MSA FUNDING See editorial page L IE- ian Eigh ty-inie Yea rsvI; (4 itorial lFree domn Ila SPRING-STOPPER High3Os Low-250 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 139 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 25, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplements n0 Carter blasts business for ignoring guidelines From Reuter and AP ELK CITY, Oklahoma-President Carter last night accused the heads of many large business firms of pushing up prices by refusing to cooperate with his anti-inflation guidelines. Carter, voicing concern over soaring inflation, warned he would expose "irresponsible firms and individuals" and identify them to the American people unless they changed their policies. SPEAKING TWO days after the government reported a 1.2 per cent in- crease in the consumer price index for February, the largest in four and one- half years and equivalent to an annual jump of more than 15 per cent, he declared: "That inflation rate is unacceptable." Business profits increased by 26 per cent in 1978, the government announced this week. Carter said he was disappointed that medium-size businesses are not showing the same commitment to his anti-inflation program as most large corporations. "TOO MANY business leaders seem to feel that the fight against inflation is not their responsibility," he said. "I will take firm steps to deal with this problem in the days ahead," One step he mentioned was an order to the Council on Wage and Price Stability to obtain regular reports on price increases from firms in "problem industries." Carter had left Washington in the midst of a Saturday afternoon thunder- storm for a weekend of political fence- mending in Oklahoma and Texas. AFTER SATURDAY night's "town meeting" in Elk City, a town of about 10,000 persons, Carter planned to travel to Dallas today for an address to a con- vention of the National Association of Broadcasters. In Elk City he warned labor unions to show restraint in wage demands, but his harshest words were for American business. He said companies that are identified as breaking his administration's volun- tary price-increase guidelines will be askef for explanations. If he doesn't like what he hears, he said, "I will not hesitate to identify those irresponsible firms and individuals to the people of this nation." HE HAS SAID he feels such public identification would be a good weapon in gaining compliance. Concerning the price monitors, White House spokesman Rex Granum said the 143 employees of the Council of Wage and Price Stability now includes 41 assigned to searching for violators on wage or price guidelines. And that compliance staff, already scheduled to more than double to 88, will nowbe in- creased to 126, he said. In addition, he said as many as 105 other staffers would be lent to the com- pliance effort from other agencies. THE PRESIDENT, who will fly back to, Washington Sunday for Monday's signing of a Mideast peace treaty, com- pared the difficulty of fighting inflation with the difficulty of negotiating such a treaty. Inflation, he said, like the issue of peace or unrest, "is not beyond our power to control." He predicted that "in a few weeks we will begin to see the results of this bat- tle" against inflation. IN BOTH ELK CITY and Dallas, the president scheduled meetings with state and local . Democratic leaders, who could be helpful to him if he seeks re-election in 1980 as widely expected. More than 4,000 people sought tickets for last night's town meeting and the 1,100 seats in the high school gym- nasium were awarded by lot. Carter was scheduled to spend last nightat the home of Larry Wade, 40, and his wife Mary Jane, 34. Wade is a newspaper publisher who doubles as Elk City's mayor. AP Photo MSU BASKETBALL stars Eartin Johnson (left) and Greg Kelser (right) were all smiles yesterday and the score- board tells why. The Spartans handily defeated Pennsylvania 101-67 to advance to the finals of the NCAA champion- ships. See story, Page 11. U'Sour Grapes sweeten for MSU By STEFANY COOPERMAN Dooley's, a popular watering hole for torn between their loyalties for MSU MSU's victory over Penn in yester- sports fans of all devotions, was the site and the University. LSA junior John day's NCAA semi-final match was a yesterday for what many staunch Bergmann of East Lansing said, "All true test for Wolverine fans. Many Wolverine supporters would consider my life I've been an MSU fan, and I Maize and Blue backers had developed traitgrous behavior. think today's victory was great." a severe case of sour grapes as the "NOBODY WAS booing," said Scott Bergmann described his problems Spartans steadily climbed towards the Lange, a University law student who at- during football season. "At football coveted national championship. Now tended State as an undergraduate. games, I wear green, white, maize and that MSU has made Monday's finals, "Everyone here was cheering for MSU blue. Either way, I always seem to though, many students confess to except for a few Penn fans. Personally, aggravate somebody." feeling pride for the group from East I thought the game was awesome." Bergmann watched the game at Baits Lansing. STUDENTS FROM Lansing are often See BLUE, Page 12 Farmworkers seek support for boycott By STEVE HOOK Over fifty protesters, demanding bet- ter working conditions and wages for farmworkers in the tomato fields of Ohio, demonstrated outside the Westgate Kroger yesterday afternoon. Carrying picket signs and chanting slogans, the protesters marched at the supermarket's entrance, appealing to shoppers for support. Representing the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, (FLOC), they urged customers to boycott Libby's and Campbell's products, the major purchasers of the Ohio crops. A spokesman for Kroger acknowledged that the picketers were at the store, but refused to comment on whether customers were complying with the picketers' wishes by not buying the specified products. "WE HOPE to bring pressure against the Libby's and Campbell's canneries," explained FLOC member Bob Rice. "These canneries control essentially everything the farmworker does." According to Rice, the canneries determine how many acres of tomatoes the farmers will plant, and how much the crops are worth. As a result, the farmer has almost no control over the workers' wages and must pay them the wages dictated by the canneries. In ad- dition, there is little money left to finance improvements for the "cam- ps", where the workers live. "The canneries refuse to recognize farmworkers as a bargaining unit," Rice said. "They are being underpaid, there is no health insurance, and the housing is substandard." CLEMENTE Espericuetas, a 37- year-old ex-worker in the Ohio fields, -described the conditions in what he called the housing "barracks", which sometimes house one to two hundred workers and their families. "Everything is really bad," the Spanish-speaking Mexican native said through an interpreter, "with all the people living so close together." He See PICKETS, Page 12 SADA T ARRIVES IN WASHING TON: Israel, U.S.,- clear tri From AP and Reuter Israeli and U.S. negotiators apparently swept away all possible snags in the way of a Mideast peace accord yesterday, as Egypt's President An- war Sadat arrived in Washington. The Carter ad- ministration prepared for a lavish treaty-signing ceremony. After meeting for 90 minutes with Secretary of State. Cyrus Vance last night in New York, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin said, "On Mon- day, with God's help, we'll sign." BEGIN'S ANNOUNCEMENT allayed fears that last-minute problems would postpone the treaty signing. Those fears had arisen when Vance met with Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan yester- day, then suddenly made his unschedulkd flight to New York to meet Begin. Begin would say nothing of their talks except, "The only question is do we sign or don't we sign. The answer is, we sign." American officials had said earlier in Washington that the meeting was necessary because Dayan, who accompanied Vance, lacked authority to make decisions that could have concluded the negotiations. UPON HIS ARRIVAL in Washington yesterday, Sadat said he was happy to come to the United States "in the holy pursuit of peace." Concerning the issues Begin and Vance were negotiating, a U.S. official, declining to be iden- tified, said the memorandum of understanding would omit any explicit U.S. commitment to Israel to refuse to negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). But it would contain a reference to a 1975 agreement under which the United States promised Israel that it would neither recognize the PLO nor negotiate with it so long as the organization refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist. AS FOR ISRAELI forces in the Sinai Peninsula, Israel says it wants to retain control of the oil fields for nine months after the treaty is signed, and Ieatysnags Egypt has been holding out for Israeli withdrawal within six or seven months of the signing. American and Israeli sources, speaking privately about the treaty, said the matter of setting a date for Israel to withdraw its military forces from the Sinai oil fields is potentially serious. Officials say the withdrawal schedule, which is part of a military annex to the treaty, must be settled before the ac- cord can be signed. The Cairo semi-official newspaper Al-Ahran says Israel had started pulling military equipment out of the Sinai Peninsula yesterday as a prelude to com- plete evacuation under terms of its peace treaty with Egypt. WITH THE TREATY due to be signed tomorrow in Washington, the paper said yesterday Israeli for- ces would begin withdrawing from the first sector of the Sinai designated for evacuation. The treaty calls for an interim Israeli withdrawal covering most of the peninsula to be carried out within nine months. I Sunday * Local Democrats are com- plaining that the city should not have to pay for court costs in- curred by the Republican caucus after it lost an open meetings suit last year. See story, Page 2. * President Carter is drawing up contingency plans in preparation for a possible walkout by the Teamster's union. See story, Page 2. " More than 500 turned out for the Engineering School's annual Tech Day. See story, Page 2. I,' p Read the Today column, Page 3 'U' con NOW leader discusses benefits of ERA passage By AMY DIAMOND One of the staunchest opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment, the homemaker, will benefit most from ratification of the amendment, National Organization for Women's Michigan President said yesterday. Addressing a small group in the Law School's Hutchins Hall, Nan Frost- Welmers said that through the ERA, homemakers stand to gain social security benefits, inheritance rights, and retirement rights which they don't have now. FROST-WELMERS' address came during the Women's Issues Seminar, sponsored by the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). Other speakers included Sandra Guernsey of the Michigan Department ferences focus on ERA, women's careers Career strategies Soutlined at seminar By MARION HALBERG University guidance counselor Barbara Boyk looked across the classroom at the 30 women facing her-all with their eyes closed. "Where will you be in ten years?" she asked. "Will you wake up with someone? Will you go to work? What do you do at work?" Those women were only a small por- tion of the more than 500 who tried to answer that last question by attending the Women's Career Fair yesterday at the MLB. Participants listened to speakers-including Olympic medalist Wilma Rudolph and state represen- tative Barbara-Rose Collins-and at- tended workshops at the day-long event. SPONSORS SAID the fair's goals were to provide information, provoke thought and help build careerand job search skills for the student, staff, and community women who attended. Alexis Herman, Director of the Women's* Bureau of the U.S. I@epar- tnmnt To ,hnr nnened the ,dv's weren't expected to work for more than six years, "the labor force attachment is stronger today," with many women working 25 years or more. For women concerned about getting a job, Herman said 46 million new job openings have been established for the period between 1976 and 1985. Seven- teen million of these jobs will not be replacements or "filling slots," but new occupations created by scientific progress. Herman stressed that while many openings exist in traditional fields, women should venture beyond those jobs. "I could tell you that in the '80s there will be a demand for 85,000 nur- ses," she said. "A non-traditional job is one where there is not viable in- volvement by women. A child never becomes anything that she or he has never heard of." WOMEN WITH children were able to take advantage of the free child-care that was available at the fair. Some participants were as young as 16, and as old at 65. - - - ".,,.. .. Kati ; .