DESEGREGATION See editorial page L3IE Wan ~aiIg DECEPTIVE High-720 Low-450 See Today for details Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIX, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 30, 1979 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages ,plus Supplement SAFA expects divestment guidelines delay By HOWARD WIT T place two students o ecommittee. to impose any deadlines on themselves, the March demonstrations. heard some say that students on SAC- SACFA will be temporary or per- Members of the Senate Advisory No deadline was placed on the SACFA according to Public Health graduate "THERE SEEMS to be a distinction FA was an idea whose time had come. manent. The Regents' resolution did Committee on Financial Affairs (SAC- report, although many of the demon- student Anne Fullerton, one of the two among committee members between Our initial contact with the faculty not specify whether the student mem- FA) yesterday indicated they would strators had hoped that the report student representatives appointed by those who feel that the February, 1978 members was positive," she noted. bership was to be terminated after the. almost certainly not be ready to present would be presented at the April the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) SACFA report was bad, and those who SACFA member A. Nelson Dingle, South African divestment issue is com- South African divestment data to the meeting. to SACFA. think it was the implementation of that professor of Atmospheric and Oceanic pletAss Regents at their April meeting. They SACFA CHAIRWOMAN Patricia Because yesterday's meeting was the report, and not the report itself, which Sciences said that the committee was peted cited a shortage of time and the Longe, professor. of Business Ad- first which the student representatives was inadequate," Fullerton said. Longe "willing to listen to people who are in- University Affairs (SACFA) chairman necessity for extensive research into ministration, said yesterday, "We've attended, it was devoted chiefly to has asked the University ad- formed." Engineering Professor Alan Shaw Livermoresy ysera epained the issue as the primary reasons for the been asked to consider materials which "people clarifying where they stood," ministration to provide a written Macnee, also a SACFA member, com- that Lheepsitio yesterday exlamed delay. might justify a change in the report said Fullerton. Both Fullerton, a mem- statement on implementation of the mented, "I don't think that the studen- this specific issue. However, he has In response to student demon- presented to the Regents last year by ber of the Washtenaw County Coalition 1978 report to date. ts' participation in the demonstrations discsedcthecpssib.lHtyeperahens strations at the March Regents SACFA. It will be extremely difficult to Against Apartheid (WCCAA), and Fullerton said the faculty members will affectionmin the ecommittdi s ethemposiitofpermanet meetings, the Regents had approved a do this by April." Literary College junior Yvonne Mc- of SACFA do not seem to have been af- tee." resolution which directed SACFA to in- At a SACFA meeting yesterday af- Clenney, the other student SACFA fected by the presence of two student IT IS STILL not entirely clear MSA President Eric Arnson. Arnson vestigate the divestment issue and ternoon, committee members chose not member, had been student leaders at demonstrators on the committee. "I whether the two student positions on See SACFA, Page 6 Nuclear leak worse than first believed Local reaction tomiishap By JOHN GOYER The accident at the Pennisylvania Three Mile Island nuclear plant has triggered local reactions and emotional responses to the nuclear power issue. Opponents cite the Three Mile Island incident as an example of the dangers of nuclear energy, while scientists fear the accident will generate public opinion against the development of such plants. "Any event that's abnormal at a nuclear power plant is going to be in- terpreted by the public as a black eye," said Prof. John King, chairman of the University's Department of Nuclear Engineering. ENVIRONMENTAL groups and other concerned citizens have spoken out against the use of nuclear fission to produce power. The Public Interest Research, Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) yesterday released a statement outlining its opinion on the Three Mile Island accident. "PIRGIM has determined that the accident dramatically disproves the engineering philosophy underlying See NUCLEAR, Page 9 HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A federal inspector said yesterday that the threat of contamination to neigh- bors of Three Mile Island nuclear plant was past, but low-level radiation con- tinued to escape in one of the nation's most serious nuclear accidents.- "At this time, the danger is over for people off site," said Charles Gallina, an inspector for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission who has been monitoring the plant since an accident was reported early yesterday. "Our readings show radiation levels have dropped significantly," he said, adding that contamination remains a problem at the plant and radiation was expected to leak through vents into the air for 24 hours to a week. SEN. GARY HART, chairman of the Senate subcommittee on nuclear regulation, said earlier during a visit to the site that the incident was "the most serious accident" involving nuclear power generation in the United States. "This corresponds to a major fallout pattern from a nuclear bomb test," said Dr. Ernest Sternglass, professor ofb radiology at the University of Pit- tsburgh, who measured radiation levels at the Harrisburg airport Thursday morning, two miles from the plant site and found them 15 times greater than normal background radiation. However, Gallina disputed that claim. "Any comparison between this type of fallout and fallout from a bomb is totally erroneous," he said. In further developments, Ed Jordan, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) assistant director of reactor operations inspection, told members of the House Interior Committee that "threshold levels" of radioactive iodine had been measured in milk samples in the area. IT WAS NOT immediately clear where these milk samples had been taken. Jordan said there was "no immediate threat to health" from the radiation, which was released from the plant and which could be detected in low levels in the air as far away as 16 miles. Contaminated water vapor, coming from the floor of a cooling building ad- jacent to the shut-down reactor, was escaping through vents ands was expec- ted to continue contaminating the at- mosphere until all the water is pumped out. DESPITE THE forebodings of Ster- nglass and others, officials of Metropolitan Edison Co., which operates the plant on an island in the Susquehanna River about 10 miles southeast of Harrisburg, said there was no danger to the public. John Herbein, vice president of generation for Metropolitan Edison, said, "We didn't injure anybody, we didn't over-expose anybody and we cer- tainly didn't kill anybody. The radiation off-site was absolutely miniscule." Herbein said radiation readings in- See RADIATION, Page 8 Cionservatives favored in British election JULIE SIPLING AND 13 mponth old Debbie walk outside their home near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant Wednesday afternoon. An accident at the plant near Harrisburg, Pa. on Wednesday caused some leakage of radioactive material into the atmosphere. Government and plant officials have assured residents that there is no danger of overexposure to radiation. PARTY STRESSES CAMPUS ISSUES: Student Republicans eye MSA By JULIE ENGEBRECHT Third in a five-part'series The Michigan Republicans Club (MIRC) is running for the first time in the April Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections as the first party in recent years that has aligned itself with one of the nation's two major political parties. MIRC was formed in February because of a strong interest of.students who had worked on Republican cam- paigns last fall. These students said they felt some sort of group should be formally organized by the time the 1980 elections roll around. MIRC members say they feel that their organization, now 80 members strong, will be able to draw Republican presidential hopefuls to speak on campus. THE BASIC ISSUE which the 15 MIRC candidates stress in their MSA campaign is a return of student gover- nment to dealing with only issues which directly concern students. The can- didates said they don't believe MSA should be involved in state, national,; MSA elections '79 and international affairs unless they concern University students. The group said it has received a lot of support from students and is en- couraged by a "good student respon- se," according to MIRC campaign manager Julie Weeks. "MSA seems to be increasingly involved in non- University related issues," Weeks said, "and we oughttto return MSA to talking about things that are related to the University." She and MIRC candidates said they have found people are surprised when they hear about a Republican student organization on campus. David Fan- tera, a Literary College (LSA) junior running for representative said, "We give students a choice -- a good choice - other than a choice which is very far left." MIRC IS NOT running any presiden- tial or vice-presidential candidates. The group claimed it is not yet a strong organization, and can spend its time more effectively in trying to get representativeds elected. Some can- didates have said they would support Student Alliance for Better Represen- tation (SABRE) presidential candidate Jim Alland and vice-presidential can- didate Laurie Tyler, even though the parties differ on many issues. Although MIRC's strongest emphasis in the election is returning MSA to dealing with student issues only, it also has taken stances on other election issues. The MIRC party platform is not clear-cut, but most candidates agree on several things. Most MIRC candidates support student input in tenure decisions but disagree on the extent. See STUDENT, Page 8 LONDON (AP)-Queen Elizabeth II, fulfilling a centuries-old duty, received formal word from Prime Minister James Callaghan yesterday that his government had fallen and she set May 3 as the date for a general election to choose a new House of Commons. The latest public opinion polls in- dicate the Conservatives of Margaret Thatcher will sweep into power easily, ending five years of Labor Party con- trol and making the 53-year-old Mrs. Thatcher Europe's first female prime minister. "MY TROOPS ARE ready," said the Conservative leader, scenting victory. Callaghan, leaving his 10 Downing St. residence for the short drive to Buckingham Palace to notify the 0 Meiland receives Hoors queen, declared, "I always look for- ward to a good fight." Later, in a television broadcast to the nation, the prime minister said, "It would do great harm if the country were suddenly to go into reverse on the range of policies that have brought us through so far." Thatcher is to reply today. QUEEN ELIZABETH, following tradition, scheduled the election for the date named by the outgoing prime minister, who needs all the time available for Labor to recoup its dramatic loss of popularity following months of industrial strife and economic stagnation. See CONSERVATIVES, Page 5 Friday. " Despite recent charges of. unsanitary conditions at Ypsilan- ti State Hospital, a mental health official said yesterday that the food preparation process is "generally clean." See story, Page 14. " Three time gubernatorial candidate Zolton Ferency is en- dorsing the housing platform of fictitious mayoral candidate Louise J. Fairperson. See story, Page 14. IC r Reed the Today column, Page 3 sommmmmm.'m Group fails to halt private school funding By JOHN SINKEVICS, The recently appointed head of the Literary College's Honors Program said yesterday he hopes to strengthen the program and attract outstanding students to the University during his five-year stint as Honors director. Philosophy Prof. Jack Meiland will succeed Prof. Otto Graf, who will-retire in July after guiding the Honors Program for the past 18 years. Meiland said he is confident about his new position and added that he hopes he can build on Graf's accomplishments. "IT IS CLEAR that the University's Honors Program is highly respected," said Meiland, "but it can be strengthened, and I hope to strengthen it further." Meiland has served as the director of the philosophy department's Teaching Apprentice Program for five years and is currently chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies in philosophy. Approximately 11 per cent of all students in LSA are enrolled in the Honors Program, which is designed for students of exceptional academic stan- ding. Students invited into honors receive special counseling, have the opportunity to become involved in special research projects, can enroll in honors courses, and special sections within some courses. "I THINK ONE of the primary fun- ctions of an honors program is to at- tract very good students to this Univer- sity," said Meiland. "This is very im- portant because in the 1980s the total number of college students will be See MEILAND, Page z LANSING (UPI)-An anti-parochiaid group conceded failure yesterday in its drive to overturn a new state program providing'tuition grants to students in private colleges. The Council About Parochiaid said it collected only about 100,000 signatures on referendum petitions, far short of the 143,310 needed to force a statewide vont nn the grant nrnram in the next grant program. "We have been confident all along ghat thehpetition drive would fail, sim- ply because the effort was inconsistent with the wishes and needs of Michigan's tax-paying citizens," "said John Gaf- fney, president of the association. URGED BY GOV. William Milliken, the State Board of Education and Rep. .":f{"':'???.: ma m - Y.} .....rJ 'LA .i;ri" t;. :. y Yt :: ;,t, .:5v Ce' ;w, }'" 4:;+ :}2v.; ,\ t 1st ward candidates exchange accusations By KEVIN ROSEBOROUGH tion to what he claims are con- - mill y ' 'The fight for Ann Arbor's First Waird tradictions in incumbent Kenneth Lat- i . .. ; _.. ..