Page 8-Wednesday, March 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily CELLAR EMPLOYEE CHARGES Management takes tough policy HUD red tape blocks Huron Towers co-op (Continued from Page 1) BY RON GIFFORD The University Cellar Bookstore management is "playing games with the union negotiating team" and bargaining in bad faith, an Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) organizer charged yesterday. Eric Glatz, who helped the Cellar employees form IWW Local 660 earlier this year, said, "To this point, the 'U' Cellar management has not been taking the negotiations seriously at all. They are giving a much too hard way to go on our non-economic proposals." THE CHARGES were dismissed as "totally off the wall" by assistant store manager John Sappington, who is on the management negotiatingteam. "I think Eric is just trying to get a lot of publicity for the union's proposals," he said. Sappington also said Glatz's com- ments violated a "mutual agreement" the two sides had made. "We wanted to carry out the negotiations in the negotiating room rather than through the press," he said. "There was nothing signed, but we didn't want people to get a distorted view of the negotiations." He added that the management team felt it "was bargaining in good faith." The Cellar management is "seeking to trample the human rights guaran- teed the employees," Glatz charged. He claimed the union wished to add to the non-discrimination clause in the con- tract, a section that prohibited "discrimination based upon political persuasion or affiliation," but that management refused to include that in the contract. HOWEVER, Sappington said the union presented a loosely-worded clause on discrimination which the management team "cleaned up," but he added the new version included all the provisions sought by the workers. A clause on personal appearance was brought up, Sappington continued, but "no one talked about political per- suasion." The employees are also seeking a union shop, wherein all new employees of the Cellar would have to join the IWW local, Glatz said. A grandfather clause is included in this request that would allow current employees to remain at the store and not join the union. Management has not agreed to this provision, Glatz said. "Anyone who wants to work here should be able to," Sappington said in defense of the management position. He said an individual may not want to join the union and pay dues, and this personal choice should not prohibit them from being able to work at the Cellar. "We want the largest pool of free-thinking students from which to draw," he said. HE ADDED that this may hurt the students in the long run, and the entire objective of negotiations was "to create a better-run student bookstore." Glatz warned that if the management tries to make changes in the managerial structure of the store, out- side the negotiations, the union will file an unfair labor practice with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). "They can't change the status quo," he claimed. This is pertinent to bargaining because it is "a working condition," Glatz said. Sappington stated it is "very clear in labor laws that the management can't be forced to co-manage with labor." He said "it's the union's right to file" with, NLRB, but he said he "thinks they would lose their case." Cellar employee and union negotiating team member Felicia Cassanos said she is "disappointed with the inflexibility on the management's side. The non-economic issues being discussed are standard ones, and the management seems to be too picky, much too hard-line on them," she ad- ded. The main problems in the negotiations are not concerned with economic issues, Glatz said, but rather, "the whole thing is centered on the quality of the employees' work lives." Glatz said they would confront these issues again tomorrow in the next scheduled round of talks. per cent of the building's tenants, have' become weary of such promises. "Three months ago HUD promised us a response in two weeks," said tenant Jonathan Klein, the committee's organizer. "HUD hasn't been friendly about the whole thing. They are put-off by the idea of working with residents - it upsets them. It's not cut and dry like what they're used to." SEVERAL months ago HUD did present a preliminary report to the committee detailingawhy a co-op con- version was not feasible. The major points against a conversion were: " insufficient tenant income. LSA faculty reopens ROTC credit issue By JOHN SINKEVICS In February of 1975, the LSA faculty voted to reject a proposal which would allow ROTC courses to receive credit in the Literary College (LSA). Yesterday, discussions on the subject began anew in 'the LSA Curriculum Committee as part of a new drive by ROTC officials to support their cause. Currently, LSA does not give credit for taking any ROTC courses even though many other colleges do. The renewed effort to garner support for ROTC courses began after Engineering College faculty voted last month to in- crease the number of credits allowed for ROTC courses from four to a range of two to 15 credits. PSYCHOLOGY Professor Daniel Weintraub, chairman of the Military Officer Education Program Committee (MOEPC), said he hopes the Engineering faculty decision will "help LSA to make up its mind." "What we are asking is that they ought to treat ROTC courses just like other non-LSA courses, thus allowing a. total of 12 credits to be taken in LSA," said Weintraub. "We hope they (the LSA faculty) will separate political views from academic questions." MOEPC consists of five faculty members from various departments who review the ROTC programs on campus, as. well as approving or rejec- ting military personnel who have been recommended for ROTC teaching positions at the University. Weintraub said the committee plans to place their renewed LSA credit request for ROTC courses before the LSA faculty for a vote next fall. HOWEVER, some students and faculty members are opposed to any such plan, and Weintraub said he is not too optimistic about the faculty rever- sing the decision it made in1975. The LSA Student Government (LSA)SG) passed a proposal last week demanding the faculty deny credit for ROTC courses because of the military direction of such courses, and because other students who are paid for em- ployment at the University do not receive credit for their work. "Students who are given financial aid to participate in basketball or football don't get credit for playing in a game on Saturday afternoon," said LSA-SG member Dan Solomon, "but if people in ROTC are given credit for their courses it puts them in a special category apart from other students." SOLOMON ALSO said there is a great distinction between general University courses and those ROTC courses taught by military personnel. "In political science or history cour- ses you get both sides of a political or military issue," he said. "But in ROTC courses they are teaching strategies on how to fight - they are training people for war. This is against the goals of the University," he said. At yesterday's Curriculum Commit- tee meeting three representatives from ROTC discussed their LSA credit plan and offered their views on the reasons it should be accepted. "IT BOTHERS me greatly that when we teach we try very hard to come up with courses which have academically worthy material, but that no LSA credit' is given for these classes," said Capt. Douglas Murray of the U.S. Navy. "This is disturbing to a student because he pays a severe penalty for associating with us." Major Joe Blair of the U.S. Army agreed and said it was necessary for the military to get officers from prestigious institutions like the Univer- sity. "We'vesgot to put Vietnam in our hip pocket and concentrate on getting more officers from high quality in- stitutions," he stated. Most students in the Army ROTC program are registered in LSA, while most students in the Navy and Air For- ce programs are enrolled in the Engineering College. ALL THREE ROTC representatives stressed they use a great number of civilian rather than military texts and that various political ,opinions are welcomed in their courses. Many professors at the University said they would not be enthusiastic about giving credit to ROTC courses, but were less critical of the plan than they were in 1970 when ROTC credit was first eliminated and in 1975 when it was defeated again by the LSA faculty. "My feelings have changed on the matter, but in a complicated way," said Economics Prof. W. H. Anderson who wrote the original recommendation in 1969 which led to the elimination of LSA credit for ROTC courses in 1970. "I used to believe that there was a great distin- ction between LSA courses and ROTC courses. But LSA is getting more professionalized, and there isn't that great a distinction between these LSA courses and the ROTC courses which train for a different profession." HOWEVER, Psychology Prof. Raphael Ezekiel said he is not only op- posed to giving credit for ROTC cour- ses, but is also opposed to the presence of such an ROTC program at the University. "ROTC should not exist on this cam- pus," he said. "I truly believe ROTC is incompatible with a liberal arts education. "If a motion is introduced to give LSA credit for ROTC, I will counter with a motion that ROTC be banned from the University," he added. " High tenant turnover. " Unfavorable unit mix -66 per cent of the 360 units are either efficiencies or one-bedroom apartments. " Displacement of residents who wouldn't want to join the co-op. But according to Beaupied, this was a hastily put-together, sketchy report and was probably not an accurate in- dication of HUD's position. "We would prefer to go with a co-op if it is feasible, but it is not opportune for us to make a decision at this time," said Beaupied. In the meantime, the Concerned Residents Committee has gathered together the foremost experts in the country on co-op conversion to help spur action for their cause. Julius Yaker, a Chicago attorney who is con- sidered by many to bete the country's primary specialist on co-op conver- sions, is representing the committee. "THIS IS A very well-organized, sophisticated group. For HUD not to deal with a group like that frightens a person," said Yacker. Yacker said the major difficulties with the project have resulted from the large differences between Washington HUD policy and the perception of that policy in the Detroit offices. "This is exactly the kind of thing that HUD in Washington would like to see. But Detroit HUD feels they, could protect the consumer best by first getting the place into A-1 condition," said Yacker. But Huron Tower residents, scared by the costly alternatives, such as con- version to condominiums, are deter- mined not to let their cause die down. "We're going to take a more activist position now," said Klein. "Instead of waiting for HUD to come to us, we're going to start working out some of the details on our own and bring them to HUD." SCHOOL SURVEY LONDON (AP)-Potted plants, pictures, kind words and projects do more to improve children's grades and behavior than severe discipline, smaller schools or segregating by ability, a recent survey shows. Bonding proposals co (Continued from Page 1) struct and equip a new fire station at Eisenhower and Main, near I-94. This proposal relates to Belcher's professed philosophy that the city's foremost responsibility is to insure the safety of its citizens. Currently, it takes fire trucks 6.6 minutes to reach a fire on the south side of the city. Belcher has said his goal for firefighters' response to an emergency call is four and a half minutes. . The last three proposals deal with the city's landfill. As the city's dump fills up with waste, each bit of garbage tossed into the wastebasket contributes uld help A to the landfill's demise. According to several officials, should no precautions be taken, the dump will overflow within the next few years. Proposal E authorizes the purchase of a $2,825,000 shredding facility, which would prolong the life of the landfill by compressing the waste deposited there. THE SHREDDER is also designed to separate metal from the other refuse, thereby opening the door to the possibility of a city-wide recycling 'program. Proposal F requests authorization to purchase, at $675,000, a 108-acre parcel of land adjacent to the current landfill, to further expand the city's garbage disposal capacity.Y nn Arbor Proposal G asks voters to approve the purchase of $725,000 worth of landfill equipment. City officials have reviewed studies and decided that these three proposals constitute the best solution to Ann Ar- bor's impending garbage crisis. By purchasing its own land and machinery, the city would retain its in- dependence in the area of waste disposal. If the city ran out of space for its gar- bage, local refuse would have to be transported to private landfills elsewhere in the state. This could prove costly in the long run, as the city would be at the financial mercy of private landfill owners. The closer you get . . . '. the better we look. 0 tie H£tcbrnan ButIg 764-0558 Mental Health Research Institute 205 Washtenaw Place SEMINAR "The fine structure of electrical and chemical synapsis and relation to function." Hospital plans in jeopardy (Continued from Page 1) would be the most expensive univer- sity-owned hospital in the country. After hearing of the planning com- mittee's decision, Interim University President Allan Smith said last night, "The University is naturally disappoin- ted, with this decision. We believe we have brought forward a plan for the hospital replacement which is the minimum necessary to carry out our educational responsibility in the health sciences and to provide health care of the highest order for the citizens of Michigan. "These goals will continue to guide us as we continue our meetings and discussions through the remainder of the certificate of need process." He 's (Continued from Pa "I consider anyone University music sc professional musician. I a professional, and y things into that field - professional. It's not o diploma, once you h, You're a professional have made up your m what you want to be. AS FOR the music tha Symphony Orchestra p ROOM 1057 TEA at 3:15 Speaker: GEORGE D. PAPPAS. from the University of Illinois Thursday, March 29 at 3:45 pm U's music man explained his frustration in not being who joins the able to experiment with less proven chooi to be a classical works. If you want to be, "Modern music is essential, and I ou put all your wish we could do more of it. I'd like to - then you're a do new music all the time. Why should nce you have a we only do museum pieces? ave graduated. "The students here - the musicians the minute you -- their jobs will depend on how well hind that that's they play the classical repertory. If they want a job, they must know at the University Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikov- aerforms, Meier sky ... so they want us .to play these works. Meier's calm voice grew excited. "I wish we could have composers 'that could interest the audience. I'd like a new symphony to be like a new play, or more. Could you imagine if people were saying, 'There's a new symphony at Hill tonight,' and you were dying to find 55 out how it would sound?" Meier is satisfied with his achievements thus far. "My job is here," he said. "I don't think we have SUMMER VESTED INTEREST 0 * . Royal Prestige needs students to Supplement Summer Work Force!! 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