Page 8-Saturday, March 24, 1979-The Michigan Daily Freeman nominated to head GSA WASHINGTON (UPI)-President Carter yesterday nominated Rear Adm. Rowland Freeman, a defense procurement expert, to head the G&neral Services Administration (GSA), and Freeman immediately pledged to complete investigation of the scandal-ridden agency. Freeman, 57, succeeds Jay Solomon, who resigned this week after helping expose and investigate a bribery and payoff scandal in the government's housekeeping and purchasing agency. CARTER MADE no reference to the scandal in the White House announ- cement, but Freeman did in his accom- panying statement. "My first concern will be to work closely with the Department of Justice and the GSA inspector general to com- plete the ongoing investigtion of GSA programs and actions," Freeman said. "We will examine any possibility of wrongdoing. I want to be absolutely sure-and assure the Congress and the president-that any wrongdoing in GSA is ended." FREEMAN SAID he would build on previous studies of GSA problems and summon experts from the public and private sectors and the academic community to help him. Freeman, who has been in the Navy STUDENT INPUT TO INCREASE: Task force proposes dorm board for 37 years, has been commandant of the Defense Systems Management College at Fort Belvoir, Va., for the past two years. He has a master's degree from Har- vard in business administration and has extensive experience in the management and procurement of large weapons systems. HE WAS commander of the Naval Weapons Center at China Lae, Calif., the Navy's largest laboratory with 4,000 employees and a budget of $200 million a year, 1974-77, and earlier served as deputy chief of Naval Material Procurement and Production and as project manager of the Navy F-111B program. Solomon, a wealthy real estate developer from Chattanooga, Tenn., did much to expose the scandal in GSA's buying practices. But he fell from favor after firing Deputy Ad- ministrator Robert Griffin, a protege of Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.). Pablo Picasso often told biographers he would rather be remembered by posterity as a lover than as an artist. i (Continued from Page 1l also make appointments to committees ofsthe Michigan Student Assembly, the Urniversity, and the Housing Office to represent student concerns. Last year resident concerns were representedrby the now defunct Univer- sity Housing Council (UHC). The UHC "had a structure that didn't allow them to do anything," commented Finn.. When its officers moved out of their dotms at the end of last year the UHC was phased out. The draft of the constitution provides for a less structured new couincil, an at- tempt to avoid the UHC's ineffec- tiveness which was due to ad- 'mihistrative and structural problems ,a ccording to Finn. JANE ESPER, Mosher-Jordan resident and member of the task force, explained the function of the advisory council: "It will be a place of discussion and consensus.. . so student input can be a factor in the Housing decision- making prpcess. "What we are essentially trying to do is open up a line of communication bet- ween students, residence halls and housing," added Esper. Members of the task force expect the council to deal with many issues con- cerning dorm residents. Pat Singer, chairwoman of the recently formed Dormitory Presidents Organization, listed security, fire procedures, coun- seling, dorm equipment and fur- nishings, tenant-landlord grievances, food service, and racial issues as sub- jects her group hopes to discuss. FINN WILL continue to serve as liason between students and the Office of Housing. The advisory council "needs someone from the housing of- fice to give input if they want it," ex- plained Finn. Despite the structural problems ex- perienced by the old UHC, Finn expects the new board to be effective. As an ad- visory board the council "will have as much power as. they are able to generate," said Finn. If the represen- tatives "do their homework" and research the issues they can be an im- portant part of Housing policy making, emphasized Finn. Although the board has an advisory function, Finn said, "We will listen. We've got to listen." Ir Columbia U. votes NEW YORK (Reuter)-Columbia University announced yesterday that it had sold stock in three bank cor- porations which, when asked whether they would continue doing business with South Africa, either said yes or kept their actions secret. "The trustees at their February and March meetings voted to divest the university of stock in three bank cor- porations: Detroit BankaCorporation, Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit, and the Rainier Bancor- poration of Seattle," president William NOTICE NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH All speakers of English as a second language* are invited to take part in an experimental test of English language profi- ciency to be given in ANGELL HALL AT 7:00 P.M. ON MARCH 26 AND 27. You will receive $7.00 for approximately 1/2 hours of your time. In addition, test results will be made available to par- ticipants. If interested you must call and register which night you wish to take the test at the following number: 764-2413 *NO EGI students currently enrolled in the Intensive English courses are eligible for the test. McGill said in a letter to the univer- sity's senators.' THE UNIVERSITY'S action followed waves of student protests in the past two years at several campuses across the country against investments said to prop up the apartheid system. McGill said the Detroit Bank and the Manufacturers National Bank would not disclose whether South Africa currently owed them money or whether they would lend more money in the future. Rainier said it would not stop lending money to South Africa. "The total stock divested by action of the trustees had a value of ap- proximately $2.7 million," McGill said. "THIS IS ABOUT 15 per cent of the university's holdings in financial in- stitutions and about one per cent of Columbia's total investments, ex- clusive of investment in real estate. "The stock sales were accomplished without financial loss and the proceeds were reinvested in other banking in- stitutions." A spokesperson declined to give the names of the institutions receiving the new investment. THE UNIVERSITY had joined the South Africa Review Service of the Washington-based Investor Respon- sibility Research Center (IRRC), a non- partisan research organization dealing with areas of social concern, McGill said. to divest Some companies were asked to con- firm that they were not conducting business with South Africa. Others were sent letters and an IRRC questionnaire, but "not all banks and companies have fully responded to the university'saletter and the IRRC questionnaire. Further analysis of all this information will be required," he said. THE TRUSTEES also expected to consider this spring whether to support 12 stockholders' resolutions asking for companies to pull out of South Africa, the university's president said. The Columbia spokesperson said more than 200 letters had been sent out and the replies were available for scrutiny in the university's. main library. Last June when the trustees, under student pressure, announced their in- tention of reviewing their portfolio, they said the university had $80 million of investments in 44 corporations repor- ted to have'assets in South Africa. DAVID LIFF of IRRC said, "At least 12 universities have taken action to sell all or a portion of their stock in com- panies doing business in South Africa since spring of 1977." Of these, the University of Wisconsin already had sold $11 million in stocks, he said. No university spokesperson was available to confirm this. DailyPhoto by PAM MARKS WHILE VISITING Ann Arbor, Alan Haber, a founder of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), will participate in tonight's commemoration of the fourteenth anniversary of the first Vietnam War teach-in. Teach-in anniversary (continued from Page 1> functioning now as in 1965," said Haber, currently a resident of Berkeley, California. "The teach-in is an ex- periment as it was before, an in- novation helping people get together and talk about serious matters, and yet respect one another in the process. HABER NOTED similarities bet- ween student activists today and what he and his peers did during the early 1960s. Commenting on last week's protest at the Regents' meeting, he said, "People are standing up straight for what they believe in - putting it to the powers that be about justice, truth, and morality. "It feels just about like a 20-year cycle to me now," he added. "This is about like 1959." ONE OF THE major differences bet- ween this group of student activists and his own, Haber stressed, is that today's students have a better education. Also the radicalism of the 1960s provides students now with a recent experience from which to draw, something his generation did not have, Haber added. "Somehow people have learned to be more subtle, and operate at a higher level and in more diverse-ways than allowing a situation to go to combat in the streets," he said.a. But Haber doesn't accept the words of those who say today's students are apathetic. "I think that human beings are incredibly intelligent, award, and understand the seriousness of issues in the world, and understand the limitations of anyone's individual capacity . .. I think that people are alert and listening, and then forms of participation develop that seem to be adequate to the tasks at hand." Haber; now a cabinet-maker and woodworker, has also organized a co- operative shop in Berkeley. He also said he has been trying to reconnect the network of activism. "ONE OF THE things that I do, is keep track of what my old friends, co- workers, compatriates, and teachers are doing." Those people are all in- volved in their own local organizations across the country, Haber said, and'the level of their activity is great. One example of activism within a community, is Haber's own town, Berkeley. There, the issue of divesting funds from South Africa has beeh placed on a city referendum. APPARENTLY OLDEIR activists have not given up the goals of social change for which they strived during the 1960s. Haber's interest in continuing the Ann Arbor teach-in is evidence of this desire to keep the movement going. Other teach-ins occurred in 1976, and last year, the teach-iA lasted for one week. As Haber said, "Teaching does produce learning --slowly. "Again, how do we engage citizens and engage the government in a debate on foreign policy that might produce some better alternatives than we've witnessed in the last 14 years? So that is somewhat the purpose of this - just to go back to the form of a teach-in poin- ting toward debate - trying to see what we know, what we've learned, what questions we still have to ask. Tenure policy p y addressed Wontinued from Page i) dissidents on the faculty." "BUT WE HAVE an unusually wide spectrum of beliefs at this University," he added. "This is a very open in- stitution. "I am concerned about the minority problem," Shapiro said when asked about the small number of tenured faculty from minority groups. "But I don't think the process discriminates against minorities." Shapiro emphasized that tenure is a "sensitive area" and that it is worth reexamination from time to time. r y j 7 t t t Lie down and be counted. 0 Judge voids restraint rule that closed Board meeting Continued from Page1 ) At that point, Judge Kent interjected that it would have been possible for the University to have all the disrupters removed from the meeting rather than hold a session where only the press and those invited by the Regents could at- tend. HOWEVER, Kent declined to rule on the legality of the original issuance of the order. "Your temporary order did its job," Kent told Davis. "I hope you're not going; to ask me to restrain future meetings. People should not have prior restraint placed on them. Who knows what the future will bring? "The court finds, without going into the constitutionality of it (the court or- der)... . that it did hold the purpose the Regents wanted. As far as future restraints are concerned, the court fin- ds that (matter) separate and distinct from what we are concerned with now," Kent concluded. O'Brien said the WCCAA may yet seek additional action to have the court declare void the business transacted during the Board's private meeting. The Regents last week refused to put the divestment issue on the April agen- da as the demonstrators requested, although they called for a new report on the policies of corporations in South Africa in which the University has in- vestments. Thereport, to be compiled by the Senate Advisory Committee on Finan- cial Affairs (SACFA), may be ready for the April Regents meeting, but board members refused to commit them- selves to making a decision if the statement isn't ready. The Regents decided last year to retain investments only in companies which were taking "reasonable steps" in a "reasonable length of time" to discourage discrimination in South Africa within their firms. President Jimmy Carter signed up 51 times. in America, 3% of the people give 100 % of all the blood that's freely donated. Which means that if only 1 % more people- maybe you-became donors, it would add over thirty percent more blood to America's voluntary bloodstream. Think of it! But forget arithmetic. Just concentrate on one word. The word is Easy. Giving blood is easy. You hardly feel it (in fact., some people say they feel better physically after a blood donation). And, of course, everybody feels better emotionally. Because it's a great feeling knowing your one easy blood donation has helped up to five other people to live. Foibles upset Follies (Continued from Page 5) begin making passes at each other, and by the end of the interview, are not erase memories of moments like: A briefly-clad actor writhing nauseously