The Michigan Daily-Thursday, March 29, 1978-Page 3
MSA committee to monitor'U' Cellar talks
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In an effort to increase discussion
between the University Cellar Board of
Directors and the Cellar employees, the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
passed a resolution Tuesday night
directing its Cellar ad hoc committee to
oversee the talks between the two sides.
In its resolution, MSA said it
believed the board should have
discussions with the employees' union,
"carried out soon in good faith." The in-
tent of the resolution was "to force the
board to have full-blown discussions
with the employees just short of
negotiations," according to MSA and ad
hoc committee member Jim Sullivan.
. THE BOARD has wanted to im-
plement a new managerial structure at
the store and employees objected to the
new plan. They felt it would destroy
their input into the store decision-
making process, and believed that the
structure was an issue to be negotiated
during their current contract talks.
Both the board and the management of
the store have so far refused to include
that issue into the negotiations.
MSA, which apppoints the six student
members of the board, had established
a committee to consider the possibility
of forcing the appointed students to in-
clude the structure into the contract
The committee's resolution, according'
to Sullivan, did not give the board a
mandate but rather set a policy
statement the board should follow. He
said the committee would pressure
each side, especially the board, to
seriously discuss the issue in good faith.
"The union is ready to carry out
discussions on the managerial struc-
ture, and we want the board to discuss
it, rather than just accept input on this
issue," he said.
THE ASSEMBLY is taking this ac-
tion because "there had been concern
that the board was playing delaying
games until school was out," Sullivan
added. "Then, there would be no MSA,
just a steering committee, and the
board could not be mandated to take
any action," he said.
The communications between the
board, management, and the em-
ployees have been "pathetic," Sullivan
said, and the committee would monitor
the talks to make sure the discussion
took place. "If they (the board mem-
bers) don't talk with the employees,
then we will step in and force them to,"
he added.
Sullivan was not really pleased with
MSA's action. "This is a place where
the students can control the situation,
but we're backing away from it. The
Assembly is not responding to the
issue," he said.
MSA is also considering placing
Cellar employees on the board, in an ex-
officio position. This proposal will be
discussed at next week's meeting,
Sullivan said. Currently the board is
composed of six student appointees,
three faculty members, and a Univer-
sity administrator.
New Honors director
Philosophy Prof. Jack Meiland is the new LSA Honors Program
director. Meiland, chairman -of his department's Committee on
Graduate Studies, succeeds Prof. Otto Graf, who is retiring after 18
years as Honors director.
Part of the plan
When DAn Fogelberg concert tickets went on sale yesterday
morning at the Union box office, sophomore nursing students Lori
Lane and Jan Kromer were antsier than most. The dedicated fans had
waited in line for 25 hours and even rented a Union hotel room to avoid
being removed from the lobby for loitering. A Union desk clerk was
unsure of how many Fogelberg fanatics rented rooms because "we
don't ask people why they happen to rent rooms."
Take ten
The Soviet Union called on Communist China on March 19, 1969
to jin in negotiationscaimed at ending border clashes. The Soviet
statement proposed that officials of both powers should "resume in the
nearest consultations that were started in Peking in 1964." Three
clashes earlier that month had led observers to fear larger conflicts.
A-V Services-The Curb Between Us, Aud., 12:10p.m., SPH II.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Fury, 7, 9p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-Citizen Kane, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Mediatries-Lolita, 7,9:30 p.m.,'Assembly Hall, Michigan Union.
Midwest Student Medical Research Forum-Symposium on
"Cellular Interactions in the Regulations of the Immune Resonse,"
8:30 a.m., Towsley Center for Continuing Medical Education.
Chemistry-Prof. Hans Bock, University of Frankfurt, Germany,
"The Chemical Applications of Graph Theory," 9-11 a.m., Room 1200,
Chemistry Building.,
MARC Colloquium series-J.M. Sobre, Romance Langauges,
"Ausias March and the Brief Fate of Medieval Catalan Lyric," noon,
204 Tappan Hall.
Geology and Mineralogy-Prof.dRobert Wetzel, MichiganState
University, "Carbonate Loading and Sedimentation in Hardwater
Lakes and Effects on Biological Producitivity," noon, 4001 C.C. Little
Medical Center-Workshop on "Cellular and Behavioral Aspects
of Obesity," Dr. Jerome Knittle and Dr. Albert Stunkard, Towsley
Center for Continuing Medical Education.
Center for Western Eurpean Studies-Father G. de Bertier de
Sauvigny, "Paris and Its Professions in the Nineteenth Century: An
Illustrated Excursion," noon, 5208 Angell Hall.
Economics-Mark Kahn, Wayne State University, "Labor
Economics Aspects of Transportation Industries," 1 p.m., fourth flooi.
East Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Music School-Rob Roy MacGregor, Assistant Principal Trum-
peter of the Baltimore Symphony, "The Reality of Performing on the
Baroque Trumpet," 3:30 p.m., Recital Hall.
Speech and Theatre-"Doreen," 4:10 p.m., Arena Theatre,
basement, Frieze Building.
Guild House-Poetry reading, Laurie Lessen, Dana Ricker, and
Carrie Smith, 7:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe
Canterbury Loft-Teatro Venceremos, 8 p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332
S. State St.
English-Poetry reading, Richard Burns, Cambridge, 8 p.m.,
Pendleton Room, second floor, Michigan Union.
UAC-Soundstage Coffee House, 8 p.m., main floor lounge,
Michigan Uinon.
Canterbury Loft-LaVida, 8p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332 S.State St.,
Greenpeace-Meeting for new members, 7 p.m., multi-purpose
room, Undergraduate Library.
Economics Society-Meeting, 5 p.m., room 301 Economics
Institute of Science and Technology-Management education
seminar on "New Product Development," Terrace Motel, Escanaba.
City of Ann Arbor-Historic District Commission needs volunteers
to give walking tours during Preservation Week, May 6 and 12, call
761-4510, with mass meeting March 31.
Greek Week-Greek Sing, 8 p.m., Trueblood Theatre.
Art Students-Art Show through April 6, Horace Rackham
Gallery, 11 to 4 p.m.
Project OUTREACH-Fall '79 applications being accepted. Call
764-9179 or stop by 554 Thompson.
Journeys-Final information meeting and slide show before trip
to Nepal, Sri Lanka, Colombia, and Kashmir/Ladakh, 7:30 p.m., Con-
ference Room 3, Michigan Union.
Hillel-Jane Myers, director Alei Or School, Cambridge, Mass.,
"New Music for Psalms, and other Jewish Sorigs," 8 p.m., Hillel, 1429
Hill St.
Taylor House, South Qud-Professional wrestling match featuring
Sheldon Finkelstein, 8 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Michifish-Synchronized swim show, 8:15 p.m., Bell Pool, CCRB.
California dream in'
Although state courts foiled their previous attemps. to scrap
marijuana laws, the good citizens of Berkeley, Cal. think they have
devised a foolproof method of nullifying the laws' effect, according to
the Daily Californian. An initiative on next month's election ballot
calls for withholding payment from police officers who enforce
marijuana laws. "To the xtent that Berkeley police are enforcing the
laws against marijuana, the people of Berkeley have less protection
from major crimes such as rape and murder," explained campaign
leader Steven Bloom. Initiative backers have also retained a mascot,
dubbed "Mescalito," to fill their campaign coffers. Mescalito dresses
up as a peyote button and sells raffle tickets to benefit the drive. In
selecting a prize for the raffle, the campaigners apparently decided to
cater to the interests of their likely supporters. First prize is a
kilogram of a "lealfy green subsance of Colombian origin."
Switzerland moves toward
Find out the answer to this
Burning Question and more
Friday, March 30-8 p.m. Union Ballroom
Videotapes and lectures on the sordid
history of the Boob Tube.
$1.50 + popcorn From: Union Programming
BERNE (Reuter) - Switzerland
yesterday took its first formal step
toward membership of the United
Nations - something this neutral
Alpine confederation has resisted for
more than 30 years.
The seven-mancabinet instructed the
Foreign Ministrey to prepare a report
for parliament formally recommending
that Switzerland enter the world body,
and setting out the implications and
procedures involved.
A government spokesman said the
report was expected to be ready some
time next year. A date for a national
referendum on the issue, obligatory un-
der the Swiss constitution, would be
fixed after both houses of the federal
parliament had considered the report,
he added.
Concern for its traditional neutrality
has been a major reason in the past why
Switzerland has stayed out of the U.N.
Although it participates in the world
body's specialized agencies and is the
HARTFIELD, England (AP) --
Pooh Bridge, the wooden bridge made
famous by A.A. Milne in histories about
Pooh Bear, is in danger of collapse.
Two neighboring councils disagree
about the future of the bridge at Cotch-
ford Farm, where Milne wrote the
One says it should be replaced, the
other says it, should be repaired so
tourists can continue to see it.
in the U.N.
site of its European headquarters and
other related organizations.
If the answer is YES, we want you.
If the answer is NO, we still want you.
We're the MICHIGANENSIAN, U-M's yearbook, and we're looking for
people willing to work (a lot or a little) on the 1980 MICHIGANENSIAN
-graphics, writing, photography or business.
on Monday, April 2 at 7:00 P.M.
at 420 Maynard St. or call 764-0561
for more info.
°- - =-
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The lighter the car, the enough acceleration to merge you can take for a test drive.
less power it takes to move it. safely with traffic when Take that test drive. Drive
That's the most important entering a freeway, enough the same model with a stan-
thing to know when you're pick-up to cross a street dard and an optional engine,
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The power-to-weight enough power to haul a trailer tions. You're the driver.
theory holds true no matter weighing up to 1,000 pounds. Decide for yourself.
how you intend to use your Standard engines cost We charge more for op-
car: city, highway or subur- less than bigger, optional tional engines. Even so, our
ban driving; with two passen- engines and get better gas honest advice is to buy the
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trailer or pulling a heavy traffic. There is no difference taste and needs. You'll save
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Since we redesigned al- dard and optional engines. car, and in most cases, you'll
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them lighter and more effi- of any GM engine, follow the as you own it. That's the nice
cient, the power-to-weight maintenance schedule in the part of energy conservation.
theory enables us to move GM Owner's Manual. And This advertisement is
them with, smaller engines remember, please, that small part of
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good performance from a large engines only if you give customers useful information
full-size GM car under most them the same care. about their cars and trucks and
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gine instead of a larger op- engines: if you intend to People building transportation
tional V8. Mid-size cars, carry six passengers and lug- to serve people
luxury cars, and redesigned gage with any frequency, if
compacts to be introduced you intend to haul a trailer
this spring follow the same over 1,000 pounds, and if you
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To help you choose an terrain. For people who drive
engine, we designate one as mainly in altitudes over 4,000
standard for every model. feet we offer a special high-
It is an engine that provides altitude package, including a
larger engine, to ensure satis-
factory performance.
Finally, your own sense
of how a car should "feel"
must be the deciding factor.