on campus. For best selection call now MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 cU41 1 BEDROOM, LARGE, COMFORTABLE, FUR-, NISHED. Close to campus; IM. Fall option. 662- 4797. 40T?%a FRAMUS ELECTRIC GUITAR, Two pickup, excel- lent condition. $97 or best offer. Call 764-2147. 39X403 USED EPIPHONE 12 string guitar. $150 or best offer. 761-9431. cXtc ROOMMTS Wanted: Male roommate to share 2 bedroom apar- tment for 79-80 school year. CallMike at 973-9794. 16Y406 DOUBLE ROOM available for 2 females in house. Fall. Good location. Many assests. $105/each. Call Kathy: 764-8801,764-8824. 78Y401 Non-smoking, non-drinking male wanted to share two bedroom apartment. Summer and/or fall. 995- 2906. .51Y401 PETS AND SUPPL ES AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS. Good watch dogs, good with children, nice disposition. Reasonable! CAll483-5973 evenings before 11. -Join The.Daly 1~ r 7 l5 9-0 - 1 12 1 Ir i - -___ ,1 '3 2 HE 21 25 -hI_-I 1I- 1 1I -7 s I j DISHWASHER-Private Club-Close to campus. Mon.-Fri. 10:30-3:30. Call 662-3279. 54H405 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENI CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 member camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 55 West 42nd St,,- New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 736- 6595, p54H502 house Availble Sublet/Fall Opt. 4 rms of 5 "*Older hse * Excel cgnd " Spacious Walk to- _- .A tf a- Et - 3 5EDROM AP. for 3-5 people -Air Cgnditioning -Dishwasher -Garbage Disposal -11/2 Bathrooms -Balcony -Large Living Rm. -Fully Furnished -Free Parking LI- r~ I u 42 1431- I I I I I t i 1 i i I I 1