Page 4-Friday, January 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily t4'c M c ga n tg 4 'a t 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom A place for students Vol. LXXXIX, No. 85 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The recognition of China T HE "COLD WAR" which developed after World War II and reached its peak in the fifties, had a devastating effect on all Americans. It caused American journalists to overlook the fact that their government, through the CIA, was overthrowing gover- nments in Iran and Guatemala and fixing elections throughout Europe. It caused many Americans to follow in fear Sen. Joseph McCarthy as he loked under almost every bed for communists. They were all soldiers in a ;very serious psychological conflict which threatened to blossom into a full scale war at any moment. New "Cold Wars" have arisen in recent years as the old international economic and political order began to crumble in the late sixties and early seventies. But one of the last vestiges of the old Cold War was destroyed on the first day of this year and one of the new and most significant symbols of the new international order was born-the United States and the People's Republic of China formally recognized each other. :When discussing either the United States' old alliance to Taiwan or the neyv relationship with the true leaders of.2China, it is difficult not to speak in crinpletely practical terms. It was piActical for the United States to sup- peit Taiwan during the Cold War. China was allied with the Soviet Union, the bitter enemy of the United States. Itvas essential for this country to have a rilitary presence in Asia. Even after the ties between the Soviet Union and Cina dissolved, Americans still fered the danger of a Chinese led, communists domination over all of Asia. The Vietnam war was an attempt to ;thwart what some Americans felt was Chinese hegemony in Asia-the domino theory. The Cold War was big business for the United States and other western industrialized nations. American hegemony was strong for several reasons. Partly because western Europe feared an invasion from the Soviet Union and relied heavily on the United States for its defense. With Japan, the United States and Western Elope formed an economic and political alliance which brought a prosprity which had never been realized before. The international order which brought that prosperity has broken down. American hegemony, although still strong, is not what it used to be. A new order is being forged. This time it is practical for the United States to recognize and deal with China rather than Taiwan. Each countries' interest can be served best by an alliance. The United States needs the raw materials and the huge market China has to of- fer. China, in its drive to modernize, needs American technology. The United States could use China as a foil against the Soviet Union. China's desire to modernize may be a way of building their military capability to defend itself against the Soviet Union. But what of Taiwan? Has the United States, as some suggest, sold its closest ally down the river? Did we not have a moral responsbility to Taiwan? The Taiwan predicament can be viewed in two ways. First, and foremost, on the practical level the United States has always done what was expedient in Asia. It was practical, for the reasons stated earlier, for the United States to form an economic, political, or rather military, alliance with Taiwan. Prac- ticality dictated the United States' decision to recognize Chiang Kai-shek as the true leader of China. It has now become more practical for the United States to recognize government of the People's Republic of China As the sole legal government of China. On a moral level, the mutal defense treaty made with a government which the United States recognized as the true representative of the Chinese people. The mutual defense treaty was morally wrong from the beginning. Because the treaty has lasted 25 years does not mean it has become morally correct. Those who argue that the United States has forsaken the people of Taiwan seem to forget that in 1949, when Chaing Kai-shek was forced to retreat from the mainland, the Kuomintang military invaded the island of Taiwan and killed thousands of Taiwanese. How moral was the United States' decision to support that move? Regardless, the United States has not completely forgotten Taiwan. The agreement with China does not preclude the sale of arms to Taiwan. And there is no reason to believe that China will invade the island. China at this point does not have the military capability for such an invasion. Although the technology which the mainland may receive from the United States may at some point enable China to invade Taiwan, it would seem that the United States is now in the position to at long last settle the dispute bet- ween the opposing governments to the satisfaction of all. What effect the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and the United States will have on the North-South conflict and even on the people of China is difficult to assess. We can only hope that everyone will benefit from the new relationship. The issue of student space at the 'niversity of Michigan is not a new one. It began with Barbour- Waterman Gymnasium razing and now is centered around the Michigan Union. As the Chairperson of the UAC, Union Programming Committee, I feel strongly about improving the Union. For the last year and a half, our committee has been working diligently to do so. We feel that the recent Sturgis Report will do much to alleviate many problems we currently facerat the Michigan Union. There is one part of the report, however, that seems to be causing some controversy - the issue of the Union hotel rooms. My impression of the report is that it's tone is to gear the building toward students. The authors of the report realize (after hearing students say for years) that there is no building at the University that is specifically designed for students. At one time, we had the Student Activities Building, built with Student money. It 'now houses administrative offices with only WCBN left as a student activity. The time has come for students to get a place of their own - the Michigan Union. The Sturgis Report is the first time I have seen this documented; it appears that a solid committment is finally being made by the Administration for a student union. This attitude was apparent By Jeff Lebow throughout the report. When no firm recommendation was made on the hotel issue, I was shocked. It seems there are two ideas on the future of the hotel. One proposal advocates makingeall but twelve of the 105 rooms a new dormitory. The second plan would spend $539,000 of student's money to renovate the hotel and turn it into a viable conference center. This alternative would hurt the concept of a student center that the- Sturgis Committee recommends. If the Union hotels were used for conferences, the people at the conference would be using meeting rooms at the Union at the exclusion of the students! The Union would much rather rent out meeting rooms to conferences than allow student organizations to use them for free. When it came down to conflicts, I feel the students would get the short end of the stick and be denied rooms to accommodate conferences. This has already happened at the Union during the past few years. Student groups have beenswitched from rooms they reserved so that groups like the Rotary could get space. If we had ample space to allow more groups to use the facilities, we would be more than happy to share the space we have with other groups. The fact is, the Michigan Union is not presently large enough to meet the needs of the campus. Room usage this year is up 40 per cent which makes it difficult to get meeting rooms. Offices take up most of the third floor, and some of the primedareas on the second and ground floors. Even though some of these offices serve students, like Community Services, they are not meeting rooms or student organization office space. In the unions I have visited, (Wisconsin, UCLA, Minnesota, Illinois, Northwestern, Youngstown State) I've never seen so many administrative offices. We need every square foot we can get for students. The students of the University of Michigan are assessed $7.54 per year to the Union. Students are not interested in financing a fiteen year mortgage on a hotel they don't want. Over the past few years, the Alumni have shown little financial support for the Union; I have been told by representatives of the Alumni Association that they can't afford to pay for the hotel remodeling. If the students are going to pay for the Union, they should at least get what they want. The University Conference Office has not utilized the hotel in the past. With three new hotels being built now in the Ann Arbor area, it seems odd that they want to keep these 105 rooms as a hotel space. If s decision is made to keep the hotel, it will mean the hiring of staff to run it, as well as extra problems for the manager. Considering we have been wothout a Union professional program staff, we would rather see our resources allocated along those lines which will better serve student needs rather than those which would run a hotel. Another advantage of turning the hotel into a dorm, is that it will help us turn the Union into a lively, active building. The Union Programming Committee has already showni this is possible. With a strong committment from - a management that supports this idea, we can provide a large varietywof quality programming. Alumni who want to see the,"life of the campus", will be able to walk into the Union and feel the vitality of students. The students who are here now, who will have a student union, will come back to the Union as alumni and feel at home. The critical need for student housing in Ann Arbor is another reason why we would like the hotel turned into a dorm. The University has said it won't build any new dorms because it's too expensive. Here is a way to help ease the housing situation with the lowest possible cost. The- Alumni Association representatives to the Union Board have said, "If the student housing needs are that critical, then by all means, turn the hotel into a dorm." However, we are saying this need is critical. The housing supply is still very tight, regardless of the fact that next year's enrollment may not rise. During the summer, when students leave themdorms, we could use the Union rooms as a conference center and get maximum utilization. My last point is that it comes down to a question of priorities. Who should get top priority? We feel students should. We endorse the vote of the Michigan Union Board of Directors to recommend turning the Union hotel into dorm space. The plan we favor would leave us with twelve VIP rooms for special guests and residents of the Union. We hope that the Regents will recognize the rights of the students, and will support the recommendations of the Sturgis Report and the Michigan Union Board of Directors. Jeff Lebow is the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) representative on the Michigan Union Board of Directors and chairman of the UA C-Union Programming Committee. I 4o comment department A guide for more efficient study Submitted by Thomas R. Volkman 1. Study outside the classroom 2 hours per each class hour. 2. Each day set yourself some task or tasks to be accomplished - and then do it. 3. No television. 4. No more than 1 sporting event per month. 5. Avoid reading most newspapers - they are mostly vulgar, biased, unintellectual, gossipy, and debasing. 6. Avoid bad companions - the lazy, the vulgar, the degenerate, the crude, the im- olite, the irreligious. 7. Be chaste in mind and body - in thought, word, desire, and action. Chasity is absolutely essential for strength and vigour of mind and character. Nothing leads quicker to intellectual incompetence, laziness, and failure than impurity and unchasity. One cannot be truly manly or truly womanly without chasity. It is a priceless treasure. 8. Think constantly of beautiful and noble thoughts. Avoid chatter, triteness, chit-chat, vulgar displays of emotion, crudity, and wishy-washy fantasy. 9. Practice at least a half hour or prayer and meditation a day. 10. Love, to the point of passion, everything that is noble, fine, and inspiring. 11. There are two kinds of things - things which concern us, and things which do not. Most of our disappointments and sufferings arise from persuing the things that do not concern us. 12. Do not stock the mind - make it glow with creative energy. Forge the mind, not furnish it. 13. When a favorable sentiment passes through consciousness, we must prevent it from disappearing too quickly; we must fix the attention on it and make it waken all the ideas and sentiments which it can arouse, cause it to become as prolific as possible and the yield everything it has to give. mind, so that all its attractive, delightful, or useful aspects may be brought boldly into relief. We can increase this power by placing ourselves in an environment favorable to the development of certain feelings. 18. Intellectual work demands of us two opposing attitudes: a struggle against distraction or dispersion of effort, which we can avoid only through concentration; and, at the same time, a detachment in relation to our work, since the mind must rise and be held above the level of its immediate task. 19. Mental power cannot be aeparated from spiritual strength. We have lost any sense of the relationship between the intelligence and the soul, and suffer today from the separation that we have allowed to develop between technique and spirit. 20. Learn how to derive intellectual and spiritual nourishment from everything which chance (or rather providence) brings our way. _ 21. As attention is mobilized and fixes on a given thing, it becomes stronger. 22. The golden rule of intellectual work: tolerate neither half-work nor half-rest. Give yourself totally. 23. Work means total mobilization of your being. Never mislead yourself into calling effort that which is only a caricature of effort,, or preparation for it, or the trail toward it. t 24. The thing that should arrest your attention is a fact illuminated by an idea': incarnated in a fact. A law must synthesize a multitude of facts. 25. Write down your own ideas. This encourages concentration by providing an accompaniment that keeps your attention, from wandering. The very act of putting them down in words forces you to externalize what would otherwise remain inside and vague. It allows you to summarize your ideasand find your own direction. 26. To try to understand is to move toward what is true. To express yourself is to draw near to the beautiful. These two actions are carried out in unison; for beauty is a way of 2 advancing toward truth, just as truth naturally radiates from the beautiful. 27. Keep at peace with God, your neighbor, and yourself. 28. Perform a daily examination of conscience - to discover one's sins, misdirections, laziness, and other deviations from one's trus path.s 29. Beseech God to point out your path, direct your progress, and complete your course. SPORTS STAFF EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief DAVID GOODMAN GREGG KRUPA Managing Editor M. EILEEN DALEY Editorial Director BOB MILLER ................................... Sports Edito PAUL CAMPBELL,...............Executive Sports Edito ERNIE DUNBAR ..................... Executive Sports Edito HENRY ENGELHARDT ......... Executive Sports Editoi RICK MADDOCK .......... Executive Sports Edito CUB SCHWARTZ .................. Executive Sports Edito BUSINESS STAFF