Page 4,Tuesday, March 27, 1979-The Michigan Daily cEMOg 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eig h ty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom 1f city limits keiLh r Vol. LXXXIX, No. 140 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ic hburg Peace in the Mideast IA strictly business staandpoint, it is more profitable to support ERA, he says. But when he's not out on the, campaign trail trumpeting the benefits of ERA to less enlightened states, Power is can- vassing the streets of Ann Arbor for another, more immediate cause - the election of Jamie Kenworthy in April. Power has been writing press releases and brochures for the Kenworthy camp, and can- vassing door-to-door with the candidate. Power is also arranging an Ann Arbor cam- paign appearance this Saturday from the man who beat him in the democratic senatorial primary last year - Senator Carl Levin. At a Democratic fundraiser in Detroit last October, one Ann Ar- bor Democrat told me that the reason Phil Power didn't find much support from the local par- ty regulars for his senate can- didacy was that Power had never been active in the party. After ignoring the party for years, this city Democratic official said, Power running for Senate was suddenly, trying to pass himself gate appearance the next mor- ning with himself, Levin, and the other defeated democrats in a show of party unity.' Power recalls that when he fir- st volunteered to help the Ken- worthy effort, Kenworthy remin- ded him that he had supported Levin in the 1978 primary. Power's reply: "So what?" Power's recent activism may be a precurser to drive for the Second District seat. But Power, is, in the process, learning the game of politics and piling up afi impressive list of political i.o.u.'s, should he decide that his own effectiveness is in elec tive office. Phil Power is truly one of the class acts in politics. Running for Senate last year, Power's background in economics made him probably the most informed and issue-oriented of the democratic contenders. But, in 1978 he was an unknown running against an established political name like Levin. And the media invariably and with few excep- tions chose to concentrate on his millions while ignoring his soun- d policy positions. It's no coin- UST 16 months ago, the chance for a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt seemed like a hopeless dream. In fact, representatives of both coun- tries refused to even negotiate with each other. Without any kind of basis for negotiations, a full-scale confron- tation between the two ancient enemies was possible, if not probable, at any time. But since then, in a remarkable chain of events that still puzzles most Mideast analysts, peace has been transformed from a distant dream into reality mainly through the combined efforts of Jimmy Carter, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The culmination of those efforts came yesterday afternoon when the impossible dream occurred on the nor- th lawn of the White House - apeace treaty between Israel and Egypt. It was not easy. It took the efforts of all three leaders who continually placed their own political careers and their country's national prestige on the line duiring the 16-month mission for peace. And the final document, the product of numerous revisions by both sides with critical guidance from the United States, symbolizes an important initial step toward the final realization of peace in the Middle East. Removing ancient bitternes, animosity, and in- flexibility between the two most in- fluential countries in the region, the treaty was an achievement un- paralleled in the history of Arab- Israeli relations. The treaty is only a first step toward peace and must be followed by a sin- cere effort to find a lasting solution to the Palestinian issue. That effort was already initiated through a clause in the treaty that links this document to the eventual goal of autonomy for the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Scheduled to begin in one month, those negotiations must be conducted with a serious effort by both the Israelis and the Egyptians. If not, the goal of a comprehensive settlement in the region will remain an elusive task. Under the terms of the treaty, Israeli forces and civilians will stage a phased withdrawal from Sinai over a three- year period. This Israeli pullback from the §inai is a key condition of the treaty as it restores the desert to its rightful owners - the Egyptians. Since the 1973 om Kippur War, the Israeli army has Occupied the strategically important region as a security against Egyptian intrusion. After Begin seized power in 1977, the amount of Zionist settlers in the Sinai increased by a significant figure, provoking widespread criticism that Israel planned to annex the whole Sinai. But due to guarantees from the United States, Israel has con- eeded the Sinai - a necessary step toward peace. Another key element of the accord that proved to be a main stumbling block for several months is the question of whether Egypt would be permitted to aid another Arab country fighting a war against Israel. As it now reads, the treaty takes precedence over any other obligations Egypt has with other countries. For instance, if a confrontation between Israel and Syria emerged, Egypt would be required to abide by its accord with Israel. Perhaps the most important phrase of the document is the part establishing normal relations between the two nations. These include an ex- change of ambassadors in 10 months, the removal of all trade and economic ,arriers, and the lifting of boycotts. These lines of -communication are the relations proceed smoothly, then an everlasting peace between the two is likely. When analyzing the peace process in the Middle East,.it's obvious that the first real courageous move was or- chestrated by President Sadat who became the first Arab leader ever to visit Israel in November 1977. Sadat boldly risked his life and alienated Egypt from the rest of the Arab world. But with those pressures mounting during the process, he persevered and kept pushing for peace.He recognized Israel when other Arab leaders denounced it. He tried to make peace when they were talking about war. Sadat had often insisted that Egypt would never sign a treaty with Israel until the Israelis promised to com- pletely withdraw from all occupied territories taken in the 1967 war. But in the end, Sadat gave in and took peace instead., When Menachem Begin was elected in 1977, Israeli moderates and Western officials feared a fifth full-scale Mideast war was imminent. After all, they said, Begin was against giving back any territory. Begin was sup- posed to annex the West Bank, and Gaza. But Begin has proved throughout the process, that he can make concessions in the broader goal for peace. He gave up the Sinai and he agreed to work toward Palestinian self-rule. But the most praise should go to Jimmy Carter. Carter made two gam- bles, the one inviting Sadat and Begin to Camp David, and then the trip several weeks ago to the Middle East. He won both times. By putting the United States as such a key figure in the future course of relations between Egypt and-Israel, Carter has enhanced the chance for peace. With the U.S. as a constant mediator, the possibly ex- plosive disputes between Israel and Egypt will probably be handled a lot more delicately. This initial effort toward a com- prehensive settlement has to be followed by a real solution for the Palestinian people. Pushed around like pawns, the Palestinians deserve a homeland on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. After efforts are made to secure self-rule for the Palestinians in those areas, Israel and Egypt should both try to arrange for a Palestinian state. But if the group that emerges as the representative of the Palestinian people fails to recognize Israel, the Israelis should not be forced to negotiate with them for a state. If the group representing the Palestinians does recognize Israel, then negotiations should proceed for a state in the occupied territories. Yesterday was a huge step in the process for peace in the Middle East. It was the accomplishment of an age-old dream. After four wars - 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 - both sides finally waged peace. EDITORIAL STAFF Sue Warner .................EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Richard Berke, Julie Rovner .... ...... MANAGING EDITORS Michael Arkush...................... EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Brian Blanchard ...................... UNIVERSITY EDITOR Keith Rihburg. ..........................CITY EDITOR Shelley Wolson .................. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR. Elizabeth Slowik ........................ FEATURES EDITOR Dennis Sabo............................ SPECIAL PROJECTS R.J. Smith, Eric Zorn......................... ARTS EDITORS, Owen Gleiberman, Judy Rakowsky ..... MAGAZINE EDITORS STAFF WRITERS-Sara Alspach, Ron Benschoter, Lenny Bernstein, Julie Brown, Rick Blanchard, Mitch Cantor, Joe Ueterski, Stefany Cooperman, Amy Diamond, Monica Eby, Marianne Egri, Julie Engebrecht, Mary Faranski, Bob Feld- man, Joyce Frieden, Greg Gailopoulos, Ron Gifford, John Goyer, Pat Hagen, Marion .Halberg, Vicki Henderson, Alison Hirschel, Steve Hook, Elisa Isaaceon, Tom Kettler, Paula Lashingsky. Adrienne Lyons, Chester Maleski, Jeff Miller, Tom Mirga. Mark Parrent, Beth Persky, Kevin Roseborough, Beth Rosen- Ann Arbor's millionaire newspaper publisher Phil Power is still campaigning - he's cam- paigning for fellow Democrat Jamie Kenworthy's mayoral candidacy, he's campaigning across the country for the Equal Rights Amendment, and, some observers say, he's campaigning for Carl Pursell's Second District Congressional seat in 1980. Democrats who want Power to take on Pursel iwhen the seat goes up again think the publisher can take it if he wants it. Power, remember, came from relative obscurity to finish second in last year's statewide race for the United States Senate -- and around Ann Arbor, at least, Power is already a known quan- tity. AND DEMOCRATS like to think that the Second District is still, for the most part, a Democratic district, that just happens to be in the G.O.P. fold - for the time being. Republican Pursell barely nosed out liberal Democrat Ed. Pierce for the seat in 1976 in an election that was still undecided close to inauguration day. And many political observers say the Dems could have recaptured the seat last year, had they fielded a stronger candidate than Coun- cilman Earl Greene. But Phil Power won't speculate on his own political future - at least not yet, over a year and a half before November 1980. He doesn't share the popular convic- tion that Pursell is "vulnerable" in the Second District - "He buried Earl Greene last time around," Power said.d "I'm trying to figure out what makes the most sense," Power says, emphasizing that one need not run for political office to help affect change. "You have to see how you can be effective." RIGHT NOW, Power is being effective on two fronts - cam-' paigning for Kenworthy in Ann Arbor and campaigning forERA as far away as Kansas City, Missouri. Power has made his services available to stump on behalf of the stalled equal rights amen- dment. At a dinner for ERA sup- porters in Kansas City earlier this month, Power unveiled his unique line of argument to promote passage of ERA in that state. Power broadened the visual argument in favor of ERA by taking it out of the legal and moral standpoint, andrap- proaching ratification from a businessman's point of view. Power told that gathring how Kansas City lost the 1980 Republican National Convention - and something over $40 million in revenue - to Detroit in the national bidding war. And the National Organization for Women convention boycott of states that have not ratified was a primary factor for the G.O.P. site selection committee. ". . . I can- not help wondering what would, have happened to the Republican convenion - and to others - if Missouri had ratified ERA,"Power told the Missourians. "... From a business point of view, suppor- ting ERA is nothing less than doing well by doing good." POWER ALSO emphasized in that speech how as an emp loyer - and with his own newspapers as a case-study - that equalizing salaries between men and women really improves the job perfor- mance of both. Thus, from a "Power's recent activism may be a precursor to drive for the Second District seat. But power is, in the process, learning the game of politics and piling up an impressive list of political I.O. U. 's, should he decide that his own effectiveness is in elec- tive office. off as a loyal party man from way back when. WELL, IF there was any justification for 'that influential Democrat's reservations with Phil Power, then Power has been working intently to rectify the situation. After losing in the August 8 primary to Levin, Poyer was on the phones before daybreak arranging a joint plant cidence that Power - not Detroiter Levin - got the endor- sement of Detroit's influential black slate. One can only imagine what would have happened in Novem- ber, had Phil Power set his sights lower in his first try for office and run 'against Carl Pursell for the Second District seat. City Editor Keith Rich- burg's column appears every other Tuesday. 4' Letters f Right tolife for the unborn To the Daily: Mr. Howard L. Simon, Executive Director of the Michigan ACLU, presented the ACLU's position (Daily, Jan. 30, 1979) arguing that the Hyde Amendment, prohibiting federal medicaid funding of elective abortions, is in violation of the First Amendment to the Con- stitution. I would like to respond to that charge and to Mr. Simon's premises. Mr. Simon states that the Hyde Amendment was passed in response to "those who believe that human life begins at the moment of conception, and that from that moment on, such life is separate from the mother's life." But, Mr. Simon contends, "when human life begins is essentially a religious question . . . The con- troversy over abortion - over when the fertilized egg becomes a human life - is similarly a religious question." IF MR. SIMON'S legal exper- tise is not better than his knowledge of biology, he hasn't a case to stand on. A reading of the section on embryology in the latest edition of Gray's Anatomy or of any standard textbook on embryology, would dispell the notion that the question of the beginning of the life of a new human individual i, in any way a religious one. It is a question an- swered unanimously by the sciences of genetics and em- bryology that the life of a new, unique human individual begins with the fusion of two gametes, i.e., at fertilization. From that point on, all genetic charac- teristics of the new human being (sex, eye and hair color, blood type, etc.) are determined and irreversible. A reading of the standard textbooks on genetics, embryology or fetology would make this abundantly clear. Certainly, since the famous in vitro experiments of Drs. Steptoe and Edwards produced the first so-called "test tube baby," it should be obvious even to a that "whether the earth is round or not is essentially a religious question" - and then siding with the Flat-Earthers. I FIND IT incredible that the ACLU can seriously put forth the argument that the abortion con- troversy is "fundamentally a controversy over religious doc- trine." It appears to be an exer- cise in obscurantism, if not in intellectual honesty to this issue seems inexcusable and deliberately misleading. With regard to the First Amen- dment, furthermore, the ACLU surely realizes that the con- stitutional right to the free exer/" cise of religion did not entail ban- ning the ethical insights of religion in the formation of our nation's laws. The most fun- damental bases of our laws are, in fact, religious precepts, e.g., "You shall not steal; you shall not bear false. witness; you shall* not commit murder." Abortion is a moral issue, and laws relating to human life are all essentially moral or ethical in character. Even the secular humanist believes that human beings have certain basic and "inalienable" rights. Ethical concerns about the moral charac- ter of the laws which govern our nation. Since abortion is the taking of a human life, which science - not religion - indubitably demon- strates, the question is whether such killing is justified. This question is the legitimate concern of every citizen. The Supreme Court has been wrong before, as when it ruled that Blacks were not personsin the full sense of the law (Dred Scott). Now the Court tells us that an unborn child is not a person "in the full sense," and therefore may be deprived of life without due process of law (Roe vs. Wade). Those of us who are con- oerned about the Right to Life for all human beings will continue in the struggle to restore that right to the Unborn, the ACLU not tion that his critical review of "The Anita Bryant Follies" could cause Tom Simonds to consider giving up play-writing is disgusting. Perhaps next time Joshua doesn't know ",what the hell to say" about something, he'll choose to say nothing. NEEDLESS TO SAY, I feel dif- ferently than he did about -the Follies. I thought Simonds treat- ment of the topic was delicate, thoughtful and devastating. He beautifully extaposed portrayals of laughable gay roles and man- nerisms with the reality of a deeply committed gay couple, playing on traditional stereotypessandrevealing their limitations simultaneously. The scene in which Anita's biblical quotes are intermingled with the love-making of two men is moving because it illuminates her barren statements about love with the reality, emotional and sexual, of gay love. When she (he) reads that learning to con- trol one's tongue is paramount to holiness the parody is complete, the quote is outrageous in Simon- d's context, but also credible. Throughout, Simonds combines humor and truth in a powerful and tormenting way. As for the music, which got a scanty review by Joshua, I thought it was wonferful. I found Anita's song, "Are you dancing with me God?" moving, because the question seemed so ap- propriate. The references to orange juice which offended Joshua, I thought important because they effectively suggested that Anita's priorities were confused. When her aggressive, greasy son and timid daughter in drag sing that they are unafraid because they were "raised on orange juice and the Lord", the tension between their faith, their self-righteousness and their confidence in OJ is touching, because in a funny way they are courageous and do have integrity, while to an Ann Arbor knowing why Joshua found "a briefly-clad actor" dancing, (or "Writhing" as he writes), nauseating. He adds that "it would be vulgar if a woman were doing it, too." I found the partial nudity shocking and partly refreshing because of its connec- tions to the 60's; I also found it. valuable in its inescapable: demonstration of flesh, rhythm~ and sex, while I appreciated that' Simonds chose not to expose the actual love-making of two men. I think the play was brilliant and that Joshua Peck is less so. -Jeanie Wylie March 25, 1979 Regents To the Daily: It's so refreshing to read in last Tuesday's Daily that Brian Blan- chard andSACUA are standing firm against student disruption of the Regents meetings. After all, they "forced the cessation of regular business"! All over a few foreigners, who are black anyway, er, ah, I mean, who aren't really fit to govern them- selves. They probably want to turn South Africa into some sort of totalitarian society. Tactics like the disruption of meeting where so much important and crucial business has to be discussed are abhorrent. What importance is the freedom of a few Africans? They never gave us anything ! Mr. Blanchard's column was remarkable for its intelligent analysis of the situation. He is perfectly right, the protestors may have a point or two in their favor, and granted, these tactics have been effective before, but they insulted the Regents! "In personal terms", no less! These students should be thankful that they all weren't arrested and they should return to class to "sharpen their arguments" till 1hext March and present "possible courses of action in