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March 27, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-27

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Spartans clip Bird's wings, 75-64. See Page


See Editorial Page
t.1c n 3 t IjHigh-42
See Today for details
Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 140 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 27, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement


Egypt celebrate


Arabs criticize treaty

Egypt and Israel, neighbors but
enemies. for a generation,
signed a treaty yesterday to
begin a new, fragile era of
peace between Arab and Jew.
In a solemn ceremony on the front
lawn of the White House, Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat and Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin put
their names to Arabic, Hebrew and
English copies of a treaty promising
mutual recognition, respect, and peace.
"PEACE HAS come," declared a
beaming President Carter, whose per-
sonal intervention brought the talks
back to life after they had stalemated
on the details.
Carter quoted the Bible and the
Koran, and he offered a personal
prayer that Arabs and Jews may one
day be brothers.
Sadat, replying, declared, "Let there
be no more bloodshed between Arabs
and Israelis.
"LET US WORK together until the
day comes when they beat their swords
into plowshares and their spears into
pruning hooks," the Egyptian said.
Carter quoted the same words from
"No more war," agreed Begin. "No
more bloodshed. Peace unto you.
Shalom, salaam, forever.
"SHALOM" MEANS "peace" in
Hebrew. "Salaam" means "peace" in
Begin put on a skullcap and quoted
Psalm 126 in Hebrew. He said rather
than translate, he would let everyone
find the words in his own language in
"the book of books."
Outside the White House gates, 1,000

protesters, supporters of Palestinians,
shouted their opposition, charging
Sadat had betrayed their cause by
making a separate peace with the
Jewish state.
"The Shah is Gone, Sadat is Next,"
their placards read, and "Palestine Is
Not For Sale."
SADAT AND Begin signed,
dramatically, on the windy lawn, after
30 years of hostility and four wars bet-
ween their nations and after 15 months
of American-sponsored negotiations.
Then Carter added his signature, a
satisfied witness.
Thus, on a chilly sun-filled spring af-

ternoon, with 1,600 witnesses waving
the flags of the three nations, a Moslem',
a Jew and a Christian joined in solem=
nizing their handiwork.
THEY HOPED their act would lead
to a permanent peace throughout the
Middle-East, a task threatening to be
even more difficult than this hard first
After signing, the three grasped each
other in a three-way handshake. Carter
said softly, "I'm so proud of both of
In the treaty, Israel agrees to
dismantle Jewish settlements and
See ISRAEL, Page 9



AP Photo

Egyptian President Sadat, U.S. President Carter, and Israeli Prime Minister Begin join hands in celebration after signing
yesterday the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty on the north lawn of the White House.

From Reuter
Two months after the treaty takes
effect, Israeli troops will withdraw
from El Arish, the Sinai ad-
ministrative capital. Within seven
months, it will give up Sinai oilfields
at Alma.
Nine months after it takes effect,
Israel will withdraw from about two-
thirds of the Sinai Peninsula to a
point east of a line running from El
Arish to Ras Muhammad at the
southernmost tip of Sinai, including
the Refidim air base.
One month after Israel completes
the interim withdrawal, Egypt and
Israel will exchange resident am-
bassadors, signifying establishment
of normal relations. Egypt will end
the economic boycott of Israel and
negotiate the establishment of trade,

cultural, consular and other
relations, Egypt agrees to sell Israel
oil from Sinai wells under the same
terms as to any other bidder.
Reaffirming their commitment at
the Camp David summit to a com-
prehensive Middle East peace,
Israel and Egypt agree to open
negotiations for Palestinian self-rule
on the West Bank and Gaza one mon-
th after the treaty comes into effect.
The negotiations are to end within
one year and elections of Palestinian
local councils, the first step toward
self-government, are to be held "as
expeditiously as possible."
The United States agrees in a letter
attached to the treaty to tale any ac-
tion "it may deem appropriate and
helpful to achieve compliance with
the treaty."

OPEC may raise o

From AP and Reuter
GENEVA - The ministers of the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) failed late last night
in Switzerland to reach agreement on
oil price increases. Sources here say
they expect the increase to be con-'
siderable, however, and an Iranian
delegate said his nation would favor a
29 per cent price hike.
A count of delegates filing into the
meeting showed 11 of the 13 ministers
favoring a major price increase that
would send prices in this country
If approved, such an increase would

come on top of the gradual rise set for
this year by OPEC last December.
THE TALKS by the ministers of
OPEC were originally designed to be-
simply consultative discussions about
the state of the oil market following
shortages caused by the slowdown in
Iran's production.
But after the talks began, a move was
made to change the meeting into an
"extraordinary conference" which,
OPEC sources said, would allow the
ministers to take a decision on prices.
But Venezuelan Oil Minister Hum-
berto Calderon said the favored for-

ii rices
mula appeared to be for a rise to the
level already decided for the fourth
quarter of this year - 14.542 dollars a
THIS WOULD mean a further five
per cent on the official price due to
come into force on April 1, and a general
approval of a 1.20 dollar surcharge
already charged by many OPEC states
on the world market.
Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ahmed
Zaki Yamani told reporters that his
country would do its best to resist
pressures to increase the price of a
standard barrel of OPEC oil.


Jewish students celeb

Health official blasts planners

A high official of the area planning
agency involved in approving plans for
a new University Hospital yesterday
called the University's plea for special
consideration "absurd."
Robert Christiansen, chief of the staff
of evaluators for the Comprehensive
Health Planning Council of South
Eastern Michigan (CHPC-SEM), rejec-
ted the University's claims of needing
special treatment in the agency's
evaluation because of its unique stan-
ding within the state. He said CHPC has
used the same set of criteria to suc-
cessfully evaluate plans for other large,
specialized care hospitals similar to U
THE COUNCIL reviews plans for
replacement or renovation of hospitals
in this area, and it is currently
reviewing the University's plans for
building a new $244 million hospital to
replace the Old Main Hospital.

A Washtenaw County sub-council of
the larger CHPC-SEM has already ap-
proved plans for the new hospital,
although the council's staff members
criticized the plans.
The full CHPC will review the
University's plans this afternoon in
Detroit, and an executive committee
will in turn make its recommendation
to the state on April 10. The state's
Department of Public Health will then
decide whether to grant the University
the certificate of need required to build
the new hospital.
THE UNIVERSITY maintains that a
large, specialized care hospital attracts
patients statewide, and that it is an in-
dispensible part of the University's
high quality medical training
For these two reasons, University
planners say the new hospital will be a
state resource, and should not be
evaluated on a regional basis.

Christiansen also said the regional
planning agency had not been given
enough time to evaluate plans for the
new hospital. At last Thursday's
meeting, the University refused to wait
for 90 days before pressing its ap-
plication for the certificate of need.
Hospital director Jeptha Dalston said
the University could not wait because
each month the project is delayed
would add $2 million to its cost.
CHRISTIANSEN SAID that as far as
he knew, the University had not asked
CHPC staff members to sit in on its
planning meetings as observers, as
they have done for other projects. He
said he would question "how much of
the total community" has been in-
volved in planning the new hospital.
As a result, he said, his agency now
has no way of knowing what alter-
natives the University considered while
planning the new hospital, nor did the
agency know why these plans were
Christiansen said that although the
agency's staff had criticized the plans
for the new hospital, it is unlikely that
the agency's executive council would
recommend that the state deny the
University a certificate of need.

rate peace
The signing of the peace treaty bet-
ween Israel and Egypt yesterday after-
noon was cause for a joyous celebration
by nearly 100 students and commun~ity
members later in the day in Alice
Lloyd's Blue Lounge.
Billed as a "peace party," the
gathering was intended to be "an in-
timate meeting of all peace lovers,"
according to graduate student Sara
Glaser, a member of the Israeli Student
Organization, one of the sponsors of the
BEFORE THE dancing and singing
commenced, Glaser raised her wine
glass in a toast to peace, first in
Hebrew, then in English. Some of the
Jews present said they regretted the
absence of any Arab participants who
could have given a toast in Arabic.
"We invited everybody to this party,"
said Uriel Rauff, director of the Zionist
Youth group Hacomer Hazzair. "The
Organization of Arab Students was con-
tacted to invite Arab students to this
At least one Arab did attend the
festivities later on. Medhat Credi, a
graduate student in Near Eastern
studies from Egypt said, "I am happy,
very happy about the peace treaty. I
would have been happier if it was a
comprehensive peace."
OTHERS AT THE celebration shared
See A2, Page 9
* The English. department is
bringing in outside experts to
evaluate its new freshperson com-
position requirement. See story,
Page 2.
* The nursing school may lose up'
to a third of its budget because of
federal belt-tightening. See story,
Page 2.

Judge bans publication
of hydrogen bomb article

Daily photo by DAN OBERDORFER
JEWISH CHILDREN DANCE the Hora last night at Alice Lloyd Hall in
celebration of the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.

From AP and Reuter
MILWAUKEE - A federal judge
yesterday issued a landmark
decision banning publication of an
article telling how, the hydrogen
In the ruling, the first time a U.S.
court has in effect censored the
press, Judge Robert Warren held
that the duty of the government to
protect national security transcen-
ded the constitutional rights of a free
Judge Warren issued his ruling af-

formation in the article was readily
available and that the article was
about secrecy in the nuclear
weapons industry, not about the
making of a bomb.
Lawyers for the magazine -
which is published from the Wiscon-
sin state capital of Madison with
about 40,000 circulation - said they
would appeal the decision.
The Progressive's lawyers and
editors unanimously rejected a
proposal from the judge to select a
nanel of exoerts from the media and

Tax hikes
Tax"revolt fever has struck in the
midst of the traditionally critical Four-
th Ward Council race between
Republican Edward Hood and
Democrat LeRoy Cappaert as a result
of the release last week of dramatically
increased property tax assessment




ignite 4th i
was included in this year's property
assessment under Ann Arbor's system
of assessing half the city every other
year of a two-year cycle. According to
Hood, many residents complained of
assessment increases of 25-30 per cent
with exceptional cases of even 50-60 per

ward race
responses reflect the usual partisan dif-
ferences and hostility.
Hood has accused his opponent and
the Democratic party of "being scared
to death of (the tax issue)" and "run-
ning away from a difficult problem,"
while Cappaert charges the
Republicans and Hood with creating "a


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