The Michigan Daily-Sunday, March, .. 1Q79 art's or entertainment? 4 T, Alfred Hitchcock's STRANGERS ON A TRAIN A tennis star (FARLEY GRANGER) and a millionaire's son (ROBERTyWALKER) meet by chance on a train and a casual conversation turns into a friendly trade of "you murder for me, I'll murder for you." A dizzy finish on a carousel that is guaranteed to shake you up. From the classic crime novel by Patricia Highsmith. MON: UNFINISHED PIECE FOR MECHANICAL PIANO (free) TUE: THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE 1 GLAD IT'S NOTMYMOM. ollins to p L CINEMA GUILD Tonight at 7:00 & 9:05 OLD ARCH AUD $1.50 By LAZLO TOTH The Office of Major Events announced that Judy Collins will appear in tomorrow evening's Hill Auditorium Concert totally nude. "Nothing at all. Birthday Suit," said a spokesperson. "She toned up a lot recently, and is very proud of her new body." Collins, who has posed partially nude on the cover of her latest album, was discouraged because the totally nude shot was pulled from the presses. Promoters knew that some stores would refuse to carry the disc if Judy's charms were fully revealed. This set- back has not stopped the rejuvenated folksinger from promoting the new shapely figure, and her entire concert er orm n "As we understand it, Judy didn't rem even bring along underwear," the the J spokesperson continued. "She's been Septc doing this tour, from hotel to stage to Ev restaurant, completely in the buff. cut d Naturally a few have been offended, but Collie overall the response has been ex- new cellent." cove CAUGHT BY $URPRISE by last the1 week's unseasonable weather, Collins Even stumbled into a nasty case of frostbite tripl( on the lower extremeties, and several, "Har A small, really rather useless toes were u de oved and set aside for auction on Jerry Lewis Telethon this coming ember. er since she gave up smoking and own on "farmyard" eating habits, ns has been noticeably proud of the form which she cuts. The album r and naked concert tour are "just beginning," according to Major nts. "Next year, Collins will do a e X rated tour tentatively subtitled rd Times For Lovers." MICHAEL CAINE in (What's it all about ...) A LF IE MICHAEL CAINE is perfectly hateful as the ultimate cad; alternately endear- ing, weak, selfish and above all, despicable. Alfie's shrewd observations of mankind, and his philosophies about women are communicated not only in his actions, but in the form of personal asides to the audience. The curious result of which is the extension of the film's illusory space into ours and vice versa. "What's it all about . ." Superb sound track by Sonny Rollins. (114 in.) (Lewis Gilbert, 1966) WEDNESDAY-Michael Cacoyannis Festival-IPHIGENIA Tonite at Angell Hall, Aud. A -_-_- 7:00&9:00 $1.50 Shown here in older mnr d vaV. 1 llC 1 10, 11sV C Itu h ays, Judy Collins will bare all for tomorrow's standing-room only Hill Auditorium Concert. tour has been done without a stitch of clothing. Roger Visits the Bus NOTICED, while walking through the Diag the other day, that there were many students on their way to class, presumably to take notes and listen to professors. How queer that all classes should let out at once, and everyone moves about in the same ten minute interval. And what about Dr. Diag? I mention him because it always gets a laugh. What better way to spend a Friday night than riding the commuter buses reading all the compendious and cogent graffiti marked on the backs of seats with scissors or sharp object? I can imgaine no other brand of fun. LET'S TAKE A LOOK at one of the North Campus buses. "Joe," one en- terprising student has carved, no doubt because his name was Joe or some- thing. Could be worse, fella. Hang in there. If anyone knows who Joe is or what is his claim to fame, please write to me so I can folow it up. Choice items from the front of the bus include a teasing "Johnathan plus ???," "Smoke Dope," and the gut-busting "The women at this univer- sity are uglier than hell." And how can we resist applauding the person or persons who left "D.B." all over the advertisement boards? What a rare treat it all is. If your parents come to visit you, take them on a bus ride and let them read the graffiti. You'll laugh until you weep, as I did, and they'll realize the tuition is all worth it. RE( ;~r is crucial to the development of new musical techniques, and the entire or- chestra is to be applauded. Wise people will buy this album eagerly, realizing, as the jacket points out, that it costs less than the average toy. L . _......U To Come Next week on the Daily Arts page: * MUD DANCING: TREND OR FAD? " THOSE MADCAP OPERA FANS " IS JOHNNY ROTTEN PAT BOONE? " FILM REVIEW: "GET OUT YOUR PEN- WIPES" " NEW AT CANTERBURY LOFT: THE JOHN GACY FOLLIES " JOSH PECK'S COLUMN AND MUCH, TOO MUCH MORE. Kiddie Favorites The Craftsmen Orchestra and Chorus C-8014 By EARNEST "HEAVY DUTY" HOOK Though touted as a children's album, the Craftsmen Orchestra and Chorus have come out with an album which can be enjoyed by all ages and by those with widely varying musical tastes. Kiddie Favorites boasts a generous selection of favorite nursery songs and children's jingles sure to thrill any listener, as well as a skillful engineering job as accomplished as any on vinyl today. Not only do the Craftsmen provide the delightful melodies and lyrics which often tell thought provoking and challenging stories, they also insert sections of tight narrative which bring the entire record to life. The entire production is very crisp and fast paced, ideal for party listening or even one of those rainy days when you have friends over for a beer. A GOOD EXAMPLE of the stunning richness of this album is the number one hit single, "The Muffin Man," which was banned from airplay in many areas because of its outrageously sexual lyrics: My Momma buys muffins from the muffin man The muffin man, the muffin mon My Momma buys muffins from the muffin man Who lives in Drury lane. Certain traditionalists might be of- fended by the up-tempo, practically "New Wave" approach which the Craf- tsmen have taken toward songs like "Pat-a-cake" and the immortal "Chicken Licken," but such innovation Just for the health of it. Set movng. America Physical Education Public Information Amrircan cAiancfoH( a Physcal Etiucat',n and di ueat~ 1201 1(31h S1 N W' Wahinqlon'1) 20036 No tips, please Singer-Songwriter Billy Joel, tired, of the concert grind, announced yesterday that he will henceforth make his living performing private circumcisions. "Not to worry," says Joel. "Get It Right The First Time has always been my motto." I A GCimse Into Darkness CONVFERENCE on the HOLOCAUST APRIL 1, 2 & 3 The University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society Presents II$.S. ?lDIIFeiK Or 'The Lass That Loved A Sailor' April 5 - 8 and 12 - 14, 1979 Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor Tickets available at the Mendelssohn box office 10 am-8 pm. Call 763-1085. DISCLAIMER Before you streak to the drugstore to stock up on film for the Judy Collins concert, be advised that everything on this page is purely in jest. Our little April Fool's gag, the last time you will smile, no doubt, until after finals. Check the facing page for the real A & E excitement. No kidding. I ENTER MEDICAL OR VET. SCHOOL NOW APRIL 1-2 pm, Rackham Amphitheatre EMIL FACKENHEIM: "The Holocaust: Authentic and Unauthentic Responses" Keynote address. APRIL 1-7:15 pm, Pendleton Room MULTI-MEDIA PROGRAM: Dance Performances: i NEVER SAW ANOTHER BUTTERFLY Film: NIGHT AND FOG Photographs and Wire Sculpture Exhibit Panel Discussion: Personal Accounts of Survivors APRIL 2-7:30 pm, Rackham Amphitheatre wo~~ ~ ~.a" w~is-s/a aR aaw '. . . .1.._.1L_**A - _*_ - 'y