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April 01, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-01

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Only an imitation
People think they're getting pretty progressive nowadays down in
Gainesville, Florida. You see, a bunch of students at the university
there want to hold a "smoke-in" on campus, where students can
gather to celebrate the so-called "wonder weed." What's more, the
Floridians think their smoke-in could lead to the lightening of dope
laws in the sunshine state. This smoke-in think sounds like a good idea,
but what they don't know in Gainesville is that in Ann Arbor, we've
been toking away every April Fool's Day for some seven years. It's
called the Hash Bash and you can catch it today on the Diag.
Time to vote
In the mood for voting? There are three elections this week to keep
you busy. You can vote in city elections from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
tomorrow. The old voting booths have given way to punch card
machines, which are relatively easy to use. If you have forgotten
where you were assigned to vote in the last election, call the City Clerk
at 994-2725 or the League of Women Voters at 665-5808. All Ann Arbor
citizens who registered to vote on or before March 5, 1979, may vote in
this election. Be sure to vote for only one candidate for each office, or
your choices will be invalidated. You may split your ticket in this eleo-
tion, unlike in the primaries. To help you with your choice of can-
didates, the Daily has summarized candidates' stands on major issues
on today's editorial page. Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elec-
tions are also taking place this week, running from tomorrow through
Wednesday. You must present your student ID card when voting. Polls
are located in the Fishbowl, the Diag, on selected street corners, and
in each school, from 9 to 4:30 each day, and in the dorms from 4:30 to
6:30 each night. All students may vote for any presidential candidate,
but the representatives must be from your own school. Reps must be
elected on a preferential basis, with your top choice marked 1, your
second choice marked 2, and so forth. All issues on the ballot receive a
"yes" or "no" vote. Rackham student elections are also to be held
tomorrow through Wednesday, in conjunction with the MSA elections.
Polls will be on the Diag, LS&A Building, and Rackham Building lobby
all three days, at the Geddes Bus stop and Business School tomorrow
and Wednesday, and at the Medical School and Northwood on
Take ten
On March 28, 1969, then Vice President for Academic Affairs and
current Interim President Allen Smith asked that all classes
scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on April 4 of that year be cancelled as part of
a memorial to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Then, on April 2, 1969,
the Black Student Union (BSU),called on all black students to boycott
classes the next day in memory of King. "This action has been taken
because we feel that setting aside one hour out of a day to com-
memorate Martin Luther King is insufficient," a BSU statement read.
Cinema Guild-Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, 7 & 9:05 p.m., Old
Arch. Aud.
Cinema II - Alfie, 7 and 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Hillel - Holocaust Conference film, Night and Fog, 7:30 p.m., Pen-
dleton Rm., Union.
Canterbury Loft - Claudia, Ellen, & Rosanne; Loie Gilbert, Folk,
work songs, and originals, 7 p.m., 332 S. State.
U. Music Society - Netherlands "Wind Ensemble, 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Aud.
Acoustic & electronic jazz - Mark Sullivan & Friends concert, 2
p.m., Pendleton Rm., Union.
Seligson Players-Plautus' "Pot of Gold", 2:30 p.m., foyer, Angell
Hillel and MSA - Prof. Emil Fackheim, U. of Toronto, "The
Holocaust: the Authentic and the Unauthentic", 2 p.m., Rackham
Metropolitan Community Church - Rep. Perry Bullard presents
state resolution as tribute to gays, 3 p.m., 1679 Broadway.
Kelsey Museum - Helen Smith, "Carthage Then and Now", 2 p.m.,
Kelsey Museum.
Viewpoint Lectures - John K. Galbraith, "Current Economic
Policies: "Good, Bad, or Merely Hopeful", 8 p.m., Hill Aud.

Greek Week-Spaghetti Chow Down, fund raiser for Epilepsy Foun-
dation, 5-8 p.m., Alpha Tau Omega, 1415 Cambridge.
Hillel - Glimpse into Darkness; Conference on the Holocaust, 2
p.m., Rackham Amph.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Waterhole No. 3, 7 p.m., One-Eyed Jacks,
8:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Women's Studies - Good Grooming for Girls, 7 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Russian Festival - Mikhalkov's "Unfinished Piece for Mechanical
Piano," 7 p.m., Old Arch Aud.
Major Events - Judy Collins, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Ars Musica - Johann Sebastian Bach program, 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Aud.
Mich. Republican Club - Mel Larsen, chairman of Michigan GOP,
.7:30 p.m., Union Assembly Hall.
Stearns Lecture-Concert - Thomas Taylor, Collegium Musicum, 8
p.m., Stearns Bldg.
Ctr. Japanese studies - James McClain, Yale Univ., "Political
Authority and Urban Planning in 17th Century Japan", 4 p.m., Com-
mons Rm., Lane Hall.
Museum of Zoology - Mark Hafner, Univ. of Cal., "Evolutionary
Relationships of Beomyoid Rodents", 4:10 p.m., Lec. Rm. II, MLB.
Hillel - Prof. John Pawlikowski, Catholic Theological Union, "The
Holocaust from a Christian Perspective," 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Alpha Phi Omega - Red Cross Blood Bank, 6 p.m., Union.
Xanadu Co-op - Scottish Country Dancing, 7:30 p.m., 1811
{ Undergrad History Assn., - Meet the Counselors Night, 7 p.m.,
Markeley Dorm, Concourse Lounge.

The Michigan Daily-Sunday, April 1, 1979-Page 3
Twenty-five 'cake'
courses available


Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
GEORGE "MR. SULU" TAKEI spoke yesterday on Asian-American sterotypes
at the Voices and Visions Conference at South Quad. Takei, who starred as the
navigator on the television series, "Star Trek," is r.w vice president of the
Board of Rapid Transit in Los Angeles.v
Asian Americans

At yesterday's "Voices and Visions"
conference, Asian Americans in the
midwest had a first opportunity to meet
as a homogeneous group and discuss
ways of combating the false represen-
tation their ethnic group receives in the
media and creative arts.
Attended by more than 100 people-in-
cluding a few "trekies" attracted by
guest speaker George Takei (better
known as Star Trek's Mr. Sulu)-the
conference focused on the history of
Asian Americans in the arts, current
problems establishing an Asian
American 'identity,' and ways of
dealing with stereotypes.
ON TELEVISION today. Asian
Americans are often portrayed in
stereotypic roles such as the 'Calgon'
laundry man with his "ancient Chinese
secret," Takei said. According to
Takei, Asian Americans should be
playing more dynamic roles in serials
like "Hawaii Five-0." "Where are those
other roles that counterbalance the
telephone-answering houseboys on
Hawaii Five-0?" he asked.
In his keynote address, Takei told how
19th century theatrical productions por-
trayedAsians as exoctic and amusing,
but not terribly important. As they
became a competitive force in
America, "'he said, Asian Americahs
were shown as mysterious and
thoroughly corrupt. Speaking about the
socially hostile environment toward
Asians and the Japanese internment
camps in the 1940's Takei commented,
"It was the image presented by the per-
forming arts that made this dark period
a reality."
"With these false images we make
mistakes like Vietnam," he contined.

"We need an educated and aware
assistant news director for WXYZ-TV
inDetroit, also emphasized the need for
positive role models in the media today,
especially in television. "There is a
tremendous problem in trying to get
Asian Americans on the air," he said.
Sex stereotypes perpetuated by the
media have an adverse effect on
relationships between Asian Americans
men and women. In an identity
workshop, a small group discussed how
Asian women are considered exotic and.
desirable. It is a common belief that
"the shape of a woman's eyes reflects
the shape of her vagina," according to
one young woman.
Asian men, on the other hand, are
portrayed as skinny "nerds" with thick
"coke bottle" glasses. "When people
see an Asian woman with a white man
they say 'You can't even keep your ow
women'," an Asian male explained.
Asian Americans of both sexes don't
have a complete sense of identity, ac-
cording to Steven Ino, a graduate
student in clinical psychology. "When
you look at yourself in the mirror, do
you see someone with blond hair and
blue eyes?" he asked in a panel
discussion. "You can't deceive yourself
too greatly because yo~u're not. You
aren't Asian, but you're also not
In addition to the identity workshops,
the conference, sponsored by the Asian
American Association, featured
workshops on the creative arts lead by
prominent Asian Americans, including
playwright Momko Iko and jazz-rock
musicians Nobuko Miyamoto and Ben-
ny Yee.

(Continued from Page 1)
JOURNALISM 201 (Social Role of the
Mass Media). LSA freshman Gregg
Thomas said, "It's kind of a blow-off
course because you don't have to go to
any lectures. Ninety per cent of the
tests are on the book, which is clear-
cut." Prof. Marion Marzolfsaid, "I
don't think it's a very hardcourse, but
it's definitely not a course where we
give all 'A's. The concepts are not dif-
ficult but it's very important because it
teaches students, to be critical media
(Greek and- Roman Sport and
Recreation). LSA senior Dan Byl said,
"I took it because I heard it was easy,
and not a lot of work. There aren't over
15 pages of reading a week." Prof.
Waldo Sweet said, "We took a survey
that showed kids got a half grade lower
(in the course) tlan inthe rest of the
courses they tookiThe subject material
is difficult, and there is a; lot of
material. But we keepafter the studen-
ts. If they're doing poorly,,we say 'try
again' instead of flunkinglthe'i"
GEOGRAPHY 101. (Intro). An LSA
sophomore said,, "It's a great class
because there isi''t much reading, the
tests are multiplechoice, and the prof.
is interesting." Prof. John Kolars said,
"I don't think it's a tough class, but it's
not a gut 'A'. I work hard to make it en-
tertaining and one reason students take
it is they've heard it's easy. It comes
down to the puritanical ethic - if
something is dull, then students think
it's worthwhile, if it's entertaining they
think it's easy."
PSYCHOLOGY 171 (Psychology as a
Social Science). Engineering
sophomore Wilfred Palombella said,
"It's easy because. it doesn't take up
time during the week. I did the first two
months' work over break." Coordinator
and Teaching Assistant Gary Bass said,
"Historically, it had the image of being
an easy course, but this is no longer
true based on student questionnaires. It
wouldn't be fair to say whether it's easy
or not, because I'm not taking it, but I
set it up to include what I feel is impor-
tant for an intro. Psych. class."
LINGUISTICS 141 (Language in
Society). A pre-med sophomore said,
"It's extremely blow-off because
there's a take-home midterm and take-
home final, but it's an excellent class
because all you do is talk and, think
about things you normally don't think
about." Prof. John Lawler said, "Given
what I hear about other courses, it's
relatively easy compared to calculus
and chemistry, but it's difficult to make

nightly homework problems in
language and culture. I don't think the
material is easy and I require a lot of
GEOLOGY 120 (Geology of National
Parks). An LSA sophomore said, "It's
easy because there are blatant clues in
the notes what the tests will be on.
There is no text and all you do is go to
class and look at pretty slides." Prof.
Bruce Wilkinson said, "I think it's a
normal course as far as grading goes,
but it's the kind of course that people
think is fun."
door Recreation). Freshperson nursing
student Sarah Newton said, "There's no
required reading and there are two
take-home midterms. I looked the an-
swer up in the encyclopedia and that
was more than sufficient. I feel like I'm
totally wasting my time, the class is for
athletes." Prof. Ross Tocher said, "It's
an easy course because there's no
memorization, no math, and no
assignments. It's essayoriented and
,the reading is almost recreational
reading because it is in whatever area
the student would like to read about.

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No grads. file for 'U'
Publications Board seat

Students who vote in next week's
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA),
elections are to select one un-
dergraduate and one graduate student
for seats on the Board for Student
Publications - but there's a catch.
Nobody, apparently, wants the
graduate seat.
THE TEN-MEMBER board controls
the financial affairs of The Daily, the
Michiganension, the Rising Star (a
student-run 'literary magazine), and the
Gargoyle, a humor magazine which on-
ce flourished on campus and has un-
dergone two resurrection attempts in
recent years.
Four undergraduates want the single
vacant undergraduate seat. They are
Lise Krieger, Annette Cusenza, and
Denise Loh, all independents, and Brad
Canale, who's running on the SABRE
Emily Koo, MSA elections director,
said she thought a general lack of
knowledge among graduate students
about both the election and the board,

together with their greater time com-
mitments, contributed to a non-election
in the graduate category.
"A LOT OF grads come from dif-
ferent universities, and they don't
really know what's going on," Koos
said. "They don't get involved in
The board consists of two un-
dergraduates, one graduate student,
three faculty members, three
professional journalists, and a faculty
One two-year undergraduate term is
filled each year; the single graduate
position is filled every two years.
The faculty and professional mem-
bers are appointed by the president of
the University.
The members convene two to four
times every school year to eat dinner
and chew over the money matters of the
four publications, whose editors also at-
tend. Though the board is consulted oc-
'casionally on editorial matters, it has
no power to direct editorial policy or
overrule students' editorial decisions.

and omelettes
9 AM-2 PM

Independent for MSA Representative
"I want to improve the quality of teaching by
student-faculty monitoring of T.A.'s and
classes in every department.'
Tukel Campaign

* * E Gor Bk U BLE-.

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